The president's runaway wife

Chapter 28 Breakup

Qiusha's funeral was run by Yu Zhanpeng, and naturally her cemetery was also arranged by him.

What Ning Xue didn't expect was that Yu Zhanpeng actually arranged Qiusha's cemetery in the same cemetery as Mu Tingfei. Moreover, the two cemeteries are very close.

Tyusha's family doesn't know what's special about this. But those who know the relationship between Ning Xue and Mu Tingfei know that Yu Zhanpeng loves her. Because they knew that in the last period of Qiusha, she got along well with Ning Xue. In the future, Ning Xue will definitely visit her. Yu Zhanpeng did this so that Ning Xue could visit two old friends at the same time and at the same place.

His behavior did not move Ning Xue much, but added more sadness to her face. Qiusha's death and her family's hidden illness, she decided to listen to her mother and give up love. In fact, she doesn't know where such a great complex came from. In order to reduce her meeting with Yu Zhanpeng, she moved back to Ouyang's house and went out with Chunzi.

As the eldest lady's personal bodyguard, Chunzi was determined not to leave after Ning Xue went out. Even if Yu Zhanpeng seized the opportunity to appear in front of Ning Xue, she also pretended to be a thick-skinned destroyer and vowed to be an annoying destroyer.

Ning Xue's practice made Yu Zhanpeng very puzzled. He reflected many times and didn't find that he had done anything wrong, which made her unhappy.

Looking at her attitude, it became colder and colder day by day. Yu Zhanpeng couldn't calm down. He decided to find Ning Xue to figure it out.

So, outside Yu Nianxue's kindergarten, Yu Zhanpeng stopped Ning Xue, who was about to send the child back.

"Let's find a place to talk."

Yu Zhanpeng got out of the car, grabbed Ning Xue's wrist and was about to drag it to his car.

"You let go of me! If you have anything to say, just say it here.

Ning Xue, who was hurt by his pinched wrist, hated his rude behavior very much. If you ignore him and treat yourself rudely like this, and say that you don't want to date him again, will he still act more radically?

Chunzi, who was waiting for Ning Xue in the car, saw Yu Zhanpeng's unreasonable appearance, he quickly got out of the car and ran to Yu Zhanpeng's car. Yu Zhanpeng just pulled Ning Xue into the car, and she pulled out the car key that Yu Zhanpeng forgot to pull out.

"What do you do? Give me back the key!"

As soon as Yu Zhanpeng saw Chunzi holding his car keys, he became angry. Hasn't this dead girl stayed long enough on that desert island? Do you want to visit again?

Unexpectedly, Chunzi seemed to have not seen him angry. He ran back to Ning Xue's sports car with the key and locked all the doors.

speechless, plus a little angry Yu Zhanpeng looked at the sports car with the door closed in front of him, and then looked back at Ning Xue on the side. This is not her instigation, is it? Is she really going to stay away from herself?

"I know what you want to say to me... In fact, I have also thought a lot during this period, and I don't think we are suitable. Let's keep the relationship of ordinary friends!"

After a while of silence, Ning Xue finally opened her mouth. Doesn't he want to know why? Then give him a reason!

"Inappropriate? Do you think it's not suitable? Do you want to destroy my feelings that have accumulated for many years in one sentence? I tell you Ouyang Ningxue that I don't allow my love to be destroyed by anyone, including you!"

Although Yu Zhanpeng said so confidently, he was still full of pain. Ning Xue's words hit him more than all the indifference and alienation he gave him during this period. He thought that she would be moved and wait for him if he kept chasing her. At this moment, he found that he seemed to be chasing her farther and farther away. He even recovered her to the origin of their strangers. It turns out that if you refuse to give up for a week, you can really go back to the starting point.

Hearing his domineering words, Ning Xue felt sad, sucked her nose, and looked elsewhere.

"I won't let go. I said I would definitely want you to be my wife.

Swearingly, Yu Zhanpeng wrote a letter of war against Ning Xue. I also know sadly that it is actually cheering myself up.

"Compared with Mu Tingfei, you are much smaller."

Dream-like words gently floated out of Ning Xue's mouth and overflowed into her heart. In this world, except for my mother, Mu Tingfei loves her the most. He can love her and accept the embarrassment from his mother. He can also discard his professional ethics for her. Yu Zhanpeng can't do these. He can't break up now. If it were Mu Tingfei, he would respect her decision and pay silent attention to her.

Yu Zhanpeng looked at Ning Xue in astonishment. How could she compare him to a person who can never compare with him? He doesn't deny Mu Tingfei's love for her, but why does she say that she is not as good as him?

Do you know why I don't want to stay with you? Because I don't love you. I have always regarded you as his stand-in. I also fantasize that one day you can squeeze him out of my heart, but every time I think I'm sad for you, I realize that I'm sad that he won't come back. If I really love you, won't I give you a chance to explain?"

When she said this, Ning Xue's mood was complicated, and tears followed. It's just that she doesn't know what she said. Which one is true and which one is false? She doesn't know whether the tears are for Yu Zhanpeng or Mu Tingfei, who will never appear?

After carefully considering her serious look for a while, Yu Zhanpeng was sad. What she said is true! Indeed, every time she disappeared, she left no words or reasons. And every time, she didn't want to listen to his explanation. For example, she promised to date herself, she was just angry with her family because of their opposition. If no one intervenes, maybe she doesn't want to look at herself at all.

I heard from Lei Ziyue that he was not like Mu Tingfei before. Whenever they have conflicts and quarrel, she will wait for Mu Tingfei to apologize in the place they go most often. However, as long as Mu Tingfei appears there and doesn't need to say anything, she will no longer care about anything. Thinking about it, she really doesn't take herself seriously. She just regards herself as a playmate to spend empty time with her when she is lonely and bored. Therefore, she refused the proposal.

It turned out that Mu Tingfei was still in her heart, pretending to be a model of a good man in the world.

With a miserable laugh, Yu Zhanpeng only felt that his whole body was like an ice cellar, and his whole body trembled with cold. After 30 years of life, he rarely kept his original dream and wanted to marry a person who was distressed, but she loved another person. And that person is the one who can't compare with him and cares about him. Perhaps, when they meet again, they are doomed to today's end. He thought that the man was gone and he could take advantage of it. Who would have thought that no matter how hard he tried and chased, he was just a shadow abandoned behind her. Just like that night, at the police station, she followed Luoyang so simply. If Mu Tingfei is with her at the police station one day, she will definitely not leave him and go with other men.

Seeing that he lost his soul, Ning Xue's eyes drooped and tears fell.

"Let's go! I won't bother you again, and don't come to pick up Nianxue in the future. I'm afraid to see you and I can't help loving you."

Opening the car door for her, Yu Zhanpeng said tiredly. Keeping a person who loves others and looking at her unwillingly sigh in front of him, he feels even more frustrated. Isn't it just a woman? There are many things around her. Just grab one.

But why does my heart hurt so much?

Looking at the lonely people around her, Ning Xue wanted to tell him that she remembered the wrong day today and thought it was April Fool's Day. She just made a joke. But my mother's words lingered in my ears - "You're not in good health, you can't get married. No one wants to marry a woman who can't have children!"

Taking a deep breath, Ning Xue got out of the car with difficulty and walked to the sports car in front of her.

Looking at the thin figure in his sight, Yu Zhanpeng stared desperately. Is she really gone? Walk so freely! Doesn't she have any nostalgia?

I have been observing their Chunzi before getting out of the car and returning the key to Yu Zhanpeng.

"Take good care of your lady."

Take back the key, and Yu Zhanpeng explained to Chunzi like this. Looking at the man standing on the edge of the sports car and opening the door, he started the car and left sadly.


Watching Yu Zhanpeng's car shadow disappear, Ning Xue squatted on the ground and cried unscrupulously. Lei Ziyue once said that sometimes inadvertently let go, maybe it is not one person who let go, but the lifelong regret of two people. At this moment, she feels even more that what she let go this time is the happiness of her life. Once, she was glad that she missed Mu Tingfei and found Yu Zhanpeng, but now she dares not hope that after missing Yu Zhanpeng, can she still get the happiness she wants?