sin totem

Chapter 127 Strange Changes in the Mine

Looking at a series of large tools used to mine on several huge cars, the Blood Wolf Mercenary Regiment and Youyuan, Pete and Lilith all fell into thinking.

Is there any amazing treasured mineral deposits found in the big valley of Ezilan?

It is no wonder that if the general chamber of commerce discovers mineral deposits, then the mining absolutely depends on manpower, and the process is quite slow.

However, if some large chambers of commerce have found that they have found mineral deposits with amazing reserves, they will use some large mechanical equipment to extract them quickly. Of course, these equipment is also cherished.

Among the fifteen third-level and above mercenaries in this mission, there are six people in the blood wolf mercenary regiment, three third-level and Youyuan three people with surface strength, three third-level, a fox woman and a tiger, all of which are third-order strength and four famous people, including a fourth-order magician...

With such a team and the strength of the Chamber of Commerce itself, the senior mercenaries of the City of Hungry Wolf have almost gone, but this is just one of several teams on the orc grassland of extracting equipment.

There were six big cars in total. Youyuan walked behind and watched the huge car of more than ten meters press out a car print on the grass because of the heavy equipment, flattening the grass. Youyuan fell into reverie. It has been four years since he left the fallen empire.

Peter followed Youyuan step by step, drawing some martial arts moves from time to time, and scratched his head to overturn the previous movements.

The blood-toothed tiger also seems to be excited about this vast grassland and runs around.

Lilith sat at the top of the huge car equipment and blew a breeze, and there was already a trace of chill in the breeze.

A day later, a group of wild Kodo giant beasts migrating because of the coming of winter in front of the convoy blocked the convoy's road. For these horrible huge creatures, even now the strength of the convoy can only stop the journey and wait patiently for the other party to leave.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

The earthquake trembled, and these Kodo beasts were not interested in the motorcade that did not provoke them, and their huge bodies slowly disappeared at the end of the grassland.

Three days later, a fourth-order colorful leopard raided the convoy, attacked a worker accompanying the caravan, and quickly disappeared in the endless wasteland. For a moment, everyone at the grass-roots level who had no combat effectiveness in the caravan was in danger.

In desperation, the team leader asked all mercenaries to expand the scope of protection and try to ensure the safety of personnel without combat effectiveness.

In this way, the original 20-day journey has not been half of the journey after 15 days, and this convoy is also the farthest of several orc grasslands, so it must be the last convoy to reach its destination.


At the same time, several erudite scholars escorted a group of strong men to several bases in the valley.

At this time, the base is still under construction, but it is also small. Hundreds of orc workers are building infrastructure enthusiastically. At the same time, two convoys have successfully arrived at the base and installed some large facilities.

"Are you the person in charge here?"

At this time, a thin old man wearing purple gold family clothes asked a fat man in front of him in purple gold family clothes with a serious face.

And several scholars with magic wands all followed the thin old man. Although these scholars only have the poor strength of the first-order and second-order in terms of strength, they have devoted their lives to the study of ore and history.

It can be said that this is their life.

"Yes, I'm Degai, the manager in charge of the eastern part of the empire."

Fat Degai's status in the Chamber of Commerce is lower than that of the thin old man, so his words were extremely respectful, and the old man opposite nodded.

"Well, how was this area discovered? Grand Duke is quite concerned about the matter here. You can talk about it in a cage.

Fat Degai frowned. It turned out that Grand Duke Zijinxiang personally paid attention to this matter. No wonder all the equipment came so quickly!

In this way, the day of my appearance has finally come!

The fat man's heart is beautiful.

"Well, when there was no incident on the side of the Death Empire, an old magician came from there. The old magician found the guide of our Chamber of Commerce in the City of Hungry Wolf and found this place.

The skinny old man frowned and was obviously slightly dissatisfied with such a vague answer.

"Where's the old magician?"

Fat Degai is a delicate observer, but he can only smile bitterly at this time. After all, he didn't see the old magician at all.

"At that time, the guide insisted on not moving forward because it was too close to the Ezilan Valley, so he did not know the specific situation.

I just knew that the old magician had caused huge magic fluctuations after his arrival, and even the sky had changed. After that, the guide ventured here to find the stone observed by the old magician's will.

Well, and then I'm here with those things now."

The thin old man frowned again and took the stone handed over by the other party, but because there were no gobster-like glasses, the old man did not find anything.

The skinny old man didn't care, but fell into thinking and thinking.

After a long time, the thin old man looked around.

"How are the defense facilities here?"

The fat man's heart trembled, and it's time to perform!

"Adult, don't worry, generally speaking, those earth-drilling dragons, that are unique to the Ezilan Valley, that is, those giant insects, will not come out.

However, just in case, I asked an array master to arrange an alarm array on the ground here. At the same time, there are several ground curing and superimposed prohibitions, and the three forts are about to be completed, and can even be used now!

At present, there are 17 third-order strong men and six fourth-order strong men here. I even invited a fifth-order silver wolf strongman with the ability to transform the full moon just in case.

With such strength, any danger can also ensure the safety of adults and several scholars.

nodded and said nothing more. The thin old man led several scholars into a simple mine.

The mine is as deep as 1,000 meters, illuminated by luxurious magic lights. At the same time, there are hundreds of half-animal workers in it continuing to drive the mine, and the noise keeps coming out.

The mine is extremely dark. Even the magic lamp can only illuminate some areas. As soon as it enters the mine, a strange breath begins to permeate the crowd. Some strong people always have the feeling of being peeped at and look around in surprise.

However, the thin old man's face was calm, and he still walked to the depths of the mine step by step, but he could obviously feel that it was darker inside.

Suddenly, the thin old man stopped.

"Why is it that the more you go into the mine, the fewer magic lights there are? How do orc workers work in such a dark environment?

The fat man looks embarrassed.

"Your Excellency, you don't know that there seems to be some remaining magic forbidden or isolated elemental ore in the depths of this mine. Ordinary magic lamps have completely lost their function here. Only some advanced magic lamps can barely illuminate, but it is too difficult to find magic items such as the Fury Empire.

But don't worry, I sent someone to purchase at a high price in the Death Empire a few days ago. I believe it will be bright here within a month!"

This time, the skinny old man nodded and continued to walk towards the deeper and darker part of the mine.

After walking for a long time, finally, a magic lamp with only extremely vagueness kept flashing, but with the help of the magic lamp, it can be seen that this is an extremely huge hall.

A dozen strong orc slaves looked like explorers, and a pair of green pupils emitted a terrible light because of the dark environment.

At this time, the fat man knew that the critical moment of his performance had arrived. Even the fat body took a light step and took the initiative to go under the only magic lamp to show off the results of the war.

"Your Excellency, we have found the mechanical devices only that only these earthlys have."

The fat man obviously doesn't understand the value of these things, just casually these old mechanical devices.

It seems that these devices are somewhat similar to the mechanical devices of the gobster family seen by Youyuan at the chaotic Wangcheng Elder Conference, but the style is more ancient and primitive.

"Oh, my God, what did we see? This is definitely the primitive cutter of the prehistoric gobion family. Look, there are still some traces of the unique forging method of dwarves!"

"Impossible. From the perspective of historical research, these devices are at least 15,000 years old, but why can they still maintain no decay? And from the power output of this mechanical device, they have at least the strength of the fourth level. No, I guess it's the fifth level!

Is it the Holy Land?



No matter how powerful the gobiki was at that time, it couldn't be like this!"

"Look, look, the bones of these creatures are definitely the bone structure of the Ordins or Dwarves. At that time, the skulls of the Ordins were particularly huge, and the Dwarves are stronger than now.

But why are there so many bones here? Is this their burial place? But I haven't heard that dwarves have the habit of burying with gosves?

In the easily excavated mine, there are at least dozens of skeletons of mechanical cutters and ancient gobillions and dwarves.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. I can't imagine what kind of place this mine is.

Scholars are even more excited. This is simply their paradise. They are even willing to die here and don't want to leave here, because they know that maybe they are about to uncover a great secret and sealed history.

Their names will be read forever in the textbooks of all historians, and they even make heavy breathing sounds out of excitement.

In a dark environment, these scholars are like a group of hungry and thirsty demons.

The skinny old man did not stop scholars. He doesn't care about history. He is concerned about how much profit he can achieve if all these mechanical devices are excavated.

Several scholars are getting more and more excited. However, at this time, the noise made by the workers who were still digging the mine simply drove them crazy, and the voices of scholars kept appearing.

When one of the old magicians and scholars was about to catch a miner with red eyes, he was suddenly stunned and hurriedly stopped the workers who were still digging, as if they were interested in the material as hard as a black boulder of several meters in front of him.

"Magician, it's not that we don't want to stop, but that the above stipulates that we must dig a certain depth every day.

But this black stone is really strange. Whether it is smashed with a huge hammer or blown with a magic crystal bomb, there is no way to destroy it. I'm trying to bypass this huge stone now, but it seems that this huge stone is at least 15 meters..."

The old scholars waved their hands and really didn't want to talk too much with these unwise miners. Other scholars are still studying those gobster dwarf bones or primitive mechanical harvesters, and they don't pay attention to the strangeness here.

"Oh, it seems to be the same as the substances in the egg amber that have been collected..."

After speculation, the old scholar began to fall into memories, and the worker next to him did not dare to disturb the erudite and noble magician who was meditating. For a moment, the corner was unusually quiet.

"Bear by the way, didn't I go from witch medicine on the orc side to activate the egg amber? Now look, maybe there will be unexpected gains!"

Just do what you say. These old magicians who pay great attention to the practice of precious magic books all day long, and the sound of magic spells appears.

Ten minutes later, the old magician frowned, as if his activation of magic had no effect at all. He turned his head and took a look, and the magician who came with him was still under fanatical research and did not pay attention to him.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the old magician decided to increase his activation power.

Half an hour later, the old magician sweated and his face was slightly pale. He had stimulated the activation of magic to the limit, but he still did not get even a trace of mysterious power from this thing in the same substance as the egg amber.

"Oh, magician, your magic seems to have reacted. This huge stone moved."

The worker shouted excitedly, as if he was excited to see the mysterious magic for the first time. But the old magician was stunned and moved?

Isn't you getting a mysterious power by activating magic to stimulate the residual life force of egg amber?

The old magician looked carefully at the boulder in front of him, and a feeling of uneasiness gradually appeared, and even his chest felt like a wall pressed against him.

I don't know if it's his illusion. In his feeling, it seems that the boulder in front of him has its own life and is slowly waking up because of his magic.

At this moment, the old magician regretted his recklessness just now.

"Wow, look at this creature, what a huge turtle bug.

Huh, does this look like a huge scorpion tail?

Haha, these prehistoric govren dwarves don't use bugs as totems, do they?

A magician and scholar seemed to be excited by the new discovery. The old magician looked back and found that it was a newly discovered thing, which turned out to be a black giant insect more than one meter long.

Although it is only an empty shell, it can still be seen from the empty shell that it was ferocious and strong in life, which is definitely not something that ordinary warriors can resist.

As for the scorpion's tail, he saw it when he first came in, but he didn't care at that time. He just thought it was a piece of broken wood or stone pillar or something.

The old magician Mu Ran felt cold all over his body, as if the whole mine was full of a cold and horrible strange atmosphere. It seemed that they had come to the land of demons that should not have come, as if they had opened the devil's abyss that should not have been opened, and he even had a feeling of wanting to scream.

However, other scholars are still nothing different, only exploring their new discoveries, and they are even more excited...


The mine vibrated slightly, and the fat person in charge here hurried forward to stop all the workers and explained to the thin old man.

This place has been reinforced by magic, and there is no problem with safety. The thin old man felt it quietly and did not shake any more. Looking at the scholars who were still looking forward to it enthusiastically, although they frowned slightly, they agreed to continue to study.

All scholars are running around with excitement.


This time, the vibration was even worse. The thin old man's face changed slightly, and the fat man's face also changed. Immediately when he had to grit his teeth and insist on explaining, the thin old man stopped.

At the same time, the old man immediately reluctantly left the cave with the scholars.

Because in the feelings of the thin old man, maybe something bad is about to happen, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and unconsciously his elderly body begins to accelerate his pace.

In a corner, the original dark boulder activated by the scholar's activation of magic suddenly shook violently. At the same time, a green eyes slowly opened and looked at the miners and scholars who were evacuating.

After a second or silence.


A creepy roar came from the depths of the pit!

With this sound, it seems that countless beings began to wake up, or there were no sounds coming from the depths of the earth, and some sound of digging soil began to appear, making people sweat coldly.

However, because the mine is already very deep, the sound did not reach the ground. Only those mining engineers heard the sound and looked back, but there was nothing, but the sound kept coming out, and at the same time there was a feeling of getting closer...

With a cold sweat, almost everyone has a depressing feeling of wanting to scream.

"Bastard, how much time do you have to reach the ground!"

The skinny old man was angry because he was afraid. He had forgotten how much time he had not felt this fear!

"Big...about five minutes..."

Fat Degai trembling, and he knew that his future was over.

With a crack, the only magic lamp in the mine broke, and everyone's feet were dark. There was even the sound of a scholar falling behind them. Everyone could only vaguely see a trace of magic light in the direction of the exit in the distance.

Mu Ran, an unknown black thing was dug out of the wall of the mine, blocking the retreat of the scholars.

Everyone saw that their hair exploded, and the black thing that suddenly appeared was actually a beetle shell that had just been excavated, but this appeared was a living beetle!

There has never been such a large beetle creature on the mainland!

Although everyone was shocked, the thin old man did great things. With a wave of his hand, a warrior appeared behind him, and he turned out to be a fourth-order strong man!

The violent fighting spirit appeared, which was just a flash. The huge black beetle creature was solved with a knife. It seemed that this warrior was no less powerful than the former Milong elf!

The samurai did not look careless or proud. After confirming that the unknown creature was indeed dead, he kicked the body away and splashed the green juice on the ground.

At the same time, he turned around and made a gesture to the thin old man, signaling the danger to be relieved.

The skinny old man nodded and was about to step forward. Suddenly, a huge dark tail stretched out from the wall of the mine and suddenly pierced the body of the fourth-order warrior. Such a silent sneak attack made a fourth-order strongman have no resistance at all!

The thin old man's face turned white, but a fourth-order magician appeared behind him. The violent magic elements converged, and it seemed that his strength was also very strong.

Finally, the owner of the tail appeared. It turned out to be a scorpion giant insect about ten meters long. Although the whole body was covered with soil and ore debris, it could still be seen that the hard armor was absolutely immune to the attack of most low-level warriors.

At the same time, on these grams, there are also clusters of hard black ferocious fluff, like brushes.

A pair of green eyes looked at the crowd coldly, and a pair of huge clips made a cautious friction sound. There was still the body of the fourth-order warrior hanging on the giant tail behind him. At this time, the body had begun to melt!

The body of the huge scorpion completely blocked everyone's retreat.

However, this giant scorpion is only a fourth-order creature after all. After the magician is prepared, it is hard to say whether to win or lose head-on.

However, at this time, in the mine behind everyone, magic lights began to go out, and countless hiss appeared densely.

After that, one pair, two pairs, dozens of pairs, hundreds of pairs, tens of thousands of pairs...

The green eyes appeared at a glance and rushed to the crowd crazily, as if to devour any existence that dared to stop.

At this moment, everyone screamed in despair, and inadvertently opened a sealed devil's door. The sound of screaming, gnawing, bone friction...


On the ground, another team came, which was also equipped with 15 strong men above the third level to ensure the safe arrival of the convoy. Each mercenary was extremely excited, because a gold coin would soon enter the pocket.

At that time, delicious rum, enthusiastic and unrestrained human women and orc women will enter the arms, and all the mercenaries will laugh and fall into fantasy.

In a room, the magician who closed his eyes and meditated suddenly opened his eyes and couldn't believe that he took out a magic ball and looked at it.

Mu Ran, the magic ball exploded, and the magician's face turned slightly white. He walked out of the room in a hurry to check if there were any mistakes in the placement of the magic array or incomplete array.

However, at this time, the land under the magician's feet loosened, and a big mouth directly bit the magician's foot. Even before the magician could scream, he was dragged into the ground, and countless one-meter-long beetles began to surge out of the pit...

"Ah, help, monster..."

"Damn, what the hell is this!"

"Bastard, ah! Ah..."

"Great Lord of Fury, please save your faithful people..."

A silver light soared in the sky. Although there was a fifth-order breath, it was still full of panic and several huge scars on his body.

No longer looking behind him, the silver figure stimulated the fierce fighting spirit and quickly disappeared into the sky.

However, no one can escape except him...

Whether it was the strong men of the team, the original guards, or even the pulling Warcraft horses, everything completely disappeared from the ground within a quarter of an hour.

There are only the almost endless huge beetles surging out of the ground, and a land of devils was born.