sin totem

Chapter 208 Sinbad the Magical Enchantment

A thick cloud of death appeared in the sky of the scar gold mine. With a burst of light dragon power, many exiles and slaves on the ground showed fear.

Youyuan walked out of the door of the laboratory and stood at the door of the laboratory with a smile and waited motionless.

Just a moment, as the three figures slowly fell, Youyuan knew that the task given to the Green Dragon Knight was finally completed after more than a month.


Glenn, the keel knight, jumped from the dead keel crawling on the ground, and suddenly there was a heavy sound of armor. The strong defensive steel armor exuded a strong breath of death around. A five-meter-long death dragon gun revealed a little chill. Two blue-gray soul flames burned under the ferocious helmet, and the 30-meter-long huge death keel behind it roared up to the sky.

"Glen came here at your order!"

Kneeling on one knee, Glenn's right hand stroking his chest to Youyuan is the most standard knight's loyalty etiquette.

"Hey, Youyuan, why haven't I heard you say these two strong men?"

Steel beans saw the thick cloud of death flying directly to the laboratory of the secluded field. He must know that these friends must be attracted by the secluded plain, so he quickly ran to the side of the secluded plain and asked.

Youyuan smiled.

"Glen, just follow me this time. This is the second-in-command of Steel Bean and Scar Gold Mine. He will arrange the corresponding position for you.


Glen's soul fire looked at the steel bean, and Youyuan also nod to the steel bean.

"Arrange a suitable place for Glenn."

Later, Gangdou left with Glenn. The Green Dragon Knight also saluted with Youyuan, and then drove the much smaller green dragon to fly far away, leaving only one to look around the human race with the Green Dragon Knight and the Bone Dragon Knight.

This man wore a broad black magic robe like Youyuan. Although he was only 20 years old on the surface, he knew that the other party was much bigger than himself through the steady and condensed soul fire, and came with the Green Dragon Knight. Youyuan naturally guessed the identity of this person.

Youyuan was about to take the initiative to greet him cordially, and suddenly he was shocked.

A stable and condensed soul? This is obviously the feeling that the soul of the Holy Land has been sublimated and condensed. Why does the other party have such a soul?

Youyuan stopped and looked at each other solemnly again.

Breath sensing does have only three-order power, but how to explain soul condensation?

The other party's face kept looking around the whole scar gold mine with relaxation and curiosity. Looking at Youyuan, his eyes were slightly arrogant. From time to time, he took out a strange cyan fruit and threw it into his mouth and made a rattling sound. At the same time, he closed his eyes slightly with enjoyment.

Youyuan had a decision in his heart. Instead of believing in his magic, he believed in his soul skills at this time.

"Ha ha, I really didn't expect to come to a master of the Holy Land. I'm sorry for being rude. I don't know what the relationship between the master and the master of udloris is...?"

Youyuan's question suddenly made the other party who was enjoying the cyan fruit tremble, and then opened his eyes that were still enjoying it and looked at Youyuan in shock.

"Huh? Can you feel the breath of my sanctuary? Impossible. According to the guiding induction theory and the detection and control theory of spiritual power, I use the lightning element plus fire saltpeter and hidden detection array..."

The other party said a lot of professional magic knowledge to himself, and Youyuan stood on the spot. How do you think the other party looks like when he studied soul magic obsession? Is this guy also a magic idiot?

After a long time, he seemed to realize his situation, and the magician suddenly became embarrassed.

"Ah! ...Haha, I'm sorry, ud Loris is my mentor. The mentor should have left this plane, but because the mentor's legion does not accept races other than the lich clan, the mentor deliberately left a period of teaching in order for me to join a powerful legion to become a magical enchanter. Some time ago, you sent the little guy to the Death Empire to find my mentor, who asked me to accumulate practical experience, so I came here.

As he spoke, the price guy fell into meditation again, as if he was very concerned about the ability of Youyuan to recognize himself as the Holy Land.

Seeing this, Youyuan knew that this guy could not be a more crazy magician than himself. Moreover, it seems that Vud Loris can delay his departure for this guy. It can be seen that this guy definitely has considerable talent for the old lich to appreciate!

Yuyuan's eyes lit up!

Hasn't this guy joined the legion yet? I must spare no effort to leave him this time. This is a magic enchantment master as rare as a space guide, and it is a necessary position for the senior legion.

"Welcome to Scar Gold Mine."

Youyuan's words interrupted the other party's meditation.

"Oh! Oh, by the way, what did you say? Well, by the way, my tutor asked me to come here, but the rules here are generally to prohibit the arrival of foreign holy land, otherwise it may anger the petrified Yali Moran, so I deliberately made a hidden magic boundary on my body. Oh! Damn, how on earth did you find out my specific strength?

In the end, because the other party was always worried about Youyuan's recognition of his strength, he finally couldn't help asking, angry and with infinite expectations.

Youyuan looked at the other party's appearance and smiled. This person seemed to be a puppy that had been teased by its owner but did not give bones. His face was full of grievance and anger but infinite expectations, so Youyuan took the initiative to stretch out his hand.

"In the lower plain, I once had a good time in the Light Mage Tower of the Dawn of the Death Empire. Now I am the owner of this scar gold mine, and I am also the future city owner who invites you to come to build the city of scars."

The guy opposite listened to Youyuan's answer that had nothing to do with the question, and suddenly became full of expectation and shook hands with Youyuan randomly.

"I'm Sinbad, the proudest disciple of the great wizard of the magic array. Now I'm writing Elemental Tidal Rectangle Isolation Array and Salantho Theory... Oh, damn it! Can you tell me how you found out that I was from the Holy Land now? Stop! I warn you, if I can't hear the answer I want this time, you don't want me to spend a little effort on giving you that shit scar city! Even the mentor's face is not good!"

Youyuan heard the other party's angry warning and smiled again, and at the same time strengthened his determination to attract the other party.

"How to recognize the master? Ha ha, the master can feel it well this time.

After saying that, the soul of Youyuan was blessed by a source force, and then released the soul breath without hesitation, and the powerful soul power suddenly turned into a flame more than ten meters high and kept burning.

The reason why Youyuan uses the power of the source to support is to show his strength and increase the chips to win over the other party.

"The power of the soul! By the way! As I said, my breath should have been completely isolated. It is impossible to feel it with the magic sensing of this plane human race, and the condensed nature of the soul after upgrading, right... Why didn't I think of it?"

Youyuan was stunned. Didn't the other party notice that he used the power of will? Is an answer really that important?

"Hahahaha, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I would still be deceiving myself. The tutor is right. Be modest and cautious, so that you can make more progress. It seems that I am still a frog in the well.

With that, Sinbad showed a pious and humble appearance, as if he had repented and recalcited. Youyuan looked at the other party. This is definitely a magic enchanter with great potential. No matter what the talent is, at least this attitude determines everything!

Even, Youyuan attributed the fact that the other party did not pay attention to his ability to borrow the origin of heaven and earth, thanks to Sinbad's piety in magic research. This is really a devout scholar!


A cyan fruit was chewed by Sinbad, as if the juice of the fruit could be heard flowing out.

When Youyuan looked at each other again, he saw that Sinbad was looking around easily and casually. At the same time, he shook his head with the melody of chewing fruit. Suddenly, Youyuan drew an extremely huge red cross to the description of the devout scholar of this guy just now!

This guy's careless appearance is definitely a complete insulatory with some pious scholar at this time! Everything just now is absolutely an illusion!

Muran, Sinbada found that Youyuan was looking at himself in a daze, and suddenly stopped chewing the fruit.

seemed to think of something, and Sinbad suddenly showed joy. He looked at the plain proudly, raised his chin and looked up at the sky, just receiving the cyan fruit thrown down in the sky.

"Haha, have you been shocked by my talent? Isn't it just a small city? In the future, I will be a genius to design space fortresses, even space fortresses, and space motherships. As for your small city, let's take it as a practice for me. Oh, by the way, I don't think you understand after talking so much to your guy. Show me your city design first.


Youyuan Magic Test Hall.

"Huh, your design is quite rare. A magic tower was built in the lower right corner of the city, marked as the School of Magic? Huh? A large area of open space is painted on the occupied area, which means that there is no need to arrange magic boundaries..."

Under the magic lamp, Sinbad looked left and right with the planning map of the city of Scar, and marked the name of the magic array that had not been seen in the ghost field, as if he was making a preliminary plan.

After a long time, Badala finally stopped talking to himself and threw a marked map to the desktop.

"Oh, damn it, this is the worst plan I have ever seen. The layout is not organized at all. A genius magic array master like me makes me want to vomit when I see this kind of work! I can no longer stand the backward conditions of this closed plane, which is simply the oppression of a genius like me, and only the three realms can provide fertile soil for my genius to grow up.


With that, this guy took out a cyan fruit and chewed it, with a happy face. It seemed to be a narcissistic agmania to the limit.

Youyuan can't wait to slap himself when he just marked this guy as a devout scholar!

Seeing the other party's narcissistic appearance, Youyuan sneered and took out a larger map from the corner of the laboratory. This is a Beishi Alliance planning map that Youyuan personally designed his future dream, which was already ready to be destroyed.

"It's said that my plan is bad, because your vision is too narrow! Let me show you the really great design!"

Youyuan said to Sinbad with a proud face. He was absolutely confident in his bold design of his future. This guy will definitely call himself an unreasonable madman when he sees it.

Sinbad glanced casually at the Northern Stone Alliance planning map with his proud eyes, but as soon as he looked at it, his body suddenly shook slightly!

It seems that he has found some amazing treasure, and his vision has never left again, with infinite excitement and excitement on his face.

Youyuan was completely surprised by Sinbad's performance. He felt a little crazy about the design. It was reasonable that this guy should scold himself and say that he was a madman.

"Oh! Oh my God! Is this true? Beishi Town and Scar City and these four towns are the basis, forming a super city, and the six base points are the sanitation of the sub-city! The center surrounded by the city is actually a super huge comprehensive school. Underground is the plane traveler transmission array square, and the sky is a space carrier that floats all the time! What is this? Air dock... Ah, and regional micro-transmission array? ......And..."

Youyuan's face gradually changed and silently looked at Sinbad, who fell into crazy excitement.

After a long time, Sinbad shook off the plan, blushed with excitement, and even cried, just grabbed Youyuan's shoulders and shook wildly.

"I found it! Finally found it! That's it! Only on such a stage can I give full play to my wisdom. What I'm looking for is such a plan!"

Youyuan's face became extremely serious, and at this moment, he seemed to see a heart with the same heart as himself!

How big is the heart, how big the stage is needed, and how big is the space for growth!

Youyuan also grabbed Sinbad's shoulders, and his face was also full of excitement!

"Join me! The Doomsday Legion needs a magic enchanter like this!"