The president's runaway wife

Chapter 8 Go to see your mother

The afternoon sun feels a little lazy. The boring wall clock opposite the desk swayed one after another, like someone's godless eyes, looking left and right.

I don't know if the eyeballs follow the wall clock, or the clock follows the eyeballs? Finally, someone's eyes couldn't stand it. After a long sigh, he closed his eyes.

rubbing his eyes, he stood up and walked to the office door doing nothing.

As soon as the secretary outside saw him come out, he quickly stood up and said, "Boss, you are going..."

"I'm going home!" Someone said dullly.

The beautiful secretary raised her sexy lips slightly, but did not dare to show more fierce dissatisfaction, so she had to watch his tall figure fade away helplessly.

Recently, this young and handsome boss has made her suffer. He came here in a daze every day, doing nothing, then in a daze, and then left thoughtfully, pushing all the things he should deal with to her, her little secretary, who only gets a few thousand yuan a month. If he was not the boss, she would really think that he came here to earn wages. But even if he is the boss, he should not leave his work to her! He doesn't share his salary with her.

After complaining, the secretary was appointed back to her seat. I have to finish my work quickly and deal with the work left by the boss later!

After leaving the company, Ouyang Hongxuan entered the company's parking lot, buried himself in the car, and drove the car on his way home.

A few days ago, Miao Miao went out with her friends. He was the only one left in his big room except his mother Tian Meng. In fact, he is not very reluctant to be separated from Miao Miao. After all, Miao is only 20 years old and is still very young like him. They all need their own space. What really depressed him was that he hadn't seen his second sister Ning Xue for a long time.

I heard from Huo Guanyu and Gao Minghui that she went out of town to exercise her left hand. But she has been gone for so long, why didn't she get a call? Even if you call by yourself, you will be informed by the service desk that you are not in the service area.

How can she bear not to care about me at all? I'm the only one he has to wait for! With an extremely uncomfortable sigh, Ouyang Hongxuan drove the car steadily back to the road leading to the mountaintop villa.

However, when he approached his door, he saw a man sneakingly standing on the edge of the iron fence, staring at the yard.

There was still some distance from his home. Ouyang Hongxuan slowly stopped the car, lay on the window, and looked at the man in surprise. He is sure that he must not know this person! I haven't seen him come home.

Although the Ouyang family has suffered a small change, their mountaintop villa is not something that ordinary people can see. What is this person looking at here?

After getting out of the car, Ouyang Hongxuan slowly leaned closer to the man. If you dare to peep at his home, you have to play tricks on him!

I don't know what attracted the man is to in the yard? Until Ouyang Hongxuan came to him, he didn't notice it.

"The police are coming!"

A sudden shout, the man looking at the yard squatted on the ground with his hand in his arms.

"Hahaha... Are you afraid of the police? Looking at you like this, you must have gone in, right?

Ouyang Hongxuan, who laughed loudly, bent down and patted the shoulder of the man squatting on the ground. Ting him to get up. Are you so afraid of the police that you still want to be evil here?

Looking up at Ouyang Hongxuan, who was smiling happily, the man stood up silently and turned around and left.

"Hey! You haven't told me what you're doing here?"

For the rapidly moving back, Ouyang Hongxuan pulled his throat and asked. However, the man didn't seem to hear what he said and didn't have the determination to walk down the mountain.

Hearing the noise outside, Tian Meng came out, "Hong Xuan, who are you talking to?"

"That weirdo!"

Pointing to the back of only half of his body, Ouyang Hongxuan also replied strangely. That man is so strange!

Tian Meng looked at the blurred figure, which was also full of doubts. To be honest, that person's back is a little familiar! But who is it?

The sun in the west dragged the shadow of the tree to the elders, and the pedestrians on the road shone vividly. Just like the car driven by someone, it was fast and agile, roaring across the zebra crossing and facing a gray-haired man.


Yu Bingrong looked at Yu Zhanpeng, who didn't look very well in the car. When he went out, he didn't tell anyone that he was here, but how could his son find him on the street?

"Where did you go just now?"

Yu Zhanpeng's undulating chest shows that he is not in a good mood. He is trying to restrain his temper with this man who has just been released from prison.

"I went to see your mother."

Yu Bingrong, who is ashamed of his son, has never been able to raise his head in front of Yu Zhanpeng. Naturally, he honestly explained his son's question. It's strange to say that he was originally the son of Yu Zhanpeng, but he was absent from his son's father's love for more than 20 years, which gave people the feeling that he was a son and was a no to Yu Zhanpeng.

"Who wants you to see her? My house is so big that I can't accommodate you? You are everywhere... running around!"

Yu Zhanpeng, with a blue face, pushed the door open and waited for Yu Bingrong to get on the car. In fact, he just said that he wanted to say that his father was embarrassed everywhere, but when he saw the strange eyes around him, he had to change his mouth temporarily.

For Ning Xue, he is already a little flawless, and now he has to be annoyed by this father who has always disappointed him. He really doesn't know how he has endured the anger in his stomach?

"I just want to see if she is doing well?"

He took a careful look, and Yu Zhanpeng was cold in his eyes, and Yu Bingrong came to the car door.

"If you don't visit her, she will have a better life! Don't you think it's enough that you have changed your life?

Sitting up angrily, Yu Zhanpeng exhaled angrily. This old guy is going crazy!

Being trampled hard by his son, Yu Bingrong's face became much darker. He lowered his head guilt and sat in the car.

"Who am I talking about? It turned out to be my brother-in-law's father!"

A sharp sarcastic word came from behind Yu Zhanpeng's car.

Yu Bingrong poked his head curiously, but saw that the speaker was the boy he had just seen in Tian Meng's house. Is he called his son brother-in-law? Well, he is...

"Ouyang Hongxuan, get out of here! It's not your turn to talk here!"

Yu Zhanpeng, sitting in front of him, turned around and stared into Ouyang Hongxuan's eyes, hoping to tear Ouyang Hongxuan's mouth as much as hatred. It is said that dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths! That boy's mouth has been spitting dog teeth! It's really depressing. How could he meet his father?

Ouyang Hongxuan, standing on the side of the car, did not care about Yu Zhanpeng's unfriendliness, but smiled calmly: "Get out of here, right? OK! I'll get out of here right now! However, please discipline your father and don't peep outside my house!"

The reason why he uses the word discipline to say Yu Bingrong is that he has just seen Yu Bingrong's fear of Yu Zhanpeng. Since he wants to be his old man, then I, Ouyang Hongxuan, will complete him! Hey...

Hearing this, Yu Zhanpeng really became angry. He pushed the door and got out of the car. He roared coldly, "Are you itchy? Want to learn a lesson on the street?"

"I think it's you who should learn a lesson, right? Tell me honestly, where did you take my second sister? If you don't make it clear today, we'll see you at the police station!"

Ouyang Hongxuan, who was still smiling before, spoke of Ning Xue, and his handsome face was full of doubts and haze. Before coming here, he talked on the phone with Gao Minghui and Huo Guanyu and confirmed again that Ning Xue had not contacted her good friends for a long time, but Yu Zhanpeng, as her husband, did not have any worry, which made him very suspicious that his sister's disappearance was related to Yu Zhanpeng!

"Her legs grow on her. Where does she like to go? Who can stop her?"

Yu Zhanpeng's answer is a little vague.

Ouyang Hongxuan, who was dissatisfied with his answer, sneered, got into the car and passed Yu Zhanpeng's car and galloped away. He could still hear his angry voice from afar: " Yu Zhanpeng, I have a way for you to hand over my second sister obediently!"

"Threatening me? You are still a little tender!"

First, he was upset by his father, and now he is upset by Ouyang Hongxuan, and Yu Zhanpeng's temper has also risen. But he didn't take it out, just kicked the door a few times.

The irritable look shocked Yu Bingrong in the car. He didn't expect that his excellent son would still be so perverse after marriage.