The president's runaway wife

Chapter 25 Wallet, Key

Looking at the entrance of the door, Ning Xue, who was changing shoes, and Zhao Zeyu, who was wearing rubber gloves, were a little surprised. Seeing her calm face, he was relieved. At least, he didn't have to worry about getting up one morning and seeing a suicide in the room. Some time ago, she was depressed all day, and he was really worried that she couldn't think about it.

"Are you washing clothes?"

Ning Xue, who had changed her shoes, stood up straight and looked at Zhao Zeyu wearing rubber gloves, an apron at his waist, and looked like a real family master. She suddenly felt better, and the corners of her mouth also rose.

She just sent Chunzi back to Ouyang's house. Her reason is very sufficient, that is, Qiu Sha is hospitalized, and Yu Zhanpeng and Lei Ziyue are busy taking care of Qiu Sha, so she has to continue her work - to take Yu Nianxue to and from school. Chunzi, who couldn't resist her, had to go back to Ouyang's house with disappointment.

After understanding what she was laughing at, Zhao Zeyu stared dissatisfiedly and then got into the laundry room.

Ning Xue did not continue to make fun of him, but carefully observed what in every room?

After wandering around the outside room, she came to the laundry room where Zhao Zeyu stayed inside.

Looking at her mystery, Zhao Zeyu finally spit out a few words: "What are you doing?"

"I'm wondering if I should change a security window here? This window is not big or small, and I'm a little uncertain.

Holding her arms, Ning Xue leaned against the door frame to study the window responsible for air circulation.

"Why do you suddenly want to change the window?" Zhao Zeyu was puzzled.

"Prevent the thief from turning over the window and entering the room! You are so stupid."

Ning Xue glanced at him. Is it for his interest to change the window?

This time, Zhao Zeyu didn't say anything, but pointed his finger at himself with a questioning face. He can live here by turning over the balcony. Naturally, Ning Xue's words made him feel a little in the right seat.

"I didn't say to guard against you. I have given you the keys, how can I guard against them? I mean, it seems that someone has visited my bedroom, and I have to strengthen my awareness of prevention.

Speaking of the lost wallet and safe keys, she was puzzled when she strangely appeared in the bedroom. Even if someone kindly sends back the wallet, it should be delivered to the door! Why is it in the bedroom? Turn over the balcony and come in like Zhao Zeyu?

"Did you lose something?"

Zhao Zeyu came over with great interest. His boss Zhao's territory was actually turned over by the window and entered the room? Isn't it the old man's head?

"I didn't lose it, it's too much. What I was robbed of actually appeared in my bedroom. Moreover, the person who robbed/robbed me is dead."

Ning Xue took out her wallet and key and showed it to Zhao Zeyu.

Looking at these two things, Zhao Zeyu half squinted and looked bored. That's what I put in your drawer."

He put it? Ning Xue's eyes widened in surprise. At first, he was a little afraid of him, but he helped him prepare breakfast every day and cleaned up the house, which eliminated his fear of him. But today he said that he put the key wallet in the drawer, which...

"I'm going to do something at the People's Bank of China that day. Unexpectedly, I heard someone shouting robbery/robbery nearby. I followed him, but the robbers didn't see it. They only saw you who didn't catch up with the robbers. So, later on the barren mountain, when I saw that you asked for help, I helped you.

Zhao Zeyu explained while taking out the clothes in the washing machine.

If he hadn't seen me, he wouldn't have helped me go down the mountain at all. Ning Xue was a little speechless. This man's way of doing things is really a little strange! However, what she cares about now is how he gets his wallet and keys back?

"As for wallets and keys, one day, I overheard two people conspired to teach a lesson to a person. For a moment of curiosity, I followed. Who knows, I, who is not familiar with the terrain here, lost them downstairs. So I wandered around there. After a while, I saw the two people I followed running out in a panic. In panic, they bumped into me and knocked off their things, but none of them took care to pick them up. They just looked at it and ran away. I'm still wondering, how could they do that? Later, I heard that they killed people... Well, what they dropped was a wallet with two keys in it.

After Zhao Zeyu explained, he took the clothes from the washing machine to the balcony and started to dry them.

"Why can you find my home?"

After listening to Zhao Zeyu's words, although Ning Xue felt a little relieved that he was not a murderer, she was still a little puzzled. Is he so curious? When people fought in revenge, did he join in to watch the fun?

"Don't you have an inch photo in your wallet? When I saw the photo, I guessed that it should be yours. Later, I accidentally entered your house and put it in your room by the way.

While talking, Zhao Zeyu quickly hung up the clothes and returned to Ning Xue's edge with an empty bucket.

"Why didn't you call the police?"

Not long ago, Ning Xue heard Luoyang talk about the burglary murder case becoming an unsolved case. Because the deceased is a person who does not work and likes to live alone. From his relatives and several familiar friends, the police couldn't find a clue. Therefore, the police have not been able to identify the suspect.

"It's none of my business. Why should I call the police? Isn't that involving me too?"

Zhao Zeyu, who has always been disgusted with the police, said what he thought. This is not his territory, so he had better keep a low profile. The police arrested the prisoners, which was what their police should do. Zhao Zeyu had no obligation to provide them with clues.

As a friend of Luoyang, Ning Xue wanted to help him, but Zhao Zeyu seemed unwilling to help her fulfill this wish. She can understand why Zhao Zeyu didn't call the police? However, they can find Luoyang in private! I believe that Luoyang will show mercy for his meritorious service.

"Don't think about me. I won't deal with the police."

Looking through Ning Xue's thoughts, Zhao Zeyu said loudly. Secretly, he began to regret telling the truth. Why did he forget that she had a police friend?

Hearing his reclusive refusal, Ning Xue flattened her mouth and stopped discussing this matter. Because at this moment, one thing distracted her attention.

"Did you wash clothes for Ziyue? You have been getting along well these days since I left!"

Ning Xue was surprised when she stared at the women's clothes dancing in the wind on the balcony. She still remembers that on the day she left, Zhao Zeyu and Lei Ziyue were incompatible!

Zhao Zeyu's face darkened, as if there was something difficult to say.

"What do you want to explain? Is it possible that you are forced by Ziyue?

Ning Xue didn't expect that Lei Ziyue could force and lure Zhao Zeyu, who rejected people for thousands of miles. Did you miss any good play during this absence?


staring at Ning Xue with hatred and an ambiguous color, Zhao Zeyu turned into the kitchen with a black face. It's lunch time. It's time to make lunch. He didn't think his retreat was guilty.

"Told your story these days."

Leaning against the door frame of the kitchen, Ning Xue asked leisurely. Zhao Zeyu's expression made her interested in continuing to study.

Suddenly, a burst of light music sounded.

Ning Xue knew that it was Zhao Zeyu's mobile phone ringing.

Zhao Zeyu, who had just put the rice into the pot, slowly wiped his hands, took out the phone in his trousers pocket, took a look, glanced at Ning Xue again, and left the kitchen.

Is there anyone looking for this guy? What a strange! Ning Xue's eyes turned with Zhao Zeyu's back. She is curious about who is so unlucky to know people like Zhao Zeyu? Of course, except herself.

Ning Xue regretted that Zhao Zeyu did not answer the phone, but took the phone and went out without saying a word.

Is there any mistake? Is it so mysterious to answer the phone? Ning Xue was dumbfounded, but she was also disappointed.

After thinking about it, she came to the door and lay on the door. She also knows that it is impolite to eavesdrop on other people's conversations. But it's impolite for no one to eavesdrop on other people's phone calls?

However, she lay on the door and listened for a long time, but she didn't hear a sound. Is the sound insulation effect of this security door good? Then I'll open a little gap.

Ning Xue, who thought she had made a successful treachery, never thought that she opened a crack and listened carefully for a long time, but there was still no sound. Curious, she opened the door, which made her laugh and cry. Zhao Zeyu was not at the stairs at all, and he had already gone downstairs.

"Dead Xiao Zhao, aren't you so mysterious to death?"

With a little unwillingness, Ning Xue closed the door and went downstairs and went out along the path of the community.