sin totem

Chapter 242 Titan's corpse Mission Understanding the Law of the Human Soul

This is...

In this endless empty world, a huge body that cannot be described by specific units suddenly appeared in front of the secluded field.

Although this corpse has the same human limbs and head, it does not have much resemblance to the human race.

If it is a metaphor, the body in front of him seems to be a mountain giant as huge as the land of the gods.

Is such a huge body really a life? At this moment, Youyuan's heart can't help but shock the magical breadth of the endless world.

However, although this extremely huge corpse was shocked and made Youyuan sigh that he was extremely small, like an ant, after a while, Youyuan still woke up. Only ten minutes of the words spoken by the vice principal of the hell banshee were clearly in Youyuan's ear.

At this moment, Youyuan gathered all his eyes on this indescribable space on the huge body.

There, a void world is full of the power of elements and space, like a plane world the size of chaos, and it seems to be growing!


Youyuan took a deep breath, and Mu Ran recalled a feeling in the Chapter of the Night.

"Is this...the ancient giant family?"

Mu Ran appeared in the heart of Youyuan. According to the above, the endless planes are now in that endless and distant period, and the first group to give birth to life in the chaotic void has been opened up from chaos.

However, with the clear chaos and turbidity, there is no chaotic fog for the ancient giants to suck, and all the ancient giants have gradually turned into today's endless world plane, which should be completely extinct.

However, when the corpse turns into a plane world, isn't the corpse in front of it the magical power of the ancient giant?

If other races face such a thing, they may not delve too much about everything in front of them, but as a human magician, Youyuan relies on the power of magical exploration and the power of human inheritance, so in the face of all the unknowns, he is full of incomparable curiosity and desire to explore.

That's right!

Youyuan's heart moved and occasionally thought of an interesting thing mentioned in a classic.

There are two kinds of space rings, one is an innate space ring and the other is an acquired space ring.

Needless to say, the space ring must be made by a race or a great alchemist or space capable person who has this ability. Generally speaking, there will not be too much space and cannot enter living things. The specific principle is unknown to outsiders.

However, the innate space ring uses space ability to establish spatial coordinates on a racial corpse called Titan, thus becoming a congenital space ring that can accept living things.


At that time, Youyuan was a little surprised when he read such classics, but now after seeing such a scene in front of him, he suddenly thought of the possibility of such a thing!

However, according to the classics, the average Titan can be transformed into a town-sized space, and the slightly stronger Titan body may grow into a region, but the Titan body now in front of the plain has obviously exceeded the limit mentioned in the classics!

Mu Ran, the heart of Youyuan is cold again.

Since there really is such a horrible creature, perhaps because of the law of the space of the endless world, it has no ability to enter the general continent at all, so how did it die in this endless void?

With such a huge corpse, Youyuan dared to be sure that if this Titan is still alive, then the power he mastered in his lifetime absolutely exceeds the level of the so-called void beast, which can't be said to be the super void beasts that can borrow the four-fold heavenly source will in legend.

Such a horrible existence, even ordinary senior gods can only be afraid of three points of concession. Maybe some powerful senior gods have the ability to suppress this creature, but if you want to kill it, it is absolutely impossible!

Is it...

Youyuan's heart was cold and trembled again!

Is it the fallen Lord who personally killed this extremely horrible creature in this void? Otherwise, how did the fallen goblins control this space?

Thinking of the various depraved gods of the fallen emperor, Youyuan couldn't help but feel that this is the case.

However, the biggest difference between the space of Titan's evolution and that of ordinary continents is that this space itself can never give birth to native life, that is to say, if no one comes, the space evolved by Titan will have no creatures.

Quickly wake up. Since this is a growing space, the perception of observing this space will certainly bring absolutely unparalleled gains. Such an opportunity is definitely several times stronger than any elixir artifact!

Thinking of this, Youyuan no longer hesitates.

"Blood demon transformation!"

With the power of the ghost soul driven to the limit, the extremely huge soul power suddenly looked like a 100-meter flame, overlooking the vast Titan corpse in the distance, and the main energy was focused on the space area that was being born.

The power of all elements is very active, which is a sign of the birth of the plane. At this time, the power of elements in this space is definitely more dense than that of the gods where the plain is located.

Of course, this is also the case at birth. When this space grows, the power of all elements will gradually stabilize. At that time, the power of elements in this space will become more sparse than ordinary low-level planes.

There are already signs of creature activity in this space. It should be the banshee clan in that region...

Although Titan has died, the corpse is still instinctively sucking the power of the void turbulence. At the same time, its own flesh and blood are gradually transformed into the power of various elements and the power of space, completely isolating the void turbulence in the void world.

The power of the earth has turned into the veins of mountains and rivers, and the power of the most original law in the endless world.

The power of water turns into rivers and oceans...


At this moment, Youyuan completely forgot the time, and just desperately felt everything in the space in this birth. Even if it was only the most surface, it still made Youyuan's perception improve quickly.

Suddenly, Youyuan opened his eyes, as if because of the incomparable power of Youyuan's soul, he vaguely sensed something that had never felt from the Titan's corpse, but he was not sure what that trace was.

After thinking about it, Youyuan no longer hesitated and quickly took out a small bottle. With the fragrant smell coming to your face, it was Youyuan who exchanged the precious elixir from the white robe Yaosheng. Using more than a thousand years of Baipao Yaosheng to integrate his own senses into this. Among the small elixir.

With the entrance of the anti-virtual magic elixir, finally, a clear meaning flowed through the soul of the ghost. At this moment, the soul of the ghost seems to have no impurities and troubles, and has entered an unexpressable mysterious state.

The vague induction has gradually become clearer, but the Yuyuan still can't be clearly grasped.

Mu Ran, with the return of the power of the three souls of the ghost field returned to the body, a trace of original breath was consciously brought back to the soul by the power of the three souls, and suddenly the original will of heaven was added to the soul of the ghost.

At this moment, the soul power of Youyuan stimulated the strongest limit he could control.


It seemed that a crisp bell appeared from the soul of Youyuan. Youyuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the power of the original will and the transformation of the blood demon completely dissipated.

Yes, the original has been sensed!

This is a trace of will left by this Titan's corpse, but this will is not a force, but a mission!

The mission cannot be clearly stated, nor can it be attributed to fate.

Only at a certain moment of coincidence, someone may suddenly realize the existence of the mission and embark on a path of their own for the mission.

At the moment of death, this Titan realized his mission, which is to transform all his strength into a world.

The mission exists in every creature, which makes opportunities equal to all creatures.

It's just that some people are clear, some people are vague, and even have short-term missions and long-term missions, which can't be explained clearly.

However, as long as there is a mission, the existence of stepping on the road for the mission is a great existence. Even if it disappears forever, there is no need to feel sympathy for the desolation, because they themselves have turned into a mission. At that time, they are no longer fully representative of their own will.

The heart of Youyuan is gradually precipitated.

"So, what is your mission? Could it be that the Doomsday Legion was formed to liberate the road for freedom..."

No, this is just a goal. This is by no means that kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling, and it is by no means similar to the will left by this Titan's corpse.

This is the mission, which can only be experienced by chance in a mysterious and mysterious perception.

However, the reason why Youyuan disperses all the power is that Youyuan has a real understanding of his power at the moment.

The power of the three souls, this is...

The soul of heaven, earth, and human soul.

The current ghost of the heavenly soul and the earth soul is still unspeakable, but through the moment's perception, the human soul has an instinctive real perception.

The violent battle bear king was severely damaged by the heavenly soul and earth soul by the high priest of the night, but there was no death or even a big problem. This is because his human soul is still intact and has not been eroded by the divine power of the night.

The human soul represents the terminal of the core of a creature's soul, which is the core of the power of the three souls of a creature that exists in the source of heaven and earth. It includes all the mysteries and perceptions of creatures.

General powerful creatures can feel their souls, but they do not know that they are the power of the three souls of the source, just like a low-intelligent human race who sees others but does not realize themselves.

The power of the soul of Youyuan jumped crazily and condensed. Gradually, the original flame form of the power of the soul gradually turned into a mucus-like existence, and then slowly transformed into the legs, feet and head of the Yuan.

At this moment, the soul of the secluded plain grew into its own image.

This is...

The law of the soul?

A kind of enlightenment appeared in the bottom of the heart of the Youyuan, but with a beat in the heart, the Youyuan closed his eyes again.

No! Not finished yet!

The power of the human soul of the power of the three souls of the ghost is transformed into the soul of the ghost.

In an instant, the power of the soul law of the ghost has undergone a qualitative change. In the feeling of the ghost, at this moment, the power of the soul law is by no means lower than the so-called three-level lofty law of iron blood.

The power of the law of the human soul...

That is to say, at this moment, if Youyuan is promoted to the Holy Land, and Youyuan does not use other means in iron and blood, but only the power of the law, Youyuan already has the power of iron and blood.

My heart moved.

At this moment, the soul skill that Youyuan once envisioned has finally turned around at this moment!

Since there is a sense of the power of the human soul, a soul skill that was once imagined by chance may be realized in the future!

However, because the ghost is only in the empty world at this time and does not attract the power of the elements of heaven and earth, so although it has the perception of the Holy Land, it is not the real Holy Land.

The joy in my heart, as long as the ghost is willing, and as long as the body returns to the plane world, then the ghost can immediately advance to the sanctuary almost anytime and anywhere!

However, Muran seems to be due to the change of the power of the soul law to advance to the Holy Land. Suddenly, the bloodthirsty apostolic power and the original power in the body of the original began to have fierce chaos. It seems that as long as the Yuyuan enters the Holy Land, one of the two must disappear immediately.

Youyuan was shocked!

What's going on?

Once, based on some knowledge from all aspects, I have also thought about why God can't borrow the power of the original will, and why can't the existence of the original willpower not use the divine power? It seems that the two are completely contradictory!

At this moment, the erosion power in the body of Youyuan's body can no longer block the complete contradiction between the power of the original will and the bloodthirsty apostle's divine power, and even the 30 divine power of the night obtained from the high priest of the night in the body is crazily rejected by the power of the original will.

If it hadn't been for the oppression of the previous fallen power of the fallen emperor, the purple star in the body of the Yuan had condensed a primitive erosion force as a barrier, it could not have been said that one of the two forces in the body at this time had completely disappeared.

If the power of the bloodthirsty apostle is lost, then Youyuan is basically finished. It can't be said that the plan has not been completed, and the bloodthirsty god killed Youyuan through the relationship on the side of the fallen empire.

Lost the power of the original will, but the Youyuan, which has just begun to realize this power, is not willing to give up at all, and the Youyuan does not want the bloodthirsty apostle or the bloodthirsty god who may appear in the future to follow his identity for life!

Taking a breath of cold west, Youyuan reduced the power of the law of human soul to the lowest level. To this extent, even if Youyuan returned to the continent of the gods, it would never trigger the elemental tank of heaven and earth, and then advanced to the Holy Land.

Finally, the two conflict forces in the body of Youyuan slowly regained their composure in a state of completely isolated by the force of erosion.

The heart of Youyuan moved. Is it possible that only the emergence of the original erosion force can completely isolate these two forces after the Holy Land?

By the way, I remember that I was oppressed by the fallen divine power of the fallen emperor. The reason was to condense a primitive erosion power and attracted a trace of fishy breath. At that time, the power of the bloodthirsty apostle was perfectly combined with the power of the original will to completely block the depraved pressure.

Is it that the power of the fishy spirit has this magical ability?

The law attributes of fishy power are order, mapping, control...

In the twilight, Youyuan had not had time to think more and understand more, and his body suddenly flew back at the speed of void.

It was ten minutes after, and the exhausted vice principal of the hell banshee and the fallen princess Olannaya manipulated the power of space to pull back the secluded plain.