sin totem

Chapter 199 Partnership with Hidden Evil Employment

With no expression, the hidden evil that turned into a sword demon goblin slowly looked back at the secluded plain as if talking and laughing, and looked directly at the beating soul flames shining under a wide purple-black magic robe.

"Who are you?"

The hidden evil wings slowly pat and float in the air. The magic sword in front of him seems to be spiritual and unpredictable, and it seems to be ready to attack at any time.

In the face of this human magician who seemed to suddenly appear behind him, he couldn't help but feel cold. Obviously, the other party only has five levels, but the strange means of concealing the two holy realms, coupled with the fact that they have just directly dispersed a sacred dragon, make the hidden evils pay attention to it.

Youyuan could feel the power of wandering the magic sword around the hidden evil body at this time. There was no intention of angering the other party. Youyuan smiled, and the fog of erosion gathered around slowly dispersed, revealing the increasingly mature face of Youyuan.

"Are you...Yuyuan?"

Yin Xie was stunned when he saw Youyuan's face and asked with a little hesitation.

"I didn't expect that the hidden evil master still remembers the incident of the seal with the master, but later he had to wander and flee because of the pursuit of the Zijinxiang family. Now the master has returned to the holy land. I wonder if the master is still willing to continue to cooperate with him?"

Hearing Youyuan admit his identity, the hidden sword saint suddenly eased, and the magic sword that kept swimming around his body also slowly stopped.

"Hmm! Maybe you still don't know that at the next year's Presbyterian Congress, I have united with many elders in chaotic areas, but what's the use of this? You only need to veto the king of chaos, and there is no possibility even if more elders agree, so let's talk about cooperating with you?"

Youyuan was slightly stunned, and the hidden evil seemed to misunderstand the meaning of Youyuan, believing that the so-called cooperation of Youyuan was still the cooperation that took the original route.

However, since it comes to this topic, Youyuan thought of another thing.

"Since the king of chaos has so much power, why didn't the master defeat the king of chaos and take the power by himself?"

In the face of the question of the ghost, Yin Xie curled his lips and sneered.

"If it is so easy to defeat, the king of chaos will not dare to challenge it for decades. Not to mention that the king of chaos used to be a famous strong man in the land of chaos. He was born with the ability to fold space and expel seals. It is rare to be defeated within the fifth level of the petrochemical technique taught by the petrification master alone. At least I was never the opponent of the king of chaos in the fifth level.

Youyuan was stunned, the real eyes of the world? This is the first time I've heard of this.

seemed to see the doubt of the ghost, and the hidden evil began to explain again.

"Every race will more or less have those unusual existences. The so-called real eye of the king of chaos is just the name he gave to his mutant eyes. Nevertheless, the ability of the real eye in the world is a real ability in the legend. Folding space is a space escape without media, also known as the art of teleportation; as for the rare ability to remove the seal, it is simply the nemesis of the space sealer; as for the legendary petrochemical technique that turns magic into decay, you are somewhat clear if I don't say it, right?

Youyuan's eyes widened. The king of this chaotic land actually possessed such a powerful ability. He never cared about his appearance at the Presbyterian General Assembly.

"Roar! Abominable human magician, how dare you ignore Maria, the most beautiful flame dragon of the dragon clan, you will be the great and eternal dragon language magic..."

Although the flame dragon was shocked by the unknown means just used by Youyuan, it saw that Youyuan actually communicated with the human race with sword demon goblin blood when she did not exist, and suddenly an uncontrollable anger in the arrogant soul of the dragon clan broke out.

She has been studying dragon language magic for a long time. Although Maria's birth is still short, she still has mastered several powerful dragon language magic. When she was about to use the most powerful dragon language magic at all costs, with the mouth of the celebrity magician, the flame dragon Maria suddenly stopped abruptly. A spell.

In one mouth, 30 bloodthirsty gods with bloodthirsty will directly appeared. Suddenly, an unstoppable pressure of the divine will permeated the whole space. Youyuan slowly looked up at the fire of the soul and looked at the flame dragon with instinct to flap its wings.

After stiffening for a few seconds, the flame dragon Maria suddenly roared in horror. A force of the original flame protected her body and went directly from the hole bombed through the cave to the sky outside the volcano. She stared at the thirty bright lights in front of the secluded plain, and her body was still slightly stiff.

Youyuan was also a little surprised. Although he didn't want to do it in the first place, the flame dragon can get rid of the pressure of so many divine power so quickly. Seeing that it is always close to the divine pressure, it can indeed have considerable immunity. This flame dragon has a considerable resistance to the divine pressure because of Old's fire god flame. Ability.

"Strong... powerful human magician, if you win, I will never step into this volcano again!"

After saying a little panic to Youyuan, the flame dragon flew away from the distant sky without looking back. It seems that 30 divine powers at one time have scared the flame dragon, or it is clear that 30 divine powers can barely perform a magic spell.

This result is exactly what Youyuan wanted. Seeing the dragon leave, Youyuan once again opened his mouth to put many divine powers into his body.

"Is this magic power?"

The hidden evil looked at the ghost field shockedly, and I had to say that this was even the first time that the hidden evil had seen so many divine powers appear in front of him so intuitively.

Youyuan smiled and put on so much magic power to not only deter the flame dragon, but also to increase his weight in the current negotiations, otherwise the credibility of a fifth-order speech is obviously insufficient.

"Not bad! The cooperation master I mentioned before may still have some misunderstandings, so now I will explain it again! What I mean by cooperation is to pay you for the cooperation you work for me. Of course, this is also a preliminary cooperation.

The evil eyes flashed.

"Do you mean to pay me with divine power as a reward?"

Youyuan looked up proudly.

"Exact! And according to the temporary employment of the ordinary holy land between the planes, five years, that is to say, if you work for me for five years, I will pay you a drop of magic power. As far as I know, although there are many uses for divine power, there are only two fundamental ones, increasing power and expelling the law of death to escape reincarnation.

Obviously, the hidden evil of the Holy Land has a preliminary understanding of the role of divine power. At this time, I seemed to be a little moved when I heard the words of Youyuan. If his life really comes to an end within a hundred years, and he doesn't want to die, he has to participate in a certain legion endlessly and earn divine power to escape reincarnation.

However, if you can earn enough divine power now, it may be a little possible to fight against the sealed sword demon goblins.

"What happened after the initial cooperation?"

Yin Xie still asked Youyuan's unfinished words, although he knew that Youyuan was fishing for his appetite.

Sure enough, Youyuan smiled when he heard the evil question.

"In three years, I will build a city of scars, and I am quite sure to advance to the Holy Land, and the first thing to do is to build a legion called Doomsday. As for the main idea and content of the legion, I can't tell you, but if we know each other and have a common pursuit, I will invite you to join the legion. Within a hundred years, I will definitely launch the strength of the legion to help you find a wisp of swords and goblins.

Hearing the words of the ghost, although the hidden evil face is extremely calm, it can obviously see the incredible look at the ghost in the pupil.

Suddenly, the hidden evil that had been appearing in a calm image in the memory of the Yuan suddenly burst into a burst of laughter. It seemed that it had encountered an extremely ridiculous thing. The sword demon goblin turned into relief, and the magic sword slowly integrated into the body. Because it was too funny, he even blushed and pointed to Youyuan, and his stomach was a little twitching.

"Haha... It's so funny that a fifth-order guy said such a thing to me, hahahaha..."

Hen Xie didn't know how long he laughed, but Youyuan's face did not change at all. He just stood calmly in front of Yin Xie in a wide magic robe, looking at Yin Xie's laughter without any expression.

Finally, Yin Xie seemed to be tired of laughing. He lowered his head and gasped slightly. The cave also began to quiet down. He could only hear the sound of Yin Xie's gasp and the bubbling sound of magma being bombarded through the cave.

"Good! I believe you!"

Suddenly, Yin Xie raised his head and looked at Youyuan very seriously. The smile just now disappeared without any trace. Everything was so sudden.

A quiet original face also suddenly appeared with an extremely bright smile.

"Go back and sign the magic contract. Now the two friends outside are still waiting for me."

The secluded and hidden evil left the volcano one after another and flew to the Kugud volcano where Yoji and Alder are located, and a shadow on the ground slowly melted into the shadow of the secluded plain.

Later, Yuji and Olde of the Kugude volcano showed a burst of surprise when they saw the ghost and hidden evil returning together.

"Youyuan, how about over there? Why is the hidden evil master here?

Alder, the fire giant, couldn't wait to ask first. The flames were burning all over the sky, and he watched the hidden evil behind the plain silently with a little strange alert. You Ji also looked at the hidden evil with a little guard. She didn't believe that this desolate place and hidden evil were just a chance encounter.

Is it that hidden evil is threatening the Youyuan? Youji had a bad idea in her heart.

Youyuan saw the expressions of Alder and Youji, was slightly stunned and guessed something, and immediately shook his head and smiled.

"I accidentally triggered a magic ban when observing the flame dragon, and then fought with the flame dragon. Fortunately, the hidden evil master passed by and hit the flame dragon with me. At this time, the flame dragon should have left this area.

Youji and Alder's eyes widened, obviously distrusting Youyuan's explanation.

However, Youyuan obviously does not intend to explain too much, otherwise he will inevitably wear gangs.

"The hidden evil master and I plan to go to the Gobion territory to do something. Now that the matter here has been resolved, where are you going?"

Looking at the appearance that Youyuan didn't seem to intend to explain, although Yuki and Olde frowned, they did not continue to ask.

"I'm going back to Youji Mountain. After all, there are always some little guys asking to see me."

Older's flames converged and turned into a Mihu lava villain looking at the lava lake in the Kughud volcano.

"Then I will continue to practice. On the one hand, I will strive to break through the Holy Land to restore freedom. On the other hand, there are only a few little guys who are only first-order abilities. Even in this plane lava, they can't stabilize their form and must be taken care of by me."

Youyuan nodded.

"In this case, there will be a later meeting. If you have time, you two will come to the Scar City I am building to have a look. I will definitely treat you warmly and do my best."

Ode nodded with Youji.

Later, the plain disappeared into the sky with hidden evil. Youji and Olde looked at each other and flew to the once-flamed dragon sleeping volcano area at the same time, obviously hoping to determine what had happened, even if they knew that the possibility was very slim.