sin totem

Chapter 80 The Elders Gather

In a huge square in the center of the six mage towers, the blue-black bricks and stones paved the square neatly. At this time, the square was completely under martial law, and thousands of patrolmen blocked the square.

At this time, about 400 elders gathered in the square. So many strong people gathered that the aura alone made the venue extremely depressing. All the guards did not move, and even sweated on their foreheads.

And Youyuan and Dadao were taken to a corner at this time, and about a dozen people surrounded a magician and listened to each other's instructions.

This magician has reached the fifth-level magic tutor from the realm.

Although it can't hide its face under the cloak, it still makes all magicians feel the visual blur caused by the collection of elements. In the induction of the secluded plain, in addition to the two forces of water and wind, the other party seems to have a trace of chaotic and dark power, which should not be the mainstream demon blood attribute of this plane.

"Listen, your power belongs to the area of the corrupt empire in the land of chaos. If there is a continental war, you'd better stand in line, otherwise be careful of being wiped out.

I am the fallen second elder Yanlan. In addition, you should know that the reason why you have so many privileges now is because of the independence of the land of chaos. If you want to have more comfortable days, you'd better not participate in the mainland war..."

In simple words, the chaotic land can become a hegemon, and naturally has his strength, so even this fifth-order magician is unwilling to talk too much, at least as long as he maintains order on the surface.

Time passed, and all the gold and silver elders came.

Generally speaking, silver elders are at the hegemony level, such as Youyuan and Dadao, who have scar gold mines and Golden Magic Ridge as their territory ministers.

And the gold-winning elders are those who have considerable influence in a region, such as the former cholera, such as the current Baru, such as the dragon elves...

However, above them, there are twelve permanent elders, who are of the same level as the king of chaos in the land of cholera, and even the three holy places in the land of chaos are related to them.

First of all, among the twelve elders, there is one of the sacred empire, the elf empire and the fallen empire, all of whom are sent directly from the three empires.

Then there are three powerful elders among the local forces who prefer the three empires and have also been acquiesced in chaos and recognized by the three empires. Such an existence is also a permanent elder, and Moran is one of the fallen empires.

Then, among some of the original gold elders, some power levels have surpassed the powerful existence of ordinary elders, and the chaotic land has also given them considerable power.

After a dragon roar, a blue frost dragon flew rapidly in the far sky, and beautiful and hard scales attached to the huge body as long as 20 meters.

With the sound of a dragon with real dragon power, many domesticated monsters in the city suddenly withered, and even some bad ones trembled!

A large area of frost power surrounds the fifth-level frost dragon, and above its body, an elegant, beautiful and inspiring human woman stands on the frost dragon. It is Youji of Youji's palace. Her clothes keeps fluttering with the wind, showing her peerless enchanting.

In the corner of the square, there was a continuous loud sound of huge footsteps. The blue-black stone bricks kept making ice flowers at his feet. With his departure, large ice flowers melted in an instant, but the frozen blue-black stone bricks suddenly turned into powder.

This body is three meters high, and his whole body is full of violent and rough muscles. His body is wrapped in a white animal skin, an unknown wooden stick is held in his hand, and his eyes are cold. He strode to the center of the square. This man is the king of snow-toothed giant Xuelan on the top of Shilan.

A dark shadow somehow appeared in the middle of the square, and then slowly turned into a dull elf, which is an extremely mysterious one among the twelve permanent elders, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that he is a night elf.

Unlike forest elves, night elves generally prefer the underworld and are an alien race in the underworld. However, they have been equally strong in recent years. Even a third-order magic of Engezas was improved according to the illusion of the night elves.

It is said that this night elf is the only elder of the Night Shadow Scythe Guild in the chaotic land that can compete with the bloody shadow killer union, but this person soon disappeared.

A frictional sound that was hardly a normal roar, and a black leathery land essence, only about half a meter tall, appeared driving a mechanical reaper.

In ancient legends, the gos seem to have been a race with a brilliant civilization, but because of a certain historical fault, the govian family suddenly declined, and even now the mainland govian has almost become a rare thing.

However, in this chaotic place, there are nearly a thousand landgos living. Although they practice fighting magic is extremely poor, they have a mechanical civilization handed down from ancient times.

There is even a legend that the landsman of this chaotic land has a fourth holy land mechanic in a chaotic land!

I don't know anything about this mysterious race, but in his induction, this gobster who only has about three levels, and the mechanical reaper driving does have the fifth level of powerful power.

With the appearance of Andnius, the king of the govian, many people in the square looked back.

People are still quite curious about the expression of different ways of power, at least in the power expression of the gobo clan. The power of mechanical civilization is above the power of magic and fighting spirit.

It was another dull footstep. Suddenly, the air began to become hot. Youyuan's eyes had been coming, and it turned out to be a fifth-order elemental life transformed by a pure fire element.

However, generally speaking, it is unlikely that there will be such a high level of elemental life on the plane where Youyuan is located, because the law of this plane does not allow it at all. The only answer is that this elemental life flows from the alien world!

"Alder, how's it going? Are you still used to this plane environment?"

Two blank areas appeared in the slow square, and Yuji's frost dragon stopped beside the fire element.

"Although I got the once-falling divine flame, this plane is not suitable for the cultivation of elemental life like me. Even if the temperature of the Kugud volcano group is still a little lower, and there is a powerful sanctuary flame dragon there. I have no freedom at all."

After a pause, Yuji apologized.

"I was too impulsive at that time. If not, you wouldn't have to stay on this human plane continent all day long."

"Don't apologize. At that time, I was too eager to advance the Holy Land, so I dared to venture through the crack in the strange space. However, although I got the spiritual flame, there was still no advanced Holy Land after all, alas..."

Another shadow appeared, and the speed was extremely fast.

However, this person has a great reputation in the chaotic land, and even the three surrounding countries have heard about it.

This man is the legendary sky swordsman in the land of chaos. He practiced swords at the age of seven, broke through the third level at the age of 16, and broke through the fifth level at the age of 29. Now at the age of 42, he is the fourth worship of the whole chaotic land. I am in the hands of a pair of callus with a simple sword. At this time, he is like an ancient wood.

All twelve permanent elders arrived together, and an old man with a crutch finally walked on the square without the slightest fluctuation of magic elements or the slightest fluctuation of fighting power. Only an ordinary old man silently walked to the center of the square with a hat.

This old man is the king of chaos, and he has been re-elected for 22 years, and no one has never succeeded.

It is said that the king of chaos has only mastered one ability, and it is only the ability of the whole continent to worship petrochemicals in the chaotic land to turn magic into rotten petrochemicals.

"Well, let's start this Presbyterian Congress like this..."

The voice of the king of chaos sounded.