The president's runaway wife

Chapter 20 Can't be idle when you are blind

Yu Zhanpeng was blind and hospitalized. As his closest person, Ning Xue was forced to helplessly shoulder the burden of taking care of the company for him. However, this burden really scared Ning Xue. On the first day of going to the company, the folders piled up like a hill and the data that gave her a headache made her stay for a long time, and she didn't know how to deal with it. If Wu Yunsi hadn't come to help her, she would have thought that she would not have the courage to go to Yu again the next day.

Although Wu Yunsi is willing to help, she is still a patient who can't stand up. She has to go to a specialized hospital for physiotherapy every once in a while, so Ning Xue's work is still relatively busy. In fact, she felt that it was nothing to be a little busy, but she worked hard until she got off work. When she hurried back to the hospital, she faced Yu Zhanpeng's extremely sad face. He is complaining that she is late.

Ning Xue, who is used to being free and scattered, finally lost her temper in this kind of life where the company and the hospital are two points on the front line.

That day, she asked Asa to move the mountain of documents back to the hospital.

Although Yu Zhanpeng, who loved his wife, was speechless, he was also very cooperative and asked Asa to read those documents to him. He dealt with it. Ning Xue took the pen and just signed it.

In the ward that needed to be quiet, there was a lively reading sound. However, the stiff and slow words made the passing patients and medical staff feel harsh. Fortunately, Yu Zhanpeng and his wife, who have adapted to this kind of emphasis, can still stand it.

Yu Zhanpeng is worthy of being the head of the 'yu family'. Ning Xue is likened to Xiaoshan's documents. It took him only two hours to process more than half of them. This opened Ning Xue's eyes and secretly felt sorry for his hard work to make money. She wanted to help him, but she was not interested in the data that made her headache at all. There's nothing we can do but work hard for him!

"It's so lively today!"

Ami came in with a flower basket at this time and saw the cardboard boxes piled up by the bed full of folders. She looked at Yu Zhanpeng and Ning Xue in surprise. I'm a little sad for Yu Zhanpeng. My eyes are blind, and I can't rest yet! Such a life is really sad!

"Ami, if you have nothing to do, take a look at those documents for me."

Looking at Asa's head and saying that he was going to drink some water, Yu Zhanpeng, who was leaning against the head of the bed, asked for help. Allen does a good job in business, and her only daughter should not be bad! Besides, she has also studied MBI, which is much more reliable than Ning Xue.

Speaking of Ning Xue, Yu Zhanpeng is a little depressed. Although she grew up in a divorced family, at least she is also a rich daughter. How can she do nothing?

Ami was a little unhappy when she heard Yu Zhanpeng's words. If you don't have me for good things, will you come to me if you want help? Disgruntled, she punched him, and reluctantly picked up a folder and looked at it. If it hadn't been for my mother's orders, she wouldn't have bothered to help them!

At a glance, Ami grabbed the pen signature in Ning Xue's hand, and the processing speed was not slower than Yu Zhanpeng.

"You don't look carefully?"

Ning Xue looked at Ami doubt. She didn't look carefully and signed it. I really doubted that she had ulterior motives.

Compared with Ning Xue's heart as fine as dust, Ami seemed a little selfish, but when she heard Ning Xue's tone, she was still not very comfortable. What are you doubting? Do you suspect that I deliberately wanted to destroy his company?

The eyes can't see, and Yu Zhanpeng's ears are still very good. Hearing Ami's impatience and irritability, he quickly explained to his wife: "Wife, Ami has shares in the company. She destroyed me, which is not good for her at all!"

Originally, Yu Zhanpeng wanted to tell Ning Xue that she could rest assured that there was no need to be suspicious, but he was afraid that Ning Xue would feel ashamed when such a thing came out. So he swallowed the last sentence.

However, Ning Xue did not accept his consideration, but felt that his relationship with Ami was too close. Sullenly found an excuse and left Yu Zhanpeng, who did not want her to leave. She left the ward, but saw Lei Ziyue with a big belly in the corridor.

Seeing her holding a bag of fruit in her hand, Ning Xue ran over quickly and held it for her.

She thanked her, and Lei Ziyue, who was panting unevenly, half lay on Ning Xue's shoulder and followed her to Zhao Zeyu's ward.

Entering Zhao Zeyu's ward, Ning Xue and Lei Ziyue were shocked. Zhao Zeyu sat in a wheelchair and commanded the nurse Yu Zhanpeng to arrange for him to pack up his things.

Is he going to be discharged from the hospital? Ning Xue and Lei Zi looked at each other puzzledly. His injury is so serious that he is not lying in the hospital for a month or two months, and he is not qualified to be discharged at all. What is he doing?

Hearing the sound of opening the door behind him, Zhao Zeyu turned around and saw Ning Xue and Lei Ziyue looking at him as if they were going to kill people. He smiled and said, "I'm about to tell you about this!"

Are you going to say it after you have packed up? What a sinister guy! Ning Xue commented on him in her heart and turned around to talk to Lei Ziyue and asked him to stay in the hospital as much as possible. But Lei Ziyue actually turned against each other and stood on Zhao Zeyu's side, "Xiao Xue, don't worry. He is going to move to my place. I will watch him well!"

At this moment, Ning Xue fully experienced what is important than friends? It's not good to be opposed by the best sister, but don't I think about her man? Forget it! They are going to be discharged from the hospital, just let them go! Anyway, what's wrong? It's not my family! What's that called? You can't live by your own sins! Yes! Zhao Zeyu is such a person!

Ning Xue's understanding, Lei Ziyue is very happy. Seeing that the nurse had packed up the things, she asked the nurse to help move the things downstairs, leaving Ning Xue to push Zhao Zeyu to follow slowly.

"How is your relationship with Ami?"

Zhao Zeyu, who was about to enter the elevator, suddenly turned his head and looked at Ning Xue with a serious expression.

Ning Xue was stunned and stopped curiously. He also knew that Ami was my sister? Did Ziyue say that?

"You'd better keep her away from you!"

Can't wait for Ning Xue's answer. Zhao Zeyu spoke again. Although his expression was not as serious as just now, he also had a look of indifference that could not be ignored.


Although Ning Xue doesn't like Ami very much, she really doesn't understand why Zhao Zeyu said such a thing? Even if Lei Ziyue said something to him about discord with Ami, he didn't use such a serious expression!

"When I'm a friend, don't let Ami get too close to you. That woman is not simple!"

Zhao Zeyu looked at the open elevator with some depth and seemed to be thinking about something? Just like Ning Xue thinking about why he has such an expression, she half closed her eyes and thought about what she would say.

Send Zhao Zeyu downstairs and help him get on the car for Lei Ziyue. Then Ning Xue turned around and walked to the hospital parking lot.

With a "ga", a black BMW sounded sharply behind Ning Xue.

Ning Xue, who covered her ears, turned angrily and jumped to the edge where the door was being opened: "Zhou Chengyu, do you want to murder?"

"I wanted to murder you, but I wouldn't have saved you at the beginning!"

Zhou Chengyu got out of the car with a smile on his face and looked softly at the woman he hadn't seen for a long time. After experiencing broken wings, she still has such a bad temper. He has been wondering how such a person who is easy to get angry can calm down and carve such a perfect work.

If it hadn't been four years ago, Ning Xue would have broken into the root carving world with a simple dolphin root carving, and the champion of the root carving competition would have been won by Zhou Chengyu. For Huo Guanyu, who followed him, he is still very confident that he can beat him. It's just that he doesn't reject this quiet woman who is a little spicy and a little stubborn. He even felt that it was an honor to have the same hobbies and interests as her. If she can accept him, he will definitely feel more honored! Unfortunately, she has a destination now!

The sentiment of regret filled his heart again, and the smile on Zhou Chengyu's face became lonely and cold.

"What's wrong with you coming here?"

Ning Xue was very interested in the purpose of Zhou Chengyu's appearance. Naturally, her previous anger also disappeared.

"I heard that your husband is in hospital. Let me have a look!"

As he spoke, Zhou Chengyu took out a beautiful fruit basket from the back seat.

Ning Xue was even more confused by his explanation. She never took the initiative to contact Zhou Chengyu. How did he know that Yu Zhanpeng was hospitalized? Did the paparazzi leak it? Are these paparazzi too boring?

"Looking at you like this, I don't think you will invite me to visit. That's it! Take the things up. I won't bother him. I'll go first!"

Putting the fruit basket in Ning Xue's hand, Zhou Chengyu really got into the car and walked away.

Why is this person like this? I haven't said anything yet! With a fruit basket and looking at the faraway car, Ning Xue was speechless!