President, be careful of love

Chapter 94 Fusion 9

Autumn nights are always night with high wind and bright moon, and the faint silver glow sprinkles all over the earth, covering the world with a layer of as if nothing. The vast night sky, the stars are dazzling, and the breeze blows the turbulentness of the dark night.

At the beginning of the lights, the night was dim. The seaside villas and the Lei family's courtyard were full of colorful lights. The bright lights shone, reflecting the dark half of the sky. Outside the house in the front yard and back of the courtyard, there was a stream of banquets everywhere. Guests, waiters and owners shuttled everywhere, toasting, Social and polite words are filled with a lively atmosphere everywhere.

After carefully dressing up, Chen Jingyi finally appeared at this dinner party. On her 75th birthday, she was invited to wear a "memory white" long skirt with light pink low-heeled shoes. After her transformation, the flowing skirt rippled on her white ankles. Light, elegant and beautiful.

As if nothing had happened, she passed through the bustling guest and sat quietly in the corner. From time to time, someone pointed her out to her, probably wondering why she could still be here as her ex-wife. Although she didn't care what they said, people's words were terrible and gossip hurt people. She was not strong enough to ignore outsiders. Vision, but she is not fragile enough to withstand the attacks and ridiculs of these words. Looking at the smiling and trembling faces of the guests, matched with the expensive evening dresses, they showed their elegance and nobleness, and the words were elegant and fragrant, showing the aristocratic atmosphere of the upper class! However, who knows what kind of dirty and obscene is hidden under the face of a modest gentleman; what kind of honey-bellied sword is hidden under the seemingly open and aboveboard skin! After all, this upper-class circle is not suitable for her. The reason why she appears here is that she has not seen her grandfather for a long time, and the second is that Xuanyuanfan's stalking has played a role: take this opportunity to search the whereabouts of the blood diamond.

After drinking the drink in his mouth, on the pretext of the gap in the bathroom, he secretly observed the intertwined crowd, carefully withdrew from the lively scene, and was about to go to the third floor to check the whereabouts of the blood diamond. I had no choice but to meet Dr. Taylor at the top of the stairs. I haven't seen him for a long time since I met him last time. If I hadn't met him here again, she would have forgotten the existence of this character. Since she was met, she would have said a few words and quickly escaped. However, Taylor is like a sticky rubber candy. , Jingyi has been pestering Jingyi to talk about the host. Jingyi watched the time passing by bit by bit anxiously, while chatting with Taylor. Finally, she had no choice but to move out of the bathroom and get rid of Taylor's entanglement. After leaving Taylor, she couldn't wait to go upstairs and went straight to Lei Lele's room. She twisted the door handle, but it was still unlocked. She gently pushed the door in with joy, and then gently closed the door. Looking at the huge room, she had a headache. The room was neither big or small, and there were a pile of wardrobes, boxes and tables. Where should I start?! He frowned helplessly and decided to start from the dressing table after thinking about it. Girls' accessories are usually placed in the box of the dressing mirror. On the one hand, it is convenient to find, and on the other hand, when you are not sure which accessories to match, you can pick them up and look directly in the mirror for comparison. After she made up her mind, she immediately took action and carefully turned over the jewelry box on the dresser. Almost everything was checked, and the shadow of the blood diamond was not seen. She couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, and even began to doubt whether the blood diamond was in this room! Although the blood diamond once appeared on Lei Lele, who can guarantee that it must be a blood diamond? Ten thousand steps back, even if it is a real blood diamond, Lei Lele may have been wearing such an important thing! If so, even if she turns over the room, it is impossible to find the whereabouts of the blood diamond! However, after agreeing to Xuanyuanfan, he still had to carry out a good job. He took a deep breath, suppressed his inner panic and decadent, and continued to turn to the wardrobe. As soon as the door of the wardrobe was opened, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps outside the door. He said that it was too late. Jingyi didn't think about it, but closed the wardrobe door in a panic, and quickly He climbed into the bottom of the bed, held his breath and listened to the movement outside. He only heard the door of the room gently push open, and two women in high heels came in front and back!

Who are they? Jingyi's heart was surprised. Just as she was wondering, their conversation came to her ear.

"Zhu Shishi, what are you just going to do!" One of the women questioned the other woman harshly.

Zhu Shishi sneered and responded arrogantly: "Kill Lei Shaochen." Fierce tone, decisive and ruthless.

Hearing that Zhu Shishi was going to kill Lei Shaochen, Jingyi's heart suddenly accelerated, her lips opened slightly and trembled, and her fingers pressed the ground nervously. She didn't even know the cold embedding in her hand.

"Kill him? You know he is my man, how dare you touch him?! Don't annoy me, or you will look good!!!" This time, Jingyi finally heard that the other woman was Zhang Xinmeng!

"I am an international terrorist, and you know that I have no choice! After taking this task, either he dies or I die. Do you think I will let him go? Cold voice, cold and ruthless, you are in a dead and alive situation, without any personal feelings.

"Shishi, quit the international terrorists!" Zhang Xinmeng's tone softened.

"You know that's impossible, just like joining the JM mercenary world. It's impossible to leave unless you die!"

"The teacher promised to let me leave, as long as I find the blood diamond!"

"Blood diamond, do you think you can find the blood diamond that has disappeared for more than ten years? It's simply delusional." Zhu Shishi sneered.

"How much time will they give you?" Zhang Xinmeng changed the topic.

"One week. The last assassination at Lei's mansion failed and was caught by them. Fortunately, I had an excellent escape ability. At the moment they sent me to the car, I counterattacked and escaped. This time, I couldn't miss anything!"

"Since you say so, we can only be irrecontally. The once sister's appointment has been abandoned. From then on, you and I are incompatible!" Zhang Xinmeng said angrily.

"Oi, from now on, you and I will do our own thing! You take care of your lover! I carry out my mission, and there is no truth under the knife and gun!" More decisive and cold than Zhang Xinmeng!

Chen Jingyi, who had been scratching the bottom of the bed, had almost stiff hands and feet. The two were still talking there. Jingyi was so anxious that she sweated coldly. She really couldn't hold on to this unchanged posture. She gently moved her almost unconscious legs and arched her body slightly to stretch her muscles and bones, but she didn't know. This action actually hit a sudden piece of wood at the bottom of the bed, making a dull sound of hitting the wood. The two people outside the bed shouted in a low voice at the same time, "Who!"