sin totem

Chapter 212 Beauty's Warm and Clean Lips

Slowly, the financial minister turned around, looked at Youyuan bowing his head and smiling behind him, looking at himself respectfully, and brushing with satisfaction.

"Looking at the hot work of these workers, what big project should be being built here?"

Hearing the question of the Grand Duke of Finance who is also An Liya's father, he paused slightly and began to think about how to answer.

If you tell the other party your own intentions, it will be too exaggerated, a little arrogant, and even leave a bad impression on the other party of being young and frivolous; but if you don't answer anything, it seems too hypocritical or don't believe the other party.

After meditating for a long time, Youyuan finally thought about his answer.

"The Grand Duke doesn't know that this gold mine is actually about to be collected. However, due to the instability of the mainland, more and more refugees poured into the Northern Stone Alliance, and even these refugees had to sell themselves as slaves in order to survive, and the end was very miserable. What I want is to build a home for these displaced refugees here, so that it can provide impetus for the development of the Union of the Northern Stone Union and make its own insignificant contributions to the mainland people.

After listening to Youyuan's words, the finance minister also thought silently for a moment. For a moment, the area seemed to be extremely quiet.

Finally, it seemed to be a long memory. The Grand Duke of Finance smiled relaxedly and shook his head slowly.

"The creed of the demon clan must be vigorous, even if it is reduced to dust later. I still remember that my father's instructions before his death made me not break the inheritance of the Yulanxiang family, must not take risks, and must suppress the Zijinxiang family of the fallen empire. Over the years, I have been conscientious and dare not forget my father's words at all, but now..."

It seems that a trace of regret appeared on the face of the Grand Duke of Finance, which made Youyuan a little strange.

"All the people of the fallen empire can see the deeds of the Grand Duke over the years. It can be said that you have exceeded the last wishes of your ancestors. Why does the Grand Duke regret?"

For Youyuan's question, the Grand Duke of Finance was still full of regret and looked up at the sunset at dusk. The afterglow of the sunset fell into the pupil of the Grand Duke of Finance, and the last beautiful light reflected.

"Yes... I did it. I did fulfill my father's last wish and completely suppressed the Zijinxiang family. But what else have I done besides this? Now that I recall, I don't seem to have done anything.

Youyuan didn't know how to answer this heavy and depressing tone, but just lowered his head to listen, which seemed to be an elder's teaching for backup.

"All the goals in my life are the goals set by my father, suppressing the Zijinxiang family! It was not until the death of my sworn I suddenly realized, is my ability really so small? No! This is far from all my ability. A small Zijinxiang family has consumed my precious youth all my life? It was not until the death of Grand Duke Zijinxiang that I suddenly realized!"

Youyuan looked at the finance minister in surprise, and saw that his fat face was full of ambition at this time, but deep in his pupils was infinite loss and regret.

Slowly, the finance minister closed his eyes, and his heroic hair was completely restrained, with a helpless bitter smile.

"I have asked all the strong and even fallen emperors! However, all the answers are the same. It is impossible for me to become a fifth-order strongman in my lifetime. That is to say, with the departure of Grand Duke Zijinxiang, I have begun to enter the final stage, maybe for decades? Maybe a hundred years? Who knows?"

Youyuan's face was so solemn that he finally knew what the Grand Duke of Finance meant.

Even if you don't become a fifth-level strongman, even if you have divine power, you can't use it to infinitely delay the process of reincarnation, that is to say, the grand duchy of finance must face the coming of death in the future.

"I hate my father. Why did he just give me such a small goal? He underestimates me! I also hate myself when I was young. Why do I look underestimate myself so much and just be satisfied with that little achievement... Youyuan, right? Ha ha, do you know? This generation of people is not determined by their own ability. The key is your heart! Only the broader your mind and the broader your vision can your achievements be higher!"

Youyuan's body shook!

No one has ever said such a word to himself. Although Youyuan has understood and experienced it, when he heard the refreshing words of the Grand Duke of Finance, he only felt that his heart was suddenly infinitely vast, as if he had been washed by the storm.

Suddenly, Youyuan's right shoulder sank, and the father-in-law's fat hand patted Youyuan's shoulder. A pair of extremely sharp eyes on his tall body looked down at Youyuan's pupils, which was fascinating.

"Young people, everything in the future belongs to you! If you want to get everything, then let go and fight, no matter what means you use! Andrea's mother is a blood elf in the alien sanctuary. She has arranged a very talented and powerful blood elf prince for her. All the blood elf there are optimistic about him. If you really like Anya, then defeat the blood elf for me and even conquer the plane for me! As long as you can do all this, Anya is yours.

Youyuan stared at the financial prince who seemed to be as towering as a mountain at this time. Looking at the other party's eyes full of expectations, Youyuan only felt that he seemed to be full of strength and wanted to hold the endless world in his hand and step on his feet!

A smile appeared on his face, and the finance minister turned around and looked at the hot construction site of Scar Gold Mine again, facing the slowly sinking sunset.

"Go ahead, Anya is in the carriage over there. She may have a little nature, so you bear more. Who made her my daughter! "My apple of the eye!"

After his words, the finance minister no longer paid attention to the ghost and slowly walked to the many gold mine workers with the help of the Saudi master beside him.

"Duke, do you want me to pay attention to that side?"

The Saudi master beside the Grand Duke of Finance said slowly.

However, the Grand Duke of Finance only shook his head slowly, as if he didn't care about the things behind him at all. He continued to walk to many workers and understood the meaning of the Grand Duke of Finance.

Youyuan stood straight for a long time, looked at the financial grand duke who slowly leaving in the sunset, and inadvertently clenched his fist tightly.

At the carriage, as soon as Youyuan turned around, he saw Anya pinching her waist with her hands, as if looking at herself very coldly.

The long silk hair falls like a waterfall, making people can't help touching it; a pair of eyes are the most beautiful sapphires in the world, and Youyuan seems to see the whole world in this pair of gems!

The smooth skin seems to be the exquisitely carved satin, strange blood-colored clothes that highlight the tall and convex charming figure vividly. Isn't this the countless figures that appear day and night in dreams?

At this moment, Youyuan only felt that his heart seemed to be broken, and his footsteps slowly moved towards the graceful posture uncontrollably.

An Liya has already adjusted her mood. At this time, when she saw Youyuan walking towards her stupidly, she suddenly smiled arrogantly and raised her chin and pointed to Youyuan.

"You made me very angry when I saw that Sister An Liya didn't say hello!"

Youyuan was stunned and stopped in front of An Liya, as if recalling the green and sweet memories of the magic academy. At that time, he was still a magic apprentice, receiving education from the demon clan, and even had shameless bad thoughts about Anya.

With a smile, Youyuan felt funny about everything about himself at that time.

An Liya's face suddenly looked like frost when she saw Youyuan's smile, but she immediately seemed to notice something and said softly.

"Well, you have grown a lot. I remember you at that"

Speaking of this, Anya seemed to remember something, and her face suddenly turned red.

Youyuan was also slightly stunned and gradually fell into memories.

I remember that at that time, Anya also raised her chin and looked at herself arrogantly, but at that time, because of her vision, she only looked at the plump breasts that the other party could not hide because of her exaggerated posture.

Now, the vision of Youyuan is only the face of the other party, which seems to be a little taller.

It seemed that subconsciously, the ghost plain lowered its head and saw the plump snow-white, mature and energetic breath overflowing that the bloody branches and leaves could not be wrapped in clothes.

"Dead plain! I didn't expect that you haven't changed at all these years, and you are still a color blank! Humph! But now I have become mature, not the little girl who was only shy and overwhelmed, so go to hell!"

After saying that, Anya did not recite magic spells, and several bloody vines were born at the feet of Youyuan, with strange patterns all over the whole vine.

The vines entangled Youyuan to death in the blink of an eye, and even the brand-new aristocratic dress was broken.

An Liya was extremely proud. Her blue eyes blinked and walked to the secluded field with her hands. Her light pace was like a lark, but there was a bad smile on her face.

Youyuan looked at these branches left and right. It was just a sneer. A force of erosion gushed out, and these vines instantly turned into ashes.

An Liya was stunned on the spot, which seemed to think of something, and her face changed slightly.

However, at this time, the Yuanyuan was like a hungry wolf on the grassland, staring at Anya's eyes without blinking. Anya only felt confused and felt that the secluded plain coming towards her was full of aggressive eyes. She was at a loss and instinctively stepped back. After her back hit the carriage, she only felt cold hands and feet.


Youyuan held down the carriage, fixed Anya in front of her, and looked down at the pair of pupils that seemed to have all over the world. The girl's panic breath rushed to her face.

The graceful body around him came with warmth. Because of the panicked breathing, there were bursts of girls' fragrance. Youyuan only felt that the whole body was boiling blood. The heart might explode at any time because of the rapid beating, so the breathing was heavier, and his eyes were full of infinite desire.

An Liya's eyes were wide open, looking up at the a pair of aggressive eyes of Youyuan, feeling the male breath coming to her face, and her face was panicked and at a loss.

It's like a scared and trembling little rabbit, full of helplessness.

Youyuan looked at An Liya's appearance and felt that she seemed to be full of strength and wanted to protect the person in front of her so that she could not be a little wronged.

smiled and was a little bad. Youyuan stared at Anya affectionately, as if she saw herself at this time from the pupil of the blue gemstone.

"You were wrong, I changed. It's not only higher, but also worse!"

After saying that, Youyuan kissed a warm and icy clean lip under his body with the strength of the primitive man. A pair of big hands embraced the enchanting body and felt the body temperature and crazy struggle in his arms. Youyuan ignored it, but kissed the lovely lips in his arms.


An Liya's eyes were wide open, full of incredible shock, and she seemed to say something but could only hum. His hands struggled desperately in the arms of the Youyuan, constantly patting the solid chest of the Youyuan, trying to stop the primitive and barbarism of the Youyuan.

However, under the bull-like power of Youyuan, the struggle of Aryan, a half-elf, seemed so weak, and the range was getting smaller and smaller, and the whining in her mouth gradually faded away.

In the end, I don't know if it was because she had no strength, An Liya slowly stopped struggling and gradually closed her eyes in the deep kiss full of masculine. Her hands slowly wrapped around Youyuan's chest and shoulders, and her tall posture trembled slightly.

At this moment, the two can only feel each other's hot bodies.

Youyuan felt everything in his arms and also closed his eyes.

At this moment, Youyuan hopes that this wonderfulness will turn into eternity.