The president's runaway wife

Chapter 37 What did you do in the hospital?

The sky was bright, and the streets were silent. Except for the early sanitation workers, few passers-by would appear at this time. Occasionally, a few shouts were heard, and the air cut through the sky over the sleeping city, but it was quieter.

At this time, a residential building suddenly turned on by a wide and clean road. Then, the light in the other room also turned on.

A man's concerned voice sounded from the window that was not closed: "It's still early. Why don't you sleep for a while?"

"I can't sleep. My stomach is a little uncomfortable at night. I'm going to go to the hospital."

Answering a man is a slightly haggard female voice. The hoarse, lazy and powerless words all showed that she really didn't sleep well last night.

"I'll take you there!" The man said again.

"No! I can take care of myself. You can sleep again! I'm really sorry to have caused you a lot of trouble these days.

The woman's voice is very soft and polite.

"Who are we with?"

The man is a little impatient. It is provoked by the woman to talk to her so politely.

"You go to sleep! I'll pick it up first."

Without caring about the little reproach in the man's words, the woman said it again, but there was still a resolute element in her words. She can deal with her affairs, and she doesn't need too much care and interference from others.

In the room with two lights on, it suddenly became silent.

After a while, the lighted room behind finally went out.

Through the thin curtains, in the light room, a thin woman could be faintly seen sitting there silently. In the humid air, she seemed to hear her sad sigh.

Half an hour later, a black car came down the building where the woman lived, and the woman upstairs went downstairs and got into the car.

The driver was a handsome, extraordinary man in his twenties. His thin lips were slightly squeezed, and his shining eyes focused on the road ahead. He didn't say anything more about the woman sitting next to him except when he greeted her when he got on the car just now.

The black car galloped on the flat road against the morning mist and cool morning wind. However, the mood of the two people in the car was undulating.

Although the man who drove didn't say a word, his slightly trembling lips showed the instability in his heart. Even his two beautiful sword eyebrows were not as easy as before.

At this time, the beautiful woman in the passenger seat hung a quiet and undisputed look on her face. Her originally bright black eyes were light and focusless, and the eyes bursting out of her eyes were also scattered and messy. No one knows what she is thinking?

Except for the man driving.

The black car passed through the city center, through the dawn that was not yet bright, and stopped at the gate of a maternal and child health center.

The woman, whose eyes were originally lowered, raised her head and saw the dazzling words 'Maternal and Child Health Center'. She bit her pale and bloodless lower lip, and a color of hesitation appeared on her beautiful face.

"Madam, you can also change your mind."

The man holding the steering wheel said heavily.

"I don't want to change my attention, but I'm reluctant to give up! I can feel the beating of his life..."

When the woman said this, hot tears suddenly came out of her eyes, and a big one slipped down. Her thin hand on her leg has been clenched into a fist, and her long nails have gone into the flesh. But what she felt was not physical pain, but full of heartache and self-reproach.

I heard that she lost a child at the beginning of the year. That was an accident or murder. But now, she is unwilling but insists on coming here to personally destroy a newly formed life.

She was happy and proud when she first learned that she was pregnant. But the later medical report pointed out that her body did not allow her to bear the difficult project of pregnancy, so the dedicated doctor around her began to speak earnestly and tirelessly persuade her to get rid of the child.

Actually, a few days ago, she wanted to secretly give birth to the child, at least until the child could not have a miscarriage, and then tell the husband that she thought she loved her very much. But the man's performance that day woke her up. It's really not worth risking his life for a man who wronged his wife and defended his lover! Even if the child is born, the fact that the man is the father of the child can never be changed. With such a father, he must also feel lightless, right?

With her relieved child, she also completely broke off her relationship with Yu Zhanpeng and asked Xu Jinghao to bring her here without telling everyone, but when she got here, she still hesitated. The child is her heart! She is eager to take his little hand, watch him grow happily, and hear his crisp cry 'Mom' in the future... But how can she have the courage to meet these now?

Xu Jinghao has always been a careful person in Ning Xue's mind. Seeing her hesitation, he leaned sideways in the back seat and handed a bag to Ning Xue, "Why don't you eat something and give yourself plenty of time and think about it again?"

"What else to consider? Can I survive until the birth of a child with a body like me?

With a slight sigh, Ning Xue pushed the door and got out of the car. After leaving the community that day, she went to Huo Guanyu's place. When she fell asleep at night, she began to talk nonsense again. Huo Guanyu said that she almost fell out of bed. Therefore, she is powerless to have this child. In her case, she can avoid the first day of junior high school. Can she avoid it smoothly on the 15th?

Seeing that she was determined to walk to the gate of the hospital, Xu Jinghao also got out of the car and comforted the thin figure: "It's all arranged inside. The operators are all very professional senior doctors with rich clinical experience. There will never be a difference, don't worry! I'll wait here for you to come out."

Turning back, Ning Xue stretched out her hand and made a V gesture to Xu Jinghao. Turning around, she smiled miserably and continued to walk step by step. Fortunately, she still has such a friend with her, otherwise, she really doesn't know what warmth is in the world?

Originally, she wanted to tell her mother that she was pregnant and asked her to come to the hospital with her, but she was afraid that Yu Zhanpeng would come, so she didn't dare to tell anyone. Even Ouyang Hongxuan didn't intend to tell him. After all, I still remember that Ouyang Hongxuan concealed what Yu Zhanpeng had done that day. He can tolerate his brother's like to his father. What else can't he tolerate Yu Zhanpeng?


Xu Jinghao's voice came from behind anxiously again. Ning Xue turned back puzzledly. Does he have anything else to explain?

Seeing Ning Xue turn back, Xu Jinghao returned to his usual calmness and calmness: "It's okay! Relax a little, and you'll be fine soon."

Nodding with approval, Ning Xue turned around and walked to the door of the hospital. At this time, it was only more than six o'clock. Xu Jinghao was so sure that he must have arranged everything!

Looking at the cherished and thin figure disappearing at the door of the Maternal and Child Health Center, Xu Jinghao, who was standing on the side of the car, squatted on the ground and patted his head with a reproach: "Xu Jinghao, you bastard! You have failed your holy white coat, and you have also failed the poor woman's trust in you! You are the doctor who saved the dead and helped the wounded. How can you use her to revenge on that man? Damn you..."

The voice of self-blaming and guilt turned low with the wind and slowly dissipated in the morning breeze. By this time, the woman who was used by him had stepped into the registration hall.

At this time, there were no other people in the hospital except night duty personnel and cleaners. Ning Xue stepped in and immediately came forward to receive her. After explaining her intention, the receptionist immediately led her upstairs.

In the hospital, which was so quiet that a needle could be heard, Ning Xue's heart was like ashes. She followed the guide on the elevator with a numb expression, and her hand hanging on the edge of her trousers involuntarily pinched it.

"Shuer? What are you doing in the hospital?

A kind question sounded in the elevator downstairs, which also awakened the trance Ning Xue.

Looking sideways, Ning Xue saw a familiar face, although she was a little surprised how she appeared here? But she just nodded politely without saying a word.

"Xueer, are you not feeling well? Didn't Zhan Peng come with you?"

Seeing Ning's estrange attitude, Allen is going downstairs and just think that Ning Xue is pregnant with Yu Zhanpeng's child. As for Ami's miscarriage, she firmly believes that her sister's daughter will not be so cruel. However, she was curious about why Ning Xue came to the hospital so early. But Ning Xue doesn't seem to want to say it!

Seeing the distance between Ning Xue and herself, Allen took the handrail and quickly ran downstairs, and then took the elevator to chase Ning Xue upstairs.

When he caught a glimpse of Allen chasing after him, Ning Xue said to the guide, "I'll come later."

The patient had a request, and the guide naturally could not refuse. He nodded and agreed, and she walked away first.

"Wo girl, what's wrong with you? Not feeling well?"

Running over a few steps, Allen pulled Ning Xue up and down. Her face was not good, and her eyes were still sad, so she didn't have to rush to the hospital to see a doctor! There are no good doctors here in the early morning!

"Second aunt, why are you here?"

Avoiding Allen's question, Ning Xue asked why Allen appeared here? If you don't open her first, I'm afraid that when she comes out of the operation, the person she meets will definitely be Yu Zhanpeng.

In the past few days, Gao Minghui called Huo Guanyu and said that Yu Zhanpeng was looking for her everywhere. Fortunately, Gao Minghui had foresight and arranged her to live in a remote place in Kirk in advance. In the evening, Huo Guanyu was afraid that she would be afraid alone and went to accompany her, so she avoided Yu Zhanpeng these days and lived a good life.

"Yesterday, I came here to buy some bird's nest for Ami, but as soon as I arrived outside the hospital, I suddenly felt dizzy, so I came in to have a look. Who knows, the doctor looked at it and asked me to stay in the hospital for observation... I stayed here for one night and didn't feel anything serious, so I just wanted to go back early. Ami is still in the hospital! By the way, how about you, Cher?

After saying a lot of words, Allen still didn't forget the purpose of catching up. She came to the hospital so early and had no company, so she must be fine!

"I'm here to find a friend who is a doctor in obstetrics and gynecology. I want to ask her if there is any recipe for Ami to recover as soon as possible?

Lying was originally the worst thing for Ning Xue, but in the current situation, she had to make up a lie to fool Allen. Anyway, Ami is not a good person. If you use her, she won't die.

Looking at his niece lovingly, Allen's eyes were soft and warm, "No need. Ami's health is better than yours. You will be fine after a few days of rest. You should pay more attention to yourself!"

"I know. Second aunt, I'll go first!"

Taking Allen's hand away, Ning Xue strode towards the place where the previous guide had passed.