sin totem

Chapter 160 Announcement of the Doomsday Legion

The expeditionary army of the Taurus embarked on a journey, and the war trembled, and a murderous atmosphere spread. The barbaric soldiers led by Youyuan were like a drop of water in the sea in the whole Taurus expeditionary army, which was inconspicuous at all.

The back of a huge Kodo beast is covered with steel armor, which is nearly ten meters high. Youyuan stands on the trembling back of the Kodo beast, looking at the desolate orc grassland in the distance with the ups and downs of its body. Pitt followed silently, and the coquettish Gou chatted and brag excitedly with a barbarian warrior on the ground.

"Peter, after this winter, you have been with me for nearly a year. At the beginning, the angry empire was just looking for a guide in the werewolf pitata tribe. I didn't expect that you, the orc at the peak of the third level at that time, would follow me, and you have never abandoned me this year."

Pete, who was originally silent, heard Youyuan's words and raised his eyes slightly. There seemed to be only a kind of persistence in his eyes, but Youyuan's words at this time also made this persistence a little wave.

"Master, it was also my helpless choice to defect to the remote pitata werewolf tribe. Although I have chosen to dilute my identity as an orc, this identity seems to be innate, so I can't resist at all and can only bear it silently, even the pitata department is unwilling to accept me!"

There is also a wave in Youyuan's eyes.

"Peter! Orc identity is nothing at all. Because we have always been on this plane, our thinking and consciousness are always bound by the tradition of this plane. In that endless plane, there is also a plane led by orcs. In that endless space army, a powerful army led by extremely powerful orcs is respected by the world. Although the human race also has some forces in the endless plane, it is nothing compared with some eternal real ruling class races.

However, when he heard the words of Youyuan, the sadness in Pete's eyes became stronger and stronger, and there was even a trace of sadness.

"Master, I know you don't dislike my status as an orc, and even I have taken good care of it this year, and I have successfully advanced to the fourth level... However, even if the master doesn't dislike it, there will always be someone in the world who cares..."

But the original words made the sadness in Pete's eyes thicker, and finally he even closed his slightly wet eyes.

"You... Since I first saw you, I seem to have seen a touch of pain behind your persistence that I can never let go. If you don't mind, can you tell me your story and tell it? Maybe your heart will be better. You should know that the power of the soul is often the power of the soul. Your current soul has great flaws. For a soul master like me, it is easy to control you.

After a long silence, Peter just closed his eyes and stood motionless on the back of the Codo giant beast, as if he did not dare to open his eyes to face this reality.

I don't know how long it took, Pete opened his eyes, as if his sadness had dispelled in an instant, and some still melted his persistence into the deepest pupils of the soul.

"When I was a child, I was born in a small tribe of the leopard tribe. I don't know who my parents are. Yes, this is basically the basic characteristic of every orc. I have never complained, but I do endless work under the whip of a strong leopard man day by day. When I was a child, I didn't know why I lived. I just hoped that there would be a warm dinner for me to live every day.

Youyuan was slightly stunned, and his relaxed face stiffened. Such a life seemed to be particularly similar to himself. He also didn't know his parents and looked forward to a warm dinner. The difference is that he was born in the fallen empire and was raised by the consciousness of the demon clan of the fallen empire, while Pitt was influenced by the will of the angry empire orcs.

"One day, a young fox girl was imprisoned in the tribe as a prisoner of war. Coincidentally, it was me who took care of her. Because at that time, the leopard was still an ally of the cat clan and often fought with the fox clan and the bear clan, but it had nothing to do with us orc slaves. I still vaguely remember that at the beginning, the fox girl always begged me to throw her and my hair out of the tribe. At that time, I didn't know the meaning of that at all. I couldn't stand the fox girl's prayer, so I did it.

Youyuan bowed her head and was silent. The fox girl obviously hoped that Pete would pass on the news that she was imprisoned in the leopard tribe. Such a means would immediately react to a human race or orcs with a little common sense. However, for Pete, a young orc slave who was not educated at all, I couldn't understand this meaning.

"Yes, although I did, no one came to rescue the fox girl, and the sadness in the fox woman's eyes became obvious day by day. I don't know what my mood was at that time, but one thing is certain that as long as I can make her happy, I would rather sacrifice my own life. On such days, the cat clan has been fighting with the fox clan. However, somehow, the originally extremely powerful cat clan has gradually begun to decline, but these are none of my business. All I know is that in those years, it was this fox girl who taught me to read, taught me to practice, and taught me that there was not only one leopard tribe in the world.

Speaking of this, Pete's eyes actually had a trace of rare tenderness and warmth, and Youyuan was slightly stunned. Maybe the days in the magic academy where he fell into the empire were the same...

"With the passage of time, I have gotten used to her existence. One day five years later, I still went to that familiar place with so happily. However, on this day, she suddenly told me to hide in the tribe's cellar immediately, no matter what noise is outside... I didn't think about anything at that time and almost instinctively did it. After five days of starvation and exhaustion, I left the cellar and found that the tribe had been completely destroyed..."

"So, do you hate her?"

Youyuan thought for a moment and thought that it was more appropriate to use the word hate.

"Hate? No! I never, if it weren't for her, I think I would have been in that small tribe all my life..."

"Did you get her clue later?"

Youyuan originally hoped that Peter would not feel inferior because of his orc identity. Since this fox girl is involved, it must be related.

"Yes, when I advanced to the second level, I had already got her clues."

Almost trembling, Peter looked at Youyuan.

"She turned out to be a lofty moon fox, and now she has become the waiter of the great Golden Bimon King! And I'm just a humble orc. I don't deserve her at all. I'm just an orc! A humble half orc..."

Finally, Pete could no longer control his emotions and cried loudly. Many bulls on the ground looked up at Peter in surprise. Youyuan frowned, and an erosion force surrounded Youyuan and Pete. The pure power instantly made the body of the Kodo giant beast under him tremble slightly.

When Youyuan heard this, he finally understood.

Golden Bimon is the guardian beast of the orcs. Even if every golden Bimon has the terrible power to compete with the dragon, it is one of the strongest forces representing the orcs. However, the fox girl actually became the maid of King Kim Bimon. It can be imagined that Pete's inferiority complex was that he was not even qualified to meet.

However, when he heard this, there was a sudden power to resist in the bottom of Youyuan's heart. As for what resistance is, Youyuan doesn't know. Is it fate? Is it oppression? Is it a stronger force?

A wave of pride arises.

"Peter! Do you know the name of this plane continent?

Peter was originally immersed in an unsnarable sadness. At this time, when he heard Youyuan suddenly ask about this, he instinctively covered up his weakness, wiped away his tears, and shook his head confusedly.

Seeing this, Youyuan smiled and raised his head to look at the sky.

"This continent was originally called Dilas Continent in ancient times, and Dilas is rich and beautiful in the language of the gob. Yes, in ancient times, the rulers of this continent were powerful goblins. Our human race and elves were just vassals. As for your orcs, they were not born on this continent at all. However, with a devastating war ten thousand years ago, the gobler was erased, and the human race became the ruler of the continent and renamed the continent the gods, which means to bring a new continent to the arrival of the gods.

However, at this point, the pupils of the Youyuan began to cool down, and Peter did not notice it at all.

"Once, I heard Miss Lilith say that the mainland was invaded by a terrible race ten thousand years ago..."


Youyuan suddenly interrupted Peter's words, and a sarcastic sneer appeared in his eyes.

"Are you talking about the epsopus family? They are indeed powerful and terrible, but compared with the powerful continent at that time, they are just a disaster and are far from completely destroyed! And recently, I got the news from the translation of the ancient seal monument of the barbarians: the goblin clan commissioned the elves to make a nearly miractical perfect container, allowing the most powerful barbarian chief at that time to perform a strange technique to seal the mother of the mayfly into his body, and then put The barbarian patriarch who can't control the power of the insect mother is sealed into this container.

Peter is even more confused.

"Master, do you mean...?"

"What I mean is that although the war between the mainland and the mayfly people does not know how long it has been, one thing is certain, that is, the result is the final victory of the mainland! However, you see, at this moment, the mainland does not have any trace of the mainland, and the gosords have even completely disappeared. The mainland is clearly ruled by the human race, but does the human race really rule the continent? No, the human race doesn't! The real existence that rules the current continent is the gods in those churches. Humans, orcs and elves are just their chess pieces and toys. After that war, something must have happened again, but it was deliberately covered up by the top officials of various empires.

smiled coldly, and Youyuan did not give Peter a trace of reaction time at all. His pupils looked directly at Pete's eyes, as if to see the self-esteem soul that kept avoiding in the deepest part of his heart.

"Since everyone is a chess piece, how can there be anything high and low? Now, I, Youyuan, want to change the name of this continent so that all the creatures in our continent can truly be their own masters! However, my strength is far from enough. I need a lot of people to support me and build a legion with common goals. Tell me, Peter the great orc, are you willing to prove your honor, prove your courage, prove that you are not humble, and fight for the freedom of the mainland?

Peter raised his head, looked at the arrogant plain with incredible shock, and opened his mouth and couldn't say a word.

"Tell me! Pete! Are you willing? Now there is a chance to truly change your fate. If you succeed, you will prove everything and she will come back to you; if you fail, you will turn into bones and be forgotten by the mainland. Do you want to regret that you didn't make a desperate attempt and fight before your body turns into loess when the fire of the soul is about to go out, or do you dare to prove everything now?

Peter's face is pale and he can't control his body.

"I'm just a humble orc, can I..."

"Tell me! Peter the great orc, are you willing to fight for the freedom of the mainland until it turns into ashes?

Youyuan raised Pete's head and looked at his constantly dodging eyes with his pupil again.

"I, I...I! I do! Yes, I do! I want to prove myself! Even if I am just an orc, I am a creature that will never give in! I want to prove my courage and glory!"

From beginning to end, Pitt did not mention half the freedom of the continent, because there is no such awareness in his current consciousness, because he is now just an ordinary orc fighting for his life.

However, Youyuan still laughed loudly. Looking at Peter, who was extremely confident at this moment, he raised his head and was full of heroism.

"Pete, my legion's name is Doomsday Legion, which vaguely means the end of the gods of the continent. In the future, the name of this continent will also be the doomsday continent! Now there is only me, the captain, and Lilith, a space guide, in the legion. Everything else is in the framework. When the opportunity is right, I will invite countless like-minded and powerful beings. Remember, you are very weak. This attack on the cat clan is your opportunity. When I really build an army in the future, I will give you a corresponding position according to your strength and ability. Work hard, Pete!"

"Yes, Master Youyuan!"

At this moment, Peter seemed to have been reborn. His life had his own direction. His eyes were full of yearning and fighting spirit. Youyuan smiled when he saw this.

"Whether you can understand now, as a member of the Doomsday Legion, I must firmly remember that everything we have fought for the freedom of the mainland! I want you to seal this belief into the deepest part of your soul! Whether you are evil or justice, cruel or benevolent in the future, I want you to fight for your faith until the mainland is completely and truly free! Everything you do as a member of the Legion is for this belief!"



Peter left, and the taurid troops were still rolling forward, full of smoke and dust and trembling.

"Lith, the warm home I want to give you is to be built on this free continent and taste the most delicious food I cultivate. Maybe we have also experienced hunger and cruelty when we are young, but we should not let future generations be the same as the demon clan. The world should be better.

"Anliya, our home must also be built here..."