The president's runaway wife

Chapter 8 Serum

In the dead corridor of the hospital, Yu Zhanpeng was upset and almost suffocated. The mobile phone in my hand seemed to be out of power, but I didn't want to ring again.

An hour after Ning Xue was admitted to the hospital, he received a phone call from Wu Yunsi. Wu Yunsi told him that there was a thunderstorm in Shanghai at this moment, and their plane could not take off and was still stranded in Shanghai.

hung up the phone, his heart, his already tight nerves, slowly wandering on the edge of life and death with Ning Xue's life that could not delay time.

The unprecedented fear and tension made him weak. Sitting on a cold chair, Yu Zhanpeng was as cold as an ice cellar, shivering with cold.

Looking at Gao Minghui, he frowned and entered the ward again. Looking at the woman who had already lost consciousness, her heartache was unconcealedly revealed on his long hair and beautiful face. Brother, if you have a spirit in heaven, please bless the woman you care about. Your death is unfortunate. Don't you want your woman to suffer the same misfortune as you?

"Boss, good news! Just now, when I was looking for the purchase quantity and sales of serum in this city, I found that there was still serum in our city.

On the side of Ning Xue's bed, Bella, who was observing a little bit, looked excited from the computer screen and turned her eyes to Gao Minghui.

"Which hospital? I'll pick it up right away!"

Hearing this exciting news, Yu Zhanpeng, who was sitting in the corridor, ran to the door with surprise and looked at Bella with full of wings. Having serum means that Ning Xue will be saved.

Bella looked at the information collected and said word by word, "It's not a hospital, it's a private purchase. She was bitten by a snake last year, so she bought two more to store them in case of emergency.

"Who is it?"

Gao Minghui and Yu Zhanpeng asked together.

Han Cuimin. It is said that he is still an actor in this city.


Gao Minghui hurriedly asked, but Yu Zhanpeng did not speak this time, but turned to the elevator in the middle of the corridor.

"What's wrong with you?" Gao Minghui looked at him puzzledly. Wasn't he in a hurry just now? Why is he leaving now?

Without looking back, Yu Zhanpeng walked straight forward. You are here to take care of Xue'er. I'm responsible for taking back the serum.

Han Cuimin, a beautiful young actor, a well-known person in Yucheng, is also a woman who has been abandoned by a man. And the man is driving to her house now. However, he rushed there so anxiously, not to renew his relationship with her, but for another woman who lingered between life and death.

God, are you playing tricks on me? Why do you want me to go back to find that woman? Yu Zhanpeng looked at the traffic in front of him with sadness.

When he arrived at Han Cuimin's house, Yu Zhanpeng hesitated for a moment and knocked on the door.

Han Cuimin was surprised to see her old lover appear outside the door and couldn't react. After being stunned for a long time, she leaned against the door frame and asked lurely, "What wind blew you here?"

"I have something to do with you."

Quietly looked at the person in front of him, and Yu Zhanpeng showed his cold side in the past. Perhaps, only in front of Ning Xue will he have more vivid expressions on his face.

"What's wrong with me? Do you still look like a dead relative? Will you be gentle with me and make you lose a piece of meat?

Turning around angrily, Han Cuimin complained as she retreated to the room and sat on the sofa. She just thought he was thinking about her, so she came to see her. It turned out that there was something else. All right! Forget it if you have something to do, at least her Han Cuimin is still a little useful in his heart. However, his attitude made her a little angry. In the past, when they were together, he was so cheap that Han Cuimin was willing to be fascinated by him. But now, it's not what it used to be. They have already walked sideways towards the sky. He came to the door tonight and showed his previous cold attitude towards her. It's hard for her not to be angry!

After sitting on the sofa opposite her, Yu Zhanpeng came straight to the point and said the purpose of coming here.

"Do you want serum? Who is hurt?"

Han Cuimin was curious. It must be very important for Yu Zhanpeng to come to this woman who was ruthlessly abandoned by him for two serums. It's amazing. There are still people in the world who make Yu Zhanpeng anxious.

"A friend."



"You can make it up! Do you really think I don't know you at all? To be honest, who the hell is that woman? Han Cuimin held her hands with an unfathomable look. The beautiful eyes flashed with a light that Yu Zhanpeng was not familiar with.

"My sister!"

Yu Zhanpeng said a little helplessly. If she knew that Ning Xue was the woman he wanted to marry, I guess she would not save her. Who told me that I was not good to her at all? However, this vain woman is not worth treating her too well! Otherwise, she is still pestering herself now.

Who are you cheating? Your sister died a long time ago.

Han Cuimin is a little angry. Can't he be more honest about this man she hates and lies to her? She was just a little curious about the woman who could make Yu Zhanpeng appear in front of her again.

frowned, Yu Zhanpeng's eyes were a little dark, bursting light, dark and sharp, and a layer of anger that could be suppressed by him appeared on his handsome face. If he hadn't known where the serum was, he would have punched her and taken the serum back to save people. As for talking so much nonsense with her here? This woman is as disgusting as before!

After studying Yu Zhanpeng's expression, Han Cuimin scolded a stinky man and said with a smile on her face, "Whether that woman is your sister or not, I can give you the serum, but you have to promise me a condition."


Hearing the play, Yu Zhanpeng's hanging heart softened a little, and his face softened a lot. As long as you can save Ning Xue, there is no problem, not to mention a condition, that is, 100. It's just that why do her eyes look so strange?

"It's getting late now. You stay with me tonight."

Han Cuimin flashed her seductive eyes and looked at Yu Zhanpeng with a tender face. She is an actress and plays a variety of roles, and she can instantly show all kinds of seductive look. The man in front of him is indeed very hateful, but his family property is enviable. I heard that he doesn't even have a formal girlfriend now. This time, you can't let him go!

"Give me the serum first!"

resisting the impulse to slap her a few times, Yu Zhanpeng said with a blank face, thinking about how to get the serum and get rid of this woman?

"I will ask someone to send the serum to the hospital. But you can't go!"

How could Han Cuimin, who is calculating so easily, give up her God-given plan? As she spoke, she stood up and sat next to Yu Zhanpeng, gently rubbing his white and slender fingers on his shirt of equal texture. Isn't he too arrogant to pay attention to anyone? Today, she has a good understanding of how he gave up his self-esteem for the sake of two serums?

With a push away her hand, Yu Zhanpeng stretched out his arm, pinched Han Cuimin's neck, and slowly stood up.

"What are you going to do?"

Han Cuimin looked at the man with a blue face with difficulty breathing. Turning his face is faster than turning over a book, which is their actor's specialty. She didn't expect that Yu Zhanpeng's face changed faster and more professional than him in a blink of an eye. No! He didn't perform at all. This is his nature! Perhaps the separation was so long that she forgot that he did not allow anyone to challenge his tolerance. Obviously, her previous practice was beyond what he could accept!

"say! Where is the serum?"

Yu Zhanpeng, with a cold face, pinched Han Cuimin's neck with a little force. Seeing that her face turned purple and blue, he sneered with satisfaction. This unknown woman really thought that she had taken the chip to control him with the serum? What a stupid and unreasonable! Yu Zhanpeng hates who negotiates for him the most! Of course, except for Ning Xue.

Seeing his fing appearance, Han Cuimin regretted putting forward the conditions just now. In the past, when they were together, Yu Zhanpeng was not only a little cold to her, but also relatively polite. This is the first time she has seen this outburst appearance today. She doesn't want to offend him for something that is useless to her at present.

weakly pointed to the refrigerator. Han Cuimin only saw someone's figure, and she was finally free.

Opening the refrigerator, Yu Zhanpeng found the precious serum for Ning Xue. He turned around and nodded apologetically to Han Cuimin and opened the door.

"Yu Zhanpeng, I will make you regret doing this to me!"

Han Cuimin looked angrily at Yu Zhanpeng who stepped out with one foot and said. If you dare to threaten her and treat her so ruthlessly, you must let him taste it!

Yu Zhanpeng, who was about to leave, turned his head, looked at Han Cuimin with a smile, and turned away meaningfully.

Bastard! Bastard! You don't want to die! Han Cuimin stared at the open door and scolded with hatred.

Suddenly, there were people at the door.


Han Cuimin immediately stopped cursing Yu Zhanpeng and looked at the fierce, tall and burly men at the door in horror.

The men at the door came in one after another, closed the door, and stared at Han Cuimin with bad intentions.

"What do you want to do?"

Han Cuimin swallowed the saliva in her throat with difficulty and moved to the bedroom on the side. At this time, it is not so dangerous to hide in the bedroom and close the door.

Unexpectedly, those men saw what she was thinking at a glance. As soon as she retreated into the bedroom, several men rushed up and blocked her.

Soon, the home of Han Cuimin, a well-known actor in Yucheng, became lively, and the man's proud **/laughter and the woman's miserable cry for help became a scene...