sin totem

Chapter 89 Encountering the Target

When he left, he naturally did not have much power to stop him. After all, the bloodthirsty god had completely destroyed the whole town mayor's mansion, and no one reported the trace of Youyuan and his party at all.

However, although he left calmly, the three abyss demons that were originally used to resist An Lini's soldiers were completely destroyed with the blow of the gods, and even the blood demon seed had no trace.

This is not the most distressed thing for Youyuan, but at this time, he really felt sorry for the fortress magic crystal cannon, and even disappeared completely with the blow of the gods...

"After the opportunity to build a large force, the three things that the fortress defend are indispensable: the elemental crossbow tower, the magic crystal cannon, and the magic tower. In terms of attack, it should be a puppet force, a siege chariot, and a war beast.

However, if you want to have all these things, this force needs at least the strength of a country in the mainland, so Youyuan is just a magic crystal cannon that can meet the needs of his current forces in Beishi Town.

Although it's a pity, it's nothing compared with the harvest of Youyuan's trip.

With the power alone, Youyuan was blessed by the bloodthirsty god and actually reached the peak of the fourth level directly from the third-order advanced realm. Such strength, even the whole continent, is still superior, and even the strength of some big city lords is lower than this.

is some defensive fortresses. Such a force is no longer a handful, but has become the existence of the elders of the fortress, controlling the top power of the magic tower.

Now, the reason why Youyuan can be forcibly promoted is, on the one hand, because of his physical strength, and on the other hand, when the god gives it to God, the god will have an extra divine attribute power in his body, and then there is a trace of divine attribute in the power at the time of attack, which will far exceed the same level. This power will temporarily replace The perception of the elements of heaven and earth.

For example, a third-order magic in Youyuan, even the other party's fourth-order magic can definitely fight hard, which is just a trace of divine power, which is also the original that those permanent elders can threaten the Holy Land.

However, they attack with less divine attributes, because they are not real gods.

At this time, although Youyuan is only a divine messenger, he holds the artifact of the bloodthirsty blade, which is an honor only for apostles and even close attendants who are highly graceful to the gods.

With this artifact, if Youyuan is used, the attack can not only attack with the attribute gods, but also truly borrow the power of the power of faith combined with the will of the gods, and even it is not impossible for the gods to come to split!

And with the awakening of the bloodthirsty god, Youyuan felt that the bloodthirsty blade had its own will, and the original evil dagger actually emitted a little sacred and irresistible breath.

Youyuan can temporarily control the artifact, which can only be said to be because there is no bloodthirsty temple on the mainland.

At this time, although the power of Youyuan is the peak of the fourth level, there is no need to talk about it after the transformation and the fifth level, but he is not the real fourth-order power,

Because the ghost has not gone through the stage of perception of the elements of heaven and earth and does not have the ability to gather the elements of heaven and earth, he still needs to stay in the fourth level for a long time to break through to the fifth level. If at that time, with the help of the bloodthirsty divine power, the mainland will also enter the upper level.

"The orc side?"

Youyuan remembered that before the bloodthirsty god left, in addition to asking himself to reach the Holy Land as soon as possible to help him build a temple, on the other hand, he went to the orcs and waited for the call, which was the furious empire of the allies of the fallen empire.

If you can't leave, Youyuan still doesn't want to leave this chaotic place. In case one day, you can return to the fallen empire. Thinking about it, Youyuan shook his head mockingly.

Along the way, the three of Huanyue were silent. Although they forgot what happened that day, they clearly knew that a great existence had erased their memories, and no one would feel comfortable.

What happened that day?

"You go back first. I need to go to the Yuji Palace and tell Baru that he will suppress the matter there first. When I go back, we can try to counterattack."

Yes, Minister. However, what happened that day? Why did you suddenly become so powerful? Why don't we remember anything?

Although it was a magic moon, the mountain dog and Ao Molan also looked at the secluded plain, and the secluded plain sighed slightly.

"You know, the less you know, the better..."

There is no explanation. This is a desolate place surrounded by shrubs, and there are no gathering points and powerful human beings around it. Youyuan turned around and left.


A group of robbers, about 30 people, although they have not practiced or are only on the first level, they are not afraid of death,

Under the leadership of a second-order powerful leader, he violently attacked the caravan guarded by more than ten mercenaries, but the mercenaries were also bloody. They didn't want to have any casualties with each other.

"Mercenary, you'd better give up and put down your weapons as soon as possible. Uncle may not be happy to let you live, otherwise you will have to die!"

The robber leader sneered and attacked crazily.

"Well, don't do this. Our Tomahawk mercenary regiment has not had the habit of surrendering since it was formed. If you want this cargo, you can go over my body."

The two sides did not give in. On the carriage, a beautiful woman's face was uncertain and seemed to be enduring something.

If you observe carefully, you will find that there are at least a few magic fluctuations of magic tools on her body, which should be a powerful magician, but such a powerful magician actually endures the robbery of a group of incompetent robbers!

"Lin, wait a minute. We are not suitable for exposure now. Yi De's injury is not healed yet. If we expose it, we will definitely come again. At that time, we can only give up Yi De."

seemed to think of something. Lin saw a wounded man in the carriage and looked at the robbers around her with hatred. She put down the curtain angrily, as if to discuss a plan.

However, the ultimate possibility of this plan is to keep all these robbers forever.

"Grandpa Jim, I didn't expect that there was also a fox man who used illusions over there and saw through our illusions!

And in the end, if it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of a fourth-order magician over there, maybe the other party's alliance Baru would have been ruined!

Jill and Ledning stay there forever, and we must avenge them!"

There was some sadness in her voice. As she spoke, Lin looked at Yi De in the carriage, who was pale and a wound almost cut off her whole body, and tears flowed down.

At the same time, she recalled the warrior with a simple sword with a mutant bright fighting spirit, who completely defeated Yi De's most proud Druid transformation into a third-order blood wolf, and even left this horrible wound and a mutant bright fighting spirit that constantly eroded the body.

"Son, although we failed this time, didn't we also find a secret from each other?

I believe that Zililan has spread this news to Naailian. At the speed of her flying ability, the Elf Empire will definitely send support at that time!"

The old man tried to comfort Lin.

"I didn't expect that the evil Northern Stone Alliance would capture so many elves like their father, and they would definitely be punished by their father's belief in the goddess of nature!"

Lin clenched her little fist and said viciously.

Suddenly, the fight outside the carriage stopped, and a footstep gradually walked towards the carriage. Lin and Jim's faces changed. Lin first opened the window and saw the outside, but immediately her face changed greatly and quickly withdrew her head back into the carriage.

The people outside were Youyuan. After walking for a few hours, they happened to see this group of robbers and mercenaries who were fighting. Without a mount, Youyuan was certainly planning to plan the carriage.

Therefore, it only emitted a little bloodthirsty power. These low-level people actually stiffened and looked at the secluded plain in shock and no longer meant to fight.

At this time, they knew that a real strong man had come.

"People in the carriage, your carriage has been requisitioned."

Youyuan seems to be talking about an ordinary thing.

However, to the slight surprise of Youyuan, the carriage was equipped with a magic prohibition, so that he could not feel it.

A long time later, a beautiful woman came out of the carriage, about ten * years old, but Youyuan was still stunned, because the girl turned out to be a half elf, and there was a shadow of the fallen empire, which made Youyuan look a few more, and at the same time, there was a slight indescribable feeling in his heart.

With the strength and the increase of experience, the strong desire of youth began to gradually decrease, and the simple physical desire began to dissipate.

Only at this time, an unspeakable missing begins to flow in the heart, making people sour, depressed and eager.

"Master, Grandpa and I are on our way to treat an injured patient, hoping..."

The early magician of the third level?

Youyuan sensed the power of the girl in front of him and was slightly surprised. Such a talent was not bad.

Because he knows that although the girl in front of him is only nearly 20 years old, she is half-elf blood. For half-elf, 40 or 50 years old is only human adolescence, so the other party is at least 40 years old.

Then he thought of Anya. She won't be 40 years old, will she?

How is it possible...

Youyuan himself overturned his own idea.

"Patient? Humph, do you still want a patient who can't be cured by a third-order magician? You!"

Suddenly, from behind the girl, a long sword appeared, with a sharp fighting spirit, piercing the original door!

At the same time, as soon as the girl raised her hand, several green vines with spikes grew under Youyuan's body, wrapping Youyuan's feet.

"Scar, take your life!"

An old man's voice appeared.

Although the scar on the face needs to be repaired, Youyuan was still recognized by the girl Lin at a glance, so a killing plan was formed. If the person in front of him was killed, the Beishi Alliance naturally did not have to pay attention to it.

Feeling this fast sword, Youyuan was not nervous and suddenly smiled.

On the one hand, I laugh at my own carelessness, and on the other hand, I am confident in my strength and progress at this time. In the past, even if you reacted with silver lines, your face would inevitably be injured. You should know that this is the head!

But now...

An evil, corroded, bloodthirsty and cold flame ignited in front of the plain.

The sharp fighting spirit was pierced and melted in an instant. As for the dark sharp sword, it turned into rotten iron when it penetrated the flame and began to drift away in an instant when it came into contact with the secluded plain.

The old swordsman could hardly believe his eyes!

However, for such a fourth-level peak god like Youyuan, such power is nothing. After all, the other party is just the power of mortal warriors.

In the past, the mutated blood soul flame only borrowed the power of the bloodthirsty curse of the right hand, but now after becoming a god, it only attacks at will and has real bloodthirsty power!

This is the power of God!

Jim's fighting spirit suddenly broke out, not to attack the secluded, but to prevent the bloodthirsty flame from burning into his body!

Yes, the power of the bloodthirsty flame has the ability to burn third-order fighting spirit. You know, this is the power of God. Even if it is only borrowed a little power, it is not something that a mortal can stop at will.

A mocking look in Youyuan.

A punch burst out, and an unparalleled force appeared, and even the space was slightly turbulent. Jim's fighting spirit was originally like an egg shell, but it was smashed by this punch!

While he was injured, the bloodthirsty flame burned on him. Lin was also shocked by the aftershock of this punch. Her face was pale and unbelievable, and the vines under the feet of Youyuan instantly withered.


Suddenly, there was a roar in the carriage, a huge force broke out, and the carriage dispersed in an instant, and a three-meter-long bloody wolf appeared.

The vigorous body is full of strength and wildness, with a mouthful of fangs with fishy blood, and his eyes are red.

However, suddenly the blood wolf screamed again and instantly turned into a human race. He saw a huge wound on his body, which was constantly eroded by a mutant bright attribute. It was this force that purified the transformation technique.

After feeling this power, Youyuan almost immediately understood the identity of the other party.

Because this is the mutant bright attribute of steel beans, which is a unique force inherited from Nika!

It seems that the strength of Steel Bean must not be underestimated if it can make this person with the art of Druid transformation like this!

"You are the group that attacked the Northern Alliance!"

Without receiving the other party's answer, the evil spirit flashed on His face and almost did not think about it. Six blood arrows appeared in the air. Although it was only second-order magic, it burned the divine power of the bloodthirsty law, which was a magic added by God's attributes.

Six magic arrows, even the general third-order magic shield can't be stopped.


First Jim, then Yi De. After the bloodthirsty flame burned on his body, almost the blood was quickly sucked dry and turned into a mummified corpse.

However, the power of the blood soul has a corrosive effect, and the dry body is also corrupted in an instant. After that, it is an evil and cold effect, and the skeleton will present an evil darkness...

Slowly, Youyuan looked at Lin and slowly stretched out his hand. A bloodthirsty flame appeared. Nearly 50 low-level robbers and mercenaries around did not make a sound at this time, leaving only fear and shock.

Lin's tears flashed and closed her eyes. When she killed someone for the first time, she knew that there might be such a day...

After a long time, after all, Amelia's shadow seemed to appear on the other party from time to time, and Youyuan still did not go down to the hand that burned the power of blood.