sin totem

Chapter 35 One-eyed Dragon

However, the two still left the imperial capital. Before leaving, Youyuan bought a necklace made of third-order Warcraft bones as a gift for Lilith.

The journey back at the beginning was a lot bumpy. After all, near the chaotic king city, there were still many robbers who didn't buy cholera accounts, and the two didn't want to get into trouble. They paid a few silver coins.

has been walking for two days. On this day, I saw a lonely carriage on the road. According to years of experience in robbery, this is definitely a small vendor's truck. Naturally, Gangdou walked over and stopped the other party.

"Hey, you fat man, stop! I'm under the Cholera Minister. Your car was requisitioned first and was responsible for sending me and that brother to the cholera gold mine!"

The fat man's face was full of bitterness, but when he heard Gangdou's words, he almost cried.

"Sir, it's not that I don't want to use it for you, but don't you see me walking?"

Huh? So..."

Just as Gangdou was guessing randomly, there was a burst of laughter from the carriage.

"Haha, since I met a cholera person here, I happened to grab a car with me. Even if you are unlucky, you will die anyway. I'll give you a ride first!"

With a bang, a burst of fighting flashed. The fat owner, who was already surprised, was instantly killed by the wooden chips shot by the carriage. Blood flowed all over the ground, and the steel beans rolled awkwardly and dodged.

Youyuan in the distance waved a magic wand and first gave himself a magic shield.

With the destruction of the carriage, the people inside were finally revealed.

turned out to be a bald warrior with only one eye, and the other eye had no eyes, and his face was ferocious and bloody. Looking at Youyuan and Gangdou, the eyes seemed to be dead.

"Ah, you are the number one-eyed one-eyed dragon!"

"Oh, he's going to kill people!"

The two people had different reactions. The front was said by Steel Bean, and the back was said by Youyuan.

"What did you mean just now?"

At this time, Gangdou was alert and held the long knife in his hand.

It's just that the one-eyed dragon did not mean to answer. It grinned, and its yellow teeth were exposed, and then the whole body flashed, and with incomparable momentum, it bombarded towards the steel beans.

"Be careful!"

In a hurry, Youyuan summoned a fire demon knight and blocked it in front of the steel bean. He was hit by the most violent blow of the one-eyed dragon. The fighting spirit broke out, and half of the body of the fire demon knight was smashed.

With a scream, the fire demon knight also made a counterattack. The long gun stabbed the one-eyed dragon with a dark magic flame, but the one-eyed dragon smiled coldly, and the long gun was broken alive, and the fire demon knight died.

"Steel beans, help me stop him!"

At this time, the one-eyed dragon no longer paid attention to the steel beans and rushed directly to the secludedness. A fishy red tongue stuck out of its yellow teeth and licked its dry lips excitedly, looking ugly and ferocious.

"Oh, damn it, I just finished the treatment. Don't let me go to the chaotic king city again, or old Nika will collapse!"

In return, Gangdou still stopped the one-eyed dragon in time, but depending on the situation, it's good to stop two or three attacks, but this time is enough!

With the end of the magic spell of the Yuan, a third-order water element appeared with a wave of the staff, and the power of the blood soul on the Yuan body was also much empty.

"Ah, I can't do it, one-eyed dragon, you bastard, sooner or later the cholera minister will skin you!"

After a few howls, the steel beans used the great power of the one-eyed dragon and ran away awkwardly. At the same time, the water element sprayed, and three water shots were fired at the one-eyed dragon.

Although the water arrow was blocked by the one-eyed dragon sword, the huge power in the water arrow still surprised him.

"You actually summoned a third-order summoner!"

Youyuan has no intention of answering at all. With a wave of the staff, a blood bomb advanced magic blood bomb is generated.

It is the blood bomb advanced magic developed by Youyuan based on the "Extreme Control of Power" and the blessing of the blood-striped dragon stick.

With a shrill, the blood explosion shot at the one-eyed dragon. Although it was blocked by the sword again this time, there was an explosion, and the armor on the body was corroded by blood and emitted smoke.

The face of the one-eyed dragon changed, and the fighting spirit flashed on its body, and the corrosion disappeared.

But three water arrows came, and the one-eyed dragon dodged awkwardly.

"Haha, Youyuan, I can't see that you are so strong that you can summon the third-order water element. In this case, we have a better chance of winning than him, because you are a magician, haha!"

seemed to be provoked by the ridicule of steel beans, and the one-eyed dragon flashed fiercely.

"Well, you son of a bitch, I don't see any ability. It seems that it's the new recruit of cholera, but, hum..."

This time, the one-eyed dragon rushed over again, but the target turned out to be the third-order water element. With its flexible skills, the one-eyed dragon dodged several water arrow attacks, and only one water arrow hit the left shoulder and flowed red blood.

Finally, he was approached by the one-eyed dragon and cut out with a fierce sword. The violent fighting spirit instantly destroyed half of the body of the water element, and at the same time punched the head of the water element.

However, this time because there is no fighting gas blessing, it is only a pure physical attack, and the damage to water elements is limited.

Losing half of the body water element screamed, a big mouthful basin, half of the body of the one-eyed dragon was covered with a layer of solid ice, spreading cold air.

As the one-eyed dragon immediately flashed, the hard ice broke, but it was obvious that half of its body was frozen and paralyzed, and its movement was much slower.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he stimulated the fighting spirit on his body and protected his whole body. With the violent consumption of fighting spirit, after several times of swinging the sword, the third-order water element was finally dispersed and turned into a pure water element and disappeared in heaven and earth.

Steel Bean's face showed a panic, and the one-eyed dragon smiled grimly, because according to his estimation, a second-order magician can summon third-order creatures, and the magic of the whole body should be the limit.

However, the appearance of another Yanmo Knight stunned the one-eyed dragon, but he gritted his teeth again and still urged a little fighting spirit to kill the Yanmo Knight. According to his estimation, the Youyuan has also reached the limit, right?


The appearance of the fire demon knight again frightened the one-eyed dragon, because at this time, his remaining fighting spirit was not enough to protect himself. Although he could kill the fire demon knight with his own strength, it was a normal one-on-one madness, but in case the boy still had magic...

The one-eyed dragon dared not think about it any more. He decided to fight with all his strength and urged him to rush to the secluded plain regardless of his body.

Youyuan's originally beautiful face was cold and evil with a smile, and there was no intention to avoid it at all. In an instant, blood vines were entangled!

Because half of the body was frozen and paralyzed, the blood vine obviously blocked the one-eyed dragon, and at the same time, the fire demon knight behind him stabbed the one-eyed dragon's body fiercely.

With a scream, through the pain, the one-eyed dragon broke free from the blood vine. Regardless of the wound punctured by the long gun behind it, it still rushed to Youyuan with its belief in survival.

The reality is very cruel. Although Youyuan's face is pale and there is not much magic, it is still more than enough to deal with the current one-eyed dragon.

A blood spear was formed, coldly pointing at the one-eyed dragon, and the one-eyed dragon dared not move.

Steel Bean and the Fire Magic Knight are not vegetarian. Both of them went around behind the one-eyed dragon. The one-eyed dragon looked at his death and threw a big sword with fighting spirit fiercely. The target was Youyuan.

The well-prepared ghost shot the blood spear at the same time and shouted, "Don't kill him!"

The fighting sword was deflected by the blood spear technique and blocked by the protective shield of Youyuan.

At the same time, the fire demon knight's long gun will be blocked by the steel bean sword that will not be stopped in the future.

"What are you doing!"

Gangdou was furious, but Youyuan didn't say anything, because an evil idea just suddenly appeared. Maybe this is an opportunity to break through the realm of a magician.