The president's runaway wife

Chapter 23 Go Home for the New Year 1

The cold wind ran wildly in this evening. The coldness of the sky hit passers-by who walked on the street and shrank their bodies into the tight warm clothes. Even so, it did not stop people's joy of looking forward to the New Year tonight and their eagerness to go home. .

also includes Ning Xue, who has been depressed for a long time.

Sitting in Yu Zhanpeng's new car, Ning Xue, dressed in a leisurely down jacket wrapped in a thin body, reached out and hugged Yu Nianxue, who was wearing a festive dress, while looking through the window at the neon lights on the street. Under the flashing colorful light, Ning Xue squeezed her mouth slightly and slowly raised her eyebrows, which were like willow leaves, and her thin face was even more touching.

glanced at the rearview mirror above his head, and Yu Zhanpeng breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God, she finally stopped looking bitterly. Otherwise, I don't know what kind of eyes will be used by her family later? Well, her family seems to be my family!

"Mommy, do you think I'll call grandma later? Or is it better to call grandma?"

Yu Nianxue, who had been staring at Ning Xue, suddenly broke the warm and beautiful atmosphere. From the conversation between Lei Ziyue and Ning Xue that day, she understood the relationship between Yu Zhanpeng and Ning Xue. So, she asked this question at this moment.

Although Ning Xue and Yu Zhanpeng understood that the little girl was talking about Tian Meng, but when she asked this, they were still stunned. After a while of silence, Yu Zhanpeng replied, "Call grandma!"

"I thought you would let her call grandma!"

Ning Xue said in an uneasy voice. He asked Yu Nianxue to call Grandma Tian Meng. Has he accepted his mother and father's affairs?

"Your mother is her grandmother, and she still need a grandmother."

Without care about Ning Xue's attitude or explaining too much, Yu Zhanpeng continued to drive at ease. As long as Ning Xue doesn't quarrel with him, he will feel that the world is peaceful. Although he has a way to force her to comply, he still likes her really happy appearance.

especially tonight!

He has been estranged from Tian Meng for more than 20 years. After Tian Meng left, he spent every year on New Year's Eve with his second uncle and third aunt. In his memory, the word mother is already very strange. If it weren't for Ning Xue, he wouldn't have approached Tian Meng in his life. Originally, he didn't plan to come tonight, but Ning Xue insisted on coming over, and Yu Nianxue was beside him, so he had to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

When he was halfway through the journey, he suddenly found that he was a little excited. I haven't had dinner with my mother for many years, and I'm really looking forward to the warm scene tonight.

When he arrived at Ouyang's villa on the top of the mountain, Yu Zhanpeng hesitated. Do you really want to go in?

Ning Xue, who got out of the car with Yu Nianxue, was reluctant to get out of the car when she saw Yu Zhanpeng lingering in the car. She stared at her eyes, rushed to the edge of the door, pounded the roof of the car and roared, "Get out of here!"

"It's so noisy."

Yu Zhanpeng got out of the car impatiently and took a look at the person who deliberately opposed him. However, when he withdrew his eyes, he found that Ning Xue actually pounded the car with his right hand. Isn't her right hand hard? How can you beat so loudly?

After Ning Xue's noise just now, Ouyang Hongxuan came out of the room and saw Ning Xue and Yu Nianxue running over quickly. When he arrived at Yu Nian Xuexue's side, he held her in his hand and raised her up. Good niece, long time no see!"

"Happy New Year, uncle!"

Yu Nianxue ate and laughed, enjoying the feeling of being spoiled.

"Pleave my daughter down! If you have the ability, you can give birth to one yourself. You can do whatever you want!"

With fierce eyes and evil spirit all over his body, Yu Zhanpeng came over with a gloomy face. While walking, I suddenly felt a pain in my calf and almost fell down. Looking back, it turned out to be his beloved wife, staring at him angrily. Needless to say, he also knew that she kicked herself just now. It's worthy of being a family. My family helps my family, but am I not theirs?

"Uncle, let's worry about him. Mommy will take care of him."

Yu Nianxue, who hung Ouyang Hongxuan's neck, lay in his ear and said loudly. She has long known that as long as Mommy is powerful, Daddy will be obedient.

"Call me uncle!"

Putting aside Ning Xue's fire-breathing eyes, Yu Zhanpeng immediately corrected Yu Nianxue. Call him uncle, won't you admit that he is your brother? At the thought of this boy changing the fate of his life and depriving him of many joys, she would not be angry. If it hadn't been for Ning Xue, she would have done it with him! Brother? Humph! In the next life!

"I don't want to be her uncle yet! My niece, remember to call me uncle in the future!"

Ouyang Hongxuan said to the child in his arms unwillingly, and he changed his words very quickly and seemed to be ready to fight back with this sentence. To be heart, if he hadn't married his sister, he wouldn't have wanted to see this person with a messy relationship with him.

"It's so cold outside, why are you standing there?"

Once familiar, the mellow voice, with the taste of love, came from the gate.

Ning Xue turned around in surprise, ran over with tears in her eyes, and threw herself into the man's arms.

"Silly girl, why are you crying? Today is a happy day, and we are happy.

Ouyang Junqi gently patted Ning Xue on the back and smiled happily. At this moment, his daughter is closest to him. I haven't seen her lie in her arms so close for many years! This is also the dream he has been looking forward to for many years. Unexpectedly, I have realized my long-cherished wish for many years today!

"Dad, why did you get home?"

Leaving Ouyang Junqi's embrace, Ning Xuezi carefully took him a lot, and his puzzled eyes stayed on his face. Didn't you take away by the procuratorate? Have you figured it out in these days? No! If it had been found out, wouldn't he have appeared here? What the hell is going on?

Ouyang Junqi smiled and gratefully turned his eyes to Yu Zhanpeng.

"Dad, what are you looking at that bastard doing? He caused you to be taken away by the procuratorate!"

She glanced at Yu Zhanpeng angrily, and Ning Xue was still puzzled. Looking at his father's appearance, it seems that he doesn't hate Yu! Is it because of the stepmother? In that case, he really loves his stepmother. By the way, if he knows that he still has a daughter, I don't know what the expression is?

"No matter who exposes me, don't blame anyone. Dad made a mistake and deserved to be punished. As long as you guys are doing well, it's worth it. Cher, don't curse casually. Zhan Peng is your husband. You should get along well and respect each other. Today, I stand here with the help of your friends and Zhan Peng. It is Zhan Peng who paid for bail for his father.

Ouyang Junqi pulled Ning Xue and said to her with a kind smile. In the loving eyes, it really reveals the hope that they will live a happy life.

Looking sideways at Yu Zhanpeng with a blank face, Ning Xue still didn't believe that he would help a person he had hated for many years.

In fact, not only Ning Xue didn't believe it, but also Ouyang Hongxuan's sunny and handsome face wrote that she didn't believe it. How can he have such a good heart?

When several people with different looks were still thinking about themselves, several people came out of the door behind Ouyang Junqi.

Ning Xue looked up and was surprised again. Gao Minghui, Huo Guanyu and Bella are all here!

Happy New Year! Good luck in the coming year!"

A singing voice like a yellow warbler came out from behind Huo Guanyu, interrupting Huo Guanyu who was about to speak.

Ning Xue took a look and saw that it was Miao Miao. She really didn't expect to see so many friends at home. This year's New Year's Eve is the most lively year in her life.

With a happy face, Miao Miao jumped to Ning Xue with a red windmill and handed it to her. Good luck!"

The windmill symbolizes transshipment. Miao Miao is wishing her a better year than this year!

Ning Xue, who understood this, felt warm in her heart. After receiving it, I thanked Miao and smiled with blessings. You too!"

I don't know that when the two women laughed brightly, Yu Zhanpeng's eyes behind Ning Xue darkened and felt a little uncomfortable. Although Miao Miao is blessing Ning Xue, another meaning in her words is that Ning Xue met him this year and had bad luck. He seems to be a plague god.

"Someone took the right seat!"

Ouyang Hongxuan, who held Yu Nianxue, said sarcastically. Seeing that Yu Zhanpeng was about to get angry, he quickly squeezed into the room with Yu Nianxue in his arms.

Gao Minghui's generous past gave Ning Xue a warm hug. Happy New Year!"

Leaning against Gao Minghui's warm arms, Ning Xue said sincerely, "You are the same. Happy New Year!"

Gao Minghui did not immediately let go of Ning Xue, but whispered in her ear, "Is he okay with you?"

Without thinking or hesitation, Ning Xue nodded gently and gave an answer. In fact, Yu Zhanpeng is very good to her! Although, he did a lot of things that she couldn't forgive. If you explain it with love, many things can be explained. At this happy moment, she would rather use such an excuse to convince herself and not care about the past for the time being.

"That's good."

Gao Minghui loosened the person in his arms and peeked at Yu Zhanpeng with a black line on his face, pulling out a smile as far away from thousands of mountains. This man loves her! And she also loves him deeply. Maybe there is a big brother in her heart, but she will never have her own shadow in her heart.

Surrounded by everyone, Ning Xue stepped into the living room. Entering the living room, she found that her mother was also coming. Turning her head and looking at Yu Zhanpeng with a smile at the corners of her mouth, she lowered her head and smiled secretly. This man really doesn't understand him more and more. No, I never wanted to get to know him.

That day, when she asked Lei Ziyue about their conspiracy to destroy the relationship between her and Mu Tingfei, she learned that in fact, very early on, he secretly paid attention to herself. If Mu Ting hadn't proposed successfully, he would not have taken such a despicable means to destroy them.

If he hadn't been involved in his father's affairs, maybe he would have made up with him as before? Ning Xue asked herself entangled.