sin totem

Chapter 236 The Trap of Marriage

Haranchi's mansion, just a few days after the battle with Lankel of the Zijinxiang family, the Marquis of Zilan sent a letter of condolences to Emma, Haranchi's only heir.

On that day, under the magic power of the fallen princess Oranaya, except for the few remaining holy places, all the people present disappeared, which also made the battle a mystery in the hearts of countless people in the imperial capital and put on a mysterious veil.

However, almost everyone knew the result that Baron Harlanchi and the Marquis Lankel all died, and only the sanctuary of Baron Harlanchi survived.

In the condolence letter of the Marquis of Violet, he first expressed his condolences for the death of Baron Harlanchi, scolded the hypocrisy of the Marquis of Peachlandke, and finally expressed his willingness to take care of Emma and complete the marriage contract with Baron Harlanchi during his lifetime.

At this time, the letter of the Marquis of Violet naturally fell into the hands of Youyuan, who just shook his head and smiled at it.

Now, in the view of the Marquis of Zilan, no one in the Zijinxiang family can compete with him for power, and marrying Emma is equivalent to occupying all the rights and interests of Halanchi.

As for whether the declining Zijinxiang family can still maintain the position of duke, this is no longer what the Marquis of Violet can control.

Youyuan threw the Marquis Zilan's letter aside at will and smiled coldly in his heart.

It seems that the original plan can indeed be implemented this time. Although the one involved in the imperial capital could not take the life of the Marquis of Violet, You originally did not want to take his life.

A space businessman with space ability, such a rare and powerful power, isn't it an excellent soul slave pursued by Youyuan?

Thinking of this, Youyuan looked up at Emma, the daughter of Haranchi standing respectfully opposite.

"In response, this marriage was agreed. Three days later, you used the excuse of sacrificing your father's soul to deceive Violet out of the city."

Emma nodded slowly. As a soul slave of the secluded, she naturally had no doubt.



Three days of rest and recuperation.

During this period, a major event also happened in the fallen imperial capital. A brief earth-shaking war broke out outside the city.

Although the result of the battle is not clear, it also explains something when the violent bear king and the mercenary king Burris can appear in front of the secluded again.

However, it can be seen from the ugly faces of the two of them that the taboo there is beyond the imagination of Youyuan, and even came here to leave the fallen imperial capital, and the gold mine of Youyuan has become their first choice.

Youyuan was happy in his heart. Such a result was exactly what Youyuan wanted most, so he agreed without hesitation.

The violent bear king and the mercenary king Boroughs left the fallen imperial capital on the same day.


Three days later, Emma sat on a luxury carriage with a sad face and left the imperial capital.

The purple marquis next to Emma wore an aristocratic dress and constantly comforted Emma who was sobbing, but there was joy in the depths of his pupils.

It is no wonder that at this moment, in the eyes of the Marquis of Violet, all favorable forms are in his own hands, which also proves the wisdom of choosing judgment at the beginning.

However, in the heart of the Marquis of Violet, there are still two things that must be dealt with quickly.

First, we must try our best to fight for the question of whether the Zijinxiang family's strength can still maintain the dukedom. At this time, the Marquis of Zilan has no intention to compete with the Yulanxiang family at all. He just wants to get more benefits from the dukedom.

The second is about the holy places around Emma, the socialite.

There are three holy places, which makes the Marquis of Violet, who has investigated the details, also thrilled!

The Marquis of Violet kept scolding the Grand Duke of Zijinxiang in his heart. Although the old man was overpowered by Lankel and Zilan, who formed a tacit understanding at that time, he did not expect that the old man would still arrange so many "secret hands" to leave his illegitimate son Haranchi.

Fortunately, he didn't agree to Haranchi's marriage at that time, otherwise with these "secret hands", he would have been buried with Lankel.

As for now, Haranchi is dead, and his daughter Emma is also under the control of the Marquis of Violet. These "hidark hands" have naturally become their best targets.

When all these "dark hands" turn to themselves, the meaning of Emma's existence is dispensable. The Marquis Violet sneered and thought beautifully in his heart.

The Marquis of Violet also regarded the three holy places of hidden evil, white robe medicine saint and iron blood as the secret hands left by the Duke of Zijinxiang to his illegitimate son Haranchi before his death.

As the road is rugged and the area is gradually remote and desolate, the sacrificial cemetery is finally about to arrive, and the purple marquis on the carriage is working hard to comfort Emma, who is sobbing desperately.

Mu Ran, with the outbreak of an amazing force from all directions, the feeling of being as grand as a wave of heaven and earth made the Marquis Violet in the carriage tremble, and his face changed greatly to lift the curtain of the carriage.

"Master, what happened?"

The Marquis of Violet asked about the four holy places in the sky above his head, namely Purple Star Sword Saint, White Robe Medicine Saint, Iron Blood and Hidden Evil.

Zixing Jiansheng also changed his face and looked at the erosion force surrounded by the sky rolling towards the carriage. He did not answer the question of the Marquis Violet under him, but the long sword at his waist began to slowly pull out.

However, what made Zilan's body tremble again was that the holy land of the three Emma forces, the hidden evil, the white robe medicine saint and the iron blood, although they were also shocked when they looked at the turbulent erosion power in the sky, they did not panic, but showed a trace of joy.

The endless erosion of the sky has surrounded the carriage of the Marquis of Violet.

At this time, a mysterious purple-robed magician finally appeared slowly. The mysterious magician flew to the front of the carriage fleet without fear, and the fire of two strange purple souls burned in his eyes.

Many low-level guards on the ground have changed their faces, and several guards above the third-level have burst into fighting spirit and stared at the mysterious magician who suddenly appeared.

Purple Star Sword Saint narrowed his eyes and flew to the front of the convoy. Although he sensed that the mysterious magician in front of him was only five levels, the Purple Star Sword Saint did not dare to be careless at all and his face was extremely serious.

"Who are you? Why did you use such a means to intercept us? If you don't give a satisfactory explanation, the sword in my hand will be rude.

In a trembling evil laugh, the power of elements on the face of the purple-black magician began to slowly dissipate.

"Ji Jie Jie, I think you are the purple star sword saint. At the beginning, the master personally went to the chaotic place to chase and kill him, so he must be familiar with his face, right?"

The Purple Star Sword Saint looked at the face covered by the mysterious magician's gradual dispersion of the power of elements, and his pupils suddenly shrank, and he faintly pulled out the long sword in his hand.

The Marquis Violet on the ground also looked at the mysterious magician's face gradually dissipating the power of elements, but he was not impressed.

Because in the past, the Marquis of Violet spent most of his time practicing magic and didn't care about foreign affairs, so he raised his head and asked the obviously strange Purple Star Swordsman.

"Master, who is he?"

The corners of the Purple Star Sword Saint's mouth twitched slightly, but the cold light in his eyes became more and more undisguised. He stared straight at the magician opposite him. The power of the Holy Land Wind was hidden under the absolute control of the Power of the Purple Star Sword Sage.

"He killed Seymour with his own hands, the man who cursed before the death of Grand Duke Zijinxiang, Youyuan!"

Hearing this, Violet's pupils also shrank.

Violet stared at the Youyuan in the sky. Although she had never seen Youyuan, he had already remembered the name of Youyuan because of the killing of Seymour.

However, Zilan has no inevitable hatred for Youyuan, and she is constantly calculating whether there is a possibility of reconciliation.

The other party was obviously prepared. At this time, even if there were four holy places, the Marquis of Violet still had a strong sense of ominous in his heart.

Before the Marquis of Violet could speak, Youyuan, who heard the words of the Purple Star Sword, laughed and interrupted the words that the Marquis of Violet was about to say.

"I didn't expect that Grand Duke Zijinxiang would be so worried about me when he was alive. It's really an honor for me! As for the death of Seymour, I won't explain much at this time, because it doesn't make any sense for you who act in this country. My purpose here today is to eradicate the Zijinxiang family!"

The Marquis of Violet swallowed his words back and his anger appeared on his face.

When the Purple Sword Saint heard the words, he was first angry, and then laughed. His face was full of sarcasm. With incomparable spirit, the Purple Star Sword Saint looked down at Youyuan with an evil smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Haha, I'd like to see what you have to do to eradicate the Zijinxiang family! You know, we have gathered four holy places here at this time!"

Mu Ran, the iron blood, the white robe medicine saint and the hidden evil behind the purple star sword saint all smiled, but with this smile, a drop of cold sweat slowly flowed down from the forehead of the purple star sword saint.

Youyuan appeared with a trace of pride.

From beginning to end, the Zijinxiang family may only be vaguely guessed by the Zixing Jiansheng in front of him that now the Zijinxiang family is all the means of Youyuan.

"I think that the Purple Star Sword Saint is really under too much pressure in the face of the three holy realms. I don't know if the power of the Purple Star Sword Saint can survive today under absolute control?"

Marquis Muran fell down the carriage curtain and slapped Emma's face next to him, followed by an extremely angry roar.

"You bitch, you colluded with your enemies to frame me!"

Emma just kept a cold smile, because at this moment her will has been temporarily controlled by Youyuan War.

However, before Emma could say anything, a space force appeared and Emma died in an instant.

From beginning to end, the Marquis Violet did not realize that now the infighting of the Zijinxiang family was completely controlled by Youyuan. Instead, he thought that Haranqi and Emma colluded with outsiders.

Without caring about Emma's death, Youyuan said coldly, "Do it!"

In the carriage, a space barrier powerful defense magic appeared, defending the violet, and then summoning the alien friend to the mainland.

At this moment, for Violet, no matter what price he needs to pay, he will not hesitate at all!

However, as the three Holy Lands attacked the violet in the carriage at the same time, Violet was completely desperate, and it seemed that the mentor could only come here.

The power of an extremely obscure space contract is mixed with mysterious fluctuations from the Marquis of Violet. According to the past, the tutor will come completely in an instant.

With her strength, the problem here should be solved smoothly.

The essence flashed in the eyes of Youyuan, and there was no movement. However, the erosion power of the sky surged crazily, and unexpectedly transformed into a giant net that would completely cover the mysterious fluctuating world.

With the slight obstruction of the mysterious power and the power of space contract, the endless erosion power rushed to the crazy in an instant, and a huge erosion ball with a diameter of 100 meters was formed. Although the mysterious power could not be eroded in an instant, it was temporarily imprisoned.

Violet only had time to be shocked, and with the blow of iron and blood, she suddenly fainted.

Somewhere in the core of the fallen imperial capital, on an extremely huge altar, a hellish with extremely powerful space power was stunned.

With a wave, the hell banshee stopped the operation of the altar, and countless magic runes fluctuating in space on the altar were still.

The hell banshee frowned inadvertently, and all kinds of charms appeared spontaneously.

"Strange, where is the matter? Is it the regimental commander's side? Or is the space coordinates of the fortress unstable? Or who is doing a space magic experiment? Well... Did someone use the power of space to break through the prohibition and sneak into the fortress?

As soon as her body moved, the figure of the hell banshee disappeared, and she never thought of Violet's side.

Because in the induction of the hell banshee, the pure coordinates on Violet have never performed strangely.

On the other side of Youyuan, looking at the huge erosion ball with a diameter of more than 150 meters in the sky, the mysterious power inside has been completely imprisoned, and it is impossible to break away in a short time, and a smile appears.

With his hands around him, Youyuan also looked straight at the purple star swordsman opposite him, and an extremely confident sense of oppression appeared!

"Purple Star Swordsman! If you want to leave here, you have to be defeated on the next road, otherwise you will only be forced to stay here forever!"

After the original words, without waiting for the opposite answer, he stretched out with one hand and pressed the opposite purple star sword saint void, and the power of endless erosion changed greatly.