Zifu Xianyuan

624 Little Magic Level Eight Sword Array

Qingdanfang is too small, covering an area of only dozens of mu, and it cannot accommodate too many Qingdanmen Jindan monks and foundation-building disciples.

Moreover, now there are two Yuanying monks in Qingdanfang, which makes such a narrow pattern even more inappropriate. During the celebration, Beixing, Shen Bao and other Qingdanfang masters selected dozens of hectares in Baifu City to purchase all kinds of jade and spiritual wood, build a large-scale construction, and build the fairy palace hall.

There are many skilled craftsmen in Baifu City, and there is no shortage of civil materials from all over the world. The palace style is almost built in the main hall of the fairy palace imitating the Middle-earth Qingdan Gate.

The establishment of the fairy palace has long been in the plan of Ye Qin and Huangfu Binger. Shen Bao was ordered to prepare in advance and everything was in order. Moreover, now there are experienced monks such as Huangfu Rui here, who are very familiar with all kinds of fairy palace utensils.

Such a magnificent fairy palace hall of dozens of hectares was quickly created in just one month.

Ye Qin and Huangfu Binger's Yuanying Ceremony was held in this Qingdan Palace.

At the same time, with the help of Daqing, Gao Peng, a Taoist friend from all walks of life, officially announced the establishment of Qingdan Palace, the first owner of Qingdan Palace.

Qingdan Palace belongs to the northern clan of the Tiandao League, and the fairy palace of the northern suzerain of the Tiandao League is the Purple Sword Palace.

In the past few years since Ye Qin's robbery, the Purple Sword Palace has become the immortal palace of the suzerain of the Tiandao League, and the main force of Zhou Yu Palace has taken the lead in the throne of the northern suzerain. At that time, Ye Qin was crossing the customs, so he was not able to participate in this matter in person.

On this day, Ye Qin finished the trivialities of Qingdan Palace and got free time. He and Zhou Yi, the owner of the Young Palace of the Purple Sword Palace, came to the side hall of the Qingdan Palace to welcome the Fairy Pavilion. The two sat down separately in front of the window sill of the pavilion. Ye Qin took out a spiritual gourd from the storage bag, and two small glazed glasses were filled with them.

"This is the spiritual wine I brewed by myself. Brother Zhou, try it!"

Ye Qin waved his hand and said with a smile.

Zhou Yi was not polite." He held a white jade glass cup and tasted the spiritual wine in the cup. After a while, he couldn't help but show his surprise and praised it. "This wine is fragrant, refreshing, mellow and pure, and suitable for all spiritual root monks to drink. It should be a variety of Baihuā brewing. However, as the young palace owner of the Purple Sword Palace, the younger brother has drunk countless brews. He has tasted many Baihuā brews from the East China Sea brewing family, but the aura is not as good as that of Brother Ye's wine at all. Brother Ye's spiritual wine can be called a peerless spiritual wine. How is this wine made?

The surprise on Zhou Yi's face was far less than the shock in his heart.

The spiritual wine of the immortal world is not the wine of the secular world for people to get drunk. The only real use of spiritual brewing is to quickly restore the mana lost by the monks. As for sweet drunkenness, spicy, etc., it is just a side taste, and has no substantial effect.

Zhou Yi knew a lot about all kinds of spiritual wine. After tasting it, he immediately knew how powerful aura it contained in this wine.

With just such a small brew, he can restore all his mana in an instant. You know, he is the peak monk of the late Jindan period. What a terrible aura this wine contains.

The monk's fighting must strictly control the mana, so that the mana will not be exhausted and cannot be sustained. It is very easy to be defeated. If you carry such a gourd spirit wine with you, you can almost unscrupulously consume mana to suppress and defeat your opponent. Or when you run out of your mana, use your house to save your life in time.

Zhou Yi couldn't bear to drink when he thought of this.

"This fine wine is much higher than Baihuā brew" is called Qianhuā brew. I used 999 kinds of elixirs between the seventh level and the twelfth level, all of which have more than a thousand years of medicinal power. When it opens huā, I took its huā petals and carefully brewed them with the water of the spiritual spring. I only have such a small gourd. It was just made half a month ago. Brother Zhou came here. You and I will share a few cups together.

Ye Qin smiled and filled the cup of the two of them. In fact, in the process of refining the Yuanying elixir and the Linggen potential elixir, the elixirs huā petals are refined, which even include the huā petals of Ziyoulian. I'm afraid that the whole world of immortal cultivation in the East China Sea can't be found.

"How much energy does it take to get such a elixidic huā flap for brewing wine. Brother Ye is really interested!"

Zhou Yi smiled bitterly.

Fortunately, he didn't ask about this topic.

He came to Ye Qin, not to drink.

"In the past, I said goodbye to Brother Ye in the Blood Sea, and I haven't seen him for several years. I didn't expect to see you again today. Brother Ye has jumped from a Jindan monk to a Yuanying monk! This progress of cultivation is beyond my reach. Unfortunately, Brother Ye refuses to be on the list of Jindan to kill demons for a few more years, otherwise the top three must be in your pocket, and even at the top of the list, there is great hope.

Zhou Yi said with some regret.

"The demon killing list is not important to me. I don't have to compete for the top ten." Ye Qin shook his head and asked, "It's you, but now you are at the peak of the late Jindan, and you are also in the top ten on the Jindan demon killing list. I don't know what your plan is next. When will it hit the realm of Yuanying?

He knows very well that Zhou Yi, as the most outstanding direct Jindan disciple of the Purple Sword Palace generation, now has the huge resources of the Purple Sword Palace and the Northern Fairy Palace of the Tiandao League. It is almost a certainty for him to become a Yuanying monk, but it is only a few years later than him.

So he is still a brother, and he is not respected because he is a Yuanying monk.

The obior's brother is the tenth in the golden elixir list, and it's a complete fluke. Among the top ten of Jindan's demon killing list, one of them is closing down to attack Yuanying. He withdrew from the list a few years ago, and the younger brother took the opportunity to rush into the top ten. In order to keep the top ten ranking, he has spent countless efforts in the past few years. I don't want to delay any longer now. After a while, I will officially close the customs to hit Yuanying!"

Zhou Yi laughed at himself.

"Brother Zhou's cultivation is already the peak of the golden elixir period. In recent years, he has accumulated enough prestige, and it's time to become a Yuanying!"

Ye Qindao.

"Yes, Mrs. Zun has built her own Qingdan Palace. I don't know what Brother Ye is going to...?"

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment and said hesitantly. He was very worried that Ye Qin would leave the Purple Sword Palace.

"Naturally, I'm still the five elders of the Purple Sword Palace. You don't need to bear this!" Ye Qin smiled and said, "My wife built the Qingdan Palace by herself, mainly to settle down many Qingdanmen brothers in the East China Sea. Otherwise, she would not have built the Fairy Palace with her indifferent nature."

"That's good! Although my Purple Sword Palace is already the fairy palace of the northern suzerain of the Tiandao League, the situation is still unstable, and many fairy palaces are secretly unconvinced. As the elder of the Tiandao League, Brother Ye is "willing to continue to stay in the Purple Sword Palace as the elder of the Fairy Palace, which is undoubtedly of great benefit to the stability of the Purple Sword Palace. Recently, the suzerain plans to gather the power of the Yuanying monks of the northern clan of the Tiandao League to build a real fairy city in the sea of blood. The suzerain entrusted his younger brother to come and invite you to the Blood Sea to help build the fairy city. I wonder if Brother Ye is convenient in the near future?

Zhou Yi's happy face, which is the real reason why he rushed back to Baifu City from the sea of blood.

After finishing the Qingdan characters such as "Brother Zhou's return to the suzerain", I set out to the sea of blood to help the suzerain Zhou build a fairy city!"

Ye Qin thought about it and said.

"Thank you, Brother Ye. The little brother left in the past few days, returned to the sea of blood, and reported this to the suzerain!"

Zhou Yi was overjoyed and said quickly.

The two chatted for a while, and after half an hour, Zhou Yi left.

Ye Qin talked to Huangfu Bing'er about this matter.

Huangfu Binger did not object, but was a little sad, and the time of the gathering was too short. The Qingdan Palace was newly built, and she couldn't leave for a while, so she couldn't go to the sea of blood with Ye Qin.

Since he has decided to go to the sea of blood, Ye Qin has to make some preparations, especially in terms of magic weapons.

Qingdan Palace, practice room.

Ye Qin sat cross-legged, opened his mouth and shot five small flying swords, circling around him within a few feet.

These five yuanshen magic weapons, the luminance looks dim. During the disaster, they were damaged to a certain extent. Although they exert a strong power, after all, their quality is not high enough to completely resist the strong bombardment of thunder.

Fortunately, at that time, Ye Qin still had a small magic-level Xunlei ancient mirror, and a set of small magic-level silver flying blades. Otherwise, he would not have enough powerful magic weapons. If he wanted to block the three big thunderbolts, he might not be able to do it.

"It seems that we have to refine all the primordial magic weapons of this five-eword array into small magic magic weapons! Otherwise, in the sea of blood and the demon cultivation of Loushou, these low-level yuanshen magic weapons are too weak to fight at all. In addition to the fact that this big five elements sword array needs to be refined into small magic, the small three strange sword array should also be refined, all of which are refined into small magic weapons.

Ye Qin carefully checked the degree of damage of the five flying swords" and couldn't help whispering to himself.

The thunder fire restrained wood, especially the wood-based heavenly silk sound sword, which was most seriously damaged. There were dozens of cracks, and even burned a lot of pits by the thunder fire, which almost became half-waste and needed to be re-refined. The second is Tianyi Youshui Sword, which is also damaged. Nanming Li Fire Sword, Jinwu Yaoguang Sword and Huangtian Thick Dust Sword are lightly damaged and easy to repair.