The president's runaway wife

Chapter 42 Elopement

Ning Xue, who lost her memory because of unexpected shock, inexplicably recovered her memory after experiencing extremely sad and contradictory choices. However, recalling the past, the first thing she did when she saw Yu Zhanpeng was to divorce him.

In the face of his wife who seemed to see through the love of the world, Yu Zhanpeng had no choice but to delay the army and proposed a half-year appointment. He believes that he can capture his wife's heart again within half a year with his true feelings. However, contrary to his wishes, on the night Ning Xue filed for divorce, he received a text message from Ning Xue. The text message is that she has left! He eloped with Huo Guanyu.

This prank-like text message made Yu Zhanpeng really call to verify it. The result of the verification made him a little helpless. He didn't believe that Ning Xue and Huo Guanyu left Yucheng out of elopement, but he absolutely believed that Ning Xue really didn't want to see him again this time. She really escaped from the city where they breathed the same air again!

After several hours, despite his reluctance, Yu Zhanpeng gave up the search. She can make a half-year appointment. Why can't she wait for this half-year appointment in another way? Perhaps, as she said, their love has come to an end and can never go back.

To love someone is to get more happiness and happiness. When she said this, she must not have thought that my happiness and happiness were based on her. Without her, there will be no more happiness and happiness in my life!

At this time, water drops fell to the ground, pulling Yu Zhanpeng, who had his thoughts flying back to reality.

Is it raining? Yu Zhanpeng looked up at the lonely night sky. Seeing the bright starry sky above his head and the stars shining, he realized that he was in tears.

With a smile, he returned to the car sadly and drove the car on the way home.

After parking the car and entering the door, the bright smiling faces of two women, one big and one small, were reflected in Yu Zhanpeng's eyes. It's Wu Yunsi and Yu Nianxue, who are playing checkers. Strangely, Yu Nianxue, who is reluctant to give up Ning Xue, shows a feeling of forgetfulness and joy at this moment.

In an moment, Yu Zhanpeng was touched and sighed sadly: I have never really known Ning Xue, and I have never known what she was thinking? However, there is a woman in the world who understands me and cherishes me. Although the woman who knows me is not Ning Xue, I am still grateful to her.

Besides, Ning Xue, who traveled with Huo Guanyu, slowly decreased her interest in going out after traveling through several famous mountains and rivers. One day, she also shouted to find a place to live next to the green mountains and green water. After all, she is a pregnant woman who is more than two months pregnant.

After leaving Yucheng, she followed Huo Guanyu's advice and went to the big hospital for another detailed examination. The results showed that the child in her belly was very healthy. If she can control her emotions, it is not impossible for her child to be born safely.

With this reassurance, Ning Xue was very happy these days when she left Yucheng, but Huo Guanyu vaguely felt that Ning Xue seemed to hide something from him? He didn't believe that Ning Xue could completely afford to be unrestrained. She is not an easy-to-forget person. He saw it out about Mu Tingfei.

However, for her request to find a place to live, Huo Guanyu thought of a good place, that is, his hometown. Although it is located in a mountainous area, the traffic is not very convenient, but it is still very good to nourish the fetus.

After hurriedly ending the originally planned travel plan, Huo Guanyu really returned to his beautiful hometown with Ning Xue. However, they did not return to the place where Ning Xue lived last time, but lived in the old house left by Aunt Huo Guanyu in the neighboring town.

That town is not big, with only two or three hundred families. Because it is located in the most remote place in the county, there are very few people there. In addition to some merchants, relatives occasionally come in, which is almost isolated from the world. Because of this, some people who are unwilling to be trapped here all their lives also follow the trend and go out to work. Huo Guanyu's aunt's family is one of them.

In Huo Guanyu's memory, aunts have not returned to the town for nearly ten years. Because the key he opened the door was still at home, in the warm cage of his grandfather, who had passed away for a long time. The key was left by his aunt for him. She said that he would have a girlfriend in the future, so he brought it here, so that the girl would not look down on his shabby house in the countryside. At least, this is the town, and this is a two-story building.

Who would have thought that after growing up, he witnessed the early death of his parents and experienced a tenacious life, but he could not avoid the feelings of men and women. Later, because of his work, he didn't even go back to his home often. Where did he have time to come here?

I just didn't expect that he, who is extremely unfamiliar here, still has a chance to come here. Speechless, he really brought a girl back.

"Did your aunt buy a house outside and won't come back to live?"

Covering her nose, Ning Xue looked at the choking dust coming and frowned.

"It should be! I seldom contact them.

pulled Ning Xue out of the dusty room, but Huo Guanyu himself rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen to pick up a basin of water and sprinkle water on the ground. Then, he picked up the broom full of spider webs and quickly began to clean up.

"Can I help you?"

Covering her nose and flashing the dust in front of her, Ning Xue asked kindly.

"No. You stay outside for a while, okay, I'll call you."

said to Ning Xue's love, Huo Guanyu's hand was not ambiguous, and his posture of sweeping the floor with a broom was extremely professional. Ning Xue couldn't help suspect that he had swept the street before and had done cleaning.

The old and strong smell of earth spread at the door, causing Ning Xue to sneeze several times in a row. Seeing Huo Guanyu staring at her with a little reproach in the room, she turned around and went to the yard.

Because no one was at home for a long time, green leeks were planted by neighbors in two small flowerbeds in the yard. Ning Xue, who grew up in the city, found it interesting and sincerely praised: they will make rational use of resources!

"The girl came with Xiao Huo, didn't she?"

An old lady in simple clothes stood in the yard next door and said with a smile. In her hand, she held a plate of large cakes with the fragrance of leeks.

Nod politely, and Ning Xue answered her. It seems that Huo Guanyu is still very popular here! I haven't been here for so many years, and there are still people who recognize him.

The old lady looked at Ning Xue with a happy smile and came over with a smile on the corners of her mouth: "Girl, are you hungry? This cake has just been baked by aunt. Take it first. Wait a minute, you and Xiao Huo will have lunch at Aunt's place! I just made cakes with the leeks in this flower garden. Do you want to try it?

Ning Xue wanted to refuse, but the old lady was so enthusiastic that she couldn't help stuffing the plate in her hand into her hand.

Looking at the seductive cake, Ning Xue said awkwardly, "How can this be?"

"Xiao Huo's aunt and I are neighbors. It's nothing to take care of each other in this neighborhood? Girl, let's make a deal. Wait a minute, you and Xiao Huo will come to our house for dinner!"

The old lady patted Ning Xue's hand and shouted happily, as if her daughter-in-law had come back.

"Ha ha... You're welcome, aunt."

The first time I met such a hospitable person, Ning Xue didn't know what to say? If Huo Guanyu hadn't said that this place was remote and the people here had retained their primitive kindness and simplicity, she would have been afraid that she would have fled in fear.

Just thinking about this, someone came over curiously, "Is this Xiao Huo's daughter-in-law? Oh, it's so beautiful! The girl outside is so watery! We can't find someone like you in our town!"

daughter-in-law? My mother, are you blind? Do I have the words Huo Guanyu's wife on my face?

Pouting unsatisfiedly, Ning Xue looked up and saw a 40-year-old woman walking this way, wearing a big red hemp skirt and a kind-looking woman. Somehow, what she wanted to refute was swallowed in her mouth. They like to talk nonsense, let them go. They didn't have to guess randomly about this explanation.

"It's really the most beautiful person I've ever seen! No one is so beautiful on TV!"

When she came to Ning Xue, the woman couldn't help praising her.

Seeing the aunt's enthusiasm, facing another enviable woman, smiling Ning Xue secretly shouted helplessly, so she looked into the room. What is this guy still lingling about inside? Can't you clean it later? I can't stand them anymore.

Maybe he heard Ning Xue's cry in his heart, and Huo Guanyu, with a dirty face, finally ran out of the room. Seeing Ning Xue's eyes for help, he immediately understood what was going on.

Quickly searched his mind for the names of the two women standing in front of Ning Xue. Huo Guanyu grinned and said loudly: "Mother Liu, sister-in-law, are you all right? I haven't seen you for so many years, you are still so young!"

"This boy is still so sweet-mouthed."

He looked at Huo Guanyu again, and Liu's mother's smile became more loving. Just now, she glanced at the door and remembered who he was for a long time. Now at this close look, it is different from before. She has become taller and more handsome.

The woman called the seventh sister-in-law suddenly became a little sad. It's not easy! A lonely person finally came out! Now that you have such a beautiful daughter-in-law, I believe your aunt should be relieved.

After a few words of greeting, Huo Guanyu saw many people surrounding this side, so he smiled shallowly, thanked the two women in front of him who cared about him, and led Ning Xue back to the room.

"The people here are terrible!"

Entering the room and looking at Huo Guanyu who closed the door, Ning Xue said the most real feeling in her heart. Good boy, this enthusiasm is enough to cook a big living person.

"It's not scary, it's cute, it's simple, and it's passion from the heart. They don't have as many hearts as people in the city. They like you, so they watch you like this.

wiping the sweat on his forehead, Huo Guanyu went to the bathroom. Hey... It's really hard to clean a place where no one lives. You have to take a shower, otherwise the pregnant woman with a keen sense of smell will be blamed again.

After taking a shower, Huo Guanyu, dressed in a refreshing body, actually saw Ning Xue washing curtains in the laundry room next to the bathroom. Immediately, his face changed, rushed to pull Ning Xue away, and roared an angry: "What's wrong with you, woman? Will you die if you let me wash these things? Do you know how dirty it is? And the laundry detergent in this room has long expired. What if it affects the child?

Ning Xue, who was suddenly pulled aside by Huo Guanyu, saw that his face was gloomy and ugly, and he thought where did he be provoked? She wanted to scold him, but when she heard what he said, she was stunned. His concern is so strong! Be gentle, I can remember it in the future!

Ning Xue was rudely pressed down and sat on the chair that had been wiped by him for a long time. Huo Guanyu, who was still naked, did not put on his clothes and hurriedly opened in the laundry room.

Looking at the wheat color, strong body, and his side focused on washing clothes, a sweet warmth, I don't know when it slowly penetrated into Ning Xue's heart? It was a very distant feeling that she deliberately forgot. Unexpectedly, it came out again today.