The president's runaway wife

Chapter 35 Encounter with Lei Ziyue

The early winter night is more bleak than the autumn night. On both sides of the street, there are colorful neon lights, which can't drive away this astringent cold. Because there are few cars on the street, people really don't feel any lively and warm atmosphere.

Except for the largest bar in Yucheng.

In the noisy bar, men and women freely twisted their bodies with the sound of heavy metal music, declaring the boredom and suffocation of the world.

The scene of whispering, or snickering on the shoulder, or rubbing the tight body on the surface, or hugging unscrupulously, makes Ning Xue, a silent viewer sitting on the edge of the counter, blow her cheeks boringly.

"In the red and green, it is full of decadence!"

With a lot of emotion, she summed up such a sentence with a glass of wine.

After running out in the afternoon, she called Yu Zhanpeng and asked him to pick up Yu Nianxue in the afternoon. After hanging up the phone, she wandered around until dark and came here. Because this place is noisy enough to make her not have the heart to think about anything other than drinking.

Although she announced her determination to her mother, she was still depressed. She is very depressed that she can't get the recognition of her beloved person! She hopes that her family can accept the people she likes! But they... seemed to be against it from the beginning.


With a sigh, it was not the same person's mouth.

Ning Xue turned her head in surprise, but saw a woman with loose hair, holding a wine glass and shaking the ** in the glass extremely boringly.

Feed that someone was watching. The woman turned around and saw Ning Xue. She shouted in surprise. Xiaoxue?"

Ning Xue looked at the woman with a troubled face in surprise. Ziyue, why are you here?


Lei Ziyue sighed again with such a terrible sigh. He held the glass, raised his head, and drank up the wine in the glass. Why are you here? It's annoying!

"Say it!"

Ning Xue took Lei Ziyue's wine glass and continued to ask. Lei Ziyue is not good at drinking. Generally speaking, she will not enter such a complicated place. She must have something to do here!


said a word, but Lei Ziyue didn't want to say it. Ning Xue can't help her troubles. It's better to experience it by yourself. Ning Xue, why did she come here?

Seeing her looking at herself with a questioning look, Ning Xue explained. My mother objected to my marriage with Zhan Peng. He said he was not suitable for me.

"No way. Doesn't auntie really care about you? How could she hinder you?"

Lei Ziyue looked at Ning Xue with a questioning face. She has met the great mother who loves her daughter like life. She doesn't believe that Zhuang Yaqing will treat Ning Xue like this. But the troubles on Ning Xue's face are true!

"It's because she loves me so much that she is afraid that Zhan Peng can't give me happiness. To be honest, I have never seen her so persistent about anything except that she insisted on my custody when she divorced my father.

Ning Xue, who was still in a depressed mood, took the wine handed over by the waiter and drank it in one breath, signaling the waiter to continue to take the wine.

Lei Ziyue heard Yu Zhanpeng mention her drinking capacity and saw that she still wanted to drink, but she didn't stop her. Anyway, she is also annoyed, and she also needs someone to get drunk.

The two women encouraged each other in this way and drank each other. And they don't know that someone is anxious for them like ants on a hot pot.

In the afternoon, he received a strange phone call from Ning Xue. Yu Zhanpeng wanted to ask again, but she pinched the phone. Later, he called and was told that his mobile phone was turned off. He comforted himself that her mobile phone was out of power and could be connected later. But by 9 p.m., her mobile phone was still turned off.

Involuntarily, Yu Zhanpeng panicked. She also agreed to her proposal in the morning. Why didn't she contact her in the afternoon? You don't want to regret your marriage, do you? With her temper, she would explain on the phone in the afternoon, but she didn't say anything in the afternoon.

Then why did she turn off her phone? Yu Zhanpeng is very puzzled.

Thinking about it, his mobile phone rang.

Surprisely, he took the phone on the table, but Yu Zhanpeng was disappointed. It's Zhao Zeyu's phone.

After listening to the phone, Yu Zhanpeng understood some things after Ning Xue went back. It's just that her whereabouts make him more worried. At the same time, he puzzled why Lei Ziyue also disappeared. Shouldn't they be together? If that's the case, he won't be so worried. At least, Ning Xue is not alone outside.

After guessing, Yu Zhanpeng couldn't sit still. Pick up the car key and mobile phone and go out.

"Do you know where Cher is?"

Outside the iron gate, a woman with extraordinary temperament stood under the street lamp, staring at him like electricity.

Yu Zhanpeng, who was about to open the iron door and drive out, was shocked. He knew that it was Ning Xue's mother. Although they didn't meet, he knew each other. He knew her a long time ago.

"Is she with you? Her mobile phone is turned off.

Zhuang Yaqing said calmly. The flowing eyes looked at the man behind the iron gate. I have to admit that this man is very attractive. No wonder Cher is infatuated with him. It's just his identity, too embarrassing!

"Auntie, please come in!"

Thinking quickly, Yu Zhanpeng opened the iron door. This is the future mother-in-law. If you can't deal with her, it is bound to embarras Ning Xue in the future.

"Is she not here?"

Zhuang Yaqing stood at the door without moving her footsteps. In the clear eyes, there were some complex feelings.

"I'm going out to find her."

Yu Zhanpeng answered truthfully.

"She is alone outside. It's okay. She is much stronger than you think. Children without a father have always been strong, haven't they?

Zhuang Yaqing muttered something else. However, Yu Zhanpeng's body stiffened and looked at her with begging eyes.

"I will find a suitable opportunity to explain to her. Please don't tell her for the time being.

He doesn't want to miss a good relationship because of something after his successful marriage proposal.

"Do you want to tell her after you get married? That doesn't make any use even if Cher cares?

Zhuang Yaqing's face still has a cold look. In fact, she understands that without such an expression, she really doesn't know what to do with this child who has a similar experience to her daughter?

Maybe they walk together because their childhoods are similar. But he cheated his daughter. Even if I can forgive her, it's hard for my daughter to say! There is only black and white in her emotional world, either frank or strange.

Yu Zhanpeng, who was seen through, was shocked again. That's exactly what he planned!

"If you are really good for Cher, please leave her. She is in poor health and can't bear the happiness you gave with lies.

Zhuang Yaqing's cold words can't hide her worries about her daughter.

"I will give her happiness! No matter how you see my feelings for Cher? Or I won't give up on her any kind of interference!"

After leaving this sentence, Yu Zhanpeng turned back to the car and drove out of the iron gate. When he passed by Zhuang Yaqing, he stopped the car. I'll take you down the mountain."

Although his future mother-in-law said that there was no need to go to her, he also knew that Ning Xue was not as weak as she looked, but he was still worried. It doesn't matter if he is timid or deliberately pretentious. At this time, he really wants to see Ning Xue, who quarreled with his mother and ran away angrily.

Without objection, Zhuang Yaqing got into Yu Zhanpeng's car. Thinking of his serious words just now, she was actually sad. The daughter may not have misread the person, but she misread his identity. If she knew that the person she loved was actually a different identity, maybe she would be really sad. Therefore, neither Ouyang Junqi nor himself have the courage to tell her the truth. All this is to blame, or Yu Zhanpeng's cunning. He was sure of their concerns that Ning Xue couldn't extricate himself in such a short time.