The Legend of the God of Time and Space

0356 Make it bigger

Zhu Xiao couldn't help saying, "Ye Feng, are you really sure that you want to go to the divine world now? Your injury..."

Ye Feng said, "It doesn't matter. Don't worry, I won't be a burden like someone." He said and shot at Zhou Rongrong.

Zhou Rongrong heard that he was mocking herself again. She was angry again and stared at Ye Feng. She really wanted to go up and kick him.

Qian Dai said, "You just need to help us open the boundary that separates the devouring world from the outside world, and the rest can be done by me and Zhu Xiao."

Zhu Xiao nodded in agreement and said, "Qian Dai is right. After opening the boundary, you will hide in the artifact with the little girl.

Ye Feng did not say anything, turned away from the cockpit and entered the lounge. Although he wants to rest, how can he be sleepy at all? Now sit cross-legged and practice hundreds of secrets.

After being injured by the chaotic source force, he found that several major artifacts and skills were contained and could not benefit, while the Baimi Tibetan skills could alleviate the damage caused by the chaotic source force to a certain extent. Therefore, these days, he mainly practiced Baimi Tibetan.

"It seems that the chaotic source power is indeed the nemesis of the ancient artifact, but this Baimi collection seems to be the opposite of it. It is the savior of the ancient artifact. What is the relationship between this Baimi collection and the ancient artifact and Pangu magic soldiers?"

After running the skill for a week, Ye Feng felt that the pain caused by the chaotic source force was relieved a little, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

"Also, why does the opening volume of the divine spectrum show a hundred secret secrets?"

Ye Feng took out the yellow secret book and looked at it for a long time, but still couldn't see any mystery in it.

"Am I not good enough? Or, seven sets of ancient artifacts must be gathered together?

Ye Feng sighed helplessly, put away the secret, transported the secret collection again, and practiced it.

Three hours later, the Maria entered the underground space-time tunnel of the ninth demon time and space. Because the time and space of gods and demons is a place where only masters above the holy level can come, the tunnel entrance here is prohibited, and only people above the holy level can pass.

Ye Feng stared at Zhou Rongrong, which embarrassed Zhou Rongrong for a while. She blushed and lowered her head and fiddled with the corners of her clothes with both hands.

"Don't resist, I'll put you into the artifact." Ye Feng was quite helpless and couldn't help whispering, "If you are a fart worm, you are a fart worm. You can't even cross the boundary at the entrance of the tunnel, and you still have to follow."

Zhou Rongrong looked up at him, and tears kept spinning in her eyes.

"Princess, you are such a daughter that you can't even hear a sarcastic word." Ye Feng sneered, pulled down his face and said, "You cry so much, won't you be laughed at by your colleagues when you usually go on a mission?"

Zhou Rongrong said, "My colleagues have never bullied me like you." To be honest, she also found that she has become very crying recently. In the past, she always thought she was a strong girl and did not like to cry as she does now.

Ye Feng said, "When did I bully you?"

Zhou Rongrong snorted and whispered, "What are you bullying?"

"Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you, so as not to get angry again." Ye Feng said, his heart moved and included Zhou Rongrong into the artifact of creation.

Zhu Xiao and Qian Dai have been waiting outside the boundary, and Ye Feng quickly stepped out of the boundary. The entrance of this space-time tunnel is located in the human world. If you want to enter the divine world, you must first enter the fairyland. When Ye Feng came out of the boundary, he found that Zhu Xiao and Qian Dai were discussing something.

Seeing Ye Feng come out, Qian Dai said, "Ye Feng, I just discussed it with Zhu Xiao. I think that if you come to the ninth demon time and space for the first time, we should take you to play for a few days, and then we will go to the world to eat the gods."

Ye Feng was stunned and looked at the bamboo flute.

Zhu Xiao said, "Qian Dai is right. There are many famous mountains and rivers in this time and space, especially the divine world, which are everywhere. It's not easy for you to come here. You should visit first."

These two people clearly saw that Ye Feng's injury had not healed, so they gave him time to heal his wounds. Although Ye Feng didn't say anything, he knew it clearly. At present, he saluted the two respectfully and said, "Then, it's time for the two seniors to act as guides for the younger generation."

Qian Dai smiled and said, "Ha ha, let Rongrong out and let her learn more."

Ye Feng moved and released Zhou Rongrong from the artifact.

"Senior, where is our first stop?" Ye Feng couldn't help asking.

"The first stop? Naturally, go to the most interesting place in the human world first." Qian Daidao.


After entering the fairyland, Zhou Rongrong could not bear it because of the change of air pressure, but she had to agree to be included in Ye Feng's artifact. However, Ye Feng did not cut off the connection between the artifact and the outside world. Through the shadow wall of the artifact, she could still see the scenery outside.

On this day, Ye Feng recovered from his injury and proposed to end the mountain and water tour. The three gods hurried to the god-eating world.

Zhou Rongrong stayed in the artifact and stared at the shadow wall without blinking. She found that with her eyes, she could not capture the scenery displayed on the shadow wall at all.

Ye Feng is rushing with Zhu Xiao and Qian Dai. How fast is the speed of the three gods? The things Ye Feng found flashed on the shadow wall like wind and electricity. Zhou Rongrong's strength was too far from him to see clearly.

Thinking of the gap between herself and Ye Feng, Zhou Rongrong was quite depressed.

"Sister Rongrong, why do you look depressed? Doesn't your brother like you?" Niunu asked, Tongyan Wuji, and was talking about Zhou Rongrong's pain.

"What can he do if he doesn't like me? Anyway, I don't like him either. Zhou Rongrong said angrily.

"Well, then I'm relieved." Ni Niu sighed and said like an adult.

Zhou Rongrongqi said, "What are you worried about? Does this have a lot to do with you?

"Of course." Niunyu said proudly, "I'm 100% bigger without you as a strong enemy."

Zhou Rongrong looked confused and said, "What do you mean? What's 'big'?

"To be the first wife." Nibunyu said happily, "I'm going to be my brother's first wife when I grow up. Sister Luhua, Sister Youyang and Sister Huashang have all promised me, and none of them will rob me..."

"Stop." Zhou Rongrong found the key, interrupted Niunyu and asked, "I've seen the painting and melodious. Who is that Huashang?"

Nunu said, "It's just the rain falling in Huashang. She lives in the hidden green like the painting sister and the melodious sister. When she comes out, she has a blood-red ghost lamp on her head..."

Zhou Rongrong couldn't help interrupting her again and asked, "Why do they stand against the ghost lamp?"

Nioniu said, "You don't even know this. Because they are ghosts, they are against the ghost lamp."

Zhou Rongrong took a cold breath and said in shock, "Ghost? Do you mean that the fragrant soul into the painting and the melodious music are all female ghosts?

Niunyu nodded her head hard and said, "Yes. However, Sister Rongrong, don't worry, they are all good ghosts. They all listen to Brother Ye Feng's words and never hurt people.

"Is it? Do they listen to Ye Feng very much? Zhou Rongrong asked a little confusedly, "Is that... Yuluo Huashang as beautiful as the painting?"

Niang said, "Although she is not beautiful in painting, she is also a great beauty. She is proficient in poetry, singing and dancing. However, my brother said that he liked me best.

While talking, Niu jumped happily around Zhou Rongrong, like a happy rabbit.

Zhou Rongrong was stunned and said to himself, "It turns out that he is not only surrounded by fragrant paintings and melodious piano words, but also a rainy and gorgeous. They are not only beautiful, but also talented, and listen to Ye Feng very much. Then I... I..."

Zhou Rongrong bit her lips and felt very uncomfortable. She said secretly, "No wonder he didn't pay attention to me at all. It turned out that he was surrounded by beautiful women. That's right, those women are obedient, strong, beautiful and talented; and I have nothing but a beautiful face, and I hate him so much. How can he like me?

Zhou Rongrong was as listless as frost. She lay down on the ground, buried her face in her arms, and tears secretly flowed down.

"Sister Rongrong, what's wrong with you? Sleepy?" Niu asked strangely.

"Hmm." Zhou Rongrong responded casually.