sin totem

Chapter 210 Badala's reply

The door of the laboratory slowly closed, and as the bright magic light turned on, Youyuan took out a secret letter.

Looking at the handwriting on the letter, Youyuan nodded slowly. It was indeed Badala's signature. After living with the fat man Badala for a period of time, Youyuan still had some impressions of his signature.

In the corner of the laboratory, a man in black stared at the Youyuan, who is the bloody shadow of the famous guild of the fallen empire. In this way, Badala can be so relieved to deliver this letter to the Youyuan. Otherwise, even if the fallen imperial capital Zijinxiang family is not as good as before, it is enough to erase the new rich man in Badala, the fallen imperial capital. .

"Confirm that your task has been completed and you can leave."

The black clothes nodded silently, and then said nothing, like a ghost disappearing in the laboratory of the secluded.

Confirmed that the other party had left his laboratory, and Youyuan finally opened the letter.

One is the big family that the emperors are about to fall, and the other is the rising star of the fallen college. Coupled with the once good relationship, Youyuan certainly knows Badala's choice.

With the brightness magic lamp, Youyuan began to read letters.

"Brother Youyuan, there has been no news since you left. If the college hadn't set up your stone statue, I would have thought you had been secretly assassinated by the Zijinxiang family. I also secretly went to the Scar Gold Mine in a chaotic land. When I learned that you were not there, I came back. After I heard that Grand Duke Zijinxiang learned that you had set up a statue at the School of Magic, he went to the arms of the Fallen Lord within a few days. Ngersas mentor..."

Batala's letters are full of nine pieces of paper, three of which introduce the situation of the imperial capital and the events that happened when he was not there. It can be seen that because the fat man over there has barely entered the high-level of the imperial capital, his vision and opinion are much more thorough.

And the most interesting thing in the first three letters is that the fat man mentioned that there are many outstanding men who always pursue Amelia, and this day has lasted for two years.

One day, the stone statue of Youyuan stood up in the Magic Academy. On that day, An Liya refused all her own pursuits. Everyone guessed that An Liya had fallen in love with the new star Youyuan, which became a big news in the Magic Academy for a while.

When Youyuan saw this with Badala's letter, he only felt that his heart was about to jump out, and even wanted the woman he loved silently in his heart to hold into his arms and kiss affectionately.

The last six pieces of paper are all about the collection of information about the Zijinxiang family, and a detailed analysis of the general situation and situation. Even Youyuan did not expect such detailed information, which made Youyuan couldn't help but be grateful to Badala. If it hadn't been for this letter, I didn't know how long it would take to go to the imperial capital to solve this matter.

First of all, Youyuan's wanted notice in the fallen empire was cancelled, which caused a great sensation among the aristocracy of the fallen imperial capital.

Many people know that Alia rejected the pursuit of all men on the day when the stone statue of Youyuan was standing in the Magic Academy, because many of these men are the sons and nephews of these nobles, so an idea appeared in almost everyone's hearts, and the Finance Grand Duke is finally going to do it!

The Zijinxiang family and the Yulanxiang family are fighting in the fallen empire, which is almost obvious, but with the passage of time, people only see that the magnolia incense is getting stronger and stronger, while the Zijinxiang is shrinking more and more, so people speculate that the main manipulator of this matter is the emperor. Grand Duke of Finance.

On the other hand, the Grand Duke of Zijinxiang died, his eldest son Seymour was killed by Youyuan, and the family began to fall apart in order to seize the rights and interests of the Zijinxiang family.

Seeing that the Zijinxiang family is really declining, some of the original close forces can't help but start a new team, which makes the Zijinxiang family compete for a new prince, the possibility of a new rise is negligible.

Finally, the most important aspect, the belief of the demon clan is the power rule of the strong.

The imperial royal family can revoke the wanted order of Youyuan, which is a strong signal in itself. The weight of the Zijinxiang family in the eyes of the fallen imperial royal family is no longer as heavy as that of the Youyuan.

However, in this regard, the vast majority of nobles in the imperial capital and Badala, who sent letters to Youyuan, all expressed considerable puzzlement.

Even if the Zijinxiang family declines, even if Youyuan set up a stone statue in the magic academy, at this stage, the Zijinxiang family still holds quite powerful power, even including several holy places that maintain a considerable closeness; for Youyuan, it is just a rising star, the imperial king The room should not abandon a powerful family for a possible fallen and yet rising star!

Youyuan also frowned when he read here.

What can be thought of in Youyuan is that there is only one possibility that the royal family of the fallen imperial capital can make such a decision, that is, the royal family of the fallen imperial capital has known its identity as a bloodthirsty apostle, and only the identity of a bloodthirsty apostle and the identity of a new star in the future can attract the attention of the royal family of the fallen imperial capital.

In this way, the general dynamics of Youyuan at this time should all fall into the eyes of the fallen imperial royal family, which means that the bloodthirsty god should be aware of here.

Youyuan is secretly happy. If the inference is correct, then what you have done at this time is completely according to the plan. Three years later, it will definitely make the whole continent tremble!

Finally, Badala listed the forces in the Zijinxiang family that are now completely floating on the surface because of infighting, which is also what Youyuan needs most.

There are five forces competing for the rights and interests of the Zijinxiang family this time, which also represent five branches of the Zijinxiang family. Among these five branches of power, the Marquis of Lankel, known as the peach blossom of human face, and the Marquis of Violet, known as the star of purple gold, are the most powerful, followed by the other three.

Peach Lanka is very famous in the aristocratic circle of the imperial capital. It is said that he has had a relationship with many aristocratic ladies and is a full of romantic seeds.

However, although this romantic seed is romantic, it has considerable energy.

The Zijinxiang family originally had three holy domains, namely, the Purple Star Sword Saint, the fire element mage Sugita, and the demon mixed-race Molanini. The Marquis of Lankel unexpectedly pulled the two holy places of the fire element magician Sugta and the demon mixed-race Molani into his own power at the first time after the death of Zijinxiang Grand Duke. .

This is not included. It is said that Lankel is also on good terms with two powerful holy places of the imperial royal family, and these two holy places are all hell goblins and loyal followers of the fallen emperors. In addition, according to incomplete information, some important ministers of the military department also have secret contacts with Lankel, and the strength of this is difficult to estimate.

Lankel also controls the remaining shadow killing force of the Zijinxiang family, with five people, who are said to have the power to assassinate the Holy Land!

Youyuan took a breath of cold air. Although the information about Lankel was only part of the strength of the Zijinxiang family, Youyuan couldn't help but admire that he dared to kill Seymour in the second order. Now it is a miracle that he is still alive!

The only branch of the Zijinxiang family that can compete with Lankel is the Marquis Zilan of Zijin Star, who was originally an orphan adopted by the Zijinxiang family, but later became the support object prepared by the Grand Duke of Zijinxiang for Seymour because of his outstanding talent, and was even accepted as the adopted son by the Grand Duke Zijinxiang!

The Purple Star Sword Saint entered the power of the Marquis of Violet. The reason why the Marquis of Violet was regarded as the hope of the Purple Gold Fragrance family by the former Grand Duke of Purple Orchid is that he is a sealer with space talent, which is simply the favorite of God.

The specific strength of the Marquis of Violet is not detailed, because his last appearance was three years ago, when he already had fifth-level strength. In addition, he also has a considerable relationship with the imperial royal family, and is recognized as the only strong competitor who can compete with the Marquis of Lankel.

The strength of the remaining three branches of the Zijinxiang family is much worse.

The left viscount Moran is close to old and wants to enjoy the imperial capital. Although he has the intention of competing for the rights and interests of the Zijinxiang family, he just wants to share some cakes. He is a bad old man with no achievements.

Viscount Silanie is also a greedy guy. He once even paid attention to the head of the Magic Scorpion Mercenary Regiment. Later, the Magic Scorps Mercenary Corps An Da came forward and spent some gold coins to settle the other side. Now this guy also pays attention to the rights and interests left by Grand Duke Zijinxiang.

The last one is worth noting. Although Baron Haranchi has no reputation, he runs many stores in the imperial capital and has obtained a large share of the Zijinxiang Chamber of Commerce at the same time. It is said that he has some ways to deal with the bloody shadow. He is a rich guy.

At this time, the strength of the fallen imperial capital Zijinxiang family seems to be completely presented in front of Youyuan. Being able to collect such comprehensive information, Youyuan can't help but doubt the specific energy of Badala. It seems that this fat man is really not simple these years.

However, before Youyuan had time to sigh more, Gangdou knocked on the door of the laboratory, and a slightly excited voice came in.

"Youyuan, come out! The magic moon is coming..."