sin totem

Chapter 86 ambushed

Youyuan, Shangou, Huanyue and Ao Molan are the commandos this time. Among them, Shangou and Huanyue needless to say, Ao Molan is a third-order strongman in Lujia Town. It is said that he has considerable talent for practicing fighting spirit, and even Captain Beishi has quite praised him.

However, compared with the destruction task of the first team of Youyuan, the defensive task of Dadao and Lanlin's first team is more severe.

Because the number of people infiltrated by the other party is about seven to eight, and they are all high-level combat power. In this way, even if the remaining high-level personnel of the Northstone Alliance are all on, they are only equal to the other side, but Fortunately, there are two fourth-level personnel.

"Your task this time is mainly to disrupt. If you meet the other party's high-level personnel, you must withdraw. Be sure to preserve your strength."

Before leaving, Baru, with the senior personnel of the alliance, solemnly instructed Youyuan and his party.

In itself, there is a big gap between the power between the two sides. However, because the Milong elf was sent back to China, it is impossible for the other party to use all its strength to attack the side of Beishi, and there are several alliances between the two places.

In this way, it is extremely inconvenient to travel to and from a large number of forces. In the early stage of the war, only the strategy of elite troops can be adopted, which also gives the North Rock Alliance a considerable buffer time.

Seven days later, he passed several alliances in a low-key manner. Under the leadership of Youyuan, everyone frowned in front of a hill.

"There is a canyon on one side and a torrent on the other side. Only this hill leads to the top of the canyon, but now there are so many guards in this hill that it is really difficult to sneak silently..."

Seeing Youyuan's frown, the mountain dog and Ao Molan were also upset.

Originally, Ao Molan did not want to participate in this mission, or even want to participate in this North Stone Alliance. However, the mayor of Lujia Town belonged to an old friend of Baru. Naturally, he was soft-hearted for a moment and did not leave, which led to this extremely dangerous task in Ao Molan.

And the mountain dog is full of resentment. In the last battle of the cholera gold mine, Youyuan defeated himself with great ease. Even if he still thinks of it now, he is still annoyed and shocked, but he is unconvinced.

Now he saw the captain of this mission, Youyuan, frowning and an imperceptible gloating sneer.

seemed to be aware of it. Youyuan took a look at the mountain dog and didn't say anything after all.

If you don't see the enemy, you will be in chaos first, which is absolutely not allowed by Youyuan.

However, at this moment, there is really no good way to pass silently. If there is only one, you can try to fly the blood demon transformation in the dark at night, but now there are still three people...

Originally, this goal was a large town with power at the top of the canyon, which was used to deter the top of the canyon and dare not act rashly and start a war with Beishi Town at will.

Now it seems that the top of the canyon is still very careful. Looking at the 400-person patrol on this small hill, it must have been deliberately arranged by the other party.

"Ha ha, it seems that the minister is really forgetful. Have you forgotten that I am an illusionist?"

The three people in Youyuan were slightly stunned, and then became overjoyed. I believe that Huanyue must be sure that she can say these words!

actually forgot the illusion of the moon!

Illusion is only an auxiliary stage at a low level. Compared with direct killing, illusion is not only very demanding for the caster himself, but also has a certain calculation of the target's resistance. Even at a low level, it can only affect a few target tasks.

However, when the illusion reaches the high level, it develops into two aspects. On the one hand, it hides the sky and the sea, and transforms the sensory connection between the creature and the world, resulting in all the mistakes in the biological judgment outside the body and achieving the strategic purpose. The practice of the magic moon is the development in this aspect.

On the other hand, it is similar to spiritual sealing. The spiritual soul of the target cannot be sealed in its own thinking space, thus making the target lose its combat effectiveness and achieve tactical purposes.

"Okay, Magic Moon, complete the task quickly..."

After a few minutes, four ordinary-like businessmen slowly walked through the hill. Although there were several light or dark levels, and dozens of portraits of various figures on the walls of the hill fully included all the high-level personnel in Beishi Town, they were naturally useless for the four illusions.

At night, four figures appeared in a small town 30 miles away from the top of the canyon. This town is not only an extremely powerful one in the Canyon Top League, but also a collaborator of the Dragon Elf Alliance.

If the town can be destroyed, it will be a huge blow to the cooperation between the two sides, thus relieving a lot of pressure on Beishi Town.

"Okay, it has been processed."

The mountain dog put three dark vipers into his sleeves with a blank face. These vipers are nothing for high-level personnel, but they are indeed the best choice to silently attack the soldiers standing guard.

Youyuan looked at the soldiers falling from the top of the town's main mansion and nodded. It seemed that everyone was useful to him.

Ao Molan had no choice but to wave his hands and didn't see him use his fighting spirit. It was just a few light points, like a third-order abyss demon who could slide easily jump to nearly ten meters high and quietly opened the door.

"The magic moon shows illusions and closes the door again, but as long as we know that the door is open, let's close the door and fight the dog!"

With the illusion of the magic moon, the door in everyone's vision was newly closed, and several people carefully entered the silent courtyard.

But at this time, because of the magic fluctuation of the magic moon, it actually touched a hidden magic prohibition in the courtyard. The magic light of the whole courtyard instantly shone like the day, and at the same time, a hidden magic array covered the four people in the middle.


There is no panic. In the ghost induction, the strength of this magic array is about three levels, and the defense level of the town is already extremely high.

After the alarm in this magic circle, a large number of sleeping armed men woke up and quickly ran to the courtyard with a neat pace.

"Let's go to war, don't let the town mayor run away!"

Youyuan was fierce and did not choose to retreat, but directly issued an attack order.

Because generally speaking, even if such a town has defensive power, it can never withstand the sudden attack of four third-orders.

With the words of the ghost, the void fluctuated, and the three-headed and third-order abyss demon appeared, but before the abyss demon had time to react, a large area of arrow rain fell.

The iron arrows fired by ordinary soldiers cannot hurt the third-order abyss demon, but these soldiers' arrows seem to contain certain magic elements, which will bring certain burns, freezing, paralysis and attributes to demons, making the three abyss demons roar repeatedly.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

A sneer suddenly appeared on a tall building.

Youyuan looks like a beautiful woman, which is the target of Youyuan and his party.

It is said that this anilai not only has an ambiguous relationship with the canyon, but also has a sister with the fourth-order ice female swordsman, so she is very open on both sides. Over the years, because of these two relationships, her town has developed into a stronger town than Beishi Town.

"Master Xue Meng, you can come out. This time, the goal really appeared as my sister said. It seems that the layout over there should be useless. Sure enough, it is the most likely on our side."

In the words, it seemed that the raid of the ghosts and his party was not taken seriously at all, which was extremely easy.


After a loud roar, suddenly, a three-meter-tall giant jumped and the ground shook slightly and appeared on the high wall.

This man turned out to be a fourth-order snow-tooth giant on the top of Xuelan, and behind him were three slightly lower-order snow-tooth giants, with long white hair and a pair of irritable eyes, and the huge fangs protruding their mouth showed their horror. The mighty muscles were abrupt, and a large area of snowflakes surrounded by ice and cold power. The body.

This is not over yet. Behind Aninilai, two third-order magicians slowly came out at the same time. One was like a river, and the water element was turned endlessly.

At this time, the mountain dog, Huanyue and Ao Molan looked at Youyuan with great changes in their faces and waited for his instructions. However, before Youyuan could speak, the fourth-order blood-tooth giant came from the high building.

"Leave them all to me and show you a little color!"

With the roar of the fourth-order snow-tooth giant, Aniley nodded slightly and waved her hand.

It seems that something has been ordered. Two steel-like friction sounds appear inside the high-rise buildings. Of course, Youyuan will not sit back and wait for death.

With the rapid dodge, the three-headed abyss demon fell into empty, and the first hand was in a hurry. With the mouth of the three-headed demon, three magic flames appeared and bombs bombed the soldiers on the wall.

However, suddenly the air seemed to be a few degrees lower. Almost in the blink of an eye, a white snowflake force appeared from the fourth-order snowtooth giant, and then used the power of fourth-order element cohesion to change into a huge popsicle, which was somewhat similar to the huge wooden rod of the king of Shilan.

Then a roar went into the air and directly scattered a magic flame bullet with the power of freezing.

On the other side, the five third-order snow-tooth giants just appeared with a snowflake cold force, facing a magic flame bomb. The magic flame bomb directly disappeared in the sky and dissipated into the elements of heaven and earth. A large area of cold power continued to bombard the four people in the secluded plains, and two fighting spirits appeared to disperse the cold force.

The mountain dog took a step back slightly and turned pale, but as the body emerged again, the cold air that invaded the body disappeared, and Ao Molan had no problem at all.

The last magic flame bomb, the two famous magicians around Olinile appeared in their eyes, and a thunder element and a water element appeared at the same time.

I don't know how long the two have cooperated. Almost at the same time, the two waved their magic wands, and the thunder met water. The power of water actually appeared energy restrained, completely defeating the last magic flame bomb, and bombed to the secluded plain, like an elemental thunder python.

The evil, corroding, bloodthirsty, cruel and cold mutant blood soul flame appeared, and the faces of everyone present changed, and their eyes were almost attracted by this natural force, watching the bloody flame meet the restrained thunder force.

Even if it is a restrained thunder force, when it meets this flame, it is not restrained, and there is a violent electric flower,

Even the power of the blue and pure water element is no longer pure, and it is almost instantly polluted and dissipated by the power of the blood soul.


The sky thunder python explodes into water and electric light, and slowly dissipates into the power of pure elements, which is really beautiful.


With the order of Youyuan, the valley Huanyue and others had little hesitation and turned around and ran away.

Looking at the victory of Youyuan, the slight paralysis in his arm made him clear.

This ambush is completely the general idea, or underestimate the other party, or lead the team for the first time. Fortunately, the door is opened and you can successfully escape quickly, otherwise you will be trapped by the magic array...

A woman's shout came from the high building.


The moment the four people retreated quickly, Youyuan looked back and his face changed greatly!