President, be careful of love

Chapter 172 My beautiful aunt 2

The past is like the wind, but she is so distracted that she doesn't even know that her aunt has been close to her.

"Jinger, what are you thinking about? So fascinated? You must dress up beautifully tonight. I'm going to introduce a friend to you!" As she said, she blinked at her, making Jingyi have a layer of goose bumps all over her body. As soon as she made this action, she knew that she was going to be designed by her!!!

She looked at her aunt coquettishly, and her delicate voice came out from her delicate lips: "Auntie, didn't I tell you!"

Aunt made a "silent" action to her: "Hurry up and get your hair. It's too late."

Jingyi sat down on the stool in front of the dressing table, allowing her aunt to toss on her head.

Aunt is a woman who pursues perfection. Not to mention attending banquets, even when she goes to work every day, she is bound to wear exquisite makeup and wear the most decent clothes. She has never seen her aunt's unkempt. In her impression, a beautiful and elegant woman like her aunt seems to be born as a hanger. Zi, dressed gorgeously but gracefully through the market every day, making countless men look up to her, which seems to have become the main theme of her life.

Maybe I should also learn from my aunt, give up this little girl's dress, and move towards sexy and elegant clothes...

When Jingyi and Chen Meili arrived at the venue, the banquet happened to have just begun.

Chen Meili took Jingyi's hand and walked into the venue gracefully. It is not an exaggeration to describe Chen Meimei with a clever smile. On the contrary, she follows Jingyi, who lacks a long-trained aura like Chen Meili, and her lacks interest in banquets and does not have a tense posture at all times. A little follower, but such a handsome and beautiful woman, even a little follower, is also an attractive little follower. Well, just a few steps away, someone stared at this beautiful figure.

"Mr. Chen, long time no see!"

"It turned out to be Secretary-General Wang. Long time no see!"

After the warm and polite greeting of the two, Jingyi had to stand aside quietly, looking at the people coming and going with some bored eyes, as if they were looking for a figure. This is Liang Haojie's banquet. As a brother, it is impossible for him not to attend, right? But why haven't he seen him for so long? Which corner are you hiding with Zhang Xinyu?

At the thought of this, her heart felt aggrieved and depressed, and she didn't even pay attention to her aunt calling her twice.

When my aunt saw her abnormal look, she smiled at the other party apologetically and pushed Jingyi. Then Jingyi came to her senses and asked, "Auntie, what's the matter?"

"What are you thinking, kid? This is the mayor's secretary-general, and next to him is the mayor's son Zhang Jiarui.

Zhang Jiarui? The mayor's son? Zhang Xinyu, the mayor's daughter?

This thing became fun. Jingyi suddenly cheered up and immediately stretched out her hand to the other party happily: "Hello, it's nice to meet you. My name is Chen Jingyi."


"You young people find a place to talk. Meili and I still have something to talk about, so I won't accompany you." After saying that, Secretary-General Wang wink at Chen Meili. Chen Meili immediately realized it, and her white face showed a kind smile: "Jingyi, accompany Jiarui well. Let's go away."

"Okay, aunt, Secretary-General Wang, take your time!" She deliberately softened her voice, showing the little girl's shyness.

After Chen Meili and Secretary-General Wang left, Jingyi pretended to hang down her head with some embarrassment and looked at the pair of white high heels on her feet. She looked like a young girl who had just been pregnant. It was the gentleness of her head, which saw a little deer bumping in Zhang Jiarui's heart.

"Miss Chen, how about we find a place to chat, meet for the first time, and in this way, it feels quite awkward." Zhang Jiarui is quite honest and doesn't talk about it.

This is Jingyi's first feeling about him. Perhaps, because of this, her evaluation of him is slightly higher, at least she won't regard him as the same as Zhang Xinyu!

She looked at him, and a pair of apricot eyes were as full of water, bright but full of wisdom. With a smile, the beautiful curvature made him slightly distracted.

"Why don't we walk outside the hall? On such a night, the spring breeze is slightly cool and it's comfortable to blow on your body!"

"Okay, Miss Chen, please." After saying that, Zhang Jiarui made a gesture of invitation to Jingyi.

Just as they were about to walk out, a soft dance music suddenly sounded in the hall, and Liang Haojie, dressed in a black tuxedo, led Ni Anyun in a short white wedding dress and danced with music.

One black and one white, one handsome and one delicate. He is like a handsome prince and an elegant gentleman. She is as sweet and shy as a beautiful princess. He steps like the majestic momentum of a leader. She gently echoes like an elf, and the soft light shines on them, so beautiful and fascinating.

After the song, the guests began to slowly step into the dance floor. At this time, Zhang Jiarui made an invitation gesture to her very gentlemanly. Jingyi looked at his invitation gesture slightly distracted, and then smiled sweetly at him and put their hands on his palm. The two jumped into the dance floor and moved lightly with the music.

"Miss Chen, your dress tonight is so beautiful!" Zhang Jiarui looked at her affectionately and whispered.

Jingyi smiled, blinked her eyes mischievously and said, "Thank you. This is what my aunt chose for me."

"Do you still have a sister?" Jingyi seemed to ask unintentionally.

But in Zhang Jiarui's ears, she thought she was interested in her own affairs.

He raised his eyebrows and couldn't hide the joy between his eyebrows: "Indeed, she was also invited to this banquet tonight. I just met her. Do you want me to introduce her?"

Jingyi sneered in his heart and introduced him? I'm afraid they don't need these polite customs anymore!

She has found someone to do it for herself! Why should I be polite to her? Now, the reason why I admire and dance with you is just to take this opportunity to bring her down!

From now on, even if she doesn't rely on anyone, she will learn to protect herself! Whoever provokes her must return the color!

It was ferocious in her heart, but on the surface, she just smiled faintly: "It seems that you are a step late. We have already said hello." After a pause, she continued to say faintly, "I heard that your father intended to set her up with Lei Shao in this city..."

"This is mainly what my sister means. You know, fathers usually spoil girls."

"That's true." After saying this, Jingyi suddenly saw Zhang Xinyu leading Lei Shaochen and walking towards them angrily. Seeing her angry face, she smiled cunningly. For just a moment, her face became gloomy, and she left Zhang Jiarui slightly and turned out with the dance steps.

"Oh, it hurts!" Jingyi's foot deliberately twisted and fell into Zhang Jiarui's arms.

"Are you all right? Is your foot hurt? Let me see?" Zhang Jiarui immediately bent down nervously to check.

"What are you doing here? Hurry up and leave my brother!!!" At this time, Zhang Xinyu had run to them and pointed angrily at Jingyi and choked!

Jingyi showed a painful expression and looked at Zhang Jiarui helplessly.

When Zhang Jiarui saw that his sister treated Jingyi so rudely for no reason, he shouted angrily, "Xinyu, don't be rude!"

"Zhang Jiarui, listen to me! Don't let you approach this bitch! Do you hear that?" Zhang Xinyu has an arrogant posture.

Zhang Jiarui obviously didn't buy her. He was a little angry and stared at her seriously: "I'm the eldest brother, and it's not your turn to take care of my affairs! If you don't want to be sent to England by your father, you'd better shut up now!"

"Well, you must have been deceived by this bitch. Do you know that she used to be Lei Shaochen's ex-wife! Do you dare to take such a dirty woman home? Or do you think Dad will let you humiliate the Zhang family? Zhang Xinyu did not admit defeat at all, but became more and more aggressive.

"Enough, you leave the banquet immediately. My business is measured!" Zhang Jiarui pointed to the position at the door of the banquet and roared angrily!

"Well, I will leave naturally, but before that, you have to leave this woman." After saying that, Zhang Xinyu stretched out his hand and pulled Zhang Jiarui to her side.

Jingyi got rid of her support, her sprained foot couldn't support it, and her face instantly turned pale. She couldn't help but be a little annoyed. Originally, she just wanted to pretend to be sprain and be a drama, but she didn't expect that she was not sure about the scale and really sprained.

It seems that my skills still need to be improved, and this talent for acting is really lacking!

Zhang Jiarui saw the dense sweat on Jingyi's forehead and knew that she must be in pain. He shook off Zhang Xinyu's hand angrily, leaned over to hold her, and asked softly, "Are you all right?"

Jingyi shook her head bitterly, but her pale face had already betrayed her.

"Let's go. I'll take you to the doctor."

"No!" Zhang Xinyu blocked them domineeringly.

Lei Shaochen watched the woman's face gradually pale, and he felt a little uncomfortable, but as soon as he saw them holding hands, his heart was immediately occupied by a jealousy, which made him want to tear the man to pieces! Humph, since he likes to hook up with men so much, why do he have to save them? Let them toss around!!!

"Zhang Xinyu, get out of the way! If you don't give way, you will bear the consequences!!!" Zhang Jiarui was very anxious. If it hadn't been for the injured Jingyi next to him, he would have rushed over and threw the unreasonable sister aside, but now Jingyi was injured, and he dared not move casually for fear of aggravateing her foot injury.

He looked at Lei Shaochen next to Zhang Xinyu and hinted at him to help hold Zhang Xinyu, but Lei Shaochen stood there indifferently, as if watching a scene that had nothing to do with him. Zhang Jiarui frowned with some puzzlement. They once had a marriage, didn't they? However, how much should I hate each other to see him die like this?