sin totem

The talent and weakness of the human race

Hidden talent:

I. Theoretically, all known civilization systems can be learned through wisdom and neutralization, but some civilization systems are not suitable for human development.

2. Theoretically, it is suitable for all drug stimuli and has the best tolerance.

3. Theoretically, it can be neutralized with all bloodlines and combined with all fertile bloodlines to produce the next generation.

4. Theoretically, it can break through again according to the inheritance of civilization. There is no limit barrier, not bound by innate conditions such as body, bloodline, talent, etc., and has infinite possibility of growth.

Innate weakness:

I. In the early stage, the individual's ability is weak, and the growth time is long, and the growth is uncertain and unstable.

2. Without a clear talent, all development is based on inheriting wisdom, and the school is the core carrier of human development.

3. With personal heroism, the ruling of the intelligent elite rather than the rule of power, fools are easy to accept the temptation of outsiders.

IV. Different concepts within the ethnic group are easy to kill each other.