Zifu Xianyuan

670 blackmail!

670 Blackmail!

Ye Qin stepped into the door of the wing room and saw at a glance that there was a gray egg without glory and a purple spiritual grass on the table in the middle of the wing room, which was quietly and slowly suspended.

"Grey Egg!"

Although Ye Qin had been mentally prepared for a long time, he still lost his voice.

The gray egg was the nine-tailed spirit fox, the sacred object stolen from the dusk temple of the demon world, causing a chaos in the demon world and a great change in the sea of blood.

As for the purple spiritual grass, I'm afraid that most of the monks in the East China Sea don't know what it is and what it has its effect.

Ye Qin recognized it at a glance.

This is exactly the purple spirit that he obtained from the demon world with the Holy Emperor and others.

It is not surprising that Qingqiu Li has purple and yangcao in his hand. It is originally a spiritual thing growing in the demon world. With the strength of the demon saint, you should be able to get it.

"She put the gray egg on the boat. What do you want to do?"

Ye Qin's mind changed rapidly.

He doesn't care much about purple spirit and yangcao.

The gray egg, which was highly valued by Qingqiu Li, was not taken on her body, but stayed in the cabin! This is what he really wants to understand!

Huangfu Binger also knows these two spirits and can recognize them.

Bai Xiuer saw the nine-tailed Linghu holding the gray egg, "Senior Qingqiu stared at such a gray egg day and night. What on earth is she looking at?" The gray egg was ordinary and not eye-catching. She was a little curious and wanted to take it and see what kind of treasure it was.

"Don't go there! Come back!"

Ye Qin's face changed, and he immediately shouted vigorously.

Bai Xiuer was shocked and quickly retreated back.


Almost at the same time, Ye Qin raised his hand without warning and shot out a three-foot thunder sword.

Suddenly, the aura of the space in the wing fluctuated slightly, a ripple with a faint water mark, followed by a nine-tailed spirit fox demon waving nine fiery red tails, silently appeared above the gray egg on the table.

The fox demon full of fox charm is Qingqiu Li.

She has no body, only demons still exist.

The three-foot thunder sword instantly scratched the demon of the nine-tailed fox on the table. Thunder Sword, for all ghosts, is powerful and terrible. Even if it is the ghost of the demon saint, without a physical body, it can't resist a small magic-level thunder sword.

However, his sudden blow fell to an end.


The demon of Qingqiu Li disappeared out of thin air, avoided the thunder sword, and then appeared in another place in the wing.

She stared at Ye Qin in surprise, "You seem to have known that Ben Sheng would appear here for a long time?"

Ye Qin's face changed slightly again. He recalled Chen Ming's Lei Zejian and tightly protected Huangfu Binger and Bai Xiuer. The thunderbolt was beating on the thunder sword.

"The fox clan is one of the wise demon clans among the demon clans, and the predecessors of Qingqiu are even more witty. From beginning to end, every step of stealing the gray egg must be in the calculation of the predecessors. This naturally includes self-explosing and abandoning the body, leaving this gray egg as bait, which makes people distracted and take it away! It's not hard to guess!"

Ye Qin said with a cold face.

"The saint did not do anything unfavorable to you, and even helped you drive away a large group of ghost monks. The saint temporarily put the sacred objects on the ship and came back just wanted to take them away. Why do you guess the saint's idea so much! Is Ben Sheng so evil?"

Qingqiu Li was obviously a little annoyed, and his charming face showed his anger of being wronged.

"Did the younger generation say it wrong?"

Ye Qin would not be moved by her aggrieved look, said slowly,

"The first step of the senior is to steal the gray eggs and leave the demon world."

"The second step of the senior is to get rid of the pursuit of the three-legged black. You come out of the demon world and flee directly to the fairy city in the East China Sea. The reason is very simple, because the fairy city has a transmission array, which allows you to move between the fairy city in a very short time, and it is easy to get rid of the three-legged black chase. You transfer directly from the Black Sand City to Linhai City, and you have successfully got rid of the three-legged black demon saint for a short time. But this is only a short-lived and effective means, and it will continue to be hunted down by three-legged crows. You need to look for other opportunities.

"Next, in Linhai City, there was an accident, and the two god monks unexpectedly appeared and drove away the three-legged black demon saint. If you stay near Linhai City, you should want to use two Huashen monks to deal with the three-legged black and completely eradicate this future trouble. Unfortunately, the three-legged crow did not fight with the two monks, and you still can't get rid of the three-legged crow.

"You should have learned from other monks that I was leaving the East China Sea to cultivate immortals for the Southern Demon Continent. You have the idea of the third step, which is to borrow my boat, leave the East China Sea to cultivate immortals, and get rid of the three-legged black.

"If the third step goes well, it will be better for you. If the third step doesn't go well, you are already ready for the fourth step.

"The ghost owner unexpectedly attacked the big wing warship, destroyed the third step, and forced your fourth step out."

"The fourth step of the predecessor is to self-explode the fox body and completely disappear from the three-legged black vision. However, after the self-exploding, you need to find a new monk and demon body to seize it. When you take the house, you will have a new body and identity, and become another East China Sea monk, or demon cultivation. The three-legged black came to you by observing your fox body with your eyes. The three-legged black-legged black-black does not know who you will ask to take it. This method can most completely disappear from the sight of the three-legged black. After all, you don't have to worry that the three-legged black will find your trace, and you don't have to worry that the demon world will find your whereabouts!"

"You tried your best to bring the gray egg out of the demon world, but left the gray egg on the ship. Your strength is so strong that you don't worry that we will take the gray egg away and take it back at any time. However, there is only one real reason, that is, you don't plan to leave at all, and you still have to give up.

"In addition to Bing'er and Xiu'er, who else can you take from on this ship? There are so many warships in Linhai City. But you have to borrow my boat. I'm afraid you have already considered the fourth step of self-exploding yourself! You can know that I will leave, and you can definitely know that Bing'er is my wife and will leave the East China Sea together. As for Xiuer, although she is a Turkish wrestler, she has excellent natural divine power and can fully adapt to the demon clan. ...However, what you want most is Bing'er's body. Her cultivation potential is extremely high, and it is the most ideal from any aspect. Otherwise, you will have robbed Xiuer before I entered the wing. The senior step by step mysterious trap, how dare the junior take it lightly!"

Ye Qin said coldly, with no expression on his face.

The anger in his heart is already sore. When he saw that the gray egg was still there, he judged the intention of the nine-tailed spirit fox demon saint. He will never tolerate daring to pay attention to Bing'er.

Huangfu Binger's face was slightly pale and was targeted by a demon saint. This feeling was absolutely uncomfortable.

"Giggle~! Xiuer found the gray egg and called you in. After such a while, you actually thought of so much! No wonder the human monks are more cunning than the fox! Yes, what you said is indeed Ben Sheng's idea.

Qingqiu Li laughed softly.

Then, she elegantly stretched out her fox foot and pointed to Ye Qin. With natural pride, she smiled contemptuously and said, "But even if you think of all this, what about it? Why do you stop Ben Sheng? Can you stop me from being a Yuanying monk? Even if I don't have a body, it's easy to ask for your lives. Ben Sheng originally thought that if Bing'er's sister took the gray egg with her own hands, Ben Sheng would take her body at the moment when she lost her mind, so that her yuan god would disappear without pain. Since you have done a good deed, don't blame me for bringing her pain when I took her away.

Ye Qin's heart was dripping blood, clenching the hilt of the thunder sword.

Indeed, with his current strength in the Yuanying period, there is no way to stop the demon saint. Even if the demon saint only has only the demon spirit, the demon spirit still has a very strong demon power.

If it was a demon of the same level, he would have destroyed the other party long ago. There is a huge gap in a class, and there is a world of difference in strength.

The immortal world is so ** naked and cruel.

"Sister Bing'er is the most outstanding female monk in the East China Sea with spiritual root qualifications she has ever seen in this sanctuary. Whether it is her appearance or the cultivation of spiritual root, she is unimaginable. Although it is still the first infancy period, I believe that after I get it, it won't take long for me to become a god!"

Qingqiu Li looked at Huangfu Binger.

"Isn't it!"

Ye Qin squeezed his lips tightly, looked at Qingqiu Li coldly, and held the three-foot thunder sword steadily in both hands.

The thunder sword burst out a large number of thunder light with thin hair, which spread along his hand holding the sword and quickly spread all over his body. His body in the later period of Yuanying is extremely strong, and it is not a big problem to withstand a certain degree of thunder.

His body was covered with a thick layer of thunder, which was a little numb by the thunder, but it did not affect his combat strength too much. The whole body is full of thunder and lightning luster, and every place can cause damage to the demon, but the threat to the demon is greater.

"Do you really want to fight with this saint?!"

Qingqiu Li was surprised again.

"What the senior just showed was a flash that broke the air, and he could break through the air as he wanted. But this spell has a small weakness that can't cross obstacles. If your demon dares not touch the thunder, it will be hit hard, and you will lose half your life if you don't die. I'm guarding the door. If you want to take it away, you can pass me first. I don't know how the senior intends to get out of this narrow wing?

Ye Qin said slowly.

"Isn't it enough to demolish the wing room? How many boards can block this saint's magic? You can block one direction, can you block all directions?

Qingqiu Li couldn't help laughing when he heard the words.

"As long as the seniors are willing, it is easy to destroy the whole ship. If you want to dismant the ship, the younger generation can also help you dismantle it. All you need is a sword. However, several demon saints are thousands of miles away. Once there is a fight, after you are exposed, you will be killed by all the demons. What else can you take next?

Ye Qin sneered.

The smile of Qingqiu Li froze in an instant.

Ye Qin's words hit her weakness. Her tricks have been basically exhausted, and taking away is the last step. Before that, it can no longer be exposed, attracting the pursuit of other demon saints. As long as she completes this step, she will cross the sea from the sky and get rid of the tracking of the demon world. She is allowed to travel between heaven and earth, and has enough time to explore the mystery of the sacred objects. The premise is that the process of taking away can no longer travel to the pool.

She has no physical protection, and she has less than one-tenth of her strength left. It is quite difficult to kill Ye Qin, who holds the thunder sword. Even if it succeeds, I'm afraid that the demon saints have already killed them.

She was silent for a moment.

Ye Qin was guarding at the door of the wing, holding the thunder sword weapon across his chest, and the scene stiffened. He threatened Qingqiu Li with words, but as long as Qing Qiu Li didn't do it, he wouldn't really do it. Otherwise, if the ship is broken and the demon saint is attracted, it will suffer.

"What the predecessor of Qingqiu wants is only a body for cultivation. The southern demon continent is vast, and there are many female monks with excellent spiritual roots. Why do you have to turn against each other here? It only takes four or five years to go to Nanmo. With the long longevity of the predecessor, you won't care too much in just a few years, right?

Huangfu Bing'er has been standing behind Ye Qin and suddenly said.

"It's okay, Sister Bing'er, don't be angry. In fact, my sister is just envious of your body, and she doesn't have to take your body. When you get to the Southern Demon Continent, you can find a good body. The Southern Demon will not lack a good female monk on the spiritual root. That's it. You go out. I'm tired. I'm going to take a break.

Qingqiu Li blinked his eyes and said lazily.

Ye Qin was a little surprised, and the nine-tailed Linghu promised so neatly.

"Let's go!"

He said.

Huangfu Bing'er nodded and left with Bai Xiu'er.

After the two left, Ye Qin looked back at the gray egg on the table before leaving the wing.

The gray egg on the table does not emit much breath, and it looks like an ordinary gray egg. When uninformed people look at it, they think of it as ordinary flying eggs at most, and they can't see the importance of this thing at all. However, if a monk pours mana into the ash egg, the algorithm will be exhausted, and all the ash egg will be absorbed without any adverse reaction.

is this mysterious gray egg, which makes the nine-tailed spirit fox and the three-legged black demon saints compete for it crazily.

However, according to Ye Qin's own experience, this gray egg may not have much effect on these demon saints.

Every time he breaks through the level of immortal cultivation, a floating island will be born in the space of Haizifu, which has a strange role. According to this calculation, even if the nine-tailed spirit fox demon saint swallows the gray egg, there will be at most a floating island in the sea, which is far inferior to him.

Of course, Ye Qin will never tell Qingqiu Li that the gray egg can be swallowed and the purple house will be born in the body.

His move is one more step than Qingqiu Li.

As a last resort, he can directly put the demon spirit of Qingqiu Li into the purple house, just like the yuan god of Nantianba broke into his purple house, fighting in the purple house.

However, there will be sequelae.

If the demon spirit of Qingqiu Li makes trouble in Zifu, destroys the spiritual herbs planted on the floating island of Mufu, and destroys other veins and fires on the floating island, it will give him a headache. It is not easy for him to collect so many spirits.

In the Purple Mansion, he exists in the way of a shen.

Yuanying Yuanshen fought against the demon saint-level demon. He had no chance of winning and could not suppress her.

With his caution, he will naturally not let the demons enter the Purple Mansion to make trouble and make trouble for himself.

It is precisely because of such concerns that Ye Qin did not dare to easily put the creatures from the outside world into the Purple Mansion. Unless he has enough strength to defeat the demons of Qingqiuli in the Zifu space, he will consider using this method. RO