The president's runaway wife

Chapter 12 Encounter*

Ning Xue did not move to Yu Zhanpeng's home because she promised to take care of Mu Tong in the hospital, and she didn't even pick up Mu Tong. She thinks it is stupid to compete with other people's mothers for their children's love. She is related by blood. No matter how good she is to her, she is just a godmother. Instead of living with annoying people for a child, it's better to think about what to plan in the future!

But just as she began to plan for the future, she found that Xiaoshan Turtle Xiaoyu was ill. Feed it, it doesn't eat, poke it with a stick, and it also looks lazy and listless.

Thinking that it was a special entrustment by Huo Guanyu, Ning Xue hurriedly put Xiao Yu into a box specially tailored for Huo Guanyu and took it to the pet hospital.

When she arrived at the pet hospital, the pet doctor measured the temperature, asked a few questions, and told Ning Xue with a relaxed face that Xiao Yu was not sick, but she fed too much during this period, which was not a big deal.

Thanks to the doctor, Ning Xue left the pet hospital with a beautiful box in her arms.

The sun is approaching noon, and it is hot. When I shine on the road, I only feel the heat on my face.

Walking in the narrow and remote alley outside the pet hospital, Ning Xue gasped slightly, freed a hand and wiped the sweat on her forehead. While complaining about the abnormal weather this year, she accelerated her pace and walked towards her car parked at the end of the alley. If she hadn't taken Xiaoyu to see the doctor, she wouldn't have gone out in this hot sun.

Suddenly, a rapid footsteps behind him came from far and near.

Originally, it was nothing to hurry on the way in this hot weather, but Ning Xue felt a finging atmosphere. Unconsciously, she turned around and looked back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned her head, she only felt her eyes flashing and a figure flashing. At the same time, her hands suddenly became lighter.

Slightly stunned, Ning Xue looked down and saw that there was really no box containing Xiaoyu in her hand. Looking up at the man who quickly ran to the entrance of the alley, she realized that she had been robbed.

"Come on, robbery..."

She shouted loudly, and now she didn't care about the heat of the weather, so she chased after her. Xiaoyu is Huo Guanyu's favorite thing. She doesn't want to lose it for him. Because I promised him that day that she would take good care of Xiao Yu. Who knows, I was speechless when I met a man who robbed a turtle today.

Hearing Ning Xue screaming, the person in front of him ran faster with the box in his arms.

This alley is already located in a remote area, and with the hot weather, it is even more rare. With his good strength, the man ran fast and soon left the chasing Ning Xue far away.

However, it was also this few people. Ning Xue's eyes had been locked on the man's figure. Even if she ran out of breath, she did not intend to give up. Trusted by others, loyal things. She can't watch Xiaoyu, who has been raised by Huo Guanyu for many years, being taken away. Who knows if that person will kill it and eat it?


A sudden shout shocked the robber. Looking up, there was an old man in his sixties standing majestically in front of him. And in his hand, he only held a broom for sweeping the floor.

Seeing that it was an old man who was pulling him, the man was relieved. He looked at Ning Xue, who followed him far away, turned his mind and said to the old man, "Grandpa, you don't know that my wife is easy to gamble and has gamble all the money in the family. Now, she still wants to sell this heirloom. As an old man, I can't be rude with her, so I have to take this baby to my relatives and hide it. Unexpectedly, she found out, and she actually said that I robbed. You see, she still chased after her.

"Wait for her to come and confirm whether you lied? If what you said is true, I will persuade her for you.

The old man didn't expect this man's words, but he also saw such a thing on TV. The suspicious old man confiscated the broom in his hand, but blocked the man there.

"Do your own business!"

Seeing Ning Xue persistently chasing after him, the man was anxious, pushed away the old man's broom, pushed the old man and took the road away.

The old man was pushed to the ground by him and covered his twisted waist and shouted. Ouch..."

Ning Xue, who followed him, saw the old man fall by the roadside, quickly stopped and helped him up. I have something else to do. Let's go first!"

"Girl, go! Shall I call the police for you?

The old man asked loudly in the back. Whether they are a family or not, it's not right to push them to my old man!

"Grandpa, call the police! Thank you."

Ning Xue ran back to thank the old man. Just now, she only cared about chasing the robber, and she had long forgotten to call the police.

When she turned around and continued to chase the man, Ning Xue slowed down. Because the man began to cross the road at the green light in front of him.

With strong unwillingness, Ning Xue still chased under the traffic lights in front of her, waiting for the green light to light up again.

After a long minute, the green light lit up again.

Quickly across the road, Ning Xue looked in the direction of the man's disappearance. It's just that on the street that has lost its trace, her hope has become slim. Looking for a street, she didn't see a man again.


With a sigh of anger, Ning Xue had to go back. As soon as I took a step, I heard a scream in the alley next to me.

Curious, she followed the direction of the sound and looked over. She wanted to see who made the cry just now?

Walking into the narrow and curved alleys with towering residential buildings on both sides, Ning Xue slowed down. In fact, she just came into this alley. However, when she saw that the alley was too quiet, she didn't dare to walk to the end of the alley and retreated. At this moment, when she heard the screams inside, she was sure that there was someone inside, so she couldn't help coming in again.

Carefully stepping on the deliberately light steps, Ning Xue leaned against the edge of the alley and walked slowly.

"Please let me go..."

A wail with a changed tone of pain came again clearly.

Ning Xue's heart tightened and was a little scared. After thinking about it, she moved backwards. Previously, she thought it was a scream from someone who fell down, so it seemed that there were other people in this alley. Maybe it's still a gangster's revenge! Nowadays, it's better to keep yourself wise!

"You are so bold to pretend to be her husband!"

A cold voice came clearly from the depths of the alley, like a cold wind blowing in the shade. Then, there was another muffled sound from the alley, accompanied by a sad howling.

Ning Xue, who was retreating, was stunned when she heard the cold sound. The owner of that voice should be... him!

Covering the fear in her heart, Ning Xue was bold and continued to walk to the depths of the front alley with doubts. Turning the corner that covered her vision, she saw the screaming man and the person she guessed in her heart.