Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 4 Extinction

Night, cold night, cold wind fluttering, murderous atmosphere floating.

In Yundu City and Qingchan Temple, it was dark. All the monks had fallen asleep, and some of them snored from time to time.

Suddenly, a wisp of smoke floated through the cracks in the door, and the monks in the room made a violent cough, and then slept to death.

The door opened with a creak. Several people in black flew in from outside the door, and a cold light of a blade lit up the dark room.

Puff! Several weapons pierced the body, and columns of blood splashed on the white window paper.

At this time, the same thing happened to other monks' rooms in the temple.

Suddenly, a holy and bright golden light drove away the darkness and reflected the whole Qingzen Temple brightly. In the golden light, it could be faintly seen that the white window paper in each room was stained with blood!

Master Zhikong sat cross-legged on the central square of Qingchan Temple, surrounded by only two elders. Suddenly, a figure shot from afar and flew closer. It turned out to be the bodies of monks. Those bodies piled up in front of Master Zhikong, with more than 20!

"Master Zhikong, I didn't expect that the elders of Qingzen Temple were so vulnerable!" A man in black came out of the darkness and walked to the toilet.

A white-browed old monk beside Master Zhikong said coldly, "It's too much for your swordsmen to act like this!"

"Death!" A voice suddenly sounded, and a sword shadow appeared in the void and shot quickly, directly through the head of the white-browed old monk.

From the darkness in the distance, there were several sound breaking through the air, and more than 50 people in black came to the square.

"It turns out that the Jianfeng faction regarded the old monk so highly that it sent all the heavenly masters in the faction!" Master Zhikong's voice is still calm.

"Haha, it's worthy of being the host of Qingchan Temple!" A man in black laughed and said that all the people in black shone up and showed their true colors.

Zhang Ziguang was the first to come forward and said, "I ask you, why did you frame me?"

Master Zhikong said, "It seems that you know after all. I wanted Zhao Xuewei to persuade you to turn back, but I didn't expect him to threaten him with this. After hearing about this, he was also heartbroken!"

"It's late!" Shangguan said coldly, and fifteen dark purple sword shadows appeared in the night sky. Suddenly, there was thunder in the air, and dark red lightning flashed in the air, booming! With a loud noise, the shadow of the sword was split with lightning.

Master Zhikong still looked calm. He recited the Buddha's name. A golden Buddha bead appeared in the air with dazzling golden light and slowly turned. The golden light formed a golden shield five feet long and three feet wide in the air, blocking the sword shadow and lightning together!

Just as Master Zhikong blocked the shocking blow of Shangguan Mu, Zhang Ziguang had quietly circled behind him and was ready to attack. Master Zhikong glanced at him, but turned his head. Obviously, he thought that Zhang Ziguang, who broke the air level was not enough to pose a threat to him.

Suddenly, a few bright sword lights lit up in the sky. The five elders of the sword front sent a move at the same time. As far as the sword light was, the space trembled. Master Zhikong's face did not change color. When his wrist turned over, the golden shield suddenly turned into a golden palm. The sword light hit the palm of his hand, and suddenly there was no sound. Suddenly, the golden palm suddenly Clenched, turned into a golden fist and fought back against the elders of the Jianfeng faction.

But at this time, a dark blue hammer appeared behind Master Zhikong. Without waiting for him to turn around, he smashed it down. Master Zhikong was hit by the huge hammer and there was a loud noise. His body suddenly became flesh and blood. Several shocking things appeared on the land under him. The crack.

The golden fist in the air disappeared, and the Buddha beads also stopped rotating and became dull. They fell down and made a crisp sound on the ground, as if they were mourning for the departure of the master.

The people of the Jianfeng faction looked at Zhang Ziguang with a surprised face. Shangguan Mu was stunned for a long time before he woke up and asked, "Apprentice, you are... What kind of kung fu?"

"Master, this is an attack of Yueyun Sword itself!" Zhang Ziguang said indifferently, "This kind of attack can make Yueyunjian exert the energy of a heavenly master in an attack, which is very suitable for sneak attacks, but it can only be used once every six months. After using this time, I think it will be used for half a year next time!"

After a period of wandering, Zhang Ziguang encountered various adventures, but he knew that once something was said, it would definitely bring disaster. If outsiders knew that there was a mutant super mythical beast hidden in the moon cloud sword, I don't know how many people would salivate on this sword.

Hearing Zhang Ziguang's words, the elders of the Jianfeng faction couldn't help but be convinced.

"This bald donkey doesn't forget to say some benevolent words when he dies. What a hypocrisy!" Zhang Ziguang cursed in a low voice and kicked Master Zhikong's body a few times.

At this time, the voice of Yueyun Sword Soul suddenly sounded in his mind: "Master, you are too angry now to kill again. Otherwise, you will be confused and go crazy!"

"Do you want to take care of it?" Zhang Ziguang said coldly, "I can kill whoever I want. What does it have to do with you? As long as you need to take action when you need to take action, you don't have to do anything else!"

The soul of Yueyun Sword was choked back by Zhang Ziguang and did not dare to say anything more, but it was worried that Zhang Ziguang's intention to kill now was a little heavier than before.

"What's wrong, Ziguang?" Shangguan Mu noticed that Zhang Ziguang's expression was different and asked with concern. Yueyun Sword Soul and Zhang Ziguang communicate through the soul, and it is impossible for outsiders to know.

Zhang Ziguang smiled apologetically and said, "Nothing, I just suddenly thought of something, and I will deal with it!"

Shangguan nodded with a smile and said nothing more.

At this time, Wang Sidong interrupted, "Let's burn down this temple and destroy the body!"

Everyone echoed in unison. Before long, the flames burned in this Qingzen Temple. The bright firelight lit up the night sky of Yundu City, scorched black**********

In Shushan, Yunkong followed Daoqian Zhenren and was walking towards a deserted courtyard. There were no smoke, no animals, and no birds and flowers. There were only half-human high weeds. The weeds grew here disorderly. No one would have thought that the Shushan School, which has always been known for its rigor, would have this What a desolate place.

When the two walked into the courtyard, Elder Daoqian recited a spell in his mouth. After the spell was read, a blue litter appeared at their feet. Daoqian lifted the stone slab. Under the stone slab, there was a corridor, and the black hole did not know where to go.

"Go in. I'll wait for you outside!" Daoqian said with a little melancholy between his eyebrows.

Yunkong took a deep breath, adjusted his breath, and walked into the dark corridor step by step!

Time seems to have forgotten something in the years.

The once beautiful and warm memory is still lingering in the darkness in front of it.

There, there seems to be a giant beast gasping.

Finally, Yunkong came to the end of the corridor, which was actually not long. He only used a cup of tea after walking, but for him, this process was a long torment.

In front, there is a hut with a faint fire in the room.

He, with his hands trembling and stretched forward, trying to open the door, but withdrew again. Then he gritted his teeth, slammed forward and pushed the door open.

"Who?" A deep and heavy voice remembered, like a beast roaring in a low voice.

"Big Brother!" Yunkong hissed and couldn't help crying. He suddenly walked forward a few steps and knelt on the ground. He couldn't help muttering in the air: "Big brother, Yunkong is looking at you..."

In front of him is a cold stone bed. Shi** sat a messy-haired man whose face was blocked by his hair and he couldn't see his expression clearly. He was wearing a stained white dress and his hands and feet were bound by iron ropes.

"What are you doing?" The man's voice was still cold and asked.

Yunkong whispered, "I'll say goodbye to the big brother?"

"Oh?" The man's voice finally had some feelings and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Earthquake the Demon Lake!" Yunkong lowered his head and said.

The man snorted coldly and said, "Go ahead, let's go, and don't come back..."

"Big brother, you..." Yunkong said in surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect his eldest brother to say such a thing.

"Get out!" The man suddenly roared and leaned forward to rush to the clouds, but the chain on his body came with a rattling sound, which bound his body.

But Yunkong could see clearly. When the man rushed to him, he clearly saw a ferocious face and the dark green eyes under the long messy hair!

"Big Brother!" Yunkong retreated and said, "Big brother, you wait here patiently for a period of time. When I become the leader, I will definitely let you out, and then ask the best doctor to help you treat your illness!"

After saying that, he closed the door, turned around and strode into the dark corridor.

The man looked at the figure of Yunkong leaving, sighed heavily, and two lines of tears silently slipped from his dirty face.

"Master, let's go back!" Yunkong walked out of the corridor and said to Dao Qianzhen, who was waiting outside.

Dao Qianzhen looked at his face, patted him on the shoulder, and walked forward. Yunkong lowered his head and followed him, not knowing what he was thinking.

As soon as he walked out of this overgrown area, an elder from Shushan ran over. He saw Dao Qianzhen and asked curiously, "Shangmen, what did you do just go to the forbidden place?"

Daoqian said angrily, "Didn't you go to see that beast? If you hadn't pleaded for him, I would have killed him. What's the matter with you?"

The elder's voice was a little heavy, and he lowered his head and said, "Master, we just tested all the disciples below the sky in the Shushan School, and found that except for Yunkong's nephew, only one person passed the test?"

Daoqian Zhenren and Yunkong's faces suddenly changed. Daoqian Zhenren said, "Who is that man?"

The elder's face was also extremely ugly, saying, "It's Zhao Chong under my family, but this person only has a prefecture-level realm, and going there is equivalent to death!"

The corners of Daoqian Zhenren's eyes twitched violently, meditated for a long time, and said, "It seems that we can only ask for help from other sects. As long as the pros and cons are explained, those sects will not sit idly by!"

End of this chapter