The president's runaway wife

Chapter 44 Rainy Days

In the remote countryside, inconvenient transportation is its endorsement, and its important business card is the green that spreads to the whole eye. Under the quiet sky, everything in the pure and natural mountains has not been polluted by the civilization of the city, nor has it changed much because of the great changes of the times. It still maintains the simplicity and peace of the mountain village.

At this time, on the less spacious mountain village road, a particularly eye-catching red sports car drove happily against the wet morning wind.

Some people who were busy in the field were immediately attracted by this rare luxury car. They stopped their work, stood up, stretched their necks, and their confused eyes moved with the running of the red sports car.

The red sports car did not run too far in the sight of the villagers, but it aroused the curiosity of everyone. Because it stopped outside the Huo family's yard. Then, a short-haired woman in a thin shirt got out of the car and pushed open the door of the Huo family.

"Isn't that Miss Ning who lived here for more than a month last year? Did she come to see Guan Yu?

Someone was sharp-eyed and called out the name of the woman who got off the bus.

In fact, he is really right. That woman is really Ning Xue.

Yesterday, Huo Guanyu told Ning Xue that he would go home to get something. But it rained in the middle of the night, and Ning Xue followed the sound of dripping water and found Huo Guanyu's room. In order to force Huo Guanyu to confess, she shamelessly squeezed into Huo Guanyu's bed and domineeringly did not allow Huo Guanyu to leave unless he explained why he was willing to live in a leaky room. But Huo Guanyu kept silent and morally lay on the edge of Ning Xue without crossing the thunder pool. It was because he carefully kept a distance from Ning Xue that he fell asleep until dawn.

However, the originator slept heartlessly until dawn. Fortunately, after she woke up, she heard Huo Guanyu snoring evenly and saw him sleeping soundly. She didn't disturb him. She got up quietly and drove out. She came to Huo Guanyu's hometown.

Opening the door of the courtyard and opening Huo Guanyu's house, Ning Xue began to look for it carefully in the room. What he wants to take is somewhere in the house!

"Brother...Brother...Are you back?"

The singing voice of Huang Ying came into Ning Xue's ears at this time.

Ning Xue immediately turned around and looked at the door. Because outside the door is the voice of Huo Guanyu's cousin Huo Lin. After living here for so long last winter, this girl took good care of her. Therefore, hearing her voice again, Ning Xue quickly turned around and greeted her with a smile.

Seeing that it was Ning Xue, Huo Lin was a little disappointed, but after a smile, she returned to her previous joy, "Sister Xueer, why is it you?"

"I came to help Guan Yu get something, but I forgot to ask him what he wanted?"

scratching her head, Ning Xue laughed a few times with a little embarrassment. If I had known, I would have asked him last night what he wanted to take.

"I know! That day, my brother called back and said.

Holin pulled Ning Xue out of the yard with an excited face.

Does she know? That's great! Speeding up, Ning Xue followed Huo Lin.

Out of Huo Guanyu's yard, Huo Lin took Ning Xue around and returned to her home.

Huo Lin's mother also knew Ning Xue. Seeing Huo Lin coming back with Ning Xue, she was slightly stunned and smiled, "Xiao Xue, come and sit down."

"Aun aunt, no need. I sneaked out, and Guan Yu didn't know yet!"

Noticing Huo Lin's mother's kindness, Ning Xue looked eagerly at Huo Lin. She really wants to know what Huo Guanyu wants to take.

With a proud smile, Horin shook her legs and ran into the hall. After a while, she carried a small red bucket back to the door, "That's what's in it."

Looking at the curious probe, Ning Xue screamed: "Snake!"

"It's not a snake, it's an eel."

Holin's mother found a plastic bag and said with a smile. The girl in the countryside was bold. Huo Lin dared to reach out to get it, but Xiao Xue screamed with fear. I really doubt if she can bring back these things specially ordered by Guan Yu?

Hearing such an explanation, Ning Xue's fear of the snake subsided a lot. She patted her chest, adjusted her breathing, and then stretched out her head to look.

"Sister Xueer, you are so timid. Look at me!"

The straightforward Huo Lin made fun of Ning Xue bluntly. She squatted on the edge of the bucket and stretched out her hand to fish all the eels that were still bending through into the bag handed over by her mother.

"They don't bite your hand?"

Looking at Huo Lin with a proud face in surprise, Ning Xue was very impressed. The eel with thick fingers didn't blink her eyes.

"Just don't touch its mouth."

Put the bag containing the eel in her mother's hand and put it in Ning Xue's hand, Huo Lin said with a smile on her face. She was born and grew up in the countryside. For these small things such as fishing and catching eels, it is as common for her to eat.

A little frowned and took the bag, Ning Xue drove away under the eyes of Huo Lin's mother and daughter.

I'll take back what Guan Yu wants to bring. He must be very happy, right?

Thinking about this, the corners of Ning Xue's small mouth rose slightly. He gave me the rain-proof room, and I helped him take something back in return. He shouldn't blame me for slipping out!

In an hour, a kind of self-affirmation comfort filled Ning Xue's heart.

Unfortunately, God often sleeps with his eyes closed. Well, Ning Xue drove back to the town happily, but just halfway through the journey, the sky began to rain.

Staring at the increasingly dense raindrops hitting the windshield, Ning Xue scolded God, quickly added the cover of the car, and rushed forward as soon as she stepped on the accelerator.

The red running car carries its owner, like a fish swimming in the ocean, driving faster and faster on the less spacious country road.

In front of a hill, Ning Xue sounded her horn with traffic rules, slowing down and slowly turning.

However, at this moment, Ning Xue heard a muffled sound. After the car shook violently, she was frightened to find that the car did not move.

When she opened the window, she stretched out her head against the pouring rain outside. At this time, her face was as ugly as the mud soaked in the rain outside.

The original car is now in the mud pit.


With a sigh, Ning Xue withdrew her head and picked up the clean towel in the car to wipe her wet hair. Do you want to ask Guan Yu to help? It seems that no one needs help in this place except him!

Taking down the towel on her head, Ning Xue picked up her mobile phone and turned over Huo Guanyu's number.

"Miss, can I help you?"

At this time, someone knocked on the window outside the car window and said.

Hearing the sound, Ning Xue saw a man with a big black umbrella standing outside the window. Because of the heavy rain, she didn't hear the footsteps of someone approaching.

In trouble, she didn't want to quickly roll down the window and nodded to the man standing in the rain.

"Wait a minute." The man left this sentence and turned around.

In the heavy rain, Ning Xue saw the man wave to a car behind him. Then, two burly men came down from the car that approached at some point.

These people don't seem to live locally. Why do they appear here? Although this lane is not very spacious, there is still no problem driving two cars side by side. Why didn't they overtake and leave?

A little doubt in her heart prompted Ning Xue to be vigilant, and immediately rolled up the car window a little.

"Miss, start the car and we will push it for you."

The man holding an umbrella turned around and said by the window of Ning Xue's car.

"Thank you."

The man outside the car, pretending to be nothing, said gratefully that Ning Xue's hands and feet still listened to the man and started the engine.

The man holding the umbrella threw the umbrella in his hand, went to the rear of the car, and pushed the car with two other men.

In the pouring rain, three men who puzzled Ning Xue unremittingly pushed the car and finally helped Ning Xue push the car out of the mud pit.

Looking at the gasping chickens behind the car, Ning Xue's heart was warm and no longer entangled with their identity and the purpose of appearing here. After rolling down the window, she said in a grateful voice, "Thank you!"

The three men shook their heads slightly and turned to their car together.

"That person is..."

Looking at a distant back, Ning Xue was a little confused. That person's back is a little familiar. It seems that he has seen it somewhere?