The president's runaway wife

Chapter 8 Passing by

After a noisy day, several physically and mentally exhausted people said goodbye to each other in the evening and drove home separately.

Ning Xue did not ignore it. When she left, Miao Miao looked at Ouyang Hongxuan after getting on the car with Huo Guanyu. And Ouyang Hongxuan also looked around with dodging eyes.

After thinking about it, Ning Xue called Ouyang Hongxuan: "Are you thinking about Miao Miao?"

"Don't talk nonsense. She is Brother Huo's fiancee. I dare not think about it."

If he doesn't add the last sentence, Ning Xue may believe him a little. But when he said it, it seemed a little self-invited, which made it difficult for people to believe him.

"Actually, it's time for you to have a girlfriend. Twenty-two, right? It's not puppy love! Huo Guanyu and Miao can't get along. Don't worry about chasing!"

It's not that Ning Xue deliberately made bad and encouraged her brother to chase her friend's fiancee, but that Huo Guanyu did not focus on Miao Miao. Everyone saw it, but Miao Miao didn't want to admit it. Perhaps, after the day, she has understood that Huo Guanyu has no intention of her.

When she fell in love with Mu Tingfei, the teacher gave them an ideological education lesson every day, and then invited their parents once a week. Later, Zhuang Ya was bored and said to the teacher, "My daughter, you can do whatever you like, as long as she is happy!" Not to mention that after her making such a fuss, the school really didn't care about them, so that after graduating from that school, she and Mu Tingfei were always been together. If it weren't for Yu Nianxue, maybe they would have another result!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of Lei Ziyue. Since she left the Yu family, they have lost contact. I don't know what she is busy with now?

Ouyang Hongxuan over there didn't say anything. It seems that he is still considering whether his sister's words are workable?

said what she should say and do what she should do. Ning Xue hung up the phone, turned on the stereo, and listened to the music flowing gently. Driving and listening to music on the way home is the best way to pass on boring times.

"Drifting in the wind and snow, the first time, it's all a dream. Which brilliant time and space will the next fireworks bloom? ......”

The singer with a melodious voice gives full play to the sad and delicate feelings in the lyrics. Every word, every note, with its penetrating resonance, like a soft light under the night, came from all directions. Ning Xue, who liked this song very much, was moved to tears.

Her previous ringtone was this song. After using it for a while, she felt too sad and changed it. I just didn't expect that the sad bell had changed, and I was still so sad. Even if you change the light ringtone, I'm afraid you can't restore your previous happiness. After all, there are some things and some things that she can't control!

The sentimental mood fluctuates with the music, but the eyes pay serious attention to the road conditions in front and the car conditions in the back.

After entering a two-way tunnel, all the cars slowed down, and Ning Xue did not dare to follow the car in front of her and drive safely.

Suddenly, a familiar car slowly came into view in the left reverse lane.

Ning Xue thought she had made a mistake, blinked her eyes, looked at it, and reconfirmed that it was his car. Because he also saw her and waved his hand outside the window.

With a bitter smile, Ning Xue pretended to be in a good mood all day and suddenly collapsed. Looking at him getting closer and closer, her eyes turned slightly red again.

Originally, he met her on a narrow road here, and Yu Zhanpeng was very happy. It could be seen that he faintly saw her gloomy look. His heart shrank and he almost stopped the car. Her appearance is really heartbreaking. I really want to go there and comfort her.

Ning Xue turned her head and stared at him silently as she drove. She also wanted to say hello or pick up a bottle and throw it at him as before. It's just that those have become a beautiful scenery in the past.

When they passed by, they stared at each other at the nearest distance and were quickly taken away from each other's sight by their respective cars.

At that glance, Ning Xue saw Yu Zhanpeng's deep love. Yu Zhanpeng also saw her sad tears in Ning Xue's eyes.

Looking at the farther and farther away car in the rearview mirror, the two have the same sad feelings. No one expected to get to this point.

Is it their future? They are all asking themselves like this.

Ning Xue, who passed a men's clothing store and adjusted her mood, stopped the car. I went in and bought two sets of men's clothes and a box of underwear before driving home.

After entering the house, Ning Xue saw the man who was not too strange actually mopping the floor.

"Are you sure you're all right?" She asked. It's strange that he made breakfast in the morning and now mops the floor. Is he a normal person?

The man looked up, looked at her with no expression, and lowered his head and became busy again. He has always been talkative. Last night, he already gave her great face.

"This is for you."

Ning Xue handed the things in her hand to him. But he scolded in his heart, dumb? They won't say a word!

The man raised his head again, but did not reach out to take what Ning Xue handed over.

"Take it! It's my charity for you!"

Ning Xue is on fire. What do you mean? I haven't bought so many things for any man at one time? Unexpectedly, it didn't give me face. If you don't take it, I'll call the police!

It seemed to see what Ning Xue was thinking. The man took the thing, but touched a handful of money and put it in Ning Xue's hand. Turn around and take the mop back to his room.


Looking at the handful of money in her hand, Ning Xue was speechless. Don't you really think that I gave him alms and hurt my face? It's worthy of being a weirdo that you can't hear the true meaning of others.

"Hey, brother, what's your name? I can't call you 'Hey Mr.', can I?

"Zhao Zeyu."

The man's voice came from the room.

Uninteresting man! Ning Xue muttered, opened the refrigerator and found something to fill her stomach. Just now, Gao Minghui actually invited them to dinner. Because she was very tired, she refused dinner and wanted to come back to eat something casually and go to bed early.

"Your man has cooked for you."

Zhao Zeyu lowered his head and continued to drag the floor of his room, with a small voice and cursing. That idiot man wants to beat him when he thinks about it! Why do you come here to cook so many dishes? So that he stayed in the house for hours and didn't dare to show up, and he almost died of urine.

Ning Xue, who couldn't react, heard that there was food in the room. A few steps into the kitchen, I was really surprised to see a table full of her favorite dishes.

Looking at those familiar dishes, Ning Xue understood why she saw him in the tunnel at this time? He knew that she couldn't cook and ate something unnutritious. So, he came to cook for her.

I was moved by the hunger that I couldn't match.

Ning Xue picked up the chopsticks on the table, served the meal, ate it quickly, and devoured it. But when she ate a piece of sweet and sour tenderloin, she put down the bowl and tears rolled around her eyes.

He actually remembers the taste of this dish!

The last time, Yu Zhanpeng made this dish, and she ordered him to add a little salt. He casually asked why, and she simply answered three words, "I like it!"

Today's dish is salt, sweet and sour, with a little salt and pepper taste. This is what she didn't expect.

"Women are so troublesome that they cry easily."

Zhao Zeyu leaned against the door, and his eyes were full of sarcasm. He didn't know how women's tears came from? If it were him, he couldn't squeeze out.


Ning Xue lay on the table and cried bitterly. This was the only time she cried so loudly after she left Yu Zhanpeng.

Zhao Zeyu was dumbfounded. He hasn't seen anyone who cries faster than her? Even more than looking at the woman who annoys him, she can't do it.