Zifu Xianyuan

637 gray eggs, eat red fruit

The fox woman's pretty face changed, and she returned to normal in an instant, and then laughed. Brother Wu, it came so fast. The little sister didn't offend you, so why do you chase her so hard!"

When Ye Qin saw the man in the black gold robe, he suddenly giggled in his heart and couldn't help complaining. This man in black gold robe should be a three-legged black demon saint!! How can you be so unlucky to meet two demon saints! If both sides take action, even if there is a aftersh, it will be fatal." He quickly glanced around and began to prepare how to escape.

"Spirit Fox, as the keeper of the dusk temple, you actually guarded yourself and stole the most important sacred object in the temple. Hand over the holy things, and I can spare your life today! If you don't hand it over, although there are hundreds of millions of fields in the demon world, there is no place for you.

The three-legged black demon saint stared at the fox woman with a pale face. His voice was sharp, but he said stiffly. He didn't even look at Ye Qin nearby. Compared with the sacred objects he wanted to seize, Ye Qin couldn't even compare with hundreds of millions.

The fox woman smiled and snorted coldly, "Brother Wu has such a big tone. If I don't hand it over, what can you do with me?" With that, she turned around again, stretched out her right hand, smiled and said, "Besides, this sacred object is not your three-legged black. Why should I give it to you! You are just a captain who guards the temple, not much better than your little sister. If the sacred object falls into your hands, you must take it for yourself! In that case, why don't you keep it by yourself!"

Ye Qin was ready to escape, but when he heard the sound, he couldn't help looking back. What kind of sacred object was it that made the two demon saints fight.

I saw a simple and unpretentious gray egg floating gently on the palm of the fox girl's right hand.

The shape of this gray egg is very inconspicuous. If you don't look carefully at the fine cracks on its shell, it seems to be some kind of mysterious ancient inscription. In the depths of the traces, occasionally flashes frightening purple and gray light, and the two colors of light is like a god, light as nothingness. It will even be mistaken for an ordinary eagle egg.

, gray egg"

Ye Qin was stunned and almost lost his voice. His whole body was tight and stiff, and his heart trembled violently. He stared at the gray egg in the palm of the fox girl's hand, and could no longer move half an inch away.

At this moment, countless tides of memories surged into his mind!

Once, he was a teenager in Zhuqi County, Wuguo, Middle-earth.

At the age of 12, he climbed the eagle cliff to pick herbs, and found a gray egg in the eagle's nest of the eagle cliff.

It was precisely because he took that strange gray egg and knew the birth of the Purple Mansion in the sea that he had an unimaginable fairy fate behind him. He embarked on the fairy road in the world of cultivation.

Otherwise, with the inferiority of his five spiritual roots, even if he gets the fairy fate by chance, there is absolutely no hope of achieving much on the way to immortality. I'm afraid that when I die of old age, I'm still in the period of practicing Qi. At most, I struggled during the foundation period and looked up at the ancestors of the Jindan period of Xianmen.

He has never understood the origin of this gray egg and why it turned into a purple house in the sea of knowledge.

Occasionally late at night, every time I think of this, I am always puzzled and have no clue.

After more than a hundred years, he has been running east and west in the immortal world. Ye Qin gradually got used to the existence of Zifu and no longer thought about its origin.

But now the gray egg appeared in his field of vision again, all of which came too suddenly.

, is this gray egg a sacred object in the demon world?

Ye Qin whispered.

Today, I finally know that the gray egg he swallowed is a sacred object of the demon world.

But" Although I know it is a sacred object, I still don't know what it is!

Also, how can such a sacred thing appear in the Middle-earth continent, a cliff eagle's nest in a remote area? There are too many doubts that can't be solved.

Ye Qin was still losing his mind. He suddenly woke up and saw that the fox girl had turned around and fled.

The fox girl's body shook and turned into a nine-tailed spirit fox with fiery red fur. She ran rapidly in the mountains and jungles, turning into a red light and fleeing more than dozens of miles away.

"Looking for death!!!"

The three-legged black demon saint was furious, soared into a thousand-foot three-legged black, flapping his wings and quickly chasing the nine-tailed spirit fox.

With a cry of anger, the three-legged black wings flapped in the sky, and the wings bloomed with golden light, condensing thousands of golden rockets, with dazzling light and temperature enough to melt the underground magma, covering the nine-tailed fox in the jungle below.

! Regret!

Tens of thousands of golden arrows, waterfalls generally fall from the sky, covering dozens of miles.

This fire is the real fire of the sun. The power of this fire is equivalent to the real fire of the monks in the Huashen period. If the ordinary Yuanying monk gets into trouble, the consequences can be imagined.

The blazing fire and rain landed in the mountains and forests. The blazing flames suddenly rose from the ground, the tongue of fire was high, and the heat wave surged everywhere. In an instant, countless trembling monsters in the mountains and forests were burned to ashes under the fire. Mountains and mountains melt.

A blow from the angry three-legged black demon saint, dozens of miles became the land of fire magma in an instant.

"It's not good!"

All this happened too quickly. When Ye Qin saw the three-legged black demon saint shooting the golden arrow waterfall, it was very late. He tried his best to use the imperial wind and fled to the periphery of the golden arrow waterfall.

The giant red fruit tree is also within the range of the golden arrow.

The withered blood vine on the Zhuguo giant tree suddenly danced crazily, and the light soared into a blood-colored mask of dozens of feet, covering the whole Zhuguo giant tree and blocking the sky with several golden arrows.


A huge wave of flames swept towards the giant tree of Zhuguo.

The remaining light in Niu Qin's eyes swept over the blood mask of Zhuguo Jumu and found that the ice lotus seed, a hundred feet near Zhuguo Jumu, was outside the blood vine mask.

A bold idea flashed. He fell sharply and rushed to the ice lotus seed. Instead of taking it, he directly went into the ground under the ice lotus seed.

After half a while, the real flames on the ground gradually dissipated.

The light of the ice lotus seeds is dim, the hot magma around, and q has been frozen.

Ye Qin fled from the ground in confusion. His hair and eyebrows were full of frost, and he trembled with coldness. He put the ice lotus seeds into the purple house with his divine consciousness, and then fled quickly.

He just hid a hundred feet next to Zhuguo's giant tree, using the blood-colored mask and ice lotus seeds to avoid the surging flames. In the range of dozens of miles, there is only the ground near the Zhuguo giant tree, because it is protected by blood-eating vines, and it is still intact.

Fortunately, at the moment of the real fire, the blood-eating demon vine is trying its best to resist the real fire, and has no time to take care of him as a little monk who takes the opportunity to avoid.

After this wave of real fire, the blood-eating demon vine was burned with "skin open meat flail", large and small burnt black and smoke spots can be seen everywhere, and the blood light is greatly dim. It danced in a daze. I don't know why it was suddenly attacked by such a powerful and crazy attack, which greatly damaged its vitality. I'm afraid it can't recover in a few years.

"It seems that the three-legged black demon saint is much better than the blood-eating demon vine! I don't know how many levels of demon saints!" Ye Qin muttered, and he had already run thousands of feet away before the blood-eating demon vine recovered.

He racked his brains before and couldn't get back the ice lotus seeds.

But the two demon saints made him pick up the ice lotus seeds, and he couldn't help but feel ridiculous.

Ye Qin chose a direction, hid his breath, and fled quickly. It was not until hundreds of miles away that Ye Qin stopped, looked at the surrounding mountains, chose a small mountain peak, quickly dug a simple stone room with a flying sword at the bottom of the rock, and then laid a disguised hidden array to hide in the stone chamber.

In the stone chamber, several prohibitions were put on. Then Ye Qin took out the red fruit from the purple house and looked at it carefully.

The exquisite and transparent Zhu Guo lay quietly in Ye Qin's hands, exuding a plumplish luster, overflowing with an extremely seductive essence fragrance. He was comfortable just by smelling it.

Ye Qinjiu alchemy elixir. Knowing this kind of spiritual fragrance, there is absolutely no secondary well.

Zhu Guo, which only exists in the legend of the immortal world in the East China Sea, can make the monks in the qi period rush straight to the nine-layer of Yuanying.

Generally speaking, the elixir can play a greater role in refining the elixir.

However, I'm afraid that no one in the world of immortal cultivation in the East China Sea knows how to refine Zhuguo into elixir, so it can only be eaten raw.

Ye Qin took his finger as the blade, shot out a breath, and casually cut the red fruit into dozens of parts. Several seeds in the fruit were stored in the purple house for later use. And put the red pulp in a jade box to prevent the loss of aura.

Ye Qin no longer delayed. With mana wrapped, he sent a piece of red fruit that was not the size of a nail. In the middle, against the tip of the tongue, let the vitality of Zhu Guo slowly enter the body.

The entrance of Zhuguo quickly turns into spiritual liquid and flows into the abdomen.

Ye Qin was shocked to find that a torrent of vitality flowed into the Dantian in the abdomen very quickly, and then with the flow of the meridians, the meridians could not accommodate it. This vitality is extremely pure. It flows through the mud ball hole in the middle of the eyebrows, then turns into a lot of light and enters the purple house.

Ye Qin's eyebrows condensed, snorted, and quickly ran with all his strength to absorb the soaring aura.

This huge vitality, from a small piece of red pulp, seems to be born continuously, hitting his Dantian gas sea one after another, exceeding the limit he can accommodate. Gradually, Ye Qin only felt that Dantian was swollen and turbulent, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Ye Qin was so angry that he compressed the vitality in the [body] with all his strength and poured it into the mud ball hole.

In the Purple Mansion, Ye Qin's Yuanying tried her best to absorb the influx of vitality.

Yuanying, who was originally only the size of a fist, absorbed a lot of vitality, but unexpectedly grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, a small circle. Not to mention only a little bit, it is also the amount that can only grow after at least a few years of hard work.

In this stormy torrent of vitality, Ye Qin's consciousness gradually began to blur. In his consciousness, there were a lot of distracting hallucinations, which had almost lost control of the meridians.

In a satience, Ye Qin suddenly woke up. I don't know when the "Sitting Forgotten Sutra" has begun to work, suppressing the chaotic illusion.

Then Ye Qin looked at the internal meridian situation, and did not go crazy, which led to the chaos of the meridians. He was slightly relieved and settled down in his heart.