The Legend of the God of Time and Space

0221 life

Ye Feng was quite impressed by this person's formation in his heart. Phoenix has used one-fifth of its strength in this battle, and Phoenix has used no more than one-tenth of the first three battles. If it hadn't been for the intention to explore what these gatekeepers could do, Phoenix would have passed the seven levels early at this time.

Phoenix nodded to the wind on a cold night and turned around and disappeared into this dark forest.

The river is surging, the waves are beating on the shore, the moonlight is high, and the stars are ten thousand cold.

The phoenix stood on the bank and looked at the other side of the river.

At the intersection of the Tianhe River in the distance, there is a little green light, and the beginning and tail are connected, reflecting a green fluorescence between the black sky and the river.

That's a kind of epsfly flying to attract the opposite sex. The green light is emitted by their trembling wings.

Although the ephemerfly is beautiful, how short is life? It's just one day.

Looking at the strange scenery in front of him, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel sorry. This place is obviously in the cave. How can there be a river of stars and moon? Is this already another world?

He pondered for a moment and couldn't understand, so he made Phoenix fly to the other side of the river.

After flying for less than a moment, Phoenix suddenly stopped.

What a strong knife spirit! And... the atmosphere of alcohol!

The knife is cold and cold. The wine is strong and drunk.

Phoenix looked carefully and saw a peerless knife man standing in the wind dozens of feet away.

The bright full moon behind him made his black clothes stand out.

His sword eyebrows were locked, as if there was pain that could not be helped.

His eyes are like black night pearls. In the moonlight, he can faintly see the halo in his eyes.

When Phoenix couldn't help but fall deeply into it, he suddenly found that this person was actually three pupils. The brown pupil is slightly larger than the black pupil, and the largest is the black pupil. The three pupils of black, brown and black are combined to form a ring-shaped halo, as if there is a suction to suck people into his eyes.

It is said that anyone with three pupils, no matter what kind of unique move, can't escape his eyes.

After calming down a slightly shocked mood, Ye Feng asked, "Your Excellency is..."

"Eplies all their lives." With that, the knife man had pulled out the knife behind his back and raised the knife to the phoenix.

In just one breath, the mayfly has passed dozens of feet away and appeared on the side of the Phoenix, and the knife in his hand has also hit the neck of the Phoenix.

The strength of this person has been immortal, but he does not sacrifice magic weapons and drive magic weapons attacks like other immortals, but directly raises a knife to attack like an ordinary warrior, which really surprised Ye Feng.

And his body can only be described by one word "fast", which is as fast as teleportation, even faster than teleportation.

Yes, his body is faster than the knife, so he does not sacrifice magic weapons to attack like other immortals, but directly raises a knife to split it.

Ye Feng guessed in his heart that Phoenix had quickly rushed aside and would avoid this knife. Unexpectedly, the mayfly had appeared behind him in his life, and the long knife was still straight to the neck.

Phoenix flashes again.

The mayfly is still like a shadow all its life, appearing in front of the phoenix, and the long knife still takes the key to the neck.

Phoenix hides again.

The mayfly appeared on the side of the Phoenix in his life, and the long knife still split...


The severe pain came from Phoenix's left arm, and he was stabbed by an epsopus in his life.

This time, the target of the epsfly's life was actually locked to Phoenix's left arm. Fortunately, Phoenix is extremely tough because of the genetic skin and flesh of the flower jellyfish. Although it is painful, it has not been cut off, otherwise this blow would have cut off the Phoenix's chest.

Unexpectedly, this person took advantage of the inertia of human thinking to attack the opponent's neck several times in a row, making the opponent mistakenly think that the target of his attack was still the neck, but ignored that his shoulder was dozens of centimeters wider than his neck. Even if the neck dodged the opponent's blade, his shoulders may not be able to avoid it.

The phoenix shouted loudly and flew back several feet with the power of the other party's knife, opening the distance from the mayfly. However, the foothold was not stable, and the awe-blow blade behind him attacked again.

The phoenix suddenly disappeared and appeared dozens of feet away. The speed of this person's law forced him to use teleportation.

However, the mayfly still appeared in front of him like a shadow, and the long knife cut to the neck of the phoenix.

Sure enough, this person's body has exceeded the speed of teleportation.

Ye Feng decided to start to fight back.

But when I saw a flash of light, I heard a choking sound and the swords intersect.

Just as the blade was about to cut its neck, Phoenix's thunder finally appeared and intercepted the long knife of the mayfly.

At the moment when the two looked at each other, Ye Feng couldn't help praising: "In my life, the knife method is strange and simple, and the body is simple and strange."

Yes, this person's knife skills are amazing and unpreventable, but they are very simple. Several consecutive attacks are just the most common chopping, and there are no special tricks. And his body is also simple and unpretentious, with no tricks. The only feature is that it is fast, so fast that it makes people feel strange and unpredictable.

But why don't he have complicated moves in his body and knife? If there are changes in it, Phoenix now doesn't know how many times he has been hit by him.

"Your knife and body... are not self-taught."

As soon as Ye Feng said this, it shocked the mayfly all over his life, and the light in his eyes shot out.

Boone flew back, but the Phoenix's feet had not yet stood firm, and the blade of the epsfly's life has arrived again.

Although Phoenix is affected by the boundary here and can't exert its full strength, it can still use 50% of its power. And he doesn't want to kill the cicada, and his power is only a quarter.

50%, that is to say, Phoenix has one-eighth of the power to deal with the mayfly at this time, and the speed is only half of the life of the mayfly.

You need to know that Phoenix is a big Luo Jinxian, while the epsicada is just a small golden fairy in life, and there is a difference between the two sides.

The difference in strength between Daluo Jinxian and Jinxian should be calculated by a hundred times. A golden fairy is just an ant-like role in the eyes of Daluo Jinxian. Even if there are hundreds of golden immortals, it may not be able to stop a Daluo Jinxian.

With the power of Phoenix Luo Jinxian, the speed is at least 100 times faster than that of ordinary Jinxian.

Oh, that's great! Ye Feng was amazed that if such a genius is pointed by a famous teacher, the future development is unlimited.

Ye Feng's words just now seemed to have struck the anger of the mayfly. His body was faster than before, and the knife spirit on the knife was also more awesome. Before the blade arrived, it had made Phoenix feel the pain of cutting his skin.

Phoenix was helpless and suddenly improved its speed. At the same time, the giant wings cut back and faced the blade of the mayfly's life.

But when he felt a flower in front of him, the mayfly had flown away in his life and did not touch the phoenix, but when the phoenix's wings turned around and the phoenix turned to him, he had appeared again and raised his knife to the phoenix as his chest.

However, the sword held by Phoenix's left hand stabbed the eppocus, and at the same time, the blade of the right * sword went to meet the blade of the life of the eppox.

Naturally, he knew that Phoenix's strength was far beyond him. In terms of speed, he may barely compete with Phoenix, but in terms of internal power, he was less than 1% of Phoenix. Of course, he tried to avoid a tough confrontation with Phoenix, so he withdrew his knife and flew back again.

At this time, Phoenix has turned to face him, and he has also reached the front of Phoenix and chopped down with a long knife. But the thunder in Phoenix's hand has been raised for the second time. At this time, if the long knife of the mayfly really falls, the sword is bound to fight.

The epnet has no choice but to fly back three times in his life. When he flashed forward again, he was facing another giant wing on the left side of the Phoenix.

"Alas!" The pheasant sighed all his life, and the man had flashed several feet away. But he still put up the knife again and came back behind Phoenix, and Phoenix's first resistance to the right wing of his blade had turned around, this time bringing a tornado-like violent airflow.

Blocked by the airflow, the speed of the eplies in life is a little slower. Seeing the giant wings of the phoenix, they are about to collide with their own blades. The snorted coldly in their lives, and their blade suddenly rose to the ground. Unexpectedly, they gave up resisting the giant wings and turned to the neck of the phoenix.

If it is someone else, this move will inevitably lead to both sides.

But who is Phoenix? In addition to this pair of giant wings, there are also thunder swords in their hands, and the two swords come out together and stab back. Coupled with the huge right wing, three sharp weapons are the key points of the life of the mayfly.

Unexpectedly, Phoenix had no intention of dodging in the face of the long knife attack. For a moment, the pheasant had to fly back again.

Although the two swords were successfully rescued, Phoenix still felt a dull pain in the back of his neck. The blade of the cicada's life had obviously hit there just now. If it hadn't been for his special constitution, his head had fallen off now.

Looking at the mayfly's life, blood has oozed out of his shoulders and abdomen. It seems that although he retreated immediately, he finally moved slightly slowly due to the violent air flow rolled up by the Phoenix, causing Phoenix's swords and giant wings to hit the target. However, it seems that he just suffered a skin injury, and it's nothing serious.

"You lost." Ye Feng said that he did not want to fight with the pheasant again.

"Not yet." The ech said all his life and raised his knife to attack again.