The president's runaway wife

Chapter 10 The whereabouts of Ning Xue

Because he agreed to the conditions proposed by Ning Xue, Huo Guanyu only informed Gao Minghui and others that they had found Ning Xue, and also reported Ning Xue's physical condition in detail, and did not disclose their specific location.

However, what worried Huo Guanyu was that after Ning Xue lived there, her mental state was getting worse and worse day by day. I heard from Junko that she was not like this during the trip. But in the past few days when she lived, what he saw was that she was depressed and looked extremely decadent. I can't see the joy and radiance when they met that day.

Seeing that she was like a few days ago, she sat quietly at the door and watched several chickens in the dam in front of her grab food. Huo Guanyu's eyes flashed, walked slowly, squatted down beside her, and said gently, "What are you thinking? I heard from Chunzi that you exercise your right hand with this stone every day. Why don't you practice today?

"Practice is also useless. Anyway, it's all useless. Why do you work so hard?

Ning Xue has no enthusiasm for life in her eyes, nor does she have any hope for her right hand. Perhaps in her heart, she no longer has any hope for the future.

Huo Guanyu was stunned. Has she given up completely?

"That's good. You can be an ordinary woman. Because of learning root carving, I neglected Mu Tingfei and let Yu Zhanpeng take the opportunity to ruin our relationship. In the future, no one will have a chance to destroy me again.

Words as light as clouds, like the wind blowing through the ice, coldly make people's whole body stiff and their hearts tighten.

Huo Guanyu was silent. He is not the person concerned and has never experienced great joy and sorrow. He doesn't understand Ning Xue's sadness. Naturally, he doesn't know how to comfort her. However, he was very sad that she gave up on herself like this. They were comrades fighting side by side and lost the pressure she created around him. He felt that life was no longer fun at all.

"Miss, ordinary women also need to use their right hands, don't they?"

Looking at their Chunzi on the side and hearing Ning Xue's lifeless words, the beautiful frowned and suddenly came up with such a sentence. She doesn't like such a dead young lady. Even if she no longer drives her away and talks coldly to her, she still likes the former bright and a little domineering lady.

Huo Guanyu gave Chunzi a look of appreciation. She said that very well!

"If you don't want to see me, you can go back. No one asks you to stay."

The sound of Ning Xue's ice cracking sounded very mean.


He touched the gray Chunzi and quickly retreated. She is most afraid of the young lady saying such words. Taking care of the young lady is a task assigned by her gravy grandfather. In order not to disgust the young lady, she didn't even report to the master about finding her.

"Xiao Xue, your words are too ruthless. As you know, Junko is actually for your own good. Giving up the root carving does not necessarily require you to give up a normal life.

Huo Guanyu said this with a little serious words. They are best friends, and he doesn't want her to treat himself so depressed.

Looking at the people on both sides, Ning Xue stood up blankly and walked into the cold dam. Several chickens that were still grabbing food in the dam quickly flapped their wings and ran away.

"See, in the face of powerful difficulties, both people and other creatures can only escape!"

Ning Xue looked back at Huo Guanyu and Chunzi coldly. Everyone will say comfort and encouragement, but they don't feel the feeling of disappointment no matter how hard you try. She worked hard for more than a month, and what she saw was still a crippled right hand.

Facing her seemingly unreasonable reasoning, Huo Guanyu and Chunzi were choked and speechless.

The small mountain village is still calm, while the jade city is full of gunpowder.

Yu Zhanpeng, who was tortured by his wife's whereabouts, broke into Ouyang Junqi's office with a group of people, carrying his chill and breathtaking eyes.

Ouyang Junqi, who was still annoyed by business losses, heard the noise outside and was about to ask the secretary outside when he saw Yu Zhanpeng, with a black face rudely pushed the door open and came in.

"Chairman, they..."

Miss Secretary pointed to the menatical Yu Zhanpeng on the side and looked carefully at Ouyang Junqi.

"It's all over you, you do it!"

Ouyang Junqi said kindly to the secretary.

The secretary quickly withdrew from the chairman's office as if she had been granted amnesty.

"Where is my wife?"

Yu Zhanpeng came straight to the point and said the purpose of coming here.

Ouyang Junqi was stunned and asked puzzledly, "What do you mean by that?"

Yu Zhanpeng, who had been pressed in the bottom of his heart for a long time, suddenly burst out. He turned around and took the stack of investigation reports in Asa's hand and threw them in front of Ouyang Junqi. How to explain this? Don't tell me, you don't know!"

Picking up the stack of reports in front of him, Ouyang Junqi looked at it carefully. Although the content was a little shocking, his worries that had been entangled for a long time began to be relieved.

Looking up, he said calmly, "I really don't know where she is now?"

"You broke my father and my mother's marriage. Do you still want to destroy my marriage? Let me tell you, old man Ouyang, if I hadn't seen Xue'er, I would have made you in pain!"

Yu Zhanpeng's shocking roar made Ouyang Junqi stiff and his face look a little ugly. Do you want to live? A few days ago, he heard that his daughter had a car accident, and he had already experienced it. According to Hongxuan, if he hadn't seduced Cher, Cher would have lived a better life than now.

Seeing the complaining color on Ouyang Junqi's face, Yu Zhanpeng roared again: "If you don't come to my office that day, Cher won't hear our conversations. You are also responsible for making it like this!"

"I don't know where she is. You have the ability to investigate this. Why don't you have the ability to find out the current whereabouts of Cher?

Ouyang Junqi replied impatiently. Really, you are worried about your wife. Don't I worry about my daughter? I want to know where she is. I don't know how to pick her up?

"You don't know? OK! Let me ask you, where is the Junko you sent to Cher now? And where is your baby son? I have investigated, and they disappeared in a car accident in Cher. They should be hiding somewhere now, right? You must have deliberately hidden Cher!"

Yu Zhanpeng pointed to the reports in Ouyang Junqi's hand and stared at him angrily. If he hadn't robbed his mother, he and Ning Xue wouldn't have suffered so much when they were young! Now they won't get to this point!

In those years, when he knew that Ning Xue was the daughter of the Ouyang family, God knew how contradictory he was? After years of hard work, he warned himself not to treat her like her father. They are two unrelevant people he loves and hates.

But they eliminated the difficulties, and when they came together, they had such a situation, which was unexpected. He thought that the past had passed, and as long as he treated her well in the future, he would be fine. But who knows, it was his mother-in-law who turned over these old accounts. He didn't expect that she still cared about the man who was dead, but made him very jealous.

But these are not important. What he cares about is whether Ning Xue is safe or not? Does he also care whether their marriage, which has just begun, can continue? However, this damn old man refused to reveal any news about her and really wanted to throw him out of the window!

At this moment, he feels like a helpless child, looking at what he likes and slowly losing it in front of him. He wants to reach out and grab it, but he can only hold the air. It was also like that year when he watched his mother get into the man's car in front of him and left without hesitation. He led his sister to chase the car and cried helplessly behind the car.

"All I know is that Hongxuan went out to find Cher. As for Junzi, I really don't know where she is? I understand your concern for Xueer, but I really can't help you.

Ouyang Junqi sighed helplessly. His daughter's biggest characteristic is to hide herself when she encounters unhappy things. She had this problem when she was a child. No matter how much she corrects, she can't change it.

"Good! Very good! Just keep your mouth shut like this! I have a way for you to come and beg me with her message!"

With a fierce face that had not appeared for a long time, Yu Zhanpeng sneered and left arrogantly with his popularity.


Ouyang Junqi sighed with nerves. It has been common for him to retaliate against himself over the years. What is he going to do this time?