sin totem

Chapter 52 Advanced Laboratory of Cholera

The high-level laboratory of cholera has lost its former mystery because the prohibition was destroyed. Youyuan strode in, and several soul slaves scattered around the laboratory and guarded it.

As a fourth-order magician, cholera needs to gather a lot of death because meditation, so it will cause extremely high damage to some slaves without any practice. This specially built advanced laboratory can effectively prevent this damage.

There is no bloodiness of the undead magician's laboratory. After entering, the first purpose is a huge bookshelf full of magic books, including some precious handwritten sheepskin scrolls.

However, it's a pity that except for a few magic books commonly used by magicians, most of the above are undead magic books. Although their value is not small, they are not too exaggerated for Youyuan. After all, this is a bookshelf for undead magicians.

On a stone altar with a diameter of ten meters, countless complex lines are engraved with advanced magic potions. This level of magic knowledge is not yet mastered by the ghost.

Engraved lines are not a matter of realm, but the accumulation of magic knowledge. Generally speaking, the accumulation of magic knowledge is as important as the accumulation of magician's magic, and the principle has not accumulated knowledge for a long time because the practice of magic is too short.

is also a huge pool that is not available in the general demon laboratory. There is a strong smell of blood in it. A dozen resentments at the bottom of the underworld are kept in captivity, making a terrible and evil sound. This seems to be an experimental place for the undead magic to study the secrets of the soul.

Generally speaking, the undead magician's research on soul is the most prominent, and the celestial magician's elemental research is relatively prominent, while the demon clan's research on blood magic and physical magic is relatively prominent.

But nothing is absolute, which is also a general average, and all races have different species.

However, this cholera soul magic is still worthy of careful study by Youyuan, especially the fourth-order undead magic devoured, which is an advanced soul magic that makes Modo's third-order abyss demon have no resistance, which is worth improving soul touch after studying.

Finally, Youyuan gently walked to a clean experimental table in the laboratory. The most eye-catching thing on it was a magic array engraved with advanced magic metal mithril. In the middle of the magic array, there was a groove, which was empty.

"This... seems to be in line with the self-exploding heart of the last forbidden operation of cholera."

Youyuan's suspicion is reasonable, because the key purpose of Youyuan's trip is to find the forbidden art, blood-stained curse.

He turned his eyes to a book next to the magic array without hesitation and gently opened it to look at it.

Five forbidden art, blood-stained curse: use mithril to outline the blood magic array, take the blood of five fourth-order warcraft element attributes, and take a fourth-order body strong living heart as the carrier to stimulate the magic array, attract the blood of heaven and earth, and inject blood into the heart.

After six consecutive months, after sealing the heart with alienation sealing, you can cast a forbidden blood curse, causing the body alienation of the subject, which is a small-scale lethal and extremely strong forbidden magic.

Looking at the magic book introducing the blood curse in his hand, Youyuan was excited.

I don't know why, through the previous induction, when the blood-stained curse forbidden magic is performed, there is a feeling of blood and soul power, evil and corrosion characteristics.

I took a brief glance at the blood magic array. Somehow, I felt that the essence had something in common with the blood soul array, but the expression was completely different.

Of course, the Yuanyuan, which is still in a low-level state, does not understand the principle, but it does not prevent him from studying.

I searched the valuable items in the laboratory again, but found that they were really few. Although most experimental instruments were valuable, they could not be used for sacrifice, while some things that could be sacrificed to the underworld were not suitable for the secluded.

I saw a small pile of abandoned crystal nuclei at the corners of my eyes. Youyuan guessed that this must be just the energy consumed by the blood magic array for six months. It's really a large amount. It's not what Youyuan can't bear at present...

However, in a sealed box in a corner, Youyuan still found a precious fourth-order crystal nucleus, which made Youyuan's face happy. If there are two more such nuclei, it can also be used as a demon sacrifice.

The senior laboratory of the fourth-order magician is naturally huge. It took three days to complete the inventory. At the same time, I can't help sighing that such accumulation is not comparable to myself who has just learned magic for a year or two.

If it weren't for that opportunity, I couldn't say that I was still a magic apprentice who did chores for engersas. In the face of the fate of life, I couldn't help sighing again. If so, I wouldn't have to flee to a foreign country...

Three days later, Youyuan left the senior laboratory of the original cholera and saw seven or eight hundred slaves surrounding the laboratory and basking in the sun.

For them, the cholera gold mine is their home. Although the master above has changed, they are still reluctant to leave. Of course, some of them have escaped...

The faces of the Yuan were also familiar to these slaves. As soon as they saw the Yuan come out, these lazy slaves immediately looked over.

Youyuan did not expect such a thing. After understanding what happened, he was greatly touched and another nonsense appeared. He not only promised to eat and be full, but also promised accommodation conditions and rest time...

In fact, the beauty in Youyuan's mind is to erase the long-armed demon ape and even saw it in front of the Milong elves, but this time it ushered in the slightly energetic eyes of these slaves, and it took a long time to dissipate.

"This gold mine must be developed normally, so that you can not only provide yourself with a source of funds for magic experiments, but also spread the influence of the gold mine to the surrounding areas. At that time, Lilith will be brought back.

Now, if you develop the gold mine alone, I don't know how long it will take, so you need to waste your practice time. It's better to give up some benefits and cooperate with others, which will save you a lot of worry.

While thinking about it, Youyuan thought of Baru in Beishi Town. In the battle with cholera, he seemed to have expressed that he was the inheritance of a certain family and had many connections. From the perspective of destroying the prestigious cholera, this person has considerable potential, and he has also done things under him...

"Well, that's him. He happened to be a blood demon seed king for the old guy in the trading store in Beishi Town. You can also know some dynamics with him, but it's better to do the last thing before."

With a wave, the body of cholera withered in an instant, and a bloody soul seed king appeared. This is a fourth-order soul seed king!

With this soul seed king, Youyuan can completely try to control a fourth-order creature, but Youyuan still decided to control a mount with strong flight ability first, even the third level doesn't matter, because there are too many things to be done at this time, and it is too necessary to fly fast. Ride it.

A good mount may not add much strength to you, but it is a symbol of a master's status.

"However, it's still a pity! After all, the original goal of soul slavery is cholera itself!"

took a look at the hand injured by the bloodthirsty blade crystal silk thread and sighed.

For three days, even if you try to nourish the blood demon seed, it seems to have no effect on this dry palm. It seems that only when you transform, you can restore the vitality of the palm with the regeneration of the tail sucking blood after the transformation.

At this moment, Youyuan still doesn't care, because this degree of injury is nothing in his mind...

After all, his physical strength is there...

Looking at the map, Youyuan quickly ran to a nearby mountain, where there was a suitable soul enslavement target.

"It must be faster. Several surrounding towns should know the changes in the cholera gold mine. After all, the bloodthirsty evil man has not appeared for a few days, and the guard of the Golden Devil Ridge is still so empty that Baru, who is waiting to be divided, will definitely explore again, which must be completed before then."

A day later, a mountain full of strange rocks appeared, steep, which was the destination for capturing mounts in the secluded plain.