sin totem

Chapter 205 The Sculptor who secretly built the statue

The next day, in the laboratory of Youyuan, the dry turtle respectfully appeared in front of Youyuan.

"Master, the letter you handed over was sent to the elemental magician named Tru ten days ago. At this time, Tru has become a third-order magician and is very surprised that you still remember him. At the same time, he promised to give the letter to Viscount Badala of the imperial capital within three days."

The secluded plain shows a slightly strange color.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, he has been promoted to the third level. Yes, when I saw him in the recent situation of cholera, he had been in the second-order bottleneck for a long time. It was logical to be able to advance to the third level after returning to the fallen empire.

Without saying anything more, Youyuan waved his hand and the dry turtle left the magic laboratory.

At this time, although Youyuan was extremely curious about the resonant magnetic storm will-guided aggregator given by steel beans, it is now a critical period for the construction of the city of scars, so Youyuan also had to suppress his desire to explore and leave the laboratory and walk outside the hot construction site.

Many mining slaves are still collecting the remaining gold resources, which are surrounded by mountains of waste ore waste residues, which are the result of decades of accumulation in gold mines.

However, in the view of the senior engineers who invited Baru to come back to build the magic tower, these waste ore waste residues, which are the best materials for making good masonry, which is an unexpected result. In this way, with the command of many engineers, the first exiles near the gold mine to escape the war of the Holy Empire began to build a huge brick kiln, which is the origin of the magic tower.

However, Youyuan knew that the construction of the magic tower is not only a matter of materials, but also involves the magic guidance of the magic tower, the structure of the magic array in the magic tower, the war puppet cultivation room in the magic basement, some geology, architecture, etc. The magic tower is the accumulation of magic inheritance and wisdom of the human race for thousands of years. Crystal products represent the advent of the era of human magic.

There is a specialty in art. Due to the limited accumulation of magic knowledge and the fact that he has only devoted himself to the study of soul magic, he can say that he knows nothing about the construction of the magic tower.

However, Youyuan did not intend to intervene in the construction of the magic tower by this senior engineering team.

This engineering team has about 200 people, including more than 10 magicians, and even two fourth-order! As for other engineers, most of them are trained warriors, but they are a mobile mercenary team on the mainland, so don't expect them to serve anyone.

Youyuan walked to the leader of the senior engineer who built the magic tower, a fourth-order magician.

How's it going? Is the construction of this brick kiln going well?

The magician turned around and his stiff face eased when he saw that it was his employer for this construction.

"A brick kiln has no technical content, and with so many labor, it is simply too easy. I didn't expect that there would be so much soft sand in this gold mine that will be abandoned, so that I can make bricks on the ground, which saves a lot of money. And in my opinion, the value of these soft sands is no less than those collected gold mines.

seemed to think of something, and the magician suddenly looked at Youyuan seriously.

"Your Excellency, it may be easier to build a city, but it is even more difficult to maintain the prosperity of a city. In this view, if this brick kiln can be produced all the time, all the soft sand around the abandoned gold mine will be processed into soft bricks suitable for intermediate and advanced magic towers, which will at least ensure a lot of financial revenue in the city of Scars for ten years.

Youyuan was stunned. Even he didn't expect that the sand and stones abandoned after the gold mine were of such value.

However, when Youyuan heard the other party's suggestion, he shook his head slightly.

Thank you for your advice. I do have the idea of making all these sandstones into soft grinding bricks, but I don't plan to sell them. If it is sold, will it be necessary to go elsewhere to buy suitable magic bricks when this scar city builds the second magic tower in the future?

Youyuan smiled and did not talk to the magician any more. Instead, he walked to the exiles who were building a brick kiln.

All the snow-tooth giants knew Youyuan, so they nodded respectfully and turned around to continue to direct the construction of brick kilns. Some huge bricks and stones that ordinary people could not carry were easily completed in the hands of these strong snow-tooth giants, which made the progress of the project much faster. It seems that it will take another seven or eight days. The brick kiln should be completed.

You originally came to a migrant man. When the man saw a noble magician coming, he suddenly didn't know what to do. He was at a loss and had an embarrassed smile on his face.

With a smile, Youyuan has seen too many such civilians.

"What is the standard of wages here?"

Since these drifters are hired, they will naturally be paid. Most of these drifters will also become the first residents of the City of Scar, so Youyuan is still quite concerned.

"Dear magician, the standard of wages here is one silver coin a day for men and eight copper coins a day for women. Oh, that's right! There is also the great Yuan Minister Shi En, who subsidizes three copper coins a day for families with children. At the same time, the big tent over there also has martial arts instructors and text teaching courses..."

Looking at the grateful faces of the people in front of him, an indescribable feeling appeared in Youyuan's heart.

This has long been stipulated by Youyuan for the salary of these people, so there is no big doubt about it. Only what this migrant said later, family subsidies and children's teaching, was something that Youyuan did not expect at all.

At this moment, Gangdou walked to the Youyuan.

"This is Lin's decision. Of course, it's on you."

Youyuan heard Gangdou's words and immediately smiled, and he was a little envious that Gangdou could find such a good wife.

At the same time, a small team of veiled people in the distance came to Youyuan. Youyuan suddenly recognized the two leading people with their soul breath, and suddenly understood the identity of these people and moved their hearts.

"Steel beans, it seems that the batch of gold we stored is finally going to come in handy. You will secretly transport the gold mine to..."

After Youyuan finished talking to Gangdou, he did not stop walking outside the gold mine with this team of people. However, at this moment, Youyuan suddenly stopped again, as if he thought of something.

"Six, Skull, wait here for a moment, and I'll be back."

After saying that, Youyuan did not explain anything and flew directly to the sky to the inside of the gold mine. A moment later, a thin and obscene dog-headed man was brought back by Youyuan, who was exactly the coquettish.

"Your excellency, what is the task?"

The coquettish bag asked Youyuan with a little curiosity and excitement. No wonder, this is the first time that Youyuan has given him a specific task, and he is inevitably excited for a while.

Youyuan looked at the coquettish bag who was still excited and smiled.

"Of course, it has something to do with your unique talent. Now go and remember the souls of everyone in front of you."

As soon as Youyuan finished speaking, he immediately saw the coquettish Bao Gou around a dozen people brought back by Sex and the skeleton soul, and then ran back excitedly.

"Your Excellency, even if they turn into ashes in the future, they will never escape my nose. Don't worry!"

Looking at the confident appearance of the coquettish Bao Gou, Youyuan did not say anything. After a magic spell, a space fluctuated in the air, and then a mutant abyss demon with a long horn above his head appeared in front of Youyuan. The powerful breath and ferocious image suddenly made the statue masters not far away tremble slightly and looked at it in horror. This abyss demon.

Youyuan looked at the appearance of these statues and nodded with satisfaction.

This mutant abyss demon is a burning prison with a strange black lightning talent. It once exchanged summoning power from an abyss demon god in the demon world by sacrificing, but there is a limit on the number of summons.

In the cultivation of Youyuan in the barbarian valley, a blood demon seed king changed this situation. At this time, the prison has become a soul slave under the complete control of Youyuan. After all, Youyuan is also a little curious about the black lightning ability of this mutant abyss demon that does not know the specific purpose.

"In prison, from today on, you will follow this dog-headed man, en, Gou Zhengzhi warrior, his words represent what I mean."

The abyss demon prison turned slightly and looked at the obscene appearance of the coquettish Bao Gou, and suddenly did not like it. However, it was the order given by Youyuan, and he could only look at the coquettish Bao Gou slightly.

"I'm in prison."

After saying that, the abyss demon followed the coquettish coldly and could not see any expression. When the coquettish Bao Gou saw that Youyuan had let an extremely powerful abyss demon follow him and obeyed him, he was so excited that he almost hugged Youyuan's thighs to wipe his nose and wipe his tears.

"Oh! I am an extremely great, noble and holy adult. My body is your most reliable sharp knife. As long as the will of the adult's will reach, my sharp knife will stab wherever it is. Even in front of me, I will never frown for the mountain and fire. You will be the great sun..."

Listening to the coquettish words, Youyuan suddenly got goose bumps and quickly stopped this guy from flattling at all.

"Okay, send these to them quickly."

Saobao Gou looked at Youyuan and handed over a gold card and several huge cards. At this time, Saobao Gou had not adapted to the life of human gold coins as currency, so he sent a gold card to many statues behind Sex and Skullion without hesitation.

When these sculptors saw the denomination of the gold card in their hands, they almost all took a cold breath at the same time.

"God! I'm right. This is my denomination of 5,000 gold coins!"

"I'm rich!"

Youyuan looked at the shock and greed of many statues because of the huge gold card, and suddenly narrowed his eyes, nodded slightly, and a smiling expression appeared.

"These gold coins are the money to pay you for the next three years. These gold coins are gold coins that you may not earn in your life. After all, not everyone knows art in this chaotic place. Because the task I gave you is confidential, it's not too late for you to quit. Once you take this task and want to quit, don't even think about it. I will never be soft in order to keep it confidential.

Youyuan's words made several of these statue masters smell blood, but when they saw the huge gold card in their hands, no one chose to leave. For a long time, Youyuan looked at many statue masters who seemed to be settled down and smiled.

"Very good! If there is no accident in three years, you will not only get these gold cards, but your children will also be sent to the Knights College of the Northern Stone Alliance. If you achieve something, you may become the nobles of Scar City in the future! Well, now that you have agreed to stay, you can look at these drawings!"

Many sculptors are excited to open the drawings sent by Youyuan and are guessing what the work that Youyuan paid them so much.

However, after many statues looked at the drawings completely, there was no sound in the large field, and all the statues were pale and their hearts were cold.

"This is a statue!"

One of the statues seemed to mutter without wisdom.

At this moment, many sculptors finally understand that they are likely to live in isolation for three years! There is no room for negotiation on all issues involving God.

However, these statues are not fools, and no one dares to say the word "exit" at this time.


Poisonous Dragon Ridge is a famous dangerous place in the chaotic land, in which not only thorns and poisonous insects multiply everywhere, but also dozens of sub-dragons called giant winged poisonous dragons live. If these sub-dragons go out, even the general holy land will have a headache. The giant winged poisonous dragon, the mount of the Youyuan, was also obtained here.

At this moment, on the edge of the poisonous dragon ridge, looking at the fog with less than 100 meters of visibility covering the whole valley, Youyuan nodded. This is definitely a top-secret place. If a statue of the bloodthirsty god is built here, not only can it be found by others outside, but it is impossible for these statue masters inside to escape and reveal secrets.

Without hesitation, Youyuan stepped directly into the poisonous dragon ridge area. Many statues behind him had to follow him under the drive of the fire prison, and the figure of a pedestrian quickly disappeared into the diffuse fog.

Those poisonous thorns that are fatal to ordinary people, Youyuan is just a surge of erosion power and suddenly opened a way forward; countless palm-sized poisonous insects stared with a pair of green eyes on the mountain walls, stone cracks and thorns, but with a trace of bloodthirsty apostle's breath in Youyuan's body released, this Some green eyes immediately disappeared.

walked and stopped all the way and finally saw a huge peak. Youyuan can feel about a dozen third-order souls sleeping on the top of the mountain peak, and there is actually a fourth-order soul.

With a grin, the hiding place of the giant winged poisonous dragon king was finally found!

If the giant-winged poisonous dragon king awakens all the giant-winged poisonous dragons and makes dozens or hundreds of giant-winged dragons flock up, even the Holy Land will have some headaches, but it is only a small matter for the Youyuan at this time. After all, these giant-winged poisonous dragons are not too intelligent.

A dagger appeared in the hands of Youyuan, and the faint bloody light appeared. Even if the bloodthirsty blade was not stimulated, the faint divine power still shocked everyone's souls.

Youyuan didn't say much. It's too easy to deal with these low-level dragons. Just a few minutes later, the giant-winged poisonous dragon king became the soul servant of Youyuan, which also ensures the safety of these statue sculptors in the future.

A large area of erosion flame was released, and a cave at the foot of the mountain slowly formed and became bigger and bigger.


Youyuan looked at the many statues who had calmed down and reluctantly began to accept their own environment. They did not persuade them too much, otherwise it would be too hypocritical.

"Have a good rest these days and sort out where you live in the next three years. The first batch of gold and raw materials will be delivered soon. At that time, I don't want to see you lazy."

After saying that, Youyuan looked at Sykes and Skull Soul again, and the two just looked at Youyuan quietly. They know that they have been involved in this matter at this time, and it is also difficult to get out, because they are not friends of Youyuan now.

After thinking about it, Youyuan opened one mouth, and the two groups of fishy spirits floated to the two people, Sex and the skeleton soul.

Although Sykes and the skeleton soul could not feel the fishy power contained in the power of primitive erosion, even the original erosion power of the outer layer shocked them, which made them begin to guess. Is this the real power of the ghost?

"This is the power of the spirit and the opportunity I give you. They have their own way to go in the future, so don't imitate and refer to these two forces. All you have to do is open your horizons and take them to a new height. I believe that you will have an earth-shaking change in three years.

Sekes and skeleton ecstasy, they are different from those sculptors. Ordinary people have a limited life expectancy, so three years is a little long for ordinary people. But it's also three years, for some high-level magicians who may have 300 years, it's just a retreat to practice.

If Sykes and Skull successfully enter the field of third-order magicians, as long as they don't often use some overdrawn life power, it is no problem to live for two or three hundred years.

Finally, Sao Bao Gou looked at the figure that Youyuan was about to leave and the misty valley around him. A gloomy and horrible feeling suddenly appeared in the bottom of Sao Bao Gou's heart, and he began to regret a little.

"Your excellency! I think it's better to follow you. This task may not be suitable for me..."

Youyuan turned around and looked at the coquettish bag with a bad smile.

"Who just said that I didn't hesitate to go up the mountain of knives and down the sea of fire?"

The coquettish bag was full of embarrassment and couldn't speak. At this time, he really couldn't wait to slap his mouth, and at the same time remembered his experience in Heifeng Village.

Youyuan laughed loudly.

"Don't worry, I often come back (harmony) to see you!"

After saying that, Youyuan left the Poisonous Dragon Ridge without looking back. The sky was foggy and could not see any situation on the ground at all.