sin totem

Chapter 185 Lilith's Growth and the Attack of Sea Beast

In front of the exquisite magic altar, a slender girl was blinking her star-like calm eyes and staring at the subtle movements of the altar. A bursts of mysterious and obscure space fluctuations were generated here, and then disappeared. The girl seemed to have been inspired from time to time and recorded her magic attentively. On the notes.

Gently holding away the smooth long hair in front of her, the girl had noticed that someone was coming behind her, but she still focused on recording her magic experience and did not look back.

" Just put the magic materials I need there."

The girl's voice is plain and slightly sad, but it seems to contain infinite wisdom and vitality, mixed with a little maturity and stability.

The person behind the girl did not move, which made the girl frown slightly and stop writing notes.

"Serkai, how many times have I told you that I was just imprisoned here by your great bloodthirsty god. It's impossible between us! I...I...!"

Mu Ran, the girl who turned around looked at the young man in a purple-black magic robe behind her, and her calm eyes trembled as if they were stars, and the words in her mouth stopped in an instant, and she was at a loss to look at the man who appeared.


It took a long time for the girl to make a sound, full of disbelief!

Youyuan had thousands of thoughts. Originally, he had been ready to keep his mood stable for a long time, but when he saw the girl in front of him, the long-term plainness suddenly completely disappeared, and the deepest part of his heart was slightly sour. It seemed that he immediately recalled the depressed street. He only took the lonely girl because of one look. As her real relative, the girl vowed to bring her everything beautiful. It seems that in this lonely girl, I saw the shadow of myself, and I had the same desire at that time!


With the appearance of the sound of the ghost field, the girl standing on the spot has fully confirmed that the ghost field is not an illusion. The notes in her hand fell to the ground and ran directly to the ghost field as a deep hug. Her eyes were wet and unable to speak, and her body could not help tremble.

Youyuan held Lilith tightly in his arms, and his soul moved with infinite guilt and apology. An extremely obscure soul force entered Lilith' body. Lilith's body trembled, but continued to cry as if nothing had happened.

For a long time, Lilith and Youyuan finally stopped their mood swings and sat in a chair looking at each other.

"Ha ha, you look at crying like a kitten."

Youyuan smiled and wiped away the tears on Lilith's face. Lilith also smiled and wiped the tears off her face.

"Brother, that day in the valley of Ezilan, I was..."

"Okay, don't talk about it. I know all about it."

Youyuan quickly stopped Lilith's words. At least now, as a bloodthirsty apostle, Youyuan didn't want Lilith to say the bad of the bloodthirsty god. If Lilith really said it, if she didn't teach Lilith a lesson at that time, she was likely to be suspected by the bloodthirsty god; if she taught Lilith a lesson, this was the result that Youyuan didn't want to see, so Youyuan quickly stopped Lilith's words.

Lilith was slightly stunned, and then instantly understood the misunderstanding of Youyuan. After thinking about it, she took out a crystal clear stone with strange colors.

Youyuan's eyes suddenly opened, and there was a huge wave in his heart. After controlling his emotions in the same instant, he looked at Lilith with infinite surprise.

"Brother, do you think this stone is beautiful? This is the gem I exchanged from the heterogeneous plane here using space magic. It's my favorite item."

After saying that, Lilith actually played with the stone with a smile on her face like a little girl. How could Youyuan not know Lilith's work? This stone is obviously exactly the same as the gem in the treasure map in the hands of Gangdou in the chaotic land, but the color is slightly different.

Controlling his emotions, Youyuan smiled like a brother who spoiled Lilith.

"Of course it's beautiful. This is the most beautiful gem I've ever seen."

It seemed to be a wonderful thing to be praised by Youyuan, and Lilith cheered. After a while, Lilith seemed to reluctantly put the gem into the hands of the Yuan and smiled with blessings.

"Brother, I'll give it to you!"

Understanding Lilith's mind, Youyuan quietly put away the gem and nodded slightly.


After thinking about it, Youyuan took out two small bottles of golden blood from the magic robe, which was the blood spit out by the golden king of Bimon when he fought with the goddess of night. At that time, Youyuan collected three bottles, one of which must be used to refine the Holy Spirit liquid in the future, so Youyuan only took out these two bottles at this time.

"This is the blood I got from the night forest. The owner of the blood is a strong existence. I think you can use it to trade space for what you need."

Liris took over the golden Bimon blood of the secluded, and after a slight observation, he suddenly showed shock.

"What a strong power! Brother, this blood definitely comes from a really powerful existence, far better than the blood I saw in Sister Youji's place! It is preliminarily estimated that a bottle of items that can definitely be exchanged for the value of Taoist power, and it will never be lower than ten Taoist forces!"

Looking at Lilith's surprised appearance, Youyuan smiled, and the rest of the two was real emotional communication.


"Ha ha, who is that Serkai? Seeing that you didn't like it very much, you even mistook me for him at first.

Of course, Youyuan understood Cerkai's identity slightly from the beginning of his words. At this time, he was just joking about his sister.

Sure enough, Lilith's little face turned slightly red, and there was a rare shyness that had never been seen before.

"He is a priest of the bloodthirsty temple. Although the bloodthirsty god imprisoned my freedom, he did not stop the study of magic and was very supportive. There are all kinds of basic magic materials, and it was Serkai who was responsible for sending magic materials. He...he is my suitor, but I won't agree!"

Youyuan smiled and looked at Lilith's serious appearance. He suddenly thought of something and stood up to pull up Lilith. At this time, Lilith was already tall enough to the chin of Youyuan.

Looking at Lilith's tall figure, concave and exquisite body, the original smile gradually convered. After meditation, he looked directly into Lilith's eyes.

"Sister, unconsciously, you have become a real girl, no longer the little girl sitting on my right shoulder. There are some things you need to grasp by yourself. I can't decide anything for you. I just want to tell you to cherish what you have in front of you.

Lilith opened her mouth and couldn't speak. She suddenly lowered her head. After being quiet for a long time, she finally raised her head again with a smile.

"Okay, I'll try! But he is just a priest of the bloodthirsty god, and he is just a low-level priest without freedom. I don't think we can do it at all! I still like people like my brother!"

Youyuan smiled again and touched Lilith's little head.

"That's not easy to find. After all, there are not many wise people like my brother!"

Joking, Lilith and Youyuan laughed unscrupulously, as if they wanted to forget all their sorrows, and even laughed red and shed tears without knowing it.

seemed to think of something again. Lilith stood up and meditated on the magic spell. As the space fluctuated, a loud roar appeared, and then a smile appeared.

"This guy has grown a lot!"

It was the bloody tiger that appeared, and at this time, this guy actually had a fourth-level intermediate breath! The white and soft hair covered the whole body, and the body grew to a length of five meters, which was both sacred, pure and powerful.

However, despite the appearance, the first moment this guy appeared was to rub the legs of the ghost magic robe with that huge head. As the first blood demon seed king to control the slave, Youyuan certainly knew the nature of this guy and kicked the blood-toothed tiger aside with a smile and scolding.

"Beibei has grown up very fast in the past two years, and I spent all the money I worked hard to earn."

Lilith seemed to be complaining, but the depths of her eyes looking at Youyuan seemed to be full of a desire, but Youyuan did not find it.

"Yes, this guy has indeed grown very fast and has reached the fourth level. With this momentum, it is not impossible to reach the fifth level in the first few years."

Youyuan just followed Lilith's words and didn't think too much, which made Lilith's eyes flow with disappointment.



Looking at Lilith in surprise, who was laughing with the blood-toothed tiger, somehow she was lost again.

"Brother, don't you see that I'm also in the fourth level? Or in your eyes, I will always be the little sister protected by you. Have you forgotten our common ideal?

Looking at Lilith's lost face, Youyuan noticed that Lilith also had a fourth-level intermediate atmosphere. This speed of progress is simply a miracle! Although I don't know how Lilith did it, Youyuan knew that Lilith must have experienced a lot of setbacks during this period, and there was no free lunch in the world!

Apologies appeared on the original face.

"How can I forget, just..."

Liris stopped Youyuan's words.

"Brother, I don't need to say more. I understand that when we meet again, I believe I have grown into a being who can really fight with my brother!"


At this time, the blood-toothed tiger next to him roared softly, and Lilith immediately nodded the head of the blood-toothed tiger.

"I know, and Beibei!"

Youyuan smiled, but his face suddenly changed, and the depths of his soul fluctuated together. It was the message that the bloodthirsty god asked Youyuan to leave.

Liris quickly guessed the change of the ghost, and the smile on her face disappeared.

"Are you leaving?"


Lilith smiled forcefully and seemed to be carefree, but turned around and left first.

"Brother, don't worry, the bloodthirsty god is very good to me. I can do magic research here more safely. This is almost the best condition in the whole continent. I believe that when we meet again, you will be surprised by my progress!"

Youyuan nodded silently, with the same strong smile, but his heart moved. It seemed that Lilith had just received the obscure message conveyed by his soul, and his plan could also proceed smoothly.

I don't want to let the parting be full of sadness. Youyuan also strode away. At this time, he began to complete his plan and completely remove the mountain above his head!

Leaving the Bloodthirsty Temple, Youyuan was about to walk directly to the dock. However, at this moment, Pol, the high priest of the Bloodthirsty Temple, came over and stopped Youyuan with a smile on his face.

"Ha ha, Youyuan Priest, who is also a servant of the great bloodthirsty god, I think you must go to the mainland to build another great bloodthirsty temple in this mission, right?"

Youyuan smiled, but did not answer directly.

"Because the great bloodthirsty god came to the oracle in person, I can't tell Lord Polge the specific content. I'm very sorry."

With that, Youyuan was about to leave again, but at this time, several priests behind Pol's body stopped Youyuan, faintly forming an encirclement, and the cold light flashed in Youyuan's eyes.

"Ha ha, look at the words of the Youyuan priest. He is also the servant of the great bloodthirsty god. Of course, he must do his best to serve the great bloodthirsty god. I think you may have a lot of ambiguity about the steps to establish the temple. At that time, I took a lot of detours and delayed a lot of time. Ha ha, at this time, I will pass on my experience to you. I hope you can complete the great bloodthirsty oracle as soon as possible!"

is still full of smiles, and this Pol seems to really want to help Youyuan.

Youyuan's eyes flashed repeatedly, and finally smiled.

"Thank you for the kindness of the high priest Pol! I think I will repay you well in the future!"

Pol was slightly stunned, and then made a gesture of invitation to Youyuan with a smile on his face, and Youyuan entered the temple again.

In three days, Polge seemed to be concentrating on every step and key points of establishing the temple. I have to say that Polge is indeed a talent. His speech is not only clear, but also some places where the temple was built are different. At the same time, some places are also mixed with some of his own ideas, which makes You Originally, I benefited a lot.

If Youyuan is sure to build a bloodthirsty temple within three years after destroying the Night Temple, then Youyuan is almost sure that if there is no accident, a magnificent bloodthirsty temple can be fully built in a year!

In three days, in addition to listening to Pol's explanation, Youyuan did one thing, that is, he used the blood demon seed king to forcibly control a miscellaneous servant, and then ordered him to go to the mainland harbor quickly to let the violent bear king know about this, and then turned a deaf ear to the things outside of the window and concentrate on the study and establishment of a bloodthirsty temple. Love.

This day is cloudless and the sky is cool, which is a rare good weather on Sulphur and Sand Island in winter.

Youyuan got on a sailing ship bound for the mainland, turned around and saluted Pol, who came to see him off, and said an elegant farewell to the magician's aristocratic etiquette.

Pol is extremely calm, elegant and polite, with an elegant smile on his face.

The ship started and slowly sailed away from the harbor. Pol's elegant smile gradually became cold. Then, after humming and laughing, many of the sent-off priests left the harbor, leaving many believers to kneel and pray to Pol's figure.


Half a day later, on a calm sea, many passengers and sailors of the ship where the ghost was located shouted in horror, pale and bloodless, and even began to kneel down and pray directly on the deck and sing bloodthirsty hymns.

You principle's face is extremely calm. Under the wide magic robe, the purple-black soul flame stared at the dozens of huge aquatic monsters standing in front of them, with their hands standing upside down, as if there was no worry at all. For a moment, it was a little domineering.

Most of these dozen aquatic monsters are giants with a body of more than ten meters, and they can fly in the air, proving that they all have five levels of strength! As for how many low-level monsters there are under the water, then the genius knows.

And among these dozen aquatic warcrafts, two of them have attracted the attention of Youyuan, because they are all monsters in the Holy Land!

One of the aquatic giant snakes, about 30 meters long, covered with silver-sized cyan scales, and a pair of cold eyes locked the plain without panic; the other end was a three-meter-sized strange fish, also covered with scales, but two more long whiskers up to one meter long at the corners of the mouth, the power of water and thunder The power of Ting is endless.

"Eat all the human race of this ship, and don't leave one!"

With the cold voice coming from the mouths of the two holy land monsters, all the people on the ship where the plains were located were full of despair and fell on the spot.