The president's runaway wife

Chapter 8 Take the opportunity to leave

Ning Xue, who has experienced the pain of skin and flesh, thought that such a huge pain could be overcome, and physiotherapy should be more acceptable. But she was scared after experiencing it once.

That day, an experienced physiotherapist came to give her the first postoperative physiotherapy. At that time, she was still curious about what kind of treatment it was.

When the doctor bent her right finger for many days and pulled it in a straight line with the back of her hand, she screamed sharply in pain. That kind of pain is no different from breaking fingers one by one.

"I won't do it. It hurts!" She withdrew her right hand aggrievedly. Where is this treatment? It's obviously a second damage!

"Miss, if you don't insist on doing it, your hand will not be straight or clenched as you are now. At that time, this hand will really be scrapped. I think you don't want to have a chance to have a sound hand and become a useless limb that affects your image, right?

Physiotherapists can understand the fear of patients who come into contact with physiotherapy for the first time. But no one who has just survived from great pain and psychological pressure wants to suffer other physical pain.

Hearing the doctor's words, Ning Xue looked worriedly at her right hand bent like Zhu Bajie's rake. She doesn't want to be included in the ranks of people with disabilities. However, the pain like tearing muscles really made her back tingtle. She didn't know if she had the courage to hold on.

"The current pain is temporary. For a better life in the future, Xueer, you must stick to it.

Zhou Chengyu patted Ning Xue on the shoulder to cheer for her.

With the encouragement and comfort of others, Ning Xue gritted her teeth and insisted on completing the physiotherapy that day. However, at noon that day, she had a small amount of food. Because she has not been free from the burning pain of her right hand.

Gritting her teeth and persisted with "inhuman torture" for a few days, and Ning Xue also adapted to the process of physiotherapy. After all, the pain caused by that treatment is slowly decreasing.

What moved her was that Zhou Chengyu, who had been taking care of her, humbly asked the doctor for physiotherapy skills. The physiotherapist also taught him how to massage the muscles in the back of his hand? How to help Ning Xuesong with his injured hand muscles?

After the physiotherapist left, Zhou Chengyu took Ning Xue's right hand and hurriedly opened it. Ning Xue can also feel the improvement of the situation in her right hand.

"Good recovery. At your speed of recovery, it won't be long before you come with me. I believe that there should be no great difficulties in life in the future.

The physiotherapist looked at Ning Xue's right hand holding and opening, opening and holding freely.


Ning Xue's dazzling smile is a little gloomy. What he said was not too difficult, except for holding a knife in his hand, right?

These days, she has also carefully observed her right hand. Except for some light and large things, she can hardly hold any small things. It's hard to even hold the mobile phone, and it's shaking badly. I'm afraid this hand is of no use except for decoration.

Seeing her suddenly dark look, Zhou Chengyu said optimistically, "As long as you persist, miracles are everywhere."

"Thank you, doctor, thank you, Cheng Yu."

suppressing the sadness in her heart, Ning Xue regained her previous bright smile.

Seeing Ning Xue smiling happily, Zhou Chengyu's heart was hanging for a long time and finally fell to the ground. In the past, he was afraid that she would be unbearable and depressed. Now her hands are recovering rapidly, and her smile is also returning to its original relaxation. Presumably, she has come out of the shadow of the car accident.

When Zhou Chengyu sent the doctor who came to do physiotherapy for Ning Xue again, she found that she had fallen asleep. With a slight smile, he went over to pull the quilt for her, closed the door and left quietly.

After cleaning up the room, Zhou Chengyu called for takeaway and put the fragrant dishes on the table. Then she gently pushed open the door of Ning Xue's room and asked her to eat.

I called several times, but Ning Xue didn't answer him.

Zhou Chengyu was a little strange. He walked to the bedside and patted the quilt that covered Ning Xue's head. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong. Pulling away the quilt, he was speechless. **There is nothing but a pillow and a hug bear he bought for Ning Xue.

"Sier, Cher..."

Zhou Chengyu shouted and looked for the house one by one. However, Ning Xue's trace has disappeared in his home.

Looking at the empty yard with regret, Zhou Chengyu was frustrated. Why can't she take care of him meekly? Isn't it good enough?

Besides, Ning Xue, who slipped out of Zhou Chengyu's house, is walking aimlessly along the country road at this moment. She doesn't know exactly where she is, but she doesn't know what to do if she stops there.

Step by step is her only goal at present.

Zhou Chengyu is actually very good to her, but she doesn't intend to regard him as a harbor where she can rest. No matter how much he pays, he can't beat Mu Tingfei's kindness to her. No matter how much he promises a bright future, he can't be bigger than Yu Zhanpeng's promise. After all, there are some things that he can't give and don't want.

The car is scrapped, the marriage is incomplete, and the proud right hand is now crippled. Her home has long been mixed with some outsiders and external things. She felt sadly that the sky was so big that it seemed that there was no place for her.

Fortunately, when she left Zhou Chengyu, she took away the bag that Zhou Chengyu brought back to her at the scene of the car accident. The money inside is enough for her to live for a while.

Turning on a rural highway, Ning Xue is considering whether to take a car or not?

At this time, a red car drove slowly and stopped on the edge of Ning Xue.

Ning Xue looked at the car in surprise and thought, he shouldn't ask for directions, right?

"Miss, get in the car!"

The window of the car rolled down, and a face that competed with spring flowers appeared in Ning Xue's vision.

Looking at the familiar face, Ning Xue turned her eyes in astonishment. How did she find it here?

"I'm a top student in the secret training class, and I'm good at finding such a small thing as finding someone."

Junzi smiled proudly. The biggest reason why she was so happy was that she found a young lady that no one else could find and saw her wandering around here unharmed.

"They sent you out to find me?"

Ning Xue looked around alertly and did not find any familiar vehicles. Familiar people came.

"Miss didn't want to be the master. The uncle and the others found it, so they deliberately hid. Although I, Chunzi, am a master, I am also a young lady. Except for the young master, no one knew that I came to you, and I didn't intend to tell them. As for the young master, I think he loves you so much. He should be able to understand you and won't say it.

Chunzi's eyebrows flashed with trust in Zhuang Mucheng. When talking about Zhuang Mucheng, her red face was filled with an invisible smile of happiness.

"I don't want to go back to Yucheng."

Ning Xue told her to get into the car and sit in the back seat.

"Miss, I heard that you had a car accident. Are you all right?"

Chunzi held the reverse disk and looked at Ning Xue, who was still bloody, from the rearview mirror above her head.

"It's all right."

Ning Xue answered softly, but her gloomy eyes fell on her right wrist, on the faintly visible scar on the cuff.

Junko noticed all this. It's just that she didn't ask any more questions, but handed her a bottle of water. Miss, are you thirsty?

After walking for a long time, Ning Xue really feels a little thirsty after hearing what Chunzi said. Very accustomed, she stretched out her right hand to pick up the water handed by Junko. Just as soon as I held it in my hand, there was a weak soreness in my whole arm, and the bottle of water fell down.

Looking at the bottle under her feet, Ning Xue's face was extremely ugly. Is it really useless?

When she first arrived at Zhou Chengyu's house, her right hand was still wrapped in gauze, and she used her left hand to pick up everything. Later, she removed the thread and removed the gauze. When she needed anything, it was Zhou Chengyu who helped bring it over. She never knew that her hands were so bad!

"I'm sorry, miss."

Junzi said with red eyes and choked. She could see the scene clearly just now. It turns out that the young lady's right hand can no longer hold anything! Looking at her sad appearance, I'm afraid it's worse than I thought!