sin totem

Chapter 39 Soul Servant

In the cave, after a half-day rest, the ghost has returned to its best state, and at the same time began to understand the second stage of the nine-day blood soul control spirit in his mind.

The deeper the understanding of this cultivation method, the more Youyuan admires the people who created this cultivation method. The only regret is that there is no hint for the magician's bottleneck breakthrough, otherwise the magician's bottleneck will not have been delayed for so long.

Of course, Youyuan did not know that the Huaxia who created this cultivation method was originally the capital of heaven, which is equivalent to the bottleneck of magicians in this alien continent is nothing to him, so there is not much explanation.

But fortunately, it gave Youyuan the opportunity to improve this evil art, so as to give full play to your talents according to the environment where Youyuan is located, have your own thinking, and take a different road in the future, instead of copying the original.

The second stage of this evil art is the beginning of real evil, because the method of making other creatures into soul slaves is really vicious and completely destroys the order and morality of the world!

However, Youyuan didn't know that he regarded the demon world as a blood demon seed parasite in the first stage, which may be nothing to a human opinion, but you should know that the Chinese demon genius once sacrificed with other sects!

No matter justice or evil, for those who pursue power, no matter what means they use in the early stage, as long as they can access the law in the future, everything is worth it, and this is even more so for the chaotic alien world rules of the secluded.

Needless to say, the blood demon seed king also needs to separate blood and soul, but the difference is that the divided soul must include part of the soul core, which records all the most fundamental information of a life, which can also be said to be the foundation of a soul.

The soul core is limited, and the growth mode can only be increased through the induction of heaven and earth. Although Youyuan specializes in soul art and the soul core is more powerful, in the third-order magician stage, it is his limit to splitting into ten blood soul seed kings.

This makes it impossible for Youyuan to get everything through this technique.

Slowly, a group of blood demon seeds containing the core of the soul was made by Youyuan, which is the blood demon seed king.

At this time, the blood demon seed king does not have the ability to make soul slaves. He must first get the nourishment of a newly dead body of more than three levels, and the strength of the body before death determines the strength of the blood demon seed to control the soul.

The blood demon seed king was implanted into the third-order thunderbird king corpse. Gradually, the thunderbird king corpse began to dry up at a visible speed. It seems that for the blood demon seed containing the core of the soul of the secluded, it is still very simple to absorb the third-order corpse.

In about an hour, the blood demon seed king was finally cultivated. It turned out to be an extremely dark octopus shape, about the size of a little finger, constantly swinging a few tentacles, and a needle tip on the head, which looked extremely poisonous and evil.

"Hey, don't resist. It's over as soon as you close your eyes!"

At this time, the blood-toothed tiger, who was imprisoned and unable to move, seemed to instinctively feel danger and constantly twisted its body to try to escape, but it was obvious that it was futile. Under the control of Youyuan, the blood-tooth seed king kept drilling into the head of the blood-toothed tiger fiercely.

The body of the blood demon seed king is similar to a group** combination. Although he desperately drilled into the body of the blood-tooth tiger, what he had parasitted before was just the body of a third-order thunderbird king. In essence, it belongs to the same level as the blood-tooth tiger, so it is impossible to be true when the blood-tooth tiger resists. Now the soul is enslaved.

In the observation of Youyuan, under the surface of the blood-toothed tiger, the power of blood and the soul are desperately resisting the invasion of the blood demon seed, and the resistance is very successful. According to this trend, the blood demon seed will not want to invade successfully for a hundred years.

"Is the blood power of resistance in the blood-toothed tiger's body the root of its rapid regeneration?"

With a yin and evil smile, in the nine-day blood soul control spiritual formula, the way to encounter this situation has been mentioned, so Youyuan did not panic at all, slowly wave the blood-striped dragon stick in his hand, and touched the soul!

Although Youyuan and the Blood Tooth Tiger belong to the same realm, the soul of Youyuan is more powerful than the Blood Tooth Tiger. Although it can't cause any damage, it can confuse the other party's soul. At the same time, if it is like the one-eyed dragon, the soul will be broken.

Sure enough, at the moment when the soul touched the magic, the resistance of the blood-toothed tiger decreased, and the blood demon seed king successfully penetrated into the opponent's body a little.

"Sure enough, hey hey hey..."

An hour later, the blood demon seed king finally penetrated into the body of the blood tooth tiger and entered the soul core of the blood tooth tiger.

In the induction of the Yuan, the image of the blood demon seed king has changed greatly, like a tree root, inserted into the soul of all the blood-toothed tiger, and there is also a certain feeling for the thinking of the blood-tooth tiger, and even destroy and control the other party's thinking at any time.

If you control the other party's thinking, it is a temporary control, and you don't violate the order and will of the ghost at ordinary times.

If you destroy the other party's will, you will become your second solit body, and you can only do the most fundamental and simple things of your own will, such as controlling the blood soul array!

"Hey, now you are honest. If you are lucky, just leave your consciousness and use it for a short time. Even if you can give it to Lilith in the future..."

In the ghost induction, the blood-toothed tiger was weak. It seems that this guy was just nervous to the limit, but because the blood demon seed king did not have the ability to resist at all.

Without being polite, he suddenly rode on the back of the blood-toothed tiger. Because the two have a spiritual fit, naturally there will be no difficulties when other knights have just driven the mount.

"back to the cholera gold mine!"


A blood-toothed tiger with more than three meters ran to the cholera gold mine with a secluded field, which was fast and stable.

The people they met along the way kept looking sideways and could tame a third-order warcraft as a mount. This is at least a third-order strong knight. Of course, there will be no blind robber robber robbery, and even if they rob ordinary robbers, they can't catch up with them at all.

Because there is no carriage, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Youyuan chose to climb a mountain road. Anyway, it is not troublesome to have a bloody tiger leading the way.

After all, something just happened, and the bloodthirsty evil man's men actually intercepted themselves as cholera.

Thinking of the time when he was sent by Baru to send a letter to a bloodthirsty evil man, is there any connection?

"Hmm! Even if there is any connection, with your ability at this time, don't you even have the qualification to escape at that time?

And with his current strength, he can be a leader, but as a leader and the body of cholera, it is nothing. If he can control him, Jie Jie Jie..."

It turns out that Youyuan has been planning the body of cholera!

And it should have existed a long time ago. If such an evil ambition is to succeed, it can't be said that this chaotic land will really become a chaotic area in the future...