President's Abandoned Wife III

105 terrible idea

But the more she thinks so, she is also afraid. Although Chu Yan is following her now, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and in the future, as in the past, some people have also said that such a man can't be found, otherwise it will only hurt you, and the pain is also yourself, and the words of others sounded in your ears. No! No! Happiness depends on yourself, not on some, but on first. Speaking loudly, he flashed and looked at Chu Yan below.

"It seems that you like Xiao Ni very much. What will happen if Xiao Ni is closer to you?" She will definitely want to get herself. At worst, let the man get herself first, and then think of other ways. Otherwise, she can't think of what a woman is, what a man is, and what two people are together for.

"I can't get it, and no one else can think of it." As soon as he finished speaking, a phone rang, but he didn't need to look at it and knew who it was. Moer! What's the matter? What's the matter? I asked, and my expression was smiling.

"Do you know Mr. Chu's phone number?" Moer asked, but as soon as she heard it, her face changed. What's the matter? What's the matter with him? If you want to compete with me, you don't have to think about it.

Who is Moer? She is similar to herself. It's just a matter of speaking and another method. But she is different. Chu Yan has long been her. She just broke up in the past. No matter what the reason is, she is not back to herself now. There is also a little Ni. Who can take away Chu Yan? No one else has to think about it, so Xiao Ni will be fine. Maybe it's a chance given to her by God. It's up to you whether to seize it or not.

"It's nothing. I heard that he didn't come today. I don't know if it's at your place. If so, can you let him answer the phone? I have something to say to him." Mo'er said, and Ke'er listened.

"I'm not here! I just fell asleep. I don't know. Do you want me to take a look for you? It's not here. I don't know if it's there. I don't know what to do with Chu Yan, but I won't say it. If you want to hit Chu Yan's idea, you don't have to think about it. Chu Yan is mine alone. No one else can think about it. Have you heard it? Have you heard it? I's roaring in my heart, but I just won't say it.

"No, how's Xiao Ni? Is it better?" A question of concern, but for Keer now, it's not about caring, but just thinking about it. Don't think she doesn't know.

"It's okay!" I said these two words. Mo'er nodded when she heard this. I'll go first." After that, she hung up. Ke'er looked at her mobile phone and found Chu Yan's mobile phone number and deleted it, but she also remembered it in her heart. In order to forget it, she wrote it with another person's name.

"I'm not very stupid, no worse than others." As long as she dresses up well, she will be bad. It's ridiculous.

"Chu Yan! If I can't get you, we will die together. What do you think? At the same time, she said to Chu Yan below, but her heart hurts when she thought of this. This was just the last way to do it, but she didn't know whether she would do it at that time. In addition, there was Xiao Ni. If they died, what would Xiao Ni become, so she didn't dare to really do that. She just thought about it.

Thinking about it, the more ridiculous it is. It's a terrible idea, which also scares Keer. This is not her idea. She must hate to think so. Ke'er! You can't think so. If you think so, you will hurt Xiaoni and hurt yourself. Did you hear it? You can't think so, but you can't get it. You can only let Chu Yan not get happiness and happiness. You can't think about anything else. If you want to be another woman, do you hear it? Tell yourself that you also hate another woman at this time. If it weren't for her, she could be like this, so it's no wonder she doesn't hate her.

Looking up at the sky and looking at everything here, it is very white. It is inversely proportional to her, and there is no way to compare it. It is quiet and terrible here. There is no sound, even if there is also its own voice, there will be no second person's voice.

"Little Ni! If you knew that your mother thought so, what would you think of your mother? So you can't have it. Even if you have it, you just want to think about whether she will do it or not. She doesn't know. Maybe one day she will go crazy. Maybe she will do it, but not now. She also wants to be happy. She won't be like her mother, but she can't see the light. Sooner or later let Chu Yan tell everyone about their relationship. Now it's just a little bit. In the future It will succeed, for sure. Buter is confident at this time, but what is after self-confidence? She is a little worried about what Moer will do and whether she will come here. She still can't take Xiao Ni out for a walk. She can't always be in the hospital, which makes her more annoyed. It will be better to go out for a while.

"Little Ni! My mother will take you out of the hospital, and at the same time, I will let Chu Yan follow us. Anyway, the three of us are also a family. You think so, we won't let Chu Yan go, and we won't let Mo'er find Chu Yan. You will definitely agree to my mother's approach. She was not stupid. She used to be stupid, but now she is not stupid. She was too young back then, so she let Chu Yan treat her like that. Now she can't. She has to change it.