sin totem

Chapter 240 The Fallen Emperor appears

Youyuan soon woke up from the shock. However, when he saw a pair of complex eyes of many human magic apprentices on the ground who yearned for and crossed the cold, there was an indescribable feeling of pain in his heart.

A few years ago, Youyuan also left the fallen imperial capital with such cold and violent eyes.

The Fallen Magic Academy can indeed allow the clan to master powerful magic power, but it can also transform the human race into a real demon clan.

Whether it is the teaching of Engesas, Lena's teaching, or even the tutors of other classes, the teaching is all the thought and behavior of the demon clan, allowing students to change from the human race to the demon clan.

I still remember that the fat man Badala, who was afraid of things at first glance, did not meditate that night in the dormitory, and no one sympathized with him, which caused him not to return overnight. From then on, he was reborn from the sinister wit, and was only given a chance to be promoted in the eyes of Lina's tutor.

I still remember that when Youyuan entered the dormitory for the first time, everyone had dull and kind eyes. However, when Youyuan left half a year later, all his roommates were already cold and violent, as if they were real abyss demon.

Even Youyuan himself, from an ignorant and ignorant street low-level gangster, because he received the demon education of the magic academy, to the first few years of fighting in the imperial capital or in a chaotic land, it is like a real demon, driven by interests.

Youyuan looked at the countless eyes in front of him plainly. Some of them were the same as the former Youyuan, but only received short-term demon education. Although the pupils were as cold as the abyss demons, there seemed to be some hope in the deepest part of the soul.

There are also some that are extremely cold in both eyes and soul. Although looking at Youyuan at this time is full of yearning, it is only at this moment that they still show a trace of childish emotional fluctuations.

The last one is completely cold, just looking at Youyuan as a goal, a cold goal that must be surpassed in the heart, that's all.

At this moment, in the keen soul sensing of Youyuan, the three eyes are clearly separated.

This is the division of the first, second and third grades.

Youyuan didn't know if he should be glad that he had only received half a year of demon education, and then accepted Lilith as his sister, and then woke up from the demon faith slavery, making him realize that he was a human race rather than a demon clan at this time.

The plane battle is not only to conquer the plane by force, but also to believe in enslave the local creatures. At this time, the human race is the creatures being enslaved by the emperors of the mainland!

At this time, Lena finally woke up, quickly realized something, and gently walked to Youyuan.

"Now...what should you say?"

Youyuan heard Lena's whisper behind her, and her infinite thoughts flowed through her heart. She gently squeezed her lips, which was very dry.

Looking at the eyes of many fallen apprentices gathered here, Youyuan Muran strode proudly and stood at the top of the exit steps of the magic tower, with an infinite heroic face to hide the long loss in his heart.

One hand slowly stretched out and clenched his fist and raised his chest.

"Because I exist, the future continent will change because of me!"


Infinite applause, all the people present applauded, like the torrent of mountains and seas, resounding all over the world.

In fact, at this moment, no matter what Youyuan said, all the applause will not be missing. This is the essence of the demon clan, just because Youyuan is a strong man.

No matter what the specific meaning of Youyuan's words are in everyone's ears, in the heart of Youyuan, you have made a real oath to yourself.

Lina also applauded desperately behind Youyuan and shed tears of excitement.

At this moment, as she said in her first lesson, the demon clan allows you to be evil, allow you to gain power by improper means, and even become the enemy of the empire, but you are still a demon clan and a successful person.

At this moment, Lena stood behind Youyuan and felt extremely proud.

Youyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, opened his hands, and received all the applause as a broad-minded person, no matter what the purpose of the applause was.

Mu Ran, six figures flew in the direction of the imperial palace. The powerful force had an incomparable speed, and the rolling blackness turned into a shocking lofty force.

Many people realized something, quickly changed their faces, and were excited to give etiquette in that direction.

and fast, six great beings flew over the magic academy, and an open space was released in an instant.

Four of the six are the vice presidents of the Fallen Magic Academy of the Holy Land, namely, the hell banshee who had a chance after the victory of the Youyuan freshman competition, a rare male Holy Land blood elf, an extremely strong and irritable Holy Land purgatory demon, and a human dark power sanctuary magician!

The power of these four people alone is no less than that of the orc beast king!

However, at this time, these four people can only be ranked behind the other two.

A magical hellish, enchanting figure, holy and inviolable majestic face, lazy and inadvertent arrogant look, colorful ** earrings hanging in her left ear to set off infinite elegance, this person is the fallen princess Olannaya.

The person in the front, the pupil of Youyuan shrank.

Even if I face such power for the second time, I still can't help but have a sense of submission in my heart. Even at this time, the elegance caused by the soul change has disappeared, and my legs can't stop kneeling!

"See the great fallen emperor!"

Mu Ran, the wave of magnificent sound came from the ground. Except for a few people behind the fallen emperor and a few people in the sky who did not kneel down, but only performed the magician's etiquette, at this time, everyone bowed and sacrificed the most pious faith in the soul.


In the faraway world, the ordinary incomprehensible power of faith actually caused the depraved temple to shake and ring the bell, declaring that the country of this clan is contributing the most loyal faith to the fallen lord of the demon world.

Mu Ran, a bloodthirsty apostle's power appeared from the soul of the Youyuan. However, in the face of the fallen emperor, his eyes were all focused on Youyuan, and he could only keep his body stiff and did not kneel down immediately!

The fallen emperor had no expression, but his eyes were completely staring at Youyuan. Youyuan could barely feel the trembling of his body, and even his stiff body was slowly kneeling down.


You can't kneel down!

There is no expression on the original face, and it is still so indifferent. Even the legs under the wide magic robe are constantly trembling, but the soul is roaring crazily.

Suddenly, as the erosion power of the body of the Yuan seemed to boil to the limit, a pure primitive erosion force naturally appeared in the body of the Yuanyuan. And with the emergence of this primitive erosion force, a trace of fishy fluctuations that reveal order, mapping and control came from the void of heaven and earth!

Although it was only a short moment, although it was only a moment, although countless people present felt this fluctuation beyond the number of hands, it was enough for many things to happen.

For the first time, the power of the original will of heaven and earth came to the body of the ghost, and unexpectedly combined with the power of the gods and apostles of the ghosts to resist the power of the fallen Lord God that will be suppressed by heaven and earth!

In the body of the ghost, one side is the divine will and the other side is the original will. Almost the two forces in the ghost body have never appeared together, but at this moment, it is perfectly combined with a moment because of the fleeting fishy power.

A moment is enough.

Youyuan quickly performed the magician's etiquette.

"See the depraved principal!"

The pupils of the fallen emperor shrank, and even the people behind him were all open, but no one said anything. This kind of thing was completely out of the plan.

Together with Orlanaya's lazy and arrogant look, the wings behind him slowly fanned, showing a seemingly surprised smile.

For a while, the originally huge quiet scene was once again shrouded in a depressing atmosphere.

"Don't be polite."

With a slightly plain sound, Youyuan felt as if the depression as heavy as a mountain suddenly disappeared.

Almost at the same time, many beings on the ground and the sky can finally end their kneeling bodies and slowly stand up, full of shock and excitement.

At this moment, Youyuan can finally raise its head and calmly look at the majestic heroic posture of a generation of emperors at such a close distance for the first time.

The person in front of you is one of the final existences that truly controls the mainland!

is also a hell goblin, but the fallen emperor is a male hell goblin. His body is not strong, and he is even much thinner than a normal human race.

It seems that the armor made of unknown black giant bones covers the body, which makes the originally thin body reveal a few traces of heroism. A simple and calm emperor's crown is worn on the top of his head, and the long purple hair floats behind him. The eyes between the eyebrows are somewhat similar to the fallen princess Olanaya.

The serious and plain face does not show any domineering meaning, even a little elegant and romantic. In terms of the aesthetics of the human race, the fallen emperor and even the hell goblins are indeed fully in line with the aesthetics of the human race.

However, without being deceived by appearance, Youyuan knew that the person in front of him was the most powerful person in the mainland before the gods came to the mainland thousands of years ago, and even almost swept the mainland!

Even now, although the fallen empire has lost its hegemony thousands of years ago, in the hearts of all the people of the fallen empire, this alien is still the only authority in the world. Many people who believe in the fallen lord god believe that one day the fallen emperor will let the glory of the fallen lord shine on the whole continent.

Youyuan looked at the fallen emperor, and the fallen emperor was not observing Youyuan.

The stone statue of the Magic Academy, the bloodthirsty apostle, and the Zijinxiang family a few days ago, Youyuan is already worthy of the attention of the fallen emperor.

There are two people who erected stone statues in the magic academy as a precedent, and the fallen emperor also wants to know how high the people in front of him will grow up.

"Sure enough, he is a handsome man. Now that it's confirmed, Olanaya, you will be the host of the following matters.

After the inaudible voice, the fallen emperor finally looked at the secluded plain with a seemingly faint smile, and then left the sky without looking back.

"Yes, father."

Olanaya curled the corners of his mouth and answered softly.

The four vice principals of the Holy Land still chose to stay and stood beside Oranaya, looking at the secluded area standing at the exit of the magic tower with a shining face.

The fallen princess waved her hand. Among the many powerful beings originally surrounded by the sky, six holy places quickly flew in, all of which were a unified family of hell goblins.

As Oranaya whispered something, the six hell goblins of the Holy Land nodded slowly, and then quickly flew to the top of six magnificent magic towers that could enter the clouds.


Almost at the same time, the low and rapid voice sounded from the magic towers, and the magicians who were waiting on the ground or even in the sky suddenly changed their faces. After a burst of colorful magic fluctuations, everyone rushed to the magic towers in only a few breaths.

Lena also exclaimed behind Youyuan.

"Magic Tower War Horn!"

Without saying anything more, Lina finally took a look at Youyuan and quickly turned into the magic tower behind her.

Youyuan's heart is limped. It seems that the six hell goblins of the Holy Land just now should be the tower owners of the six magic towers of the magic academy.

In a blink of an eye, the owner of the site of the so large magic college, which had just been overcrowded, disappeared completely. Only the empty plain on the ground looked up and quietly looked at the two noble hell banshees spreading their wings in the sky.


Is this the power of power?

The fallen empire has been rooted in the mainland for ten thousand years. Now the power shown in front of us has completely exceeded the imagination of Youyuan. At this moment, Youyuan has faintly felt the real power of several giants in the mainland.

"Ha ha, dear bloodthirsty apostle Youyuan, we have met again."

The fallen princess Oranaya seemed to have a faint smile on her face and looked at Youyuan with a playful taste.

Youyuan's face has not changed, and he gracefully gives the magician's etiquette again.

"Your Highness is still noble."

After a sneer, the vice principal of the fallen banshee behind Oranaya flew to the front to look at Youyuan.

"Ha, for a few years, I was greedy for some low-level crystal nuclei and low-level magic tools, but I have grown up like this. It seems that I also missed it at the beginning."

Youyuan shook his head with a smile.

The vice president of the hell banshee naturally refers to the scene of Youyuan entering the college treasure house after the freshman competition, but Youyuan did not expect that this hell banshee still remembers clearly.

Seeing this, the fallen princess Olannaya looked up at the six magic towers around her and nodded slowly.

"Well, come with me. You are the third human race to have this honor. How much you can harvest is up to you."

Youyuan was shocked, nodded quickly and followed quickly.