The president's runaway wife

Chapter 25 Throwing objects at high altitude

"Why don't you go back?"

Ning Xue nibbled on the apple and asked dissatisfiedly at the people in the kitchen. I thought to myself, why is he still here at this late hour?

I ignored her. Yu Zhanpeng quietly came out of the kitchen with a basin of water and put it down in front of Ning Xue, indicating that she could wash her feet.

"Ask you, what the hell do you want to do?"

His silence made Ning Xue very angry. This is her home. Why can a big man do whatever he wants to do here? For example, boil foot washing water. For example, use her wash basin to wash her feet.

staring at him angrily, Ning Xue threw a few bites of the apple in her hand at him. Let you pretend to be deep! Go back to your own house to install it!

"You are injured and need to be taken care of."

Raising his hand to catch the apple easily, Yu Zhanpeng nibbled it carelessly. While chewing, he explained to Ning Xue indisgurely.

Looking down at the gauze on her knees, Ning Xue sighed helplessly. When I was a child, I had a lot of wrestling. Why was it not as serious as it is now? How depressing!

Slowly swallowing her feet into the water, Ning Xue felt a little hot! However, you need to soak your feet slowly, which should be hot. This temperature is acceptable.

Looking at Yu Zhanpeng standing aside and nibbling apples, Ning Xue was curious that he didn't want to wash his clothes. Why did he become diligent tonight? Shouldn't you respond to that sentence - "If you have nothing to do, you will be a thief"?

However, Niannian was busy for a long time and boiled hot water. Ning Xue reached out and pulled him to the sofa on the side. Come on, wash it together!"

Seeing that she pulled herself without any noise, Yu Zhanpeng was a little flattered and sat down next to her obediently. But as soon as he was next to the sofa, he covered his buttocks and jumped up.

"Isn't it intentional? I know that your belly is full of bad intentions, just thinking that I will ascend to Bliss early and never appear in front of you!"

Yu Zhanpeng lowered his head angrily, looked at the shoe facing up on the sofa, and then looked at Ning Xue who was looking up at him. He could no longer suppress the fire in his heart. He, who had always said little words, burst out so many words in one breath.

Where should she really put the knife directly? That may be more convenient!

"You threw it here by yourself. Why do you blame me?"

Looking innocently at Yu Zhanpeng with an angry face, Ning Xue turned her head and looked at the shoe on the sofa. Heaven and earth conscience, she is not so dark! At least at this time, she didn't want to hurt him.

Hearing Ning Xue's words, Yu Zhanpeng remembered that when she first entered the door, she hit him with her shoes. As soon as he was angry, he grabbed the shoes and threw them away. Unexpectedly, he threw his shoes on the sofa. That said, why didn't you hear the sound of landing?

At this time, Yu Zhanpeng deeply realized what is self-righteed? It seems that you still can't throw things around in the future!

Looking at Ning Xue with her mouth slightly up, Yu Zhanpeng was a little embarrassed. With a raise of her hand, she threw away half of the apple she had nibbled, picked up her trousers, squatted on the edge of the basin and grabbed her feet, and gently rubbed her.

The itchy and crisp feeling from the soles of her feet made Ning Xue's face turn red. No man has ever washed her feet, and even Mu Tingfei has never washed her feet. He unconsciously shrank his feet, but was grasped tighter by him.

"Did you blush?"

Yu Zhanpeng looked up and saw her shy appearance and asked happily. Is she shy? It's really interesting to see her look like this for the first time!

"Do you still know what to say?"

Ning Xue shouted loudly, raised her foot, and stepped hard into the water.

Suddenly, the water splashed everywhere.

Yu Zhanpeng, whose face was full of water, raised his head angrily and stared at Ning Xue as if he wanted to kill someone. The previously extinguished fire is burning crazier now.

Ning Xue was scared by his appearance and quickly pointed to her knees with a crying voice: "I'm injured, and the wound hurts!"

Dead girl, if it weren't for me... Mu Tong who likes you, how do you think I deal with you? Yu Zhanpeng took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the impulse to beat people.

He raised his hand to wipe off the foot washing water on his face. Yu Zhanpeng got up with a basin and walked to the bathroom. As he walked, he kept cursing the person he had hated for many years. If it weren't for that person, he wouldn't have to be bullied by this damn girl here! Or, he will change the way he thinks he gets along more happily.


Then, there was another "bang" sound from the room.

Ning Xue, who stared at the TV, was shocked by the sudden sound. Turning his head, Yu Zhanpeng got up from the ground wet all over. At his feet is a basin for washing his feet, and on the edge of the basin are the apples he just threw.

This person...

Hey! I really can't get rid of the habit of throwing things around. In less than half an hour, he suffered misfortune twice. It's really a bear who wandered around the world as a teenager, and he fell like this.

Afraid of getting into trouble, Ning Xue covered her mouth and tried her best to hold back her smile.

"If you want to laugh, just smile. How can you bear it? Aren't you afraid of holding your breath?"

Yu Zhanpeng kicked the basin away, picked up the apples on the ground, and threw them at the open window. It's really annoying. There are always so many bad things when you meet her!

However, when he complained, there was a sad scream downstairs.

Ning Xue turned her head and looked at the place where the sound came, and immediately her face changed. She couldn't care about the injury on her body and jumped to the edge of the window.

Under the window, I saw a young man looking upstairs angrily. There was a man squatting on the ground at his feet, covering his head and humming.

It's gone, and it's a disaster. Ning Xue cried with a sad face and looked back at Yu Zhanpeng. This is a civilized community. It is despised to throw things downstairs. Not to mention hitting someone.

Yu Zhanpeng came over and took a look, and his face became dark and unclear. I sighed, tonight is really unlucky!

Ten minutes later, someone knocked on the door.

Yu Zhanpeng opened the door and saw that it was a young man and two policemen downstairs just now. Without saying a word, they were about to go out.

"Change her clothes and take her with you!"

One of the police comrades looked at Yu Zhanpeng who was wet and said very reasonable.

"I'm throwing things around, just take me away. Look at her. She has a foot injury. It's not appropriate to walk around. She doesn't have to go!"

For the first time, Yu Zhanpeng pleaded guilty in front of the police. In the past, the teenager was ignorant and didn't go to the police station, but he was a little sorry for involving Ning Xue this time.

It's just that the police comrade didn't buy him. Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up and change your clothes!"

"I have no clothes."

Yu Zhanpeng said truthfully.


The policeman who hasn't spoken is a little impatient.

"I don't have clothes. If you can't, ask her."

Yu Zhanpeng's hand pointed to Ning Xue, who was only wearing a suspender nightdress. When did it become stipulated that you can't enter the police station in wet clothes? He likes to wear wet clothes. What does it have to do with them?

Facing several pairs of questioning eyes, Ning Xue had to explain, "Comrade police, he is my friend. My faucet is broken. He came to help me repair the faucet. He really didn't bring clothes.

Watching too much TV, it is natural for her to lie. It can't be said that he wants to stay here and not go? Reputation is important!

"Who knows whether to repair the faucet or something else? Maybe it's to repair the mattress! The spring of the mattress is broken and needs to be pressed by gravity.

The man talking to the police. He went home from his wife who was working overtime just now. Who knows, passing by here, my wife was injured by an apple falling from the sky. Now, I see a man who admits to losing things with a relaxed look. He became angry and said such hurtful words.

"You have the guts to say it again!"

Yu Zhanpeng exploded like a firecracker. He showed fierce eyes, grabbed the man's clothes sideways, and raised his fist to beat him. He has had enough of tonight's anger. This lifeless boy dares to slander Ning Xue's reputation. Damn it! No one can slander her reputation except herself!

"Quickly let go! Otherwise, it will be detained as a criminal offence.

Seeing that there was going to fight, the two police comrades quickly pulled Yu Zhanpeng's hand and took some effort to pull Yu Zhanpeng away.

"Police comrades, look at him, he hurt my wife, and now he still beats people? You have to make the decision for me!" The man complained to the police in shock.

"Let's all come with us!" The two policemen said in one voice.