sin totem

Chapter 23 The Strength of the Undead Magician

"Father, Andari from the cholera gold mine in the north came to harass me again and asked me to marry him. Is this Beishi Town our family's territory or their cholera gold mine?"

The woman in white came in angrily and casually sat on a chair in the hall, with her eyes slightly red.

Baru heard the words of the woman in white, and his face flashed with anger, but then he thought of something. Under the pressure of anger, he appeared again with a gentle look.

"Miley, how many times have I told you that we have a good cooperative relationship with the cholera master of the cholera gold mine. After all, Andari is under the cholera minister. Next time you go out, you should take more guards. Come on, this is the new Scar Samurai..."

Baru tried to pretend that he didn't care, but anyone could feel the embarrassment and anger in his heart.

"You're afraid of the necromancer cholera. Isn't he just going to summon a pile of bones? They all bullied us at our door..."

Millie was obviously angry to the extreme, didn't care about Baru's face at all, and directly interrupted Baru's real words. For a moment, the atmosphere was very embarrassing.

" shut up! Millie, you are so ignorant! How can Andari be compared with the cholera minister! Come on, send the young lady back to her room, hum!"

I have to say that Baru can't lose face in front of outsiders.

"No, I'll go by myself!"

It was like another gust of wind. Millie went out and tears flashed.

Youyuan's heart jumped. It seems that this mayor Baru is not very relaxed. It's really a place of chaos...

"Ha ha, let the scar little brother laugh. The little girl is really naughty."

Balu was slightly embarrassed. Indeed, Millie had almost swept away the majesty he had established just now. Of course, Youyuan was not a person who did not know the world, and his face immediately straightened.

"Where, it is clear from the young lady's words that the cholera gold mine forces are causing trouble. If the Grand Duke needs it, Scar is willing to do his best."

Youyuan said firmly, but obviously just said it. Start joking? The opposite side is not a great benefactor.

"Oh, brother, I understand. Where is it? We have always been friends with the cholera gold mine..."

Looking at Baru's uncertain face, Youyuan's heart jumped again. According to the previous words, the resources occupied outside the town generally rely on their own strength to forcibly occupy the self-apported minister.

And it can make Baru, who has a third-order fighting spirit warrior as a thrush, swallow his anger and dare not offend him. The undead magician cholera is definitely an extremely powerful existence.

Later, the banquet was naturally refreshing. After a long time, the banquet dispersed, and Youyuan left the banquet and walked on the street.

As soon as the power of the body's blood and soul worked, Youyuan's drunkenness dissipated. He smiled and took a small bag of gold coins in his hand and walked back to his residence.

It was very late. Lilith lit the lights and was still reading magic books with relish.

Lilith looked at Youyuan coming back and came over with joy. Youyuan picked up Lilith with a smile and began to teach magic again.


In the following days, Youyuan did a good job in the altar. Although there are blood demon seeds to bring rich supplements every day, making Youyuan's strength continue to improve, it is obviously much slower than before.

After all, with the increase of strength, the amount of blood soul power needs to be accumulated has begun to double, so the improvement of the Heyuan cultivation that has come to the current advanced realm of magicians has naturally slowed down.

However, although the blood demon seed is a good way to grow rapidly, the magic of daily meditation cannot be given up.

After all, when a person cultivates to the third level, he needs some understanding of the elements of heaven and earth. At that time, both magicians and warriors will have a qualitative change, so Youyuan is also working hard.

Now, through the sacrifice of the demon world on the central altar, pure magic elements from the demon world continue to pour into the room. Youyuan and Lilith meditate with their eyes closed, and their strength is growing rapidly.

Half a month later, Youyuan was celebrating Lilith's successful advancement to the intermediate magic apprentice. At the same time, Youyuan finally sealed a forbidden spell, the finger of blood resentment.

At this time, the gate of the yard suddenly sounded. It turned out that Baru finally had something to go out, and the person who came was Captain Beishi.

"The mayor has a task."

Captain Beishi's voice was a little too calm and seemed to foresee something.


Youyuan asked in a low voice.


After getting the other party's answer, Youyuan nodded.

After a brief explanation to Lilith, Youyuan quietly summoned a demon knight in the laboratory, just in case, and then followed Captain Beishi to the yard of the town leader Baru.

At this time, in addition to the mayor Baru, there is also a magician wearing a black mage robe and holding an unknown bone magic wand, a tall bull-headed orc nearly two meters tall carrying a huge tomahawk and a knight riding a white horse.

Plus Captain Beishi and the black masked half of the face and the ferocious scarred on the half of the face, a total of six people.

"Ha ha, the scar little brother has arrived. Come on, let me introduce to you. This is the scar of the new second-order senior warrior, who was personally verified by Captain Beishi.

After everyone nodded, Baru began to introduce those people to Youyuan.

"This is the second-order senior undead magician, skeleton soul."

"This is a second-order senior warrior, awesome."

"This is a second-order senior knight, a betrayer."

After a simple process explanation, everyone knows each other. After all, everyone just completes the task, and there is no need to be serious.

However, compared with the relatively easy-going of the ghost, the other three have their own characteristics. The skeleton reveals that what they are vicious, evil and cruel; Niu Man seems to have some faint sorrow and sadness, and a little hatred; the abandoner is cold and close.

After confirming that the preparations were completed, Baru got into the carriage. After the groom shouted, the carriage began to move slowly, while others escorted around the carriage.

Youyuan hesitated for a moment and began to approach Captain Beishi in front of the team halfway.

"Captain, where is our destination?"

Captain Beishi looked back at Youyuan, who asked in a low voice, and looked a little strange.

Huh? It's the town of Ceylon. The mayor will go there to do something. It will take about half a day to get there.

Youyuan nodded, looked at the skeleton soul at the same time, and asked in a low voice, "What is the combat effectiveness of the undead magician's skeleton soul?"

Captain Beishi quietly glanced at the skeleton behind him and whispered, "His commission is 500 per month, while mine is only 600, do you understand?"

Youyuan was shocked that he was only 300. Could it be that this undead mage is really the highest comprehensive strength among all the magicians as depicted in the book?

And the other party is only second-order advanced.

"Don't worry, this guy is just a second-level intermediate. If you fight, with your strength, you are likely to kill him forcibly before he uses bone sea tactics.

And compared with the undead magician cholera in the cholera gold mine, he is just a small fish.

Other people will have a qualitative change in strength when they are all third-order magicians. Although their strength will be greatly improved in the third-order magicians, the real qualitative change is when they are in the fourth-order magician realm.

Because the power of the keel they summon at that time will be a disaster for the lower level.

There was a slight thought in Youyuan's eyes and lowered his head.

"What are the commissions of other people?"

In the face of Youyuan's question, Captain Beishi smiled.

"Three hundred, three hundred abandoners, you are also three hundred, understand?"

Youyuan nodded and stopped talking. As the team slowly walked to the town of Ceylon, the sound of the whip waved by the groom came from time to time.