President, in the name of love

Chapter 134 Eye-catching Wedding

After the elder left, Qian'er looked out of the window and was about to get married tomorrow. For Qian'er, who had never happened, was undoubtedly nervous and, of course excited.

As an abandoned orphan since childhood, Qian'er has suffered all the warmth and cold in the world. In fact, she has always longed to have her own home from the bottom of her heart. Therefore, when the dragon clan suddenly appeared in front of Qian'er and said that she wanted to marry, she had no resistance. Of course, a large part of the reason was that the dragon clan naturally did not want any bad people because of the beauty of men and handsome women.

Qian'er is looking forward to having her own home, a loving husband and a few lovely children. Qian'er was planning her future, thinking about Qian'er blushing and covering her cheeks with her hands, looking like 'ah, so shy'.

What kind of person will he be? Qian'er looked out of the window at the different starry sky and fell into her imagination.

In fact, when she first came to heaven, Qian'er was undoubtedly shocked! Of course, anyone who sees the dragon that only appears in mythical novels suddenly becomes a humanoid in front of you, anyone will be surprised to drop their chin to the ground.

That's a god! Qian'er had a sense of awe from the bottom of her heart when she saw those who claimed to be dragons around her.

So when she knew that the person she was going to marry was a dragon clan, the excitement and tension in Qianer's heart instantly expanded like fireworks. Naturally, expectations for my husband have also increased in proportion.

Qian'er knelt on the ground with her hands folded towards the moon. I secretly prayed in my heart that I would meet a true person.

When Qianer opened her eyes, she made a secret decision in her heart that no matter what kind of person he is, she should treat him well, take care of her husband and children, and be a competent wife.

This night, Qian'er is looking forward to tomorrow. This night, the dragon felt that no matter how bright the starry sky was, it could not illuminate the haze in his heart.

"Feng, I miss you."

"Dragon, I miss you."

This night, the dragon and phoenix looked up at the starry sky at the same time and silently told each other's thoughts.

Land boundary.

The phoenix turned into a 'phoenix' and successfully walked out of the guarded room. Perhaps because of the blood sacrifice, no one noticed the strangeness of the 'phoenix' at this time. Feng's blood sacrifice was naturally weak and haggard, but when he turned into a 'phoenix' and walked out of Feng's room, the guards just felt that Huang was physically and mentally haggard by Feng's failure to marry her. What a beautiful misunderstanding.

Feng finally came to the gate of the boundary. He looked back at the grass and trees of the earth and swept every inch of the land with some nostalgia, because he knew that his behavior would lead to the expulsion of the Phoenix clan.

There is sadness, but Feng knows that she has no regrets.

"Phoenix, I'm sorry."

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, elders."

After repeatedly apologizing, Feng stepped into the boundary gate and appeared in the sky of the human world in a blink of an eye. Maybe he was familiar with it twice. Feng defended the boundary pressure well this time, and naturally did not reveal his original shape.

"The phoenix is out of the boundary." The elder shook his head helplessly and looked like, 'Is it really like this?' The painful look.

"Big Elder, I'll chase it!" Feng's father frowned as if he had made a great determination.

"That's all." The elder waved his hand.

"Big Elder?" The elders looked at the elders inexp

"This is the disaster he is going to overcome. Hey, let him go."

"But, elder! That...the oracle..."

"It's a blessing, not a misfortune, and it's a misfortune that can't be avoided. This proverb in the human world is not unreasonable."

"We can't ignore the safety of the three worlds like this!" Feng's father said righteously.

"Qi, this is not your fault, nor is it Feng's fault. Don't stop yourself with anything."

"Big elder, I'm the patriarch, I..."

"Qi, you are still a father, everyone understands."

"Big Elder..."

The elder raised his hand to stop Feng's next words. He said in a low voice, "I believe Feng. Give him some more time."

"...yes." Everyone bowed their heads respectfully.

Feng's father looked at the direction of the boundary gate, "Feng, my child. Oh...this is life."

In fact, when Feng was around the boundary gate, the elders knew Feng's intentions, but no one stopped him, because Feng was their child since childhood. In fact, they hope that Feng can do whatever she wants, but... God's will can't be violated! Give him some more time. This is the result of the agreement of the elders, so when Feng went out of bounds, everyone did nothing.

It's just... The elders knew that this phoenix's action must be full of setbacks, not to mention that the phoenix and the dragon were stopped by name by the oracle. Even if they are not prevented from falling in love, their alien or same-sex feelings must be pointed to by the dragon and phoenix people. Gums are the most harmful weapon.

At this time, Feng encountered an extremely great difficulty before she could get out of the earth. He didn't know where the boundary gate to the same heaven was!

Feng turned around helplessly and regretted that she hadn't thought of such a realistic problem!

How on earth to get to heaven! Feng scratched his hair decadently.

At this time, Feng suddenly heard the conversation of several people, and his plan to go to heaven saw hope again, but at the same time, these words also made a great uproar in Feng's heart that could not be ignored.

"Oh, what a pity. The human world experience has been completed like this. If only I had known it would have been completed later!"

"Now I know how to regret it! Who said at the beginning that he wanted to be the fastest person to complete the trial of the dragon clan?

"I... I... How did I know at that time that the elders of the dragon clan would prohibit people from entering the human world again!"

"Oh, but we are also lucky. The adult time is just before the human world is forbidden to try, and we can go back after the trial is completed. Look, those who are a little late to adult don't even have a chance to come to the world for trial!"

"Oh, that's right, but there's nothing wrong with it. You can catch up with the dragon to get married. This is a big deal in the clan!"

"Yes, the dragon is the best young man in our family!"

"Why do you sound so sour?"

"What acid? This is envy and hatred!"

Yes, it's envy and hatred! But what's the use of envy and hatred? They defeated the final warrior before they were adults, not to mention that they are now adults?

"Oh, that's right. But why did the dragon suddenly get married? Is he just an adult? Normally, shouldn't we talk about marriage in another one or two hundred years? Also, haven't you heard that the dragon and that clan are good before? How can it be so sudden?

"I don't know, but I heard that it is not our dragon people who want to marry dragons, but human beings."

"What!!! Human beings! No, how can our strongest dragon clan marry such a weak life as human beings? They only have 70 or 80 years of life!"

"Who knows? Anyway, it was chosen by the elder himself."

"I really don't understand."

"Forget it, don't do it if you don't understand. Let's just go back for a wedding."

"It's okay."

After saying that, the two of them came to the gate leading to heaven very easily.

After watching the two young dragons enter the boundary gate, Feng staggered to the boundary gate.

Feng hesitated when she was about to enter the boundary gate.

"Dragon? Is the dragon going to marry?

"No, it won't. He promised to be with me."

"However, the dragon named Dragon is the only dragon!"

"No! The dragon will not betray me. I'm going to find him!"

"In case, in case... Long wants to marry someone else, won't I find myself sad?"

"No! The dragon won't lie to me! The dragon loves me!"

Feng fell into a self-struggle, and his eyes could see the fierce situation of his thoughts in the struggle.

Feng suddenly closed her eyes. When she opened them again, there was a dazzling light in the wind's eyes, which was called firmness.

Feng stepped into the boundary gate with a belief, which is called personal witnessing persistence.

Feng wants to see for himself whether what she heard is true. Feng wants to ask Long in person why he married someone else. Feng wants to hear the dragon's reason with her own ears.

"Dragon, I want an explanation."

"Dragon, tell me that what I heard is false."

"Dragon, let me believe you..."

Feng stepped into the heaven, the place where his favorite person was born, with trembling with trembling and determination that he had never noticed.

Feng also thought about how to find the serious problem of dragon, but after she came to heaven. He found that he didn't need to worry at all, because there were people with the same purpose as him everywhere. The so-called same purpose naturally wanted to find the dragon, but these people wanted the dragon to congratulate him, and Feng went to question the dragon.

When so many people were saying that they were going to attend the dragon's marriage ceremony, Feng heard the sound of a crack in her heart. He can no longer comfort himself that everything is just an illusion as he did just now. These people broke his excuse for himself and the dragon with facts. The reality is always so vulnerable that Feng suddenly wants to cry, but there are no tears.

What about our vows? What about the blood oath? Feng wants to grab Long and ask if he has ever cared about this relationship with him! But the more she thought about it, the more she found that she couldn't ask a word about all her questions.

The dragon's marriage ceremony is very important to the dragon people. The festive red can be seen everywhere in the heavenly world, but these reds are particularly dazzling in the eyes of the phoenix.

Feng didn't know how he came to the place where the dragon was going to get married. He only knew that he gently verified to countless people whether Long really wanted to get married today and followed the public like this, so he saw the disgusting and angry happy word in front of the hall.

Looking at the happy smiles of the people who came to the wedding, Feng felt that she was really out of place here.

"Huh, I haven't seen you before? Ah! You are the bride's mother's family! Is that from the human world?" The person who received the bride price at the wedding door asked curiously and enthusiastically when he saw a strange young man coming to him.

"..." Feng didn't answer his question, but he was distracted and wanted to go in.

The man stopped Feng and said, "You are also here to watch the ceremony. Please register here. If there is anything to give to the bride and groom, you can also write it down. The bride price or gift money should be given to this side.

Bright? Gift money? Feng suddenly wanted to laugh. My lover's marriage was not my ridiculous helplessness and pain that instantly attacked Feng's heart.