The president's runaway wife

Chapter 14 Wait for me here

The hot weather over the past few days was finally repelled by the torrential rain that began in the morning. The cool raindrops splashed on the leaves, reassembed them, and fell to the ground, bringing the earth cool. It's just that this refreshing, misty and rainy beauty is destroyed by the "rumbling" thunder from time to time.

Lying on ** and listening to the noisy sound of the outside world, Ning Xue's face turned pale, wrapped in a quilt, closed her eyes, and tried to continue to sleep. However, after sleeping all night, her mind was extremely clear and there was no feeling of sleepiness.


Another thunderbolt sounded, and the glass window was shaken.

Ning Xue, who huddled in the quilt, trembled all over when she heard the deafening sound. Suddenly pulled up the cover of the cover, and secretly complained in his heart: If it rains, it will rain. What kind of thunder! Don't you know that people are afraid?

The vibration sound of the "woo" mobile phone suddenly sounded.

Frightened by the thunder, Ning Xue, who tightened her nerves, was shocked again and calmed down before she reacted. Hearing the thunder disappear outside, she lifted the quilt and held the mobile phone in her hand. Looking at the caller ID, her face turned paler, and her white hands couldn't help shaking.

What day is it today? Do some scary things early in the morning. Born to be afraid of thunder, lightning and thunder are endless. These days, he is afraid of the person surnamed Yu, and now he has called for his life. Everything is really not going well!

Holding the endless phone, she hesitated to answer it?


Another thunder suddenly sounded.

Ning Xue screamed and continued to shrink into the quilt. In a panic, the phone was connected.

"What's wrong? Breathing so hard!" At the other end of the phone was Yu Zhanpeng's caring voice.

Looking at the mobile phone in her hand, Ning Xue calmed down her panic and asked a little weakly, "What's the matter with me?"

"Are you all right?"

Listening to her slightly panicked voice, Yu Zhanpeng showed calm words, but he still couldn't hide his worries about her.

"I'll hang up if it's okay."

"I want to ask you, are you going to go to prison or pay back the money?"

"I don't choose neither. Let me ask you, does what you said in the hospital the other day still count?

At this moment, Ning Xue has a kind of helpless sadness. 100 million, she also needs to rob the bank many times, right? After thinking about it, it's better to sell yourself as a slave. At least it's better than being his girlfriend! It's strange that you don't suffocate people with the look of a dead mother! I really don't know how Lei Ziyue can stand it?

When Yu Zhanpeng heard this on the other end of the phone, he squeezed his mouth and smiled lightly. Threatening this trick is not bad! If she hadn't lost her trust first, he wouldn't have thought of prosecuting to force her to comply with this trick. Fortunately, she left a hand when making the contract, otherwise, there is nothing she can do about it.

"Calculation. However, you have to go to work today.

Yu Zhanpeng deliberately made trouble. Who told her not to look good as soon as she met? Well, it seems that I haven't given her much beauty. If she can get rid of her bad temper, I won't be stingy and be kind to her.

"Then come and pick me up. I'm afraid of thunder."

Ning Xue didn't feel embarrassed to talk about her weaknesses. Let him know first, so as not to encounter such weather in the future, saying that she deliberately finds an excuse to be lazy. Moreover, she really needs someone to expel her fear at this time.

She has this quirk, but Yu Zhanpeng didn't expect it. Such a fierce and bold person is actually afraid of thunder? Didn't she travel in thundery weather before? So what did she do before?

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xue wrapped herself tightly with a quilt, but her ears had noticed the movement at the door.

After a few thunderstorms, Ning Xue finally heard a knock at the door. After listening, there was no thunder before she quickly ran out of the room and opened the door. Seeing Yu Zhanpeng standing at the door with a dripping umbrella, she calmed down a little. He is fine from the outside, and I don't have to be so afraid.

Put the umbrella by the door, and Yu Zhanpeng entered the house.


The thunder suddenly burst out.


Ning Xue's face turned pale. After screaming, she squatted on the ground in fear, and her thin body trembled. The words she comforted herself just now have long been struck away by the thunder that just sounded.

Although he knew that Ning Xue was afraid of thunder, Yu Zhanpeng didn't expect that she would be afraid of this. Her pitiful appearance, where is the shadow of her usual arrogance?

"Don't be afraid. I'm still here! Even if you are struck by lightning, will you hit me first?"

With the gentleness she hadn't seen for a long time, Yu Zhanpeng helped her walk to the sofa.

After she sat down, Yu Zhanpeng poured a glass of water and handed it to her.

As soon as Ning Xue stretched out her hand, there was another thunder outside. She trembled all over, withdrew her hand, and huddled in the sofa together with her body.

"Xueer, don't be afraid. All the doors and windows are closed and won't hurt you.

Looking at her frightened appearance, Yu Zhanpeng tightened his heart, put down the cup and held her in his arms. This woman who has known each other for more than ten years has such a helpless side under her tough appearance.

curled up in his warm arms, listening to his powerful heartbeat, Ning Xue slowly regained her composure.

Taking the water cup, Yu Zhanpeng handed it to her mouth. Drink some water to relieve your mood.

Looking up at him gratefully, Ning Xue took a sip obediently. As he said, her mood relaxed, but her body still trembled slightly.

"Why are you afraid of this?"

Yu Zhanpeng is not a very curious person, but when she saw that she was afraid of thunder like this, she couldn't help asking. Ning Xue he knows is not such a timid person.

After taking a look, Yu Zhanpeng, who wanted to know the details, Ning Xue was silent for a while and then slowly said, "I have been struck by lightning. This is a sequelae."

Is there such a thing? Yu Zhanpeng was shocked, and all that was left was fear. If she was struck to death, wouldn't these years of search be in vain? If she is really gone, his life will be much less fun.

People often say, "If you share happiness with others, happiness will be doubled, and if you share sadness with others, sadness will be halved." Ning Xue deeply understood the meaning of this sentence today.

When she encountered this kind of thunderous weather before, she could only stay in the quilt and wait for the bad weather to pass as before Yu Zhanpeng came. And every time, she is as uncomfortable and helpless as she has experienced a serious illness. Today, with one more person around her, her inner fear has been controlled, and she is no longer so scared that she is almost suffocated as usual.

Quietly nestled in Yu Zhanpeng's arms, Ning Xue was as meek as a cat. Listen to his heartbeat, follow his even breathing, and wait with him for the rain outside to lighten and the thunder to go away.

Seeing that she was no longer afraid and her face returned to normal, Yu Zhanpeng got up and went to the kitchen. As if she was so scared, I guess the breakfast has not been solved yet!

Opening the refrigerator, Yu Zhanpeng was dumbfounded. In the fresh-keeping room, except for a few expired breads, there are only instant noodles. The frozen box is full of frozen dumplings and frozen dumplings.

A feeling of being defeated by her, which was obviously attached to his face when he closed the refrigerator. He hasn't heard of it. Whose refrigerator is just used to hold these? Although the private detective had already told him that Ning Xue could not cook, he didn't expect that she was so ridiculous.

shaking his head helplessly, Yu Zhanpeng went into the bedroom to pack a few clothes for her and took her out of the door. Until the car drove far away, he was still thinking that it was a miracle that she could still live to this day?

Although the thunder is no longer ringing, the sky is still drizzling. In the lane shrouded in rain and fog, all vehicles slow down and drive slowly.

Ning Xue is a little unhappy that Yu Zhanpeng is too careful driving. If he had just accelerated a little bit, he could have avoided waiting for the green light here. But now, they still have to wait here patiently for half a minute. She doesn't advocate driving fast. What she is impatient about is that after the psychological torture just now, she is very hungry! She wants to find a place to solve her stomach problem earlier.

"Wait for me here, and I'll buy it for you."

On the sidewalk outside the car, a boy said to a girl standing on the edge of the guardrail.

Listening to these familiar words and loving tone, Ning Xue couldn't help looking over and staring at the young man and woman, feeling deeply sad.

I saw the girl nodding happily. Half a catty of fragrance.

The boy smiled and nodded to the girl, turned around and quickly rushed across the zebra crossing.

Ning Xue saw that the boy actually ran to the "juewei duck neck" that had been in business for many years. With her mouth slightly open, a crystal water mist appeared in Ning Xue's eyes. This scene is also in her memory.

The duck neck of that house used to be her favorite. Like the boy just now, Mu Tingfei was not allowed to cross the road every time and would say the same words as the boy. She was like that girl, standing on the side of the road with happiness, watching him run over, and then returning to her with love for her and food she liked. However, the same scene appeared in front of us again, but what happened was different. Juewei duck neck is still there, but the person who bought the duck neck for her will never appear.

The traffic lights on the sidewalk changed color and the car started again.

When the car rolled over the zebra crossing, Ning Xue's tears finally rolled down. At the moment when her eyes overflowed, she quickly turned her head to the window and pretended to be looking at the scenery outside. She didn't want Yu Zhanpeng to see her tears, so she asked.

It's just that when she looked outside, her eyes were no longer full of tears, and the remarkable words of the People's Bank of China brought her relief. She thought that she might know where Mu Tingfei left behind.