The president's runaway wife

Chapter 1 The certificate was taken by Zhao Zeyu

At the end of spring, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. In Yu Zhanpeng's villa garden, the flowers are blooming brightly.

In this elegant and quiet morning, Yu Nianxue raised her head and acted coquettishly with a smile: "Mommy, it's a little hot today! Can I wear a skirt?"

Ning Xue, who was looking for clothes for her, looked up at the pale yellow sun outside the window, took a short skirt and a long-sleeved shirt.

Although people are not big, Yu Nianxue's aesthetic is still quite mature. Seeing Ning Xue's non-coherent dress, she immediately raised her mouth, "Why isn't it short sleeves? This is so strange!"

"Why is it strange? Very good!"

Ning Xue looked at the clothes in her hand and deliberately pretended not to understand. After living with this child for a year, how could Ning Xue not know what Yu Nianxue was thinking? Although the temperature is not low today and the sun is shining, in this warm and cold spring season, she is wearing a short-sleeved skirt. What if she catches a cold?

"It's so ugly." Yu Nianxue pouted and said. I began to think about whether to wear a school uniform or not.

With a smile, Ning Xue pulled her to her side, undressed her, and said to her: "It's not mainstream now. You can't keep up with the trend, will you?"

"What is non-mainstream?"

"It's just that you dress well!"

Without the expression that was about to burst into laughter, Ning Xue put her clothes and skirt on Yu Nianxue. After a look, she was dressed properly. She took Yu Nianxue's little hand and went out of the door.

As soon as the two walked out of the door, they saw Ami also appear in the corridor, and Ning Xue's eyes were much darker. After knowing her relationship with Yu Zhanpeng, she was more disgusted with Ami. When she could not be together, she tried to avoid Ami. However, when she saw her, Ning Xue would still nod slightly and say hello to her on the surface.

Ning Xue's strange politeness, Ami saw it in her eyes and was happy in her heart. Seeing Yu Nianxue's clothes, she laughed and said, "You are so fashionable!"

"What do you know? This is called non-mainstream!" Yu Nianxue explained seriously. She has always had a bad attitude towards Ami. After the cold war between Ning Xue and Yu Zhanpeng began, she disliked Ami even more. Therefore, every time she talks to her, Yu Nianxue's expression is very rich.

Without scolding Yu Nianxue's rudeness, Ning Xue smiled indifferently and pulled Yu Nianxue downstairs.

Yu Zhanpeng, who was judged by Ning Xue's ears. Immediately get up and greet them for breakfast.

"Mommy and I agreed to go out to eat. Daddy, you can eat with Aunt Ami!"

The speaker is Yu Nianxue. She knew that Ning Xue didn't want to talk to her father, so she volunteered to explain.

Hearing what his daughter said, Yu Zhanpeng was full of expectation and suddenly became full of melancholy. He thought that Ning Xue had been angry for so long, and it should have subsided a little, but it turned out that his guess was wrong again. Ning Xue not only did not calm down, but also had a tendency to become more and more estranged from him. Since that day, when she talked about Ami's pregnancy, she basically didn't want to step into his room and hadn't even spoken to him for many days. The woman he identified for more than ten years made him distressed and helpless.

Ami, who went downstairs behind Ning Xue and the others, said softly, "Today's breakfast was personally arranged by Xu's mother. You won't give face at all, will you?"

"Men? Are you going to be your man soon? The husband became a brother-in-law. Ha ha... interesting!"

As if she had seen through the secular world, Ning Xue was not finished at this time. At first, she knew that the relationship between Ami and Yu Zhanpeng was as sad as she was, but during this cold war, she felt that she was outside the world. Otherwise, she doesn't have the ability to live under the same roof with Yu Zhanpeng and Ami and calm down.

Do you have to be so embarrassed? Yu Zhanpeng's face was gloomy, and he sat back on the sofa with all his heart.

"Dudu..." There was a car sound outside.

Xu's mother, who was sighing for such a stalemate as Yu Zhanpeng and Ning Xue, quickly ran to the door. After a while, she came back, followed by the spring breeze on her face.

Since Ami's pregnancy was known to Ning Xue, his distance with Gao Minghui has been getting closer and closer. Not only the people outside who don't know the inside story said so, but also Huo Guanyu and Ouyang Hongxuan said so.

Hu Guanyu, who was originally very optimistic about Yu Zhanpeng, also complained about Yu Zhanpeng after Ning Xue's last car accident. If Yu Zhanpeng hadn't deceived Ning Xue first, Ning Xue would not have encountered the car accident at all, and her right hand would not have been destroyed! This matter, no matter what, has a lot to do with Yu Zhanpeng.

"Dad...uncle, are you here?"

Recognizing Gao Minghui at a glance, Yu Nianxue quickly loosened Ning Xue's hand and ran towards him. Because Gao Minghui is exactly the same as Mu Tingfei, Yu Nianxue forgets the fact that he is not his father. Every time she sees Gao Minghui, she will have a slip of the tongue just now.

Seeing the child running towards him, Gao Minghui bent down to catch Yu Nianxue and picked her up. Seeing that Ning Xue was neatly dressed, she asked, "Can I go?"

Nodding with a smile, Ning Xue took Yu Nianxue's schoolbag and walked straight to Gao Minghui regardless of Yu Zhanpeng and Ami's strange look. After a few steps, she turned her head back: "Sister and husband, goodbye!"

Hearing this, Yu Zhanpeng's face was covered with black lines, and Ami still looked strange.

After breakfast outside, Gao Minghui and Ning Xue sent Yu Nianxue to school together. Looking at the child's figure hidden among the children on the playground, Gao Minghui drove away with Ning Xue.

"I really can't find out where Ami got the 'Phoenix Spreading Wings'?"

Idle and bored, Ning Xue raised this puzzled problem in an old-fashioned way. That day, she found that the root carving technician's certificate was missing at home. She suddenly remembered the precious phoenix in Yu Zhanpeng's room and went to Zhou Chengyu on the phone. However, Zhou Chengyu failed to provide any clue about the disappearance of the root carving.

On the contrary, when she checked Ami's root carving technician certificate again, she was surprised to find that Ami's technician certificate was her own. Of course, Ami is not stupid enough to say that the technician certificate has another way. It's just that she insisted that the certificate was her own, which made Ning Xue mute and couldn't say anything about it.

The root carving was inexplicably in Ami's hand, and all the certificates in the drawer that could prove that she was Sharon disappeared. This series of questions made Ning Xue dizzy. What kind of connection does she vaguely think is behind this?

"You had a car accident in the suburbs. There are few cars there. How to check it?"

Speaking of this, Gao Minghui showed a look of distress. This is a great opportunity to show her strengths to her best, but unfortunately, he just couldn't find the answer she wanted.


A very irritable sigh circulated in the luxury car, causing the driver Gao Minghui to feel guilty. Since she approached herself, she has never seen her really happy. How can she not worry?

Suddenly, Rolls-Royce, who was driving fast, suddenly stopped on the road.

"Do you drive at this level? I really doubt that your driver's license was obtained from a telegraph pole.

complained and stared at Gao Minghui, and Ning Xue sat up straight. Fortunately, the seat belt was fastened, otherwise the windshield would have broken. However, why didn't Gao Minghui respond?

Following his eyes, Ning Xue saw a man and a woman seem to be quarreling on the opposite street. After a closer look, I found that it was Zhao Zeyu and Lei Ziyue. What are they crazy about? Is it so windy on the street?

"Do you want us to go and have a look?"

After looking at it for a long time, Gao Minghui couldn't help it. At least you can't be indifferent to a friend, can you? As he spoke, Ning Xue had already got out of the car and was about to walk across the road.

At this moment, Zhao Zeyu, who was opposite, stopped a taxi angrily and left. Lei Ziyue, who stayed in place, also turned back to the car. However, she did not leave immediately.

I was ready to comfort Lei Ziyue's Ning Xue. As soon as I took a few steps towards the front sidewalk, I heard the mobile phone ring in the bag. I took it out and found that it was Lei Ziyue.

Ning Xue, who was worried about her, did not dare to neglect her. She quickly answered the phone and heard her low voice: "I'm sorry, Xiaoxue, your documents were stolen by Zhao Zeyu's bastard. It turns out that he still has an affair with your sister..."

Ning Xue didn't hear the words clearly. She only felt that her head was 'buzzing' and exploded. Her sister and husband betrayed her. She thought it was because they were together and were former lovers. But she was a little sad to be betrayed by her friend.

When Zhao Zeyu was injured and moved in, she sincerely regarded him as a friend, just like Huo Guanyu. But I didn't expect him to do this to her. Maybe he had a bad intention when he moved in at the beginning, right?

Thinking like this, she was full of fatigue all over her body. Ning Xue took the phone and turned back decadently. As soon as she got back in the car, she saw Lei Ziyue get out of the car and stand outside the car and look at her.

Trying to squeeze out a little smile, Ning Xue lay on Gao Minghui and waved to Lei Ziyue. At least, she didn't betray me!