Zifu Xianyuan

619 Ice Crossing

Ye Qin returned to the East China Sea. He and Huangfu Binger had entered the ninth floor of Jindan, reached the minimum condition to hit the bottleneck of Yuanying, and began to make every effort to prepare in all aspects.

In the past few years, when Ye Qin, Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer went to the sea of blood to refine the potential elixir of the spiritual root, they had already bought a lot of magic weapons, flags, etc. used to cross the disaster. However, because of a series of changes such as the elixir disaster, the cultivation of the silver Qin can't help but prepare again and make better preparations.

Recently, some young Danfang have developed rapidly. Zhongtongmen has opened several small elixir shops in Baifu City, and even spread the elixir to the place where business opportunities converge in Linhai City.

Shen Bao came to Linhai City and reported to Huangfu Binger about the progress of various important affairs in Qingdan Square. Then he saw Ye Qin, who was quite leisurely, and brought some rare elixir seeds that Ye Qin entrusted him to collect before the expedition.

Niu Qin asked about the recent situation of Qingdanfang and whether there were any troubles that were difficult to solve.

"Brother Ye, although the scale of our Qingdanfang is still small, it has a lot of fame. This fairy and demon war" You climbed all the way from the golden elixir demon killing list to the eleventh place, famous in the East China Sea to cultivate immortals, and the monks in Baifu City are even more ignorant. Ordinary monks dare not provoke us at all. Now our monks in Qingdanfang are active outside. As long as you report your name, even the major fairy palaces will give face, and no one will trouble our Qingdanfang.

Shen Bao shook his head and presented a storage bag containing elixirs. He looked very admired with a little envy. In just a few decades, you can become famous in the immortal world in the East China Sea. This is not what ordinary monks can do.

Although the owner of Qingdanfang is Binger, Ye Qin and Huangfu Binger are husband and wife. Outsiders seem to be Ye Qin or Binger. There is no difference. The monks in Qingdanfang do business under the banner of Ye Qin, and each fairy palace will admit it. Especially the fairy palace, which is close to the Purple Sword Palace, will give some thin noodles. Qingdanfang will make friends with these great fairy palaces, and it will be easy to do business.

Ye Qin was naturally satisfied when he heard the words. He smiled faintly and took the storage bag to check the elixirs seeds inside.

He has already prepared the Yuanying elixir and many auxiliary elixirs needed to survive the great disaster.

Shen Bao, the rare and rare seeds in the storage bag, is actually part of the elixirs seeds needed to refine the "talent elixir" of the Tu people. Shen Bao has been running around in the past few years. He has spent a lot of time to find these kinds of medicine, and even some rare elixirs seeds that can be met but can't be collected, which is very difficult.

In recent years, Ye Qin's expedition to the sea of blood has not forgotten that Bai Xiuer has stayed in the stage of high-level wrestlers for a long time, and her divine power has reached the peak of high-level wrestlers. Bai Xiuer can only spend most of her time practicing the secrets of the Turkish people, and can't continue to improve her divine power.

If the "talented elixir..." can be refined as soon as possible to improve Bai Xiuer's strength to the so-called "sacred wrestler" stage of Turkish wrestlers, it can also avoid waste time.

In addition to these elixirs collected by Shen Bao, the elixirs needed for the gifted elixir have almost been collected.

"I can't use these two yuanshen magic weapons. I'll give them to you." It's also a reward for your hard work!" Ye Qin thought for a moment and took out the two yuanshen magic weapons he had picked up in the bloody sea a few years ago, a sledgehammer magic weapon and a gold shear magic weapon, and gave it to Shen Bao.

"We have accumulated some money over the years", but most of them are used for the purchase of elixirs and cultivation, and we are reluctant to buy good Yuanshen magic weapons at a high price." Up to now, we still use some cheap high-level magic weapons. Today, I got two Yuanshen magic weapons in one breath, which saved us a lot of money. Thank you, brother!"

Shen Bao was not polite at all. He reached out to take two Yuanshen magic weapons and couldn't help but be happy.

"Your elder sister will hit the bottleneck of Yuanying in a while." With her current cultivation, she should be more than 60% to 70% of her success. She has the intention to establish the Qingdan Palace in the East China Sea, as you know. After you return to Qingdanfang, together with several masters' brothers, "all Qingdanmen people, do some preparations to build a palace, such as the site selection of the fairy palace" and various civil procurement, etc., and arrange them properly to avoid haste at that time.

Ye Qin thought for a moment and said.

"The elder sister is going to build her own fairy palace?"

Shen Bao's happy face showed surprise" and he was immediately excited. "Don't worry, I'll handle this matter when I go back. Once the Qingdan Palace is established, the Qingdanmen monks in the East China Sea will no longer be rootless duckweed. How can they do their best in such a big event? If my brother has nothing else to tell me, I will leave and go back to Baifu City.

"All right, let's go!"

After Ye Qin smiled and waited for Shen Bao to leave, Ye Qin turned back to the inner courtyard with his hands behind his back.

Ye Qin took time to study the elixir of the gifted elixir of the Turkish witch department. The formula was a little rough, which was far less than the spiritual root potential elixir created by heaven and earth.

But then again, this elixir also uses Ziyoulian as the main medicine, and there are many auxiliary high-level elixirs needed. The effect of this elixir can be imagined. Even if this recipe can't let Bai Xiuer break through Sheng Lishi, there is no harm.

Ye Qin decided to have a try.

On this day, Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer are competing for combat skills in the courtyard.

Bai Xiuer has learned witch warfare skills over the years, but lacks the actual combat of her opponents, so Huangfu Binger can only accompany her to practice combat skills.

Two beautiful shadows, in the narrow space of less than a few acres in the courtyard, fly quickly, ice and fire double swords, and the blue ancient halberd burst into a rapid impact.

Huangfu Binger's combat strength is already of a very high level in the later period of Jindan. Whether it is the terrible power of her ice and fire double swords, or the instant killing of breaking the air, it is extremely terrible. Even Ye Qin can't win easily.

After Bai Xiuer learned the witch's combat skills, her combat strength improved very quickly.

The space in this courtyard is too small. Huangfu Binger's ice and fire flying sword can't be used, and without flashing, it can only give full play to a few strengths. With all her strength, Bai Xiuer can also fight with Huangfu Binger.

Ye Qin looked at it with a faint smile and did not disturb him.

After playing for more than half an hour, Huangfu Bing'er's magic power was exhausted, and Bai Xiu'er's magic power was not slow. The two people stopped to rest, and Bai Xiuer went back to her room to change clothes.

Seeing that Ye Qin seemed to have something to say, Huangfu Binger sat down in the pavilion on the side of the courtyard with Ye Qin.

"Bing'er, Xiu'er's magic power doesn't seem to improve?" Ye Qin asked.

"Well, Xiuer has been taking the blood elixir in recent years, but the divine power has obviously reached the peak of the bottleneck" and stagnated. Now I can only find ways to improve it in combat skills and witchcraft. Huangfu Binger nodded." Then he asked, "Can the gifted elixir of the witch clan be refined?" "With the alchemy in the later stage of my little alchemy master, there is really not much elixirs that can defeat me. The level of the gifted elixir is absolutely better than the spiritual root potential elixir and the Yuanying elixir. In the past, there were a few lotus X seeds left, which could be used. I'm going to refine this gifted elixir in a few months, and then I'll take it for her and leave.

Ye Qin laughed.

"That's good!"

Huangfu Bing'er naturally supports it. Although Xiu'er follows her as a maid, she has always regarded her as her sister.

"Yes, Bing'er, when can you hit Yuanying?"

"I'm 60% sure now, and I can hit Yuanying in half a year. Husband, how about you?"

"I'm not in a hurry" You go to the realm of Yuanying first. And Xiuer also wants her to become a holy wrestler first. After you succeed, I will hit Yuanying no later. In addition, we are going to choose a place to cross the disaster and arrange it early.

Ye Qin said lightly.

The reason why he arranged this way is naturally due to his consideration.

The risk of his great disaster is more clamping than Huangfu Binger. Because of the existence of Zifu, some unexpected things may even happen. Such an accident happened when he broke through the bottleneck of foundation and Jindan before.

Therefore, let the strength of Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer reach the Yuanying period, coupled with the transformed skeleton demon and the big wing warship, he has enough strength to get through the disaster at ease.

Time is like water, and half a year has passed.

Outside the sea city, thousands of miles away, an unnamed island with a radius of nearly a hundred miles.

The mountains on this island are undulating, and most of them are Qifeng dangerous valley stream waterfall. The main peak is as high as 500 feet, and most of the other secondary peaks are also three or four hundred feet, which are steep and quiet. The aura on this island is thin, so no monk will like the island.

Such a Wuyu Island is commonly seen in the East China Sea.

Six months ago, Ye Qin chose this island and arranged it to prepare for himself and Bing'er to cross the disaster.

Huangfu Binger opened a cave on the main peak of the island, closed the gate, impacting the bottleneck of Yuanying, and has already set up all kinds of powerful flying sword arrays and cave protection arrays inside and outside the main peak cave, ready to fight against the great disaster.

Ye Qin opened up a cave at a secondary peak ten miles away nearby, temporarily seclusion, and protected Huangfu Binger nearby. If you are too close to the main peak, you will be affected by the power of the thunderstorm. It's too far" and it's not convenient to escort. Ten miles, for the later monks of Jindan, is the distance that can be reached between breaths.

As for Bai Xiuer, she is also in a cave on the island, retreating, taking the gifted elixirs, and attacking the Holy Force.

The retreat of Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer is the time of the past month.

Ye Qin needs to protect the Dharma for the two of them. For the time being, he can't practice or go to the alchemy. He has nothing to do. He can only sit cross-legged in the clean and spacious cave, check the various magic tools in his storage bag, and pass the time.

When he saw two pieces of bones with a dark luster, he paused and took them out.

These two fragments of the bones of the Underworld are held in their hands, which are cold and cold.

With Ye Qin's current nine-layer cultivation of Jindan, he still feels the bitter coldness.

One of them was obtained by him from the ancient treasure house of the Wild Ghost Island, which recorded more than a dozen kinds of Yuanying-level ghost elixir and Huashen period ghost elixir. Originally, he also thought about whether he could refine some ghost elixir for the skeleton demon. But thinking that the transformed skeleton demon has several spiritual roots, there is no need for this ghost elixir.

And the other one was found by him from Gukui Cave, which recorded the main chapter of the ghost's top skill "The Underworld Dafa". "It's not long" is less than a thousand words, but it can be cultivated from the lowest level of ghosts and ghosts to the ghost cultivation of the god period.

The owner of this ghost cultivation method, said that this skill is the first method of ghost cultivation. This set of ghost skills is very domineering and completely different from the skills of the immortal world in the East China Sea.

Ye Qin is ironic.

There are very few ghost cultivations, and ghost cultivation is rare in the metamorphic period. It is known as the first skill, but few people will fight for this name.

Ye Qin has nothing to do" carefully refer to this ghost Daji to see if there is any mystery in this metamorphic period.

He looked at it over and over again for several hours, frowned from time to time, and had a lot of doubts in his heart.

The ghost practice method is indeed too different from the orthodox skills of the East China Sea monks.

The orthodox cultivation of immortals in the East China Sea is the cultivation of the internal master, the external spiritual elixir, and pays attention to the solid foundation and cultivation. Gradually, year after year, it enhances the vitality of one's own shen.

The cultivation method of the Underworld is actually to forcibly devour the vitality of other ghosts to quickly strengthen its own vitality. This kind of skill, which should appear in the orthodox immortal cultivation classics, is definitely an evil cultivation skill, and should be surrounded and suppressed by the whole East China Sea immortal cultivation world.

Such a skill, placed in the ghost clan, has become an orthodox skill.

He suddenly thought of the Dead Lake on the Blood Sea Wild Ghost Island. Tens of thousands of ghosts and fierce souls gathered in the lake, all of which were gathered from the sea of blood. At first, he didn't understand the purpose of the Necromancer Lake. Now after reading The Underworld, when I think of it, I suddenly understand the mystery of it.

Ye Qin felt a chill.

"Is it possible that the barren ghost lord, who built this necromancer lake on the island, is used to devour the vitality of these low-level ghosts? Does the ghost skill it practice have anything to do with the Underworld?

Ye Qin can't confirm this conjecture.

Suddenly, Ye Qin noticed something, raised his eyebrows, put away two fragments of the Underworld, got up, and walked out of the cave.

He looked up and stared at the sky.


Dark clouds rolling in the sky, dark pressure, gathering but not scattered. From time to time, there are thunderbolts and lightning.

The sea around the island is full of rough waves.

In fact, the dark clouds have gathered for nearly a month, and no thunder has fallen. It's just that today, the dark clouds are roaring and getting more and more restless. Even the thunder is stupid and moving. It is possible to fall at any time.

"The thunderstorm should be coming soon. It seems that Bing'er has reached the critical time to hit the realm of Yuanying! I don't know if I can pass this level.

Ye Qin stood in front of the cave with his hands on his back and whispered to himself.

Although Bing'er is sure of seven or eight points, and there are several Yuanying elixirs in hand, there is still a possibility of failure. To say that he doesn't have any worries is self-deception. If it is a failure this time, it must be postponed for half a year before it can be overcome again.

Although he was worried, Ye Qin knew better that this disaster must be passed.

Only when he and Bing'er both become Yuanying monks and have a thousand-year-old life can they go further in the immortal world.