President, in the name of love

Chapter 117 Wish Parade

If you want to watch movies in the Sun and Moon Cinema, you need to have a heart test now. Of course, you have to have a gut test at the same time. Only when you get the qualified books of these two examinations can you be eligible to watch horror movies in the Sun and Moon Cinema. Of course, those with heart disease and high blood pressure should never watch horror movies.

This regulation has aroused the dissatisfaction of many testers, and Sun and Moon Cinema gave such an answer.

The Sun and Moon Cinema watches realistic movies, that is to say, they let the audience experience and watch movies as part of the movie. Therefore, if people who fail the heart test and courage test are likely to be scared in horror movies, and for the health of the audience, only those who pass two tests can watch horror movies.

Although Sun Moon Cinema explained, many people were unwilling to accept it, so Sun Moon Cinema let them experience one step of the remaining three movies for free and feel what a realistic movie is.

When those dissatisfied experienced other non-horrible realistic movies, they finally understood the painstaking efforts of the Sun and Moon Cinema, because it was too real.

Take the people who watched the realistic movie "Extermination of the Sky" as an example, they found that Sun and Moon Cinema does not make people sit under the big screen to watch movies, but in a game warehouse similar to Life Online, and they can watch it by themselves, and as long as they enter the game warehouse. To watch it, there is no need to wait for the film to be screened.

When some people entered the cinema warehouse, they asked the staff if they operated, and the staff said: As long as they enter the game warehouse and enter the ID number according to the system prompts, you can watch the movie. I wish you a happy movie.

The staff closes the game compartment after pressing the induction ring for the audience.

The audience watching "Extinction of the Sky" found a bright light after the darkness. Anyone who has played Life Online knows that it is the symbol of Sun and Moon Network Company.

The light is dim, and a pleasant system prompt came: Please enter your ID number.

The audience saw the transparent digital board appearing in front of them press the ID number.

Is the ID number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx confirmed?

After clicking confirm, the system will prompt: Please wait while verifying your ID card.

After a while, the sports system will remind you again: the ID number is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and you have the right to watch "Extermination of the Sky". Do you want to watch it immediately?

If the audience chooses, they will immediately enter the world of Destroy the Sky.

The system will prompt again: Please select the role you want to play when entering the world of Extinction.

This is a system that will list characters that match your gender, as long as you choose one of them to enter the movie world you want to watch.

There are many roles that can be played in realistic movies. Some people like male and female protagonists, some like villain bosses, and original roles can be played in realistic movies launched by Sun and Moon Cinema, that is, to play yourself.

Everything is very real. After choosing a role, when the movie starts, the system will prompt you to choose. Each side line is different. That is to say, the movies that everyone experiences will become different according to their own choices. This is a real movie, a movie that belongs to the audience.

The realistic movie of Sun and Moon actually refers to the mode of playing the game, and the ending of the movie varies according to the audience's choice.

When people come out of the cinema warehouse watching movies, it is not difficult to find the excitement in their eyes, and some are even moved to tears.

I have to say that Sun and Moon Network has once again gained great attention through realistic movies.

When those who love horror movies and pass the test come out of the game warehouse, the shock and excitement on their faces make people really want to watch it.

They said that only the horror movies in the Sun and Moon Cinema are real horror movies. It's really exciting! Can you imagine the ghost being in front of your eyes? Can you imagine that chilling experience? Oh my God! How can it be so real?

The sun and the moon are popular again, and some viewers even soak in the cinema every day to experience the different endings of their favorite movies. This makes it irresistible for those who want to be the protagonist and powerless. Moreover, Sun and Moon also launched a movie recording package, which means that you can record your own movies and collect them. Of course, there is an additional charge.

Although there is an extra charge for recording, people still flock to the movies they want to act in. This recording is divided into two versions. First, the 2D version is also played on a computer or DVD, and the second is the game warehouse version. This version can only be watched in the game warehouse of the Sun and Moon. The only difference is that you can no longer choose and play it according to your choice when watching the movie.

The movie recording of this game warehouse version is very popular. As long as your family buys the game warehouse of Sun Moon Network Company, they will buy this version home. Of course, there is another advantage of the game warehouse version, which is that it can be watched by different people. That is to say, anyone can use the game warehouse to watch movies recorded by the original owner of the movie in the Sun and Moon Cinema, except for horror movies.

This satisfies the wishes of men who want to experience the role of girls and women who want to play the role of boys.

Of course, when the game warehouse became popular in the later period, many people chose to record realistic movies and sell them to other people who wanted to watch movies but did not want to go to the Sun and Moon Cinema. This is the so-called piracy. However, as long as people who have experienced movies, they will want to go to the Sun and Moon Cinema to see a real one, because only there can they be allowed themselves I am in control of the movie. Therefore, the later Sun and Moon Network Company did not organize such piracy. Instead, it is believed that this is a way of publicity for the Sun and Moon Network Company, so that this move has supported countless movie dumpers. The so-called movie dumpers are people who record their own movies to provide to the audience. They will record various versions of movies when new movies are released in the Sun and Moon Cinema, such as the male version or the female version. Or the villain version and so on, and even some people have refined to the invincible version of the male protagonist, the amazing version of the male protagonist, etc. to choose according to the audience's preferences.

Of course, these movie resellers must not resell the horror movie experience, because there was a person who sold his recorded realistic horror movies to those who wanted to watch horror movies but failed the two tests of the Sun and Moon Cinema, which caused the person to be scared to death on the spot while watching the protruding, so Sun Moon Network Company To avoid the recurrence of an incident, it is ordered that the horror movies of the Sun and Moon Cinema no longer provide recording packages.

Cough, in short, movies in Sun and Moon Cinema have become popular again.

Some people even think that if they don't see the realistic movie of the sun and moon, they won't be a real filmmaker!

During this period, an incident occurred, which made Riyue make a lot of money again, that is, a third-line actor sent his recorded 2D "Destruction of the Sky" to participate in the Olympic card, and unexpectedly won the best film of the Olympic card. Of course, although the incident, the Sun and Moon Network Company sent the little actor in the name of infringement. Court, but the little actor still became the most popular star of modern times. Then, Sun Moon Network Company issued a statement that it could not record movies in any form.

Of course, Sun and Moon Network did not send its own film works to participate in the award. In Chusi's words, we are just an Internet company, not a film and television company.

Desp, many people still found the potential of the Sun and Moon Network Company, so that the film and television city in Life Online was constantly expanding by technicians, barely enough for those crazy film and television companies to make movies.

Returning to the topic, with a series of activities of Sun and Moon Network Company, Life Online is finally going to conduct the fifth test, but more and more people have caused a lot of chaos because they have seen the highlights of Life Online from various channels. That is, countless netizens strongly demand that life online is running! Even some uncles, aunts and old people also participated in demonstrations in order to experience a different life in the remaining years of life!

Even a journalist said when interviewing the demonstrators:

Life online has been discovered by more and more people, and its charm has gradually been shown. I once had the honor to participate in the third test with my friend's game warehouse, but unfortunately I didn't get the activation code of the fourth test, so I had to leave the world that I had been inseparable from. I even want to say that Sun Moon Network The company should change the limit of two hours a day to unlimited, but it is impossible to think about it, because if so, I will definitely not want to return to the real society. I believe everyone is the same as me!

Because there is no activation code, I have been waiting for the official operation of Life Online, and even regretted that I hesitated to buy a game warehouse. Now, Sun Moon Network Company has stopped selling game warehouses in order to reduce the number of people! Well, I know that the sun and moon are also considering the quality of life online, but half a year has passed! Half a year! How painful it is for us who can't play the game! So people like me launched this parade!

We don't want to riot or do anything fierce. We just want to ask the president of Sun Moon to see our yearning for the game and let the game officially operate!

Oh, my God, if I had never thought that I would do these seemingly stupid acts for a game! But life online has done it! Someone has summed up why life online is so popular before. I can finally feel it! Take a slogan of life online as an example, life online gives you a different second life!

Yes, in life online, we get something that is unimaginable. For example, the strong courage that old people dare not imagine, such as the unimaginable world that we office workers dare not imagine, such as those normal lives that disabled people dare not imagine!

We need life online! We are here to petition!

Let life online officially run!