sin totem

Chapter 183 Bloodthirsty Temple

A month later, at the junction of the Empire of Death and the Fury Empire, it was already a cold winter season. Although it was not as cold as the orc grassland, it still snowflakes covered the land.

The harbor smelled of fish after fishermen returned from fishing. From time to time, strangely dressed pirates took out a lot of silver coins and walked across the street with laughter. Some women dressed in flowers and heavy makeup twisted their waists and disappeared at the end of the street under the unbridled touch of the pirates.

On the big ship, the businessman with a big belly directed the thin hard worker to carry a large number of boxes and put them on the caravan carriage. It seems that they are some seabed treasures. As long as they are transported inland, they will be robbed and collected by some nobles.

Peter and the coquettish bag seem to be fascinated by the seaside snack, and their mouths are full of delicious food. Originally, the violent bear king was very disdainful of the indecentness of the two, but when he tasted the seaside delicacies made by human craftsmanship, his eyes suddenly opened, and the withered soul seemed to be clever. His hands began to stuff his mouth desperately. He looked like a demon reincarnation. He couldn't help but let Pete, coquettish and Youyuan. The three were stunned.

Along the way, Youyuan continued to expel the invasion of the divine power of the night on the three souls for the violent battle bear king. However, although it is somewhat effective, it involves the field of the three souls. In addition, there is no good way for the divine power of night that has been completely eroded by Youyuan. Youyuan can only use your own soul skills to expel a little every day. If you want to completely drive away I don't know what year and month it will be.

However, because the best research object of the Violent Battle Bear King, Youyuan's understanding of the souls of the Holy Land is increasing day by day, and the characteristics of some souls in the Holy Land are also beginning to become clear.

Moreover, because the power of the three souls of the violent battle bear king was eroded by the divine power of the night, Youyuan suddenly burst out the inspiration of a soul art. Since the two souls in the violent battle bear king have been completely eroded by the divine power of the night, except for the slightly weak mental state, there are no other strange things. Does it mean that the power of one soul is enough to support the will of the creatures?

If Youyuan's conjecture is really true, then I have to say that some unrivaled spiritual greatness that was still in the past may really become a reality.

He was extremely excited, but Youyuan's face remained unchanged. He paid enough silver coins in a huge inn in a harbor to arrange for three people to live in.

"The Bear King, Pete and Sao Bao Gou, the three of you will live here for the time being. When I meet the great bloodthirsty god receive the oracle, they will come back, and then go to the land of chaos."

The coquettish guy thought about it and didn't seem to have much to do with himself, and immediately began to destroy those delicious foods again.

Peter has known some of the ideas of Youyuan, but it is not convenient to say it directly, so he can only give a fist.

"Captain, be careful on the road, go early and come back early!"

Youyuan smiled and nodded slightly.

And the violent bear king waved his hand and swallowed the delicious food in his mouth.

"Don't worry, the ruler of this area is a holy silver dragon. That guy occupies this place to collect gold coins. I have seen that silver dragon once, and there will be no problem. You came back earlier, and I seem to be a little better these days. It seems that what you said before that you found my soul bed trauma is true.

Hearing the violent battle bear king say so, Youyuan was slightly surprised, but after thinking that the seaport here can maintain stability in the environment where pirates and merchants and fishermen exist, it is impossible to have no ruler with absolute power.

Listening to the meaning of the violent bear king, it should have intersect with the silver dragon. At least the power of the violent bear king will crush the other party to death, otherwise he would not have said such a word.

As for the following words, it seems that the previous time of the violent bear king was still worried about whether Youyuan really found the trauma in his soul, and Youyuan smiled.

"Don't worry, King Xiong, I'm just an apostle. In the eyes of the great bloodthirsty god, I'm just a servant. How can I leave too much time?"

After saying that, Youyuan suddenly sneered and turned around and left the room. The violent bear king did not seem to hear the hidden meaning of Youyuan's last words, but began to destroy the delicious food again.


The sea breeze blew the silk hair of the secluded plain. The secluded plain that had never come to the seashore squinted and felt the blowing of the sea breeze. Looking at the endless sea, a sense of depression suddenly exhaled, as if the mood had improved a lot, and a broad meaning appeared.

The waves are undulating, and the ship is just an ordinary wooden sailboat. However, looking at all the sailors and passengers here, they don't seem to worry about the aquatic monsters in the ocean at all, which makes Youyuan a little surprised. You should know that even in the inward river of the orc grassland, aquatic monsters have become a hazard to cross the river. Some ferries have no choice but to hire human master shipbuilders to make solid ships to ferry passengers. I don't know how many times more monsters in the sea than inland. Why is a small ordinary wooden sailboat safe all the way?

With doubts, Youyuan walked to a idle sailor.

"Little brother..."

The stunned sailor, who was looking into the distant sea, heard that someone seemed to be calling himself and turned around in surprise. However, after seeing Youyuan dressed as a magician, he suddenly looked tense and at a loss.

"Respect, distinguished magician, what can I do for you..."

The nervous sailor actually stammered, which made Youyuan think of his past on the streets of the fallen imperial capital. With a smile, the purple and black magic elements wrapped on the head of the magic robe dispersed, revealing a beautiful face, which made the 30-year-old sailor in front of him not close his mouth.

"Magicians can't judge age based on their faces."

With a slight smile, Youyuan has an elegant and calm posture. The sailor opposite seemed to have thought of some legends about the magician, and couldn't help looking at Youyuan more curiously, but the nervousness had begun to leave.

"Little brother, I want to know how long it will take to drive from the island ofliu sha?"

Youyuan has been used to an identity that does not meet his actual age, so he directly calls the sailor in his thirties as his little brother.

seems to be very confident in sailing, and it is rare to appear in front of a noble magician. The sailor showed excitement, and he also has the capital to brag among friends in the future.

"Suisha Island is the largest and farthest of the 28 overseas islands, but adults can rest assured that our ship is a famous fast ship. It has sailed there dozens of times, and it will definitely arrive in a day!"

Looking at the confident appearance of the sailor in front of him, Youyuan smiled slightly.

"I want to know why this sea is so calm that there are no sea monsters. When I was in some rivers inland, fishermen often died in the mouths of these aquatic beasts."

Hearing Youyuan's words this time, the sailor suddenly looked solemn, and then instantly showed the reverence that Youyuan had seen many times. His hands were folded like a kneeling!

"This is not the great power of the great bloodthirsty temple high priest a few years ago to reach an agreement with the god of sea beasts. Since then, this sea has become a quiet place, and few fishermen' merchant ships have died. The high priest said that these are all great bloodthirsty gods coming to the world. As long as we firmly believe in the great bloodthirsty gods, God's grace will always shine!"

Youyuan's eyes opened suddenly.

The so-called god of sea beasts is just some powerful marine monsters in the eyes of Youyuan. After all, how can there be the law of sea beasts in the world? However, when Youyuan heard that the bloodthirsty god had become the god of this fisherman's faith, he was still surprised!

You should know that the beliefs of the major empires and even the three goddesses in the mainland are all used by political means to force a creature to believe, and then enslave their faith and form church rule over the years. However, the bloodthirsty god has just woken up for a few years. It's amazing to have a believer on the Sheisha Island in Youyuan, but now it seems that his conjecture is completely wrong.

Unzulled that Youyuan actually had a curiosity about the Bloodthirsty Temple. It seemed that these things were done by the high priest said by the sailors in the Bloodthirsty Temple. After all, Youyuan did not believe that the great gods could use such a means to attract the humble mortals in their eyes as believers. In the understanding of Youyuan, in the eyes of the gods with the strongest power, faith in the people is just a resource that provides the source of power, just like a slave is a property in the eyes of a slave owner.

A day later, a huge island with an obvious style different from the inland sea, almost followed by a large number of people. Youyuan came to a huge square. A temple about 100 meters high appeared in the eyes of Youyuan. Thousands of believers knelt on the ground and hummed together. Blood Hymn.

There is a huge golden statue of dozens of meters enshrined in the temple. Although it is not a human race, it is far larger than the human race. A sense of oppression and majesty bursts out, and people are not angry and arrogant, which makes people feel unnaturally afraid and respected.

More believers behind him began to gather in the square, and the expressionless face also followed the crowd in front of them to kneel to the ground, singing bloodthirsty hymns, and looking around slightly.

Among the many believers, in addition to the large number of plainly dressed civilians, there are also warriors, nobles and even some businessmen and pirates of obvious mainlanders! All the people looked serious, knelt to the ground sincerely, and prayed to the tall and majestic bloodthirsty statue. They really felt a little when the fallen emperor fell into the temple.

An hour later, with the shout of a priest in a majestic dress and third-order strength in the temple, many believers suddenly performed etiquette in an orderly manner, looking back from the priest's figure, looking meticulous!

When the priest of the temple was about to follow the previous steps back to the temple, his face suddenly changed and he immediately knelt down and closed his eyes. Later, the priest opened his eyes and looked at the orderly retreating crowd, a people who were still kneeling in magician's clothes.

With the ups and downs, the priest, in hesitation, gritted his teeth and quickly walked to the secluded that was still kneeling and closed his eyes.

"Do you dare to ask, are you a respected Youyuan... Apostle?"

Youyuan opened his eyes and looked calmly at the priest in front of him.

"Yes, it is the bloodthirsty apostle Youyuan who serves the great bloodthirsty god!"

The priest was stunned and knelt down quickly.

"Dear Bloodthirsty Apostle, the great bloodthirsty God has just sent down the oracle and asked me to quickly take you to the high priest of the bloodthirsty temple here."

Almost at the moment when the priest spoke, a young man with a heroic face and kindly ran out of the temple and dressed in a majestic golden dress to set off the extremely sacredness. At the same time, a classic book with obvious lofty bloodthirsty power was held in his hand and looked at the secluded here.

When the priest kneeled in front of Youyuan saw the comer, he suddenly looked happy.

"Priest, this is..."

However, as soon as the priest was halfway through, the bloodthirsty high priest waved his hand to stop the words of the priest of the temple.

"I know, you are Your Excellency Youyuan, who serves the great bloodthirsty god together. The great bloodthirsty god once mentioned you and just came to the oracle in person and asked me to take you to meet you. However, in order to confirm your identity, I still hope that you will release the divine grace given by the great bloodthirsty god.

Youyuan saw the bloodthirsty high priest, and only felt that the man was young and powerful, and did not think much about it was just a smile. The bloodthirsty blade with a demonic light was taken out, as if it had reacting to the holy scripture in the hands of the bloodthirsty high priest. Both of them showed up the demonic and bloodthirsty light, and a bloodthirsty pressure suddenly made all The clergy of the temple knelt down!

The bloodthirsty high priest's originally harmonious face suddenly changed, and his eyes flashed with surprise and coldness, but he regained his dignity and kindness in just a moment.

Youyuan did not notice the face of the bloodthirsty high priest at all, but Youyuan sensed the instantaneous change of the other party's soul. Countless thoughts flowed quickly in his heart, and suddenly sneered in the heart of Youyuan, who knew the other party's thoughts, and there was no change on his face.

"You have also been given an artifact by God's grace, which is really generous!"

Youyuan sneered again in his heart. At this time, Youyuan finally sensed through his breath, confirming that the bloodthirsty high priest was just an apostle, and it was clear in Youyuan's heart that the bloodthirsty god summoned him to come.

"The same is true of the high priest!"

In the harmonious atmosphere on the surface, Youyuan entered the bloodthirsty temple together with the high priest of the bloodthirsty temple.