The president's runaway wife

Chapter 15 May be blind

Ning Xue, who followed her mother and lived together for more than 20 years, finally got rid of years of hatred and returned to Ouyang's home after the unremitting efforts of her father Ouyang Junqi. When she walked into the home where she had left for more than 20 years, she knew that her world was no longer the only relatives on her mother's side, more relatives on her father's side, and a younger brother who loved her very much.

When she got back together with them, she felt that it was actually a very happy thing to have relatives! It is said that 'only relatives have this life and no afterlife'. So she cherishes every family around her, except Yu Zhanpeng.

Suddenly one day, her mother told her that she also had a sister with her father and grandfather. She thought that with one more relative, she really had more concern. When Yu Zhanpeng was still in the emergency room, she was shocked to find that it was not a concern, but a worry that came to her heart! She would rather not have this sister!

When she saw Ami looking at her with disgust, she really didn't understand why she hated herself so much when she was also out of the world? Or, subconsciously, I hate her so much!

When Ami's applause sounded crisply on Ning Xue's face, around the emergency room, many people's mouths were wide open. What they understand is not the sister playing sister, but the old lover playing the official lady. So, many angry eyes shot at Ami. Some people even clenched their fists and waited for Ning Xue's order to come and teach her the arrogant woman a lesson.

Ami, how can you hit someone? Cher is your own sister.

She couldn't figure out why Zhuang Yaqing was. She ran over and rubbed her red face for her daughter. She was very angry about the behavior of her dear niece. She can't bear to hit her daughter. As a sister, what right does Ami have to hit her?

After the whirlwind, Ning Xue quickly regained his senses. Blinking her eyes and taking off her mother's hand, she stood up and rudely threw the nutritional fast line that Asa bought for her for fear of being hungry. She has had enough of this crazy woman who stole her name in her house! It is said that it is unbearable and there is no need to endure it anymore! She doesn't care about sisterhood anymore? You can even recognize your biological father, not to mention a sister who doesn't like him?

I don't know whether Ning Xue often still uses shoes, or whether she just wants to take a bite at this moment. After waiting here for a long time, she can't see the bright sulking. The remaining half bottle of nutrition fast line actually hit Ami's forehead.

"Ouyang Ningxue, how did you hit me?"

Ami covered the painful forehead and shouted loudly. His eyes full of hatred burst out with a more fierce murderous luster.

Not only was Ning Xue shocked by this kind of hatred, but Zhuang Yaqing was also puzzled about it. She has the same blood as Cher. Why does she hate Cher so much? Is it because of Yu Zhanpeng? If this is the case, it will be really difficult for their sisters to get along peacefully.

"This is the real you, right? In fact, you are all pretending to be a little good to me. You showed it to my husband on purpose!"

Looking at Ami coldly, Ning Xue couldn't say whether she was annoyed or sad for Yu Zhanpeng's vision? On such an ex-girlfriend who doesn't know how to advance or retreat, I really don't know if his eyes were on the instep?

Unexpectedly, Ami did not appear ashamed and angry by Ning Xue's ruthless words, but looked righteous. It's much better for me to disguise the person I like than to let your husband find your lover, right? Look, he is still in the emergency room! Ouyang Ningxue, I tell you, if he has any shortcomings, I won't let you go!"

"What right do you have to say that? You are not his wife! Even if he has few arms and legs, it's still his legitimate wife's business. When will it be your turn to dictate here?

The speaker is Ouyang Hongxuan, who is with Tian Meng. Just now, when he saw her slapped Ning Xue, he wanted to rush to show her some color, but he was pulled by Tian Meng. Now he can't help listening to her shameless words. In his heart, Ning Xue is his sister who has known for more than 20 years. This sudden elder sister doesn't like her very much. Now that she treats Ning Xue like this, he feels that it is wise not to like her!

"Hongxuan, what did you say? He is your eldest brother!"

Tian Meng pulled Ouyang Hongxuan's clothes with dissatisfaction and was very angry at what he said that Yu Zhanpeng lacked arms and legs. Anyway, Yu Zhanpeng is also her son. She doesn't want him to have any misfortune.

With a forced smile, Ouyang Hongxuan sat back in the chair honestly. The reason why he was so docile was not that he was afraid of his mother's anger, nor did he regret what he had just said. He saw Ning Xue's scolding eyes. Yes, the safety of that bastard is directly related to the happiness of his second sister.

Being yelled by Ouyang Hongxuan, Ami's heart was more resentful. In her opinion, except for Ouyang Junqi's daughter, she seems to have nothing to do with the Ouyang family. In the past, Ning Xue was just polite and polite to her, and she didn't have much sisterhood, while Ouyang Hongxuan was not friendly to her at all. In her impression, Ouyang Hongxuan has never been as close to her, let alone as close as him and Ning Xue. Therefore, she looked at Ning Xue with more resentment!

Looking at the contemptuous look around, Ami took a deep breath helplessly and slowly regained her calm. Ning Xue is familiar with people here. There is no doubt that she is the one who provokes her here. Anyway, Yu Zhanpeng has had an accident, and it won't be good to care about it. It's better to wait here patiently for a while and wait until he comes out of the emergency room.

Ami's side is quiet, and all the people around him are secretly relieved, except for Ning Xue's mother and daughter and Ouyang Hongxuan.

However, Ning Xue and her brother thought of it together with a tacit understanding: Ami took the wrong medicine today? I just started to hit people inexplicably, why did it suddenly stop again? No matter how you look at her, she doesn't want to be a give up person!

When everyone paid attention to Ami and Ning Xue, there was a quiet eye outside the crowd, silently watching all this. No one noticed his existence, and no one knew when he appeared?

Everyone waited hard and finally eased temporarily when a light in the side-by-lined emergency room went out. When they saw which lamp it was, someone else sighed disappointed.

But Ning Xue's heart, when the lamp went out, raised her throat, and her hands on her legs couldn't help grasping her trousers, and her hands were already sweating nervously.

The lamp represents the emergency room where Yu Zhanpeng is located. After his operation, the next step is to wait for the doctor's judgment. It will be known whether he is happy or sad.

For some reason, Ning Xue, who had been waiting anxiously for several hours, did not feel any relief at this moment. She didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, she was still feeling fear and worry.

"He will be fine."

Zhuang Yaqing on the side comforted her daughter with no confidence. She is also worried about Yu Zhanpeng's surgery, and she still expects him to take good care of her daughter for herself! But my daughter said that he left a lot of blood and fainted when he first arrived at the hospital. A strong and lively man fainted because of bleeding, and must have been seriously injured! Coupled with seven or eight hours of surgery, she really can't be too optimistic.

Hearing her mother's words in her ears, Ning Xue was not in the mood to react, but just stared at the door that had not been opened for a long time. She was looking forward to him coming out early, but she was afraid that the doctor would say something bad after he was pushed out. In the entanglement, Ning Xue bit her lower lip and grabbed the trousers on her legs uneasily.

With a "pop", the closed emergency room door was finally opened in the wake of everyone's calls. Yu Zhanpeng, who was breathing oxygen, closed his eyes and lay sick** as if he were asleep, and was pushed out by two nurses. Xu Jinghao, who had a lot of blood on his surgical clothes, followed.

Wait for people outside to brush and stand against the wall to form a line, so that the passage of mobile beds is not blocked.

"Zhan Peng..."

Ami eagerly called Yu Zhanpeng, and her small body moved over and happened to block Ning Xue who was following.

Looking at the person in front angrily, Ning Xue stopped. Suddenly, someone patted her on the shoulder and looked back, it was Xu Jinghao.

After taking Ning Xue back to Yu Zhanpeng's emergency room for surgery, Xu Jinghao said seriously, "The boss's injury is much worse than we expected. And it also hurts the lungs, with 60% of effusion... In fact, these are not too bad and can be cured through traditional treatment. I'm worried about the boss's head. He suffered a heavy head injury, because the treatment was not timely, and there was already a blood clot formed. I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?"

Hearing that there was a serious problem, Ning Xue couldn't wait to interrupt Xu Jinghao's words. She wants to know the real situation of Yu Zhanpeng. Even if she can't accept it, she should know the truth.

Looking at Ning Xue with a concerned face, Xu Jinghao hesitated for a moment and told him clearly: "If the blood clot in the brain suppresses the visual nerve, the boss may be blind. At present, it's not good to say. Is it blind for a short time? Of course, the possibility of permanent blindness is not ruled out.

Bright? God, what are you kidding? He is only 30 years old, and he still has a long way to go. How could he encounter such an unlucky thing? This must be a joke.

Although she was prepared to face it calmly, Ning Xue still couldn't accept it when she heard Xu Jinghao say that Yu Zhanpeng would become blind. In a trance, she seemed to see the poor appearance of Yu Zhanpeng holding a guide dog and holding a walking stick. That tragic scene makes people sad to think about it!

"Madam, the boss has lost too much blood and is seriously injured, and he is not out of danger yet. If tomorrow morning, he is still in a coma, I'm afraid that he will face not only blindness, but also the pathetic situation of becoming a vegetable. As his closest person, you should talk to him as much as possible and try to wake him up as soon as possible.

As a doctor, Xu Jinghao has the responsibility to inform the patient's family of any possible situations. However, today's due diligence makes him a little unbearable. This woman is already in poor health and has had a miscarrected some time ago. He really doesn't want to tell her such a cruel prediction, but if he doesn't tell her, in case of the above situations, she will be even more sad.

If Ning Xue was distressed by Yu Zhanpeng's blindness before, now she heard that he would become a vegetable. She only felt that she was in the cold winter and saw only a desolation that could not be seen. She didn't dare to imagine that Yu Zhanpeng was lying there motionless, and she couldn't imagine how boring the days would be without him to bother her?

Suddenly, Ning Xue found that Yu Zhanpeng was lively and safe, which was what she wanted to see and wanted most.

"It will be all right!"

Muttering to herself, Ning Xue turned around and walked to the ward. To the satisfaction of many people, she turned around and wiped away her tears of confidence and chic.